To Marry A Malfoy (Dramione)

By ali-louise

401K 9.4K 3.1K

The war is over. The Golden trio and others return for their final year at Hogwarts. The war still leaving an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten
Chapter Elevan
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.

Chapter Twenty One

10.5K 242 101
By ali-louise

Hermione yawned as she woke up but then instantly smiled at what she saw. Less than 5 centimetre away from her was her husband Draco Malfoy and she couldn't be happier about. He was still asleep and boy did he look perfect when he slept. His slightly over grown blonde hair reaching his eyes and shielding them from the sun rays that were bouncing onto his bare chest. His hands that Hermione could feel snaked around her body and the soft lips she planted a loving kiss on.

It wasn't until Hermione sat up that Draco started to stir. He clearly felt her moving next to him and didn't want her to go. "No." He grumbled like a little kid, his eyes still firmly shut. Hermione smiled down at him. "I'm not moving don't worry, I'm just sitting up so I can read The Daily Prophet." She said quietly. He nodded. "What useless article has made it to front page this time?" He asked, opening one eye as Hermione started laughing before giggling out. "Oh just you know... Our wedding." He laughed out. Draco's eyes shot open and he sat up. "Might just be the best article of the year then." He said as they both started to read it.


Yesterday the wizarding world was unified once more thanks to the marriage law that was brought on by the Ministry of Magic. Draco Malfoy, a pureblood who used to be as awful as the rest of them, married stunning war heroine Hermione Granger in a beautiful ceremony yesterday.

The couple exchanged heartfelt vows about each other in a stunning garden that is attached to the Malfoy Manor. Many of the pair's closest friends and family were there including Miss Granger's (Or should we say Mrs Malfoy) muggle parents. The Malfoy family may have done wrong things in the past but you have to commend them on their quick change as Draco was just last year involved with the Dark Lord and served as a death eater.

"I wish they would stop going on about that. It's a past that I would much rather forget than think about." Draco said while sighing. Hermione smiled at him "Hey I know the real you now. You had no choice." She said as she hugged him with one arm before they carried on reading.

The newlyweds then moved their party into the Manor itself where they had amazing food served to the highest quality and the bride and groom enjoyed their first dance as a couple. The question that is now on everyone's mind is simple. When will the Malfoy babies be arriving?

However we are yet to find out of the couple will truly have a happy marriage with the decision Minister Kingsley recently made about Lucius Malfoy being released from Azkaban prison. Lucius Malfoy remained strong about his blood values and has reportedly not found out about his son's wedding at all. One can only hope that the young couple find a way to change even the darkest of hearts that's inside Lucius Malfoy.

Guess we'll find out as Lucius Malfoy is being released today.

Draco gasped and shook his head. "They've got it wrong. He's getting released tomorrow." He said until they heard a pop which made Hermione jump as Twinkle appeared with a smile on her face. "Mrs Malfoy sent Twinkle to tell Mister Draco and Miss Hermione that breakfast is ready." The elf said while beaming at them. Both Hermione and Draco nodded but Draco then turned back to her. "Twinkle, my father isn't here by any chance is he?" He asked, looking a little worried. He was terrified of his father being released. He didn't want Hermione to get hurt and he knew that his father would not approve. But thankfully, the elf shook her head with a smile. "No Master Draco. Master Lucius is not here however Twinkle has been told by Mrs Malfoy that she will be going to Hogwarts as soon as he does return for her safely. Almost all the house elves are going." She said with a smile still plastered onto her face. Hermione sighed and looked at Draco who nodded at her, confirming her suspicions. Narcissa was getting them out because Lucius was still just as ruthless as he had always been with them and would treat them cruelly. Hermione was glad that Narcissa had thought about the wellbeing of the elves but also scared because if Narcissa thought that he would treat the house elves bad, how would he treat the girl that is ruining his bloodline, the girl who would be the reason for the Malfoy's no longer being a pureblood family.

