Ninjago BOOK #1: Kai's New Le...

By origamiharrypotter

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Ninjago BOOK #1: Kai's New Level.

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By origamiharrypotter

Warning: This book is not accurate to the Ninjago history. If you're looking for a book that is accurate to actual history, pick up Sarah, Plain and Tall. If all you want is a good Ninjago story, keep reading.

                                                            From, Origami Harry Potter.

Ninjago BOOK #1: Kai's New Level.

A red fighter jet roared through the air. It went past mountains and forests. It whizzed by villages and rivers. Kai was loving it. He was in the cockpit of the red, flame decorated jet. He saw the ninja camp up on a giant cliff out cropping. It was at the top and was long and stuck out from the cliff length wise. This is where Kai landed. The wings moved from the back of the plane to the sides pointing diagonally. The other ninja were there. Jay, in his blue ZX armor ninja suit. Cole, in his black ZX armor ninja suit. Zane, in his white ZX armor ninja suit. Lloyd in his green ZX armor ninja suit. And Sensei Wu, leader of the five ninja. Sensei Wu looked disappointed. When Kai jumped out, they realized he was wearing a new ninja suit. It was red, as always. And instead of a full ninja hood, he wore a half mask that let his hair show. His spiky brown hair was a mess as usual and his robes were flame designed and fiery. "Where did you find that suit?" demanded Sensei. "Well," mumbled Kai, "I found it in your trunk and thought it was for me and well, I tried it out." "Where," continued Sensei, "did you get that jet?" "Jay made it for me." said Kai. Sensei glared at Jay, Ninja of Lightning. Jay shrugged. "Kai," said Sensei, "You have dishonored your suit and for that, you will be behind the others in training. Hand over your suit and put on your ZX. Tsk tsk, and you were so close too..." Kai handed over his suit and stood in his underwear. "Ok, where's my ZX?" he asked. " I have lost it." said Sensei, "Why not search around, Underwear Ninja."

Kai mumbled to himself as he pulled his suit out from behind a rock. He pulled the pants on and the shirt. Then, he pulled on the hard-to-get-on ZX armor pads and pulled up his armored hood. "Why not look for it, Underwear Ninja." Kai repeated. "Actually," said Zane from behind, "He said:" then he played a recording of Sensei Wu, "Why not search around, Underwear Ninja." Kai would have been angry at Zane, if Zane was making fun of him. But he knew the Ninja of Ice wasn't very capable of making jokes easy. When his Humor Switch was last on, 15 years of unused jokes popped out of him. "Yeah, well, you know." said Kai. Zane shrugged and walked off. Kai heard a noise. It was weird. Little did he know, but a robot was just behind a bush. Yes, a robot. A new threat to the ninja. It wore a ninja hood, but is was black and on the left side, it had a silver mechanical device, which had three red dots in it. It wore armor on it's shoulders and had a robe over it's mechanical parts. He was the first of his kind. His name was General Cryptor. As soon as the rest on the robots (Nindroids) are done, he would be their general.    He saw the red ninja mumbling to himself as he trained. The Nindroid general crept up on Kai and pulled him behind a bush. There was a rustle, but that ended when General Cryptor knocked Kai out cold. The general did his surgery and soon a body was thrown off the side of the cliff to the ground far below. A red suited ninja came out of the brush. General Cryptor had surgically taken off his robotic hood and put Kai's ZX hood on. Kai had the general's hood attached to him and the Nindroid's robe on. General Cryptor laughed to himself. A great plan was taking place. An evil plan.

"Ah." said Sensei Wu as the red ninja came to him. "You are back." "Yes." said General Cryptor, hoping that the sensei didn't realize the voice difference. "What's wrong with your voice?" asked Cole. "Uh, sore throat." said the general. They believed him.          Kai woke up in some bushes. "Where am I?" asked Kai. He looked around. He looked up. "I must've fallen off the cliff." he told himself. "What am I wearing?" he asked looking down at the weird robe and robotic hood on him. He tryed taking the hood off. "Ugh, its stuck. What? This is robotic. Oh no." He had to get to the others.

"Uh, Kai, psst!" whispered a voice. "Huh?" asked General Cryptor, "Oh, me." He went over to the voice. It was Jay. "Hey, buddy, there's my best friend!" Jay said, "Say, where's you find that new uniform? And, where's mine?" "Oh, uh, I forgot." said the general, "And I should be resting my voice." "Ok, buddy, take your time." Jay replied. General Cryptor walked away. This was getting hard to do.           Later, the four ninja and one imposter were training. "Hey, Kai?" asked Lloyd. "Yes?" asked General Cryptor, who was getting used to being called 'Kai'. "You seem different today. You're fighting differently." "Is it a good different?" asked General Cryptor. "I dunno." said Lloyd.

Meanwhile, the real Kai was getting close to the camp. He had to save the others. Then, he reached it. He jumped up, did a flip in the air and landed on his feet in front of the ninja training. Sensei Wu looked up from his meditaition. "Who is this?" he asked. "A robot!" cried Cole. "No, guys, it's me Kai!" said Kai. "NO, I'm Kai!" said General Cryptor. "YOU!" cried Kai, and he ran toward the Nindroid. "Woah, " said Zane. "You say you're Kai, but you say you're Kai. There is one way to straighten this." So it was agreed: The two of them would stand by the edge of the cliff. One of them would pull of their hood. The one with a robot underneath would be thrown off the cliff by the real Kai.           The two Kais faced each other at the edge of the cliff. One robot disgued as Kai and the other Kai dressed as a robot. "Who goes first?" asked Cole. "Flip a coin?" asked Jay. So, Sensei Wu flipped a coin. Heads, and Kai (the real one) went first. Tails, and Kai (the fake one) went first. One coin to decide Kai's life. Sensei flipped it.

Tails. Kai looked at General Cryptor. "I have to go first?" he asked. "Yes." said General Cryptor. Kai tugged at the hood. "It won't come off!" he cried. "Guys, it really is me." " Oh well," said General Cryptor, "Obviously the hood is built in to him." So, General Cryptor picked Kai up, and threw him off the cliff, this time making sure Kai wouldn't land in anymore life-saving bushes. The real Kai was gone.                                                                            

The End of Book 1. Be ready for book 2.

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