Prinxiety/Logicality One Shots

By Sprinkles_Writes

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All prompts by BBCanimefangirl. More

Body Paint
Galaxy Skin
Body Pillow
Sleep is for the Weak
Do You Need Ice for That Burn?
Life is Beautiful
Im Sorry!
Little Interruption
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Easter Eggs(Easter Special)
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Black and White
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This is Just for BBCanimefangirl!(Not a chapter)
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Silence is Golden..and Also Death
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Physical Speed is Mental Speed
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Happy Fathers Day!
Tagged 1 and 2
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I'm Hurt and so is Everyone Else
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The Invisible Figure
A Demon Friend
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Little Bit of Artwork From Me
Theories (get ready bc I am trash)
Actually....A New One Shots Book?

Broken Dreams and Spinal Cords

500 23 18
By Sprinkles_Writes

Warning:Death and suicide. Don't worry, I'm writing 15 prompts from her at the moment, so you'll get some fluff and cuteness after.


     I'll never listen to her. I'm immune to her tactics. Or not!OR NOT!OR NOT!!

     She tried throwing a punch at my wrist and missed, but I managed to stumble back and fall into a river, immediately soaking my uniform. Great, what a graceful prince I am.

     She stood over me with a smirk on her face. She spread her wings and stood back. I could tell she was going to try jumping and crushing me, but she wouldn't ever get to it. She'll neve-


     Again, I'm an amazing prince.

     She stood on my torso and stomped my back into the rocks and almost getting me to drown. I could feel cracks in my back!She was trying to break it!

If only I could!Got it!

     I held to the blade to her neck and she stopped. She stared at em with sudden fear and with a quick, but very painful, move, I sliced it open and she fell on top of me. I knew I couldn't get up, so I summoned one of the others with my own ability.

I summoned Logan.

"Oh god Roman!What did you do now?!"He lifted to woman off my chest bridal style and set her by a tree. Meanwhile, I was trying at my be ability to get up off the rocks, but searing pains in by back restricted my movement and I yelled in agony.

     Logan ran to my side and tried helping me up and he did but I was not able to stand on my own. This will not end well.

     He summoned Patton to help try carrying me home. That was a fun trip. It was mainly full of screams and cries of pain. By the time we got home, I was in tears and Anxiety was terrified of the scene and tried running up to hug me, but Morality held him back from doing so.

"Anxiety, don't worry. He's just in a lot of back pain right now from a fight. It'll be alright."He hugged him tight and Anx just looked at me with worry. No tears or whimpers like he'd usually do. It just looked like extreme worry and shock.

     Logan walked my to my room...well he basically gave me a piggy-back ride...around his waist while dragging me. I don't really know how to explain it.

     Shortly, we came to my door and he stared in shock at the decor.

"Logan. Logan!"He snapped out of it and looked at me saying "Oh, right!" and laid me on the bed slowly.

"Princey, you're going to have to stay here for a couple minutes while I get an x-ray from Valerie. Okay?Can you do that?"

"I'm not two doofus. I'm a grown man."He rolled his eyes and walked out of the room and summoned himself into the real world. Minutes later, he came back with a portable x-ray(IDK if that even exists or not soo....).

"Roman, you're going to have to be on your stomach for this. And if you don't want to, good luck listening to me saying 'roll over' like you're a dog. I will."Once those words left his mouth, I turned over quickly, but I felt immense pain and screamed into the pillow which was very dense, so I don't think Logan heard it at all.

     He took several x-rays and returned it to Valerie. When he came back, his face was pale and he purely looked terrified while holding those pictures.

"Logan. Um, what's the matter?Why do you look so scared?!"He looked up at me slowly. I just realized that I wasn't looking directly at his eyes. He looked as if he was crying."Oh no Logan. What happened?"

"Roman...I don't really know how to say it. Remember when we first manifested and we were explained to that certain injuries could cause is to fade?Almost immediately?"I nodded shakily."'re going to fade....and there's nothing we can do."

     I probably looked pale too. I was in shock. Then, I remembered what we were told...

"Alright. That's pretty much it besides the fact that certain injuries can cause a core personality to fade from existence."

"And what's that?"I asked.

"Mainly major ones like broken spinal cords or gushing blood. Major things I'll explain later."

     Oh my god I was so clueless!!

     I was pulled back into reality with small whimpers. I was Logan. He was crying at the edge of the bed. I wanted to hug him so bad there and then, but I had no ability in my current shape. I just held his hand and he looked at me. He had pure worry in his eyes. And for the first time, his demeanor was softened and he looked sympathetic. I could tell he managed to be used to this.

     Knowing Logan to be the eldest out of everyone(Just for this one chapter doods), he knows that he may die before all of us, but he was wrong. He made a mistake.

     Oh god Morality too. I'm one of his children and getting the news tha-

"I haven't told him yet. I'm just going to wait. He can't know now. He's a father of two and he can't know about this."I forgot he could practically hear my thoughts. I stared in shock.

"W-what. Why?"I was confused. He needed to know about this. Knowing him, he needs a finally goodbye.

"I just have this feeling. This small feeling in the pit of my stomach that if he knows, something will go wrong after your death. This will sound sinister, but it's true. Morality may commit suicide."He started crying again.

"Logan. Morality is strong and he wouldn't ever think to do anything like that. Now, you need to tell him okay?Let him know that he can get through this and that he's strong. He's stronger than me. And that says a lot."

     I closed my eyes slowly. I was tired. I was running around and dealing with all of this.

     I let myself slip into unconsciousness.

     I woke up the next morning to the sound of loud cries. Oh!!

     I tried turning my head to the right to my doorway and saw Logan talking to a crying Anxiety and Patton. Both of them hugging each other as if holding onto a physical form of security.

"Guys?"My voice was hoarse and my throat was sore. My body ached and my head was pounding. The room felt like it was a cyclone and I was dizzy. I didn't want this. I don't have much time left.

     They all looked at me. Now that I noticed, my body looked fragile and weak. I was hooked up to machines and I didn't know what to think. I started crying. That's all I could do.

     I cried...and cried...and cried. I couldn't hug anyone as much as I really wanted to. I couldn't talk and speak words of sorrow and regret. I couldn't say 'I love you' to Anxiety. I couldn't say goodbye to Patton. Logan...I don't know what I could ever do with him. He's him and I love that about him.

"Thank you Roman. I appreciate your kind words."I barely smiled, but I meant everything behind it.

"L-logan...h-he*hic*didn't say a-anything."Anxiety started to look mad. Well, he looked a little jealous.

"I can read his thoughts. I know what he's saying about all of us in his head. He can't even speak, so you can't hear his goodbyes."

"I want to hear what he has to say"Patton spoke for the first time in hours since we all sat here. It sounded weird. He generally sounded angry. His eyebrows were furrowed and he was glaring at me.


"Well, I guess it's my time..."Everything was going off and Morality was pulling a screaming and kicking Anxiety out of the room.

     Logan stood smiling. He knew what I thought. I didn't have to say it.

"I know...we'll be strong and fight for you..."

     My vision faded to black and suddenly, I'm in a large room full of fancy vases and sculptures.

"Roman James Sanders. It's your time."A figure like Thomas, but with blonde hair stood and held out his hand. I smiled and took it and we walked out a door leading into a bright light. I whispered one last thing before I shattered.

"I love all of you"

But on the other side was a blue and grey speck. It was a male and he wore black glasses. Oh!!



Well, I got my daily dose of tears today from my own fanfic. Crazy.

I don't really have much to say. Sorry.

Goodbye precious garden flowers and beautiful Sanders Sunshine!!

Tulip out!!

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