After an awkward silence while they were getting dressed, Hermione and Draco started to walk down to the dining room where they would be joining Narcissa and Hermione's parents for breakfast. Hermione was happy to see them all and happy to be with the people that she loved a lot. Her and Draco walked in hand in hand with each other. They both smiled and said their good mornings to their family before sitting down at the table where the house elves had prepared. Hermione ate quietly. She was in deep thought. Everything was uncertain now. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know how far Lucius Malfoy would be willing to go to make sure that his son was not going to stay with Hermione.

After breakfast, Hermione accompanied her parents in taking them home. She used her side-along apparition and apparated right into their family home. When she got there, she went to her room to collect a few things that she would need while at her last couple of months at Hogwarts. She picked up a stuffed animal that had laid on the end of her bed for as long as she could remember. She smiled and looked at the label that hadn't been cut off. She stared at the stuffed rabbit once more before placing it back down on her bed and looking around the room. She would be moving out soon. Into her own home with Draco, somewhere she now knew would not be the manor. Not with Lucius there.

Back at the Manor, Draco was helping his mother as she looked through photos of the day before. They had hired a magical photographer to take pictures and have them developed as fast as he could. They had just arrived with some other mail for them. A couple of wizarding stores giving them free things as they had found out about the wedding. Draco was smiling at one of him and Hermione. "This one." He smiled, passing it to his mother. They had been trying to find a good photo for the front of a photo album and he had finally found it. It was a photo that had been taken straight after they got married, their first kiss as husband and wife. Narcissa took the photo from him and put it at the front of the album. "You did great Draco." She said with a teary eye, looking down at the photos.

Draco was about to say something when they heard a pop outside. "That'll be Hermione probably." Narcissa said as the two of them put the photos down. Draco waved his wand and the photos collected and went into a drawer nearby. "I want it to be a surprise for her." He said and then looked confused as there was a knock at the door. "Why is Hermione knocking darling?" Narcissa asked. Draco paled and looked at her. "Because it's not Hermione." He said and then they heard it. "Why are we knocking. This is my house." Came the voice of Lucius Malfoy. "Go warn Hermione." Narcissa said quickly. Draco nodded and without thinking twice, he apparated to Hermione's parents home.

Hermione was just saying goodbye to her mother and father, promising them that she would send owls constantly and be back in the summer before she moved out. Just as she was about to leave and go back the the Malfoy Manor, a loud pop was heard and Draco appeared in their living room. "We can't go back to the Manor." He said fast. Hermione sighed "Your father is back already" She stressed as Draco nodded. Amanda looked at her daughter and sighed. "I know that you both don't like talking about this but what is wrong with Draco's father?" She asked. Hermione was about to start talking when surprisingly Draco did. "My father deserved to be in Azkaban. He really is a cruel and awful man who taught me that hating someone because of their blood was a good thing to do." Draco explained. Hermione nodded and sighed. "In other words. He wanted his family to stay pure so completely pureblood and now I've come along and 'ruined' that with my muggleborn blood status." She added on with a sigh.

Half an hour later, Hermione and Draco were laid on her bed in her bedroom. Just cuddling in silence while Amanda made some lunch for the both of them. "We should just get back to Hogwarts." Hermione said, breaking the silence that had come over them while they cuddled. Draco nodded "I think that's for the best. You go ahead back there and I will return to the Manor alone to get our things and then I will join you in the castle. I promise." Draco said with a smile. "What if he hurts you?" Hermione asked, sounding nervous. Draco chuckled. "Mother wouldn't let him. When it comes to me, mother would do anything to save me." Draco explained. Hermione nodded "She saved Harry's life to keep you safe." She mumbled. Draco nodded "And now she'll save ours." He promised.

It was a couple of hours later when the couple decided to return to Hogwarts. Hermione said goodbye to her parents again and Draco said goodbye to them. "Don't forget to send me skittles with your post." He said laughing. Amanda nodded "Of course you'll get the skittles Draco." She smiled as he shook Roger's hand with a smile. "Book those tickets for that ball match." He said, smiling. Roger nodded. "Football Draco. You'll have to show me that Quidditch sometime too." Roger smiled. Hermione was still in awe at how fast Draco and her father had got close. Roger truly saw Draco as his son-in-law and the two got on amazingly now.

