By FabulousInsanity

89.7K 1.1K 94

Now to the girl who had it all, The perfect boyfriend, The perfect home, The perfect everything, Yes Ameli... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22

Ch. 12

2.9K 38 11
By FabulousInsanity

Amelia's POV
6 months before


"Babe are you ready?" Jeff asked from downstairs

"Almost" I said putting some of my hair back. I backed away and looked in the mirror

"Perfect" I whispered giggling because I was so ready to see my friends

I practically ran dow the stairs, grabbed Jeff, said bye to mom, and we were off

Jeff tried to sit in the driver seat but I kicked him out

We spent the entire ride to Riverdale laughing and listening to music

"But dogs shouldn't eat sugar and that's exactly what your dog did" He said making me laugh

"I already miss that pouchie" I pouted until I saw the sign for Riverdale making me squeal

"Oh my gosh" I said hitting Jeff's arm in excitement

"And here we are. Archie Andrews house" We got out and I ran to the door knocking the door pretty fast

The door opened to reveal his father "Amelia?"

I squealed "Hi Mr. Andrews!" I said hugging him

When I opened my eyes I saw the person I wanted to see probably the most "Archibald" I said making him laugh

I ran screaming my way to hug him for the longest and tightest hug I've ever given (besides Jeff of course)

"Archie this is my boyfriend, Jeff" I said looking at him

He walked over and they gave one of those dude hug things that I've never actually understood

"Look Arch, we just stopped by to say hi but now we're going to see Betty" I said squealing

I grabbed Jeff's hand and waved to them as we walked over to Betty's

"Don't we have to get into the car?" He asked

"One of the perks is that she lives right next to Archie" I said as we walked up the stairs to the house

I knocked and Polly opened it "Pol? OH MY GOD" I said almost knocking her over

"Oh my god I'm so happy that you're okay!" I said kissing her cheeks several times

I backed away I looked at her stomach and had to have a double take. I screamed kissing her tummy

"Boy or girl?" I asked feeling happy tears

"Both" She said absolutely gleaming

"Amelia?!!!" I heard someone ask before I was taken aback by the huge hug that I recognized as Betty

"Hey baby how are you?" I asked her

"So good! Oh my gosh is that the boy you were telling me about? You didn't tell me he was so cute!" She said making him lightly blush

He went to shake her hand but she slapped it "Any friend of Amie's is a friend of mine" She said hugging him

"Hey I heard you calling him cute and I do not agr- Never mind" Jughead said from the stairs. I laughed at him before I hugged him

"Ew Juggie you smell like rotting rats or something"

"It's the hat" He said looking proud making me look at him even more disgusted

"He prides himself, for whatever reason, for never washing that thing" Betty said wrapping her arm around his waist

"Okay on that note we will be going to Cheryl's" I said walking out with Jeff

"Do you like them so far?" I said to him when we got into the car

"I really do think that Jughead and I will have a little bromance"

I screamed


"Oh darling.... and boy.... come in come in" Mrs. Blossom said with her signature fake smile

"Thank you Mrs. Blossom. This is my boyfriend Jeffery" I said looking at Jeff knowing that he didn't like the name but I had already told him that Mrs. Blossom hates nicknames

"Oh Am-Am!" I heard someone squeal. I looked up and saw my long time best friend Cheryl

"Oh my Cher. How are you?" I asked hugging her tightly

"I'm hanging on by my whiskers. How are you? And oh my god what a handsome boy you brought" She said patting Jeff's head making me laugh

"You have quite the house" Jeff said looking around. I noticed that he stopped and looked at the family picture that included Jason and Mr. Blossom

"Where are they?" He asked and I could see the hurt in Cheryl's eyes so I changed the subject

"How's cheerleading?" I asked noticing that Jeff was still looking at it

I grabbed his arm and I said goodbye to everyone. As we were walking out he said "Ow"

"Please don't speak about Jason and Mr. Blossom in front of them" I said as we got in the car

"Where are they?"

"Dead. Jason got shot by his father and his father hung himself from guilt and I don't think he wanted to go to jail" I sighed backing out of their huge driveway

"Oh can I go back and say sorry?" He asked making my heart swell because he was so cute

"You're too sweet but no there's one more person I have to see then maybe we can go back"

He nodded. The car ride silent other than the sound of the radio

We walked out and went up to the house. I knocked and Kevin came out with the huge smile as always

"Yass bitch work" He said making me turn around

"I've always loved those shoes" He said embracing me in a bone crushing hug

"Well your shoes are nice too" Jeff said to Kevin making me laugh

I looked down and saw his Yeezy's "Yesss" I said

"Have you talked to Cheryl?" Kevin asked making us sit down at his table while he grabbed food

"Yes but I brought up her brother and dad I had no idea" Jeff said and placed my hand on his

"It's okay dude so many people do that" Kevin said setting out fruit and a half eaten cake

"I don't know about you but I'm all for cake" I said grabbing a piece

"How long are you staying?" Kevin asked grabbing a piece for himself

"Oh just a week. That's how long the break is" I said with a mouthful of cake

"Did you understand anything she said?" Kevin asked Jeff who shook his head laughing

I was about to ask about possibilities in boyfriends when there was a knock on the door

He got up and opened it "Hello Kevin" A girl said

I looked over Jeff and saw none other than the Veronica Lodge whom I've only seen in pictures sent to me from Betty. My mouth dropped because she was much prettier in person. Jeff's mouth was hanging open too making my heart drop

"Oh are you Amber?"

"Yeah and you must be Valarie" I said copying her tone

"No I'm Veronica"

"Yeah I know I'm Amelia" I said shaking her hand "I've heard about you but only the bad stuff" I said making her laugh

"Well I've changed" She said making me laugh on the inside

"Well I'm going to eat my cake" I said

"And you are?" She said smiling at Jeff

"Not your type" Kevin said making me mentally thank him

"I'm just asking his name Kevin sheesh"

"Yeah I'm just saying he's my boyfriend sheesh"

She smiled "Well I just wanted to say hi so I'm leaving"

When the door shut I said "She can't just hit on you"

"She wasn't"Jeff said smiling

"Oh you like her don't you. Well I'll bet she's still here if you run you'll get her"

"Oka- No wait no I don't wanna"

I felt the tears stinging in my eyes as I got up and ran to the bathroom locking the door. I heard him try to get in but couldn't

"She's pretty" I said as the tears fell

"Yes but not as pretty as you"

"Oh please. She's way prettier than me and you know it. That's why you like her"

"Are you calling me a player?!"

"Well no. I'm just saying if you want to break up with me then do it"

I was thinking that he wasn't going to answer when I heard the door opening. Wtf I thought. Until I realized that he had found the bathroom key on the top of the door

"Damnit Kevin" I yelled

"Sorry boo" He yelled back

"Listen I know you don't want to talk right now but I do" Jeff said sitting next to me

"I love you and only you" He said making my heart flutter

I rested my head on his shoulder "I'm sorry it's just coming here has been a lot more overwhelming than I had thought"

"You loved him didn't you?"

"Who?" I asked looking down knowing what he was asking

"Jason. You loved him"

"Yes but he didn't love me. It crushed me when he started seeing Polly. It infuriated me. I was so mad at him" I looked up and saw his freaked out expression "No I didn't kill him you diggus. His dad did. I thought told you this"

"No I know that, it's just when I met you were you still getting over him?"

"Well I mean yeah. He was my first love. But you're my last" I said snuggling into him

"Aw see this is why I gave him the key" Kevin said dancing making us laugh

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