Every Memory Between Us (Comp...

By Nita_Reid

84.3K 3.1K 736

¤Ranked #373 in Fanfiction on 15/3/17 A collection of short stories I wrote for my favourite couple on the hi... More

SwaSan TS:" Are we still married ? " ( Blurb)
Swasan TS: Are we still Married ? (Part 1)
SwaSan TS :" Are we still Married ?"(Part 2)
Swara OS:"I was Right Yet I Lost Him "
SwaSan SS:" Choices {Part 1}"
SwaSan SS : Choices { Part 2}
SwaSan SS : Choices {Part 3}
SwaSan SS:" Choices { Part 4}"
SwaSan SS :" Choices {Part 5}"
SwaSan SS :" Choices {Part 6}"
SwaSan SS :" Choices {Part 7}"
SwaSan SS : " Choices { Epilogue}"
Swasan TS :"I am Not Perfect"(Blurb)
SwaSan TS : " I am not Perfect "(Part 1)
Swasan TS : "I Am Not Perfect" ( Part 2)
SwaSan OS : " Sleeping Beauty "
SwaSan TS :" Falling in Love with Her Boss ( Part 1) "
SwaSan TS :" Falling in Love with Her Boss ( Part 2) "
Swasan TS: " Falling in Love with her Boss ( Final Part ) "

Swara OS :" Learning Tips From Experts

6.6K 145 71
By Nita_Reid

Disclaimer : " Wonder why I start with one ,you will find out when you read the One Shot , I had written this long back when the show had been still on air , so forgive my temporary insanity. 

All character are used just for fun , No intention to offend any fandom or show , please don't take it seriously and if you find the humour in it . Then I will be pleased as a writer

Swara Sanskar Maheshwari looked at the expectant faces as she found her way inside the cafe , she didnt want to resort to asking stranger for help but desperate time calls for desperate measures.

Usually when there was any trouble either in her life or to those she loves then she can be trusted to deal with the problem single handedly because she is the female lead of the show along with her sister ,Ragini . So sometime she had to let Ragini solve the problem single handedly as well .

And when the writers get confused on who to choose as the problem solver ,they always end up making it a  joint mission which meant swara working  alongside her sister Ragini , while the background music of Swaragini fills the television screen

And sometime the writers think a plot twist is needed and end up creating a rift between the sister ,it can be for small reasons like your sister trying to kill you or her falling in love with your boyfriend or even a small misunderstanding like your sister assuming that you kidnapped her when it was her husband instead or your husband trying to kill her husband in anger and so on

But if it happens the writers choose to drag the rift for weeks and then without even addressing the issue reunite them for yet another joint mission .

And during those weeks ,their husband plays a vital role as they take the role of partner in crime . For Swara ,her husband happens to be the one who supports her and for her poor sister ,her husband happens to be the one who kidnaps her but since her sister loves him ,she will end up forgiving him unlike her husband 

It was  on one such joint mission between the sister trying to reunite their family , the writers decided to go for a terrible plot twist by taking away her husband from her side .

Yet again the writer fault because they reunited the sister without addressing the small fact that her sister just declared her as dead and performed her funeral rites few days ago but one long speech from her mother was enough to forget everything for Swara unlike Sanskar .

So yeah swara was separated from her sanskar ,and since ragini is also the female lead she was separated from her husband as well who went missing for no reason because writers didn't have time to think of it yet. 

And now six months later , laksh came back with a illogical reason which was enough to convince her sister but her husband was refusing to take her back. 


It has been two months since laksh came back .Yet no matter how much mission after mission she undertook, her husband has still not accepted her  which was confusing to her because well the writers are known for their quick reunions .

Still she kept trying and used  all plans in her arsenal and  now she desperately need another plan because going solo wasn't working this time , she first asked her sister if she was willing to go on a joint mission  but ragini  plans spelled more disaster as she suggested that maybe Swara should try her way by attempting for suicide. 

Sure that was the writer way of redeeming her sister every time she makes those small mistakes but swara one encounter with gun had been enough for her and she has no intention of adding to it .

So swara tried asking her mom who advised swara to  just wait till her husband accepts her back like she waited  or have her daughter sacrifice everything to help her get back with her husband.

Sadly Swara doesnt have a daughter to help her again the fault of the writer who never decided to give kids to anyone even Pari bhabhi wasnt allowed to have a child and had to pay the price of turning into am vamp for Trp ,her sister did have a pregnancy track one of the track where she was going solo as well.

