bittybones fanfic cherry and...

By toothlesslover098

55K 1.4K 559

Cover does not I repeat DOES NOT belong to me it belongs to it's rightful owner I'm not saying anything els... More

Bittybones sum-up
Chapter 1
Bitty shop
Chapter 3
Little house and cooking
Thank you ^^
Chapter 5
Lexi and blindberry
Chapter 6
Jordie ref
Lexi's visit
Chapter 8 (not canon)
Chapter 8 (real chapter)
Have you seen him?
Chapter 10
Chapter 11/THANK YOU
Chapter 12
I'm WHAT?!
Chapter 14
Heat That's not good
A/N Sorry
Ready for Halloween
Making Costumes
1K YAY!!!!!!!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Marissa's Visit
A/N Shipping??
Chapter 20
A little something for KimahriRae
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
I have told a lie (kind of cannon)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
A/N I'm Upset
Chapter 27
Chapter 29(NOT CANNON)
I haz found cute picture
Chapter 29(real)
3K woo!!!!
A/N New story
Another Update
Happy Birthday mom
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
AE Know who you are
Chapter 37
A/N Another Question
Savage love
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
AE (Alternate ending)
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Hot Husband
Chapter 58

Chapter 50

299 8 13
By toothlesslover098

I told you I would continue this and if you were wondering what was on Jordie's thigh it was a handprint that showed she was spanked which looks like the picture above.


While Jordie continued to take orders from costumers pap and lexi kept an eye on who the pervert was that touched their friend/fiancé. In a rude manner mostly it was pap keeping a eye on her Lexi just didn't like him being so overprotective of her so she just minded her own business.

Though mostly some men just flirted with her and Jordie just backed away getting them what they wanted then just moving on to other costumers. Lexi turned to pap "you know pap they probably left already and Jordie did say they apologized"

"yeah but they could come back and I want to give them a little message if they do"

Lexi sighed shaking her head "why just why" she said

They were there for the whole day until it was time to close whoever that person was they were lucky to get away from pap's wrath. Jordie went to change back into her normal clothes but found that they were missing "Oh no no no no no no no they can't be gone I know I put them here" she frequently said "I guess one of the other workers took them by mistake"

Jordie walked out to where Lexi and pap were waiting they both gasped not seeing her in her normal clothes. Well Lexi did while pap just had another nosebleed.

"Jordie where are your normal clothes at?" Lexi asked

"I don't know I guess one of the other workers might have taken them by mistake"

"Don't worry lucky for you I brought some extra clothes I got from my travels" Lexi grabbed her hand bringing her over to her car whilst doing so Jordie saw the guy who spanked her and with her clothes she recognized the guy it was Cameron from her old café job.

Pap followed her gaze growling he started marching over summoning his gaster blasters

Jordie ran after him catching up to him

"Papy don't do this"

"I just want to talk to him"

"wait why do you gaster blasters out"

"I just want to talk to him"

"Pap please"

"I just want to talk to him"

"Just put the blasters away"

"I just want to talk to him"

"Papy he said he wouldn't do it again"

"I just want to talk to him"

"but it's not his fault it's mine for having to wear this stupid outfit"

"I just want to kill him"

When they got up to Cameron pap tapped him on the shoulder pointing the blasters at him making him put his hands in the air.

"w-what d-d-did I d-do wrong?" he scarily asked

"you spanked my Jordie and stole her clothes. Your going to pay"

"Papy no please" Jordie begged

"No" Pap yelled pointing the gaster blasters at Cameron ready to fire

"I-I'm so sorry h-here's y-your clothes back and that I spanked you to p-please don't kill me" he pleaded

"well as long as I got my clothes back it's okay" Jordie said taking her clothes from him

"But you still don't get away from spanking her you pervert" pap growled

Jordie grabbed his arm "please papy" she said looking up into his eyes giving him the puppy eyes. Pap sighed calming down the gaster blasters disappeared he pulled Cameron up to him with his magic "just remember I've got my eye on you" he said.

Cameron nodded getting into his car quickly driving away scared for his life he might have been a stalker but when it comes to the fiancé of his Senpai he became a cowardly wimp. Picking up his phone he called Yaden

C : Hey boss looks like the plan failed Senpai Jordie's fiancé found out and is still with her

Y : what you better come up with another plan to break them up so I can have papy again nerd

C : I know boss don't worry I will and both of our Senpai's will notice us again

Y : You better because I want my boyfriend back one way or another

C : I will ma'am I promise


Both Lexi and Jordie drove back to their homes and lexi taking pap back to ace's house. After getting in her house welcomed by her bitties and dog Jordie fell right asleep on the couch. Lexi returning home thanking her sister Ashley for watching blind while she was out, and pap getting into another argument with ace about random Sh** with Jordie (I'm really starting to hate ace now)

But it was alright with him because soon he would be living with his future wife away from the hellhole he's in now with Ace.


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