Mermaid Tail {A NaLu AU}

By Cryptic_Eyes

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In a world of magic, legends, pirates, and mythical beings, Fiore is a kingdom long forgotten. Within the dee... More

Chapter 1: The Golden-Haired Mermaid
Chapter 2: The Wild Fairies!
Chapter 3: Reana and the Trackers
Chapter 4: Sword Fighting and Siren Hunting
Chapter 5: Song of Emotion
Chapter 6: Island of Festivities
Chapter 7: Unsure Future
Chapter 8: Your Beauty
Chapter 9: The Danger of the Seas!
Chapter 10: A Noble Trade
Chapter 11: The True Feeling of Loneliness
Chapter 12: Rebellion of the Mind
Chapter 13: A Fairy Rescue
Chapter 14: Breaking the Silence
Chapter 16: The Beauty of the Sea (Final)

Chapter 15: The Night

6.6K 344 314
By Cryptic_Eyes

Mermaid Tail by Cryptic_Eyes, All Rights Reserved, © 2017

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Disclaimer: These characters will be as close to the personalities of the original characters, but some moments will be OOC, to fit the story. I hope you enjoy!

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WELL. It's been how long? A year?? Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry...It's been crazy. I'm an adult now, so I had my first year of college! And let me tell you, for those younger people reading this--enjoy high school while you can. Being an adult SUCKS. Sure, the freedom is nice, but I already miss the easiness of high school. Now I have to worry about textbook fees, loans, a job, food, where I'm living, etc! I also think that you mature more in one year of college than in four years of high school, haha!

But please enjoy this chapter my friends! It's long overdue~!

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A loud thunk was heard as the last Tracker fell at Erza's feet. With a slash across her cheek and blood dripping down her palm, she changed back into her normal pirate's outfit, exhausted. All around her, other Fairy Tail members were on the ground, finished. Tracker's unconscious bodies were floating on the surface of the bay, slouched on the docks, in a pile of splintered barrels, through busted walls, and covered in busted bags of flour set up at one of the nearby stalls.

"We did it," Elfman sighed tiredly, plopping down onto the deck.

Erza turned back to her crewmates, smiling proudly at them. "Good work, everyone!"


"We did it!"


Realizing who the last voice belonged to, the scarlet-haired mage turned and looked across the way, seeing Wendy and Gray racing down the slope of the sidewalk. Wendy was beat up and Gray had a good bash to his head; other than that, they seemed okay.

"Are you guys alright?" she asked anyway, hearing Gray's heavy breathing. "Where's Plue?"

"Fine!" Wendy exclaimed, looking around at the other members. "He disappeared to keep going to find Lucy. Does anyone need healing?"

"Yes, some people on the ship should be healed for safety," Erza replied, turning her attention to Gray. "Natsu and Lucy?"

"They're still up there," the Ice Mage answered, his eyebrows knit together.

Erza nodded once, understanding and then turning back to the rest of the crew. "Mira! You're in charge now. Gray and I will be heading up to help Natsu and Lucy! Wendy, stay here and take care of the crew."

"Got it!"

Kane was thrown back against the wall, rubble flying in all directions. Lucy's hand was up, palm wide and her breath heavy. Natsu stood beside her, his sword alight.

"Woah," the pink-haired mage muttered, grinning. "You gotta teach me that!"

Lucy couldn't help a small twitch of her lips in amusement.

"Alright!" Fairy Tail's captain began. "Time to serve some barbeque!"

The dragon slayer rushed forward, his sword trailing behind him. Kane's eyes opened back up from being shut tightly in pain, lifting his sword up just at the right moment to block Natsu's blow. Just as their blades made contact, Kane shoved his heel forward and kicked Natsu right in the gut, sending him flying back a couple of paces before the fire mage regained his footing. However, it was far enough that Kane was able to rise back to his feet.

This isn't going to last long, Lucy thought, feeling the power she currently felt already draining. I have to think of something else...

Natsu lunged low, but Kane spun to avoid the contact. However, it grazed the Tracker leader's jacket, slicing a sliver of it off the hem. Kane grunted, distracted by the close call a second long enough for Natsu to drag his arm upwards, his sword making direct contact with Kane's shoulder.

What can I do? Lucy frantically wondered, taking a step forward in hesitance. When she did, she was suddenly blinded by a light, forcing her to blink for a few seconds to regain her sight. Removing her hand away to block the mysterious light in the night, she saw it was coming from the cell down the hall--the lighthouse across the bay was signaling the start of the night.


A jolt of panic filled her when she felt that all too familiar sensation of her legs turning to her tail.

W-What?! I thought the curse was gone because of the stone?!