"Right so I'm gonna go back to Hogwarts, hang out with our friends, probably go to the library. You know exams are getting closer and I really should start studying soon." Hermione said as her and Draco stood in her bedroom. They decided to go up to a bigger space so they would have more room as they were both apparating to different places. Hermione would be going to Hogsmeade and Draco would be going back to the Manor to collect his things as fast as he could and then he would be going straight to Hogsmeade to join Hermione at the castle. Hermione leaned forward and kissed him. "Please be careful. He's probably going to be upset." She said before stepping away. Draco smiled "I'll be fine." He promised. "See you soon." He said and he was gone within moments, followed by Hermione leaving the room empty.

Hermione looked around Hogsmeade as she smiled. The castle was in sight and she could see the gates to Hogwarts open wide for the students. She went to Honeydukes fast before she went back to the castle to get some sweets for herself and Draco before starting to walk up to the Castle.

Draco , however, apparated into his bedroom at the Manor. If he was fast, he would be able to grab their things and get away from the Manor before his father found out that he had come home. However things never quite worked out how Draco wanted them to and he heard two pairs of feet approaching the room. It was a few moments before Lucius Malfoy strutted into the room and looked at his son who was stood holding Hermione's Hogwarts: A History book. "You're home." He said in the voice Draco used to be afraid of. But those days were gone. His father was nothing but a coward. "Not for long. Just getting mine and Hermione's things before I go back to Hogwarts." Draco replied as if it was nothing as he continued to gather their things. He could have gotten one of the house elves to do it but he guess that he wanted to see his father, to set things straight.

Draco was trying to be calm as he packed up the stuff but he lost it all when his father mumbled a few choice words. "Ahh yes. The mudblood." He sneered. Draco spun around and had wand pointing in the direction of his father before he had even finished his sentence. "Don't. Call. Her. A. Mudblood." Draco sneered with one of his own, taking steps towards his father. Narcissa raised her hand. "Draco drop your wand. Lucius I have told you multiple times today already that Hermione is now part of the family and you need to forget your ways and actually talk to the girl as if she was a normal witch." Narcissa defended. "She's a lovely girl and I will not lose my son because you can't let go of your foolish, prejudice ways." She said firmly. Lucius looked at his wife. "You know I won't have someone dilute our purebloods. A half blood Malfoy? That's unheard of." He shouted, Narcissa fought back "Well times change Lucius. It's about time you did as well. Draco get going to Hogwarts and tell Hermione not to worry about a thing." Narcissa finished, looking at her son.

"She was kinda scary. It's been awhile since I saw my mother so... fiery." Draco explained to his friends and Hermione as they sat on a field outside. The weather was finally on the up and the sun was shining despite it being almost dinner time. "Well we've all scene how much she loves Hermione. Your father doesn't stand a chance against her." Pansy smiled as they all laughed.

The next day, heads were turning in the Ministry of Magic as Lucius Malfoy walked to the Minister's office. "What can I do for you Mr Malfoy?" Kingsley asked as he watched Lucius. "I wish for my son's marriage law to be revoked. You know I can pay more than enough." Lucius demanded. Kingsley shook his head "The only way to get out of that law is either following through with it until the first child is born or death." He explained. Suddenly a wicked smile came onto the face of Lucius Malfoy. "Hmmm. Well I guess that will be all Minister. I'm sorry we couldn't come to an agreement." He sneered before leaving the office with a smile on his face."

I know I've been awful at updating this story. It's been a few weeks. I went on holiday and then when I got back I just lacked inspiration. But I'm back now and would first up like to thank you all as usual for the support on this story. We're now at 42k which is honestly so incredible. This is more than I could have ever imagined as I wasn't sure if even 100 people would read this story.

Don't forget to Vote and comment and I'll see you next time.

Love you all.

-Alex xxx

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