Two Man's War

By unicorn1379

362 54 6

"You don't know how strong you are, until strength is the only choice you have."~Google In the world of bombs... More

Terrorists' War
The real enemy: Lies
Delivering the message
Fight for Rights
This is war
How to know when you're fired
Alive and...well?
What war truly is
Don't do eveyrthing you're told
A hero means pain
Chapter 11
Inhale confidence, exhale doubt
One step closer
Caught in pursuit
War is pain
Planes, planes, and more planes
The race of life
The worry fight
One victory, one defeat
Two places at once
Fellow Wattpaders!


12 2 0
By unicorn1379

((Above is a picture of the commander. Best I could find. Hope you like it!))

Commander's POV
I organized three groups of five people going to patrol in different directions. My group was me, Cam, and three other guys. A different group going in the opposite direction of us had Austin, Henry, and three other guys, too. We began our patrol.

None of us spoke a word during the patrol because we were trying to listen for anything. Suddenly, one of our guys stopped. I turned around and he held his gun out. He raised it to his eye, about to shoot.

Suddenly, he shot at something I couldn't see. I followed him over to the spot where he shot at and was happy to see he shot a deer.

"For dinner. We can cover it in leaves to ease the smell and that will hopefully stop predators from coming. Then we can keep moving." He said. We did as he said and continued our search. I knew the terrorists were close, I could just feel it. We were almost to the spot where I heard them talking.

Suddenly, I heard leaves crunching in front of me. I held out a fist, signaling for the men to stop. I held out another signal that told them to take cover but be alert. We had squatted down behind a large rock, guns raised.


A bullet flew straight past me and was headed towards Cam. He had to duck to avoid the bullet. We opened fire straight ahead to where the bullet came from. A man ran from behind a tree but not fast enough. He was shot.

Silence suddenly consumed the place. We waited for a few minutes to make sure no one else was still alive. Nothing happened. We slowly advanced towards the trees where the terrorists were hiding behind and counted a total of three shot dead. We did a search through everything they had on them.

Suddenly, something caught my eye in one of the hands of a dead terrorist.

I picked it up out of their hands and unfolded the piece of paper. I tried to call everyone over to look at what was written on the paper but I was too shocked to do so. On the paper was a map of a camp. By the looks of it, it looked like the terrorists camp. I wondered if we could go there but the map only showed the camp, not where it was. So we couldn't get to it. I kept it anyways.


By the time our group got back to the camp, it was nearly dark. We were the last ones back because of the delay from the shooting. Everyone was settling in to sleep, so I decided not to show them the map until tomorrow.

Zane's POV
We began to walk towards the small line of smoke an hour or so after the sun came up. My cut was healing fine and no infection happened. It was getting colder as the days dragged on.

After a few minutes, we both found ourselves sharing stories about our lives. I noticed a scar above Tom's right eyebrow.

"How did you get that scar?" I asked him.

"I was visiting a friend of mine in BUD/S. He was training to become a handler. His dog didn't recognize me and came tackling me to the ground.

We wrestled for a bit but once I got him off me, he scratched me where my scar is. But it only lasted for a few seconds. My friend said that MWD's rarely do that." Tom replied.

"I have a scar." I began. I pointed to a spot in my hair. "My dad was driving me home from a party in his truck. He loved nature and animals. So when a deer ran in front of the truck, he didn't want to hit it and swerved out of the way. He lost control and hit into a tree. We then rolled into a ditch full of water. Luckily the car had only filled with a foot of water or so. I was knocked out instantly, but the doctors told me what happened."

"What happened to your dad?" Tom asked.

"The doctors said he died instantly." I replied.

"I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's fine. My dad kinda hated me anyways."

We continued to talk and talk until we finally made it to the smoke. We hid behind a large fern stretching into a bush and peered through it. We could see one building that looked run down. However, men bustled about the area. We knew who they were. They were the terrorists and this was their camp.

Tom and I both exchanged looks and we knew what we were both thinking: run. We slowly stood up and began to turn around.

Crack Tom stepped on a large stick. We turned towards the terrorist's camp and a few of them noticed us. They suddenly ran towards us and we both broke out into a full sprint. I looked behind us and we seemed to have lost them.

Suddenly, Someone locked my arms behind me and began to drag me away. I tried to rip free of his iron grip but I couldn't. I could see Tom being put into a car with a big box-like back. The box was probably where they put prisoners because they were putting Tom and I in that musty box. Once they locked the box and began driving towards their camp, I radioed the chief.

"This is Zane." The chief interrupted me.

"No names over the Walkie." He said. I continued to talk.

"No, please help us. We are captured. They are bringing us to their camp. I don't know what they are going to do but it isn't good. I don't know how long I have to talk to you."

"Okay, calm down. You both are going to be okay. We are coming to get you both, do you hear me? We are coming." The chief said. Tom and I both knew he was lying because he didn't know where we were, and neither did we. However, we knew he wouldn't stop trying.

The car jerked to a stop and I quickly hid the Walkie inside my sleeve because I knew they were going to take our small backpacks away. The wooden door opened and two men pushed us out towards their rundown building. We both refused to say a word no matter what happened because it could put other soldiers in danger, especially the commander's group.

Once inside the building, the two men pushed us down, forcing us on our knees. A man stood in front of us, probably deciding what to do with us both.

He then spoke in a rough English. His word shook me down to the bone. The one word that stuck out the most was:


Hey guys! If you don't know, BUD/S is navy seal training. A handler is a dog's human partner, the person who commands the dog. Enjoy!

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