So that was the reason swara was here in the cafe because she  found the perfect person to ask for help. After all her friend  loves to help others just as much as swara  does, so just after one phone call.

Her friend dropped  her husband, family and problems and reached baadi to help Swara in her mission and she also brought her friend.

After the brief meet and greet ,the three friends sat down to talk about the worst crisis in Swara life.

Swara had to tell her story from the beginning as they tend to forgot it as time passes . After retelling her story with tears in her eyes about how much she had went through in trying to convince her husband. She sat down to ask their help.

" As you can see, i tried everything but he is still not getting back together with me. And some viewers are  blaming me saying i haven't given him importance  but what shall i do when i see my sister suffering like that. You tell me am i wrong?" Swara spoke up first .

" Ofcourse not, it is  sister above everyone else for me too. I did just as you so  many times as well , I left my whole family for years to save my sister" Simar didi answered back .

Swara was acquainted with Simar didi when the writers decided to merge the two shows for more TRP , it doesn't matter if there is no story ,the writer like merging the shows and have swara and Simar didi go on a joint mission .

It was why Swara had invited her to help today as well ,because unlike swara ,Simar didi was married for so many years and she would be the perfect person to help her .

" And you husband took you back just like that" Swara asked in awe wondering why her husband wasnt like Simar didi's husband .

" Oh well he hardly has any other choice. He always takes me back" Simar didi answered back ,proud of herself .

"It has been two months and he is still not moving an inch from his stance. What should i do" Swara asked her hoping to find the perfect advise from her .

"Just two, Girl you are lucky. We had years of separations. And that too more than once ", Gopiji answered back ,she was the friend Simar didi brought with her because she has more experience with TV shows as well

"This might work though, Well do you got any crazy guy who likes you , When they are about to marry you , it a given your husband will come to rescue you ,they dont like us moving on with someone else. No matter what" Simar didi answered first proud of her idea

"Well i had one, name was Sahil sengupta . There had been a marriage track as well but the track is over now . So tell me something else" Swara answered back deflated Sahil wasnt around anymore .

"Hmmm it either you find new crazy boyfriend or your husband find his new girlfriend. That how all tracks go",  Simar didi replied back. 

" My Sanskar is not like that, He will never look at someone else other than me ", swara was quick to come to her husband defense

"You are still young ,so you dont know. Every separation track when i return back to my husband  always got a new girlfriend . And even Simar had suffered like me too. While we pine away for our husbands. They casually move on from us each time and we have to fight to stop the marriage each time too"Gopiji replied back as she reminisced about her husband. 


" I did stop his marriage once to his ex girlfriend Kavita , who was supposed to be dead ,she had been blackmailing him to marry her and he had to you see because I was in jail , so when I escaped from jail and stopped the marriage after a week filled with thrilling episodes meant to raise trp ,  he was so proud of me that time. I still remember how we got married the very same day for the third time .

So now i need to find my husband an new girlfriend and save him from her by marrying him instead right" swara asked excited as the more she thought about getting to marry Sanskar again which meant more trp as well .

"Exactly that will give you trp and as well lot of scenes to cry and people will sympathize with you as well and will root for you to get your husband back "Simar didi joined in her excitement as well .

" But your husband  doesnt look like  someone who would change lovers like ours. So it might be hard to make it happen . I suggest you pretend to marry your best friend and he will come running back to you", Gopiji advised instead as swara realized she had a valid point .

" I got nikhil, well i still dont know if he is for Uttara or to make my husband jealous. Writers are still deciding on that but do you think that would work" Swara asked as she shuddered a little too imagine yet another track where she was supposed to marry someone else till the last minute .

" Sure , But be careful not to get married to him by mistake. I got married and  my life was horrible after that for a long time at least until the writer thought if something else  " , Gopiji explained back .

" Really do you need any help with your life, I would be happy to be of assistance.", Swara rushed to offer because after all she is a female lead and helping others is a must .

" No i dont need your assistance ,  because we are from different channels. Same channel then boy we could have had so  many mergers with yours." Gopiji answered back excited about the idea of mergers .

"  Yeah, i could have helped you get out of jail when you went after you killed you sister and swara could have proved your innocence every time you were accused of something." Simar didi agreed with her as well .

" Yep that would have been nice, But i got another idea . Does your father in law love you mother in law", Gopiji asked out of nowhere

" Ofcourse he does, But why are you asking"Swara asked her wondering what her father in law got to do with the new idea ,he rarely gets to say anything in the show

"Well my father in law cheated on my mother in law , So that i can get an new husband. So if your father in law did the same voila you will get a husband who look just like your Sanskar. And a new love story between you and your husband look alike will raise trps just like ours" Gopiji answered back happy to let swara used their show tracks as well .

"Come on just because he looks like sanskar ,how can i love him, i only love Sanskar " Swara replied back

"  Well i was thinking along the same lines too but what to do. I had to move on for TRP" Gopiji answered back in her resigned tone .

" I hate TRP. Because of that i had to get separated from my husband. Cant they give me one solid reason ,then this whole mess wouldn't have happened.", Swara was back to being angry with the writers for the mess they created in the form of plot twist .

" Well, you are faring better than me and simar, So be thankful of that. And I hear  your husband  is much better version than ours. Is it true" Gopiji asked suddenly curious about her sanskar .

" Yeah he is much better than yours. Dont think of me as boasting but i got the best of the best, He never did the mistake yours did and he loves me so much" Swara answered back with a smile .

"  Then why did you leave him" Simar didi asked forgetting everything she heard few minutes ago

" For my Sister" Swara reminded her

" Of course I get your logic ,if only the viewers felt the same . They just dont get it , See even after seeing how many times how  we have been proved right, just because we are the female leads. They still dont know enough and expect more explanation", Gopiji answered back

" I left my husband for years but still i am right and he is wrong, that how Indian television show  works. The soon the viewers  get that the soon they will be happy" Simar didi answered back as well . And Swara wondered why they have drifted out of topic and decided to mention it again .

" So any other ideas, i need to get back with him soon."Swara asked them .

"How about you nearly die in an accident then he will get back with you. That the most overused reunion idea but it works better " Gopiji advised from her vast experience in television world .

"  Isnt it bit suicidal ,if she tried to die what if she actually died" Simar didi was more concerned about her

" Are you forgetting something ,we are Female Leads. We dont die, But it will make for a lot of trp and crying scenes and we can shift the entire blame to your husband.  And now Swara who is the new villian in your story. They need to be psycho enough to endanger your life in the process" Gopiji asked her instead .

"  Dont worry about that, All villian in our shows are psycho. I just need to find the perfect opportunity to get myself gravely injured. So my husband would accept me back " Swara answered back delighted with the progress.

" Go ahead, And if you need my help . Dont forget to call me anytime. I will be there to help you in your mission" Simar didi was quick to offer her help as well .

"Since this is an One shot , I  can feature in it but i wont be able to help you in the show. I feel bad about that. If only we all three could stare in an episode that would be an awesome event. I would have invited you to my wedding with my husband step brother, If it was possible", Gopiji replied back saddened by the truth .

"  I heard you got five grandkids. So why don't you stop getting married now" swara asked her instead

" I wish i can but it always the fight for TRP, " Gopiji replied back .

" I wish i can stop becoming maakhi and other stuff too but we cant always get what we want swara  " Simar didi had been quick to justify their actions as well .

"  Thanks for coming. You just made me feel not so bad about my life. Let meet up after my next separation track or is it your Simar didi" Swara asked curious about the same .

" Oh stop it  i just got back with him recently after years of separation. I cant handle another one of those separation" Simar didi replied back

" Neither can i call your didi after that, So let hope it the last time you got separated and Gopiji let just hope you get married to your Ahemji lookalike ,"Swara spoke up .

" With the writers i got, i am not hoping. " Gopiji replied back

" Anyway thank you for your advise as I will go back and try to find the next villain. And I am sure the writers will demand it will be a joint mission , so I have to do it with Ragini . After all the shows name is Swaragini " Swara replied back resigned to the next illogical track .

Back then she didnt know the track would involve her breaking into a bank as well , but does it matter in the end when even after years later the viewers still remember her story with Sanskar in their heart and love them most ardently .

Yes the show had several illogical track and towards the end half of the viewers were plainly disappointed but the show also had them.  Swara and Sanskar , two people who had a love story that was so magical which makes it hard for their fans to forget them .

Because in the end , that all that matters that they  continue to live in their viewers mind who adores them completely , there had been so many books written on the track .

Some justifying her and some justifying her Sanskar . And some books where they are both blamed equally as people try to find alternate version for the end ,and it shows their love for the characters called Swara and Sanskar .

And if that isnt an achievement , Swara didn't know what else could be considered as one . The show writers may have not given them the perfect closure but they did give the viewers a magical love story and for that Swara was thankful towards them as well as the two real persons who portrayed their characters to perfection. 

P. S:" No idea how it turned out , Let me know your feedback and thoughts. Hit the votes if you liked it.. "

Juanita Reid

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