But for some reason, it hadn't been lifted. As she realized that the curse killing her had been lifted--not the one that removed her restriction of walking on land--Natsu sailed past her with a loud yell of pain into the wall the lighthouse beam was shining through. He cracked through the wall, making the bricks explode and expose a giant opening to the sea far below them over the edge. Natsu grit his teeth, one hand keeping him on the edge as his sword fell to the rock waters below.

"Natsu!" Lucy exclaimed, looking back before turning to face Kane.

His lip was bleeding, but a triumphant look covered his face.

Okay. This has got to work. I only have enough left to try this and make it work. "There isn't any room for mistakes..." Lucy murmured to herself, gathering both her strength and her courage.

I've never dived from such a high height before. This has to be at least 150 feet up!! But if it will take care of Kane...get revenge for my father...and save Natsu and the's worth the risk!!

"Son of a..." Natsu grunted, pulling himself back over and to the safety of inside the building.

Kane gestured towards himself, and Natsu let out a loud exclamation of surprise as he surged forward, his foot having been caught in a knot of rope that Kane tugged on. Lucy had to jump out of the way, slamming against the wall to avoid getting hit. She would have cut it, but in order for her plan to work, she needed Kane distracted.

Natsu was grabbed by the throat and slammed against the floor as Lucy raced to the edge. She looked down into the rocky waves far below, her hair whipping against her cheeks and the sea air stinging her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she turned back to Kane, who was removing the rope from Natsu's ankle with a sickly amused look on his face. As he raised his own sword, Lucy tried the opposite of what she had done to Blight in the cell by sending the torturer flying away. This time, she tried sending Kane flying towards her--she knew if she tried pushing him this way, it'd be too obvious she'd be trying to shove him out the side. And this way was easier on her strength, as well.

"Hey, Kane!" Lucy yelled, catching his attention and halting his sword in the air.

Natsu gripped Kane's arm, digging his nails into the evil leader's skin.

Lucy saw her legs begin to glow. It was now or never.

Her eyes glowed, and with one gesture of her hand, a pulse rushed towards her and Natsu's enemy. "Let's take a swim!"

Kane was sucked forward so roughly his head snapped back. It was so fast that Lucy had barely anytime to react, only brace herself as Kane slammed into her and they sailed over the edge together.

However, Kane still had his sword, and as they began to fall through the sky, Lucy noticed him throw his arm back in preparation to drive it in between the stone of his now-destroyed hideaway.

Lucy cursed under her breath and grabbed his ankle, hanging on with all her might. As they slid to a stop, the sword scraping against the stone, Lucy felt pain through her shoulder as they were jerked to a stop.

"Lucy!" Natsu's voice rang out, not far above her. "What are you doing?!"

"Saving my friends!" she cried out, the fiery determination not leaving her bright eyes.

Kane looked down at her, his expression furious. "I won't sink to the bottom of the ocean with you! Enjoy a fall you won't even survive, mer-trash!"

"Hold on, I'm coming!" she heard Natsu's voice yell.

He raised his free foot, intending to kick Lucy off of him.

"I don't think so!" Lucy yelled, using the remaining bit of her strength to bring out one of her personal weapons.

With a cry, she stabbed Kane in the shoulder, whose grip slackened. He yelled loudly, the sound echoing to the rocks and rough waves very far below.


With a slight gasp, the air took them again, Kane unable to hang onto the sword any longer.

"No!" Kane roared, grabbing her by the throat as they dropped through the sky. "You won't win!"

"I already have!" Lucy yelled over the wind, her tail fully formed now. "It's over, Kane!"

She closed her eyes, ignoring the grip around her throat tightening. Please, Neptune. Give me strength. I'm a mermaid--I can do this.

Kane's roars flowed out of him as they fell, mixing with Natsu yelling Lucy's name.

It all went silent, however, when they hit the water's surface.

"Lucy!" Natsu screamed, his eyes wide as they disappeared under the surface.

A sudden loud noise forced him to turn around, and he saw Plue burst into the room in his wolf form.

"Plue!" Natsu exclaimed, urgency in his voice the shapeshifter recognized. "Quick! Get us down to the shore! Lucy and Kane fell!"

Plue changed quickly into his giant eagle form, listening to the sea captain and grabbing him by the shoulders. Dropping quickly through the sky, Natsu blocked his eyes with his forearm to avoid the sea spray from getting in his eyes. When they dropped to the shore, Plue took off to dive into the sea, leaving Natsu to stare off after Lucy's companion.

"Damn it..." he growled, his teeth grinding together.

A couple of agonizing minutes passed before Plue glided to the shore, Lucy's limp body hanging across his back. Her tail was still vibrant and existing, and Natsu quickly rushed to the shallow end to lift her into his arms, his captain uniform tattered and shredded. As he set her across the sand, his locks were wet and dripped past his face, droplets coating his clothing and body just from the waves.

"Oi, Lucy!" Natsu exclaimed, kneeling next to her as Plue licked the mer-girl's face.

But something surprising happened--as soon as Lucy touched the land, her legs returned to her, just as they had been before she was cursed at the beginning of her journey. Just when they finished, Lucy's eyes flung open, and she gasped for air, hacking and coughing. Plue barked in relief, back in his dog form.

"Lucy!" Natsu exclaimed happily, helping her sit up.

"That--" she began, having another coughing fit "--was a rush..." she looked down, seeing her legs returned to her. "M-My legs!"

"Is the curse finally broken?" Natsu asked, raising his eyebrows in surprise. "I thought I ended it with the stone?"

Lucy shook her head, realizing what had happened. "No. You stopped the second curse Blight put on me, the one killing me. Not the original one he put on me. But it looks like Kane had a roll in casting that on me, because now that he's defeated...the curse is gone..."

Natsu sat back, sighing in relief. "So you're okay?"

The blonde smiled, nodding happily. "Yeah. Thanks to you."

The captain shook his head. "I didn't really do much."

Lucy went silent for a moment, before thinking of something. "Natsu, I--"

"Lucy! Natsu!"

The two of them, including Plue, looked back and saw Erza and Gray racing toward them, relief on their faces.

"Hey, it's Gray and Erza!" Natsu exclaimed, grinning.

"So, what's next?" Alzack asked, the crew gathered on the open deck of the ship.

Lucy's eyes were scrunched together, but she sadly had come to the conclusion of what to do after the end of their battle with Kane two days ago. Kane's body was never found, and Blight was imprisoned along with all the other Trackers that had been identified.

Returning to the present, Lucy stood, all eyes turning to her. "I have to go home. I can swim now, since the curse has been lifted. Since my father is gone, I...need to take care of my kind since they must be in fear and chaos after his leaving. They could've been attacked too, so...I need to make sure they are okay."

"You're leaving?" Wendy piped up, sadness entering her voice.

Lucy's face saddened as well. "Yes. But I don't think it will be forever! Right Plue?"

Plue barked a confirmation.

"Hold up, Lucy." Gray started, taking a step forward. "Why don't we take you back? To see you a little longer?"

Lucy glanced at Natsu, who had an impassive expression on his face. She shook her head. "No, it will be much faster if I go home myself, with all need the money you have to repair the damage done to the Fairy Tail, and you wouldn't have enough to buy more supplies to survive the trip again in enough time. It's better...if I go myself."

"Will we ever see you again?" Wendy asked, beginning to tear up.

Lucy kneeled, giving Wendy a large hug. "Of course. I don't know when, but...when everything back at my home settles down...I will for sure see you all again!"

"Stay one more night, Lucy," Erza suggested. "At least let us celebrate our success and journey with one another."

"Erza's right!"

"We aren't ready for you to leave!"

"You're one of us!"

Lucy smiled, tears forming a thin film over her eyes. "Okay."

That night, the crew of Fairy Tail celebrated in Natantis with a giant feast celebrating with the village natives. As reward for helping save the city, they were treated to as much food as they wanted--the entire crew.

Lucy and Natsu were both treated for wounds by Wendy during the celebration, but when the two were near each other, they were strangely silent with one another. Lucy didn't know where to begin with Natsu, remembering all the things he had said about her.

"I told you not to touch my Lucy."

"All I care about is you, and nothing else!"

"I want us to begin our new adventure together!"

It had only been two months since she had met Fairy Tail. In that short time, Lucy had met some of the most special individuals she knew she'd never experience again. She doubted there were people like them somewhere else. Of course, there was only one crew of the Fairy Tail. She didn't want to leave them, because she craved adventure and to be near her new friends.

But it had been a year since she'd been home. Her people needed her.

So Lucy enjoyed the festivities as much as she could. She spent time memorizing the crew's features, down to their eye colors. She didn't want to forget any of them or what they looked like.

She spent most of the time analyzing Natsu, knowing he was the person she never would forget.

Now, late in the evening, Lucy was on the edge of the ship, the crew gathered around her and giving their final goodbyes. The mer-girl didn't know how long it would be until she saw them again, and that's what made her the most upset. Wendy was close to crying, while Levy clung to her tightly for a good minute or two.

Everyone said goodbye to her, and as the crowd receded, Natsu was left.

"Come on everyone," Erza replied, smiling. "Let's give them some privacy."

As footsteps faded behind closed doors, Lucy barely