Turn On or Off: Playgirls Edi...

By NoisyReader

202 7 1

It tells the opinion of the bestfriends ... More

Meet The Playgirls

Turn On and Off: Playgirls Edition

130 4 1
By NoisyReader

So I was inspired by Turn On or Turn off by Jake so there's a sudden question in my mind.

" Why wouldn't I and my friends make one too?"

So, here it is...

Note: We are not what you think... Our group is called Playgirls but we are not the typical playgirls like you think... We're playgirls, but not literally (Just a screen name) ... I chose these girls to answer my questions,survey or topic because they are my best friends and best friends do have different opinions, beliefs, characters, and whatsoever that might help you guys making impress your girlfriends....KIDDING! this is for entertainment purposes only. We're just bored and we want to waste our time... xD

This is dedicated to @them5guys because like I said, I got this idea from them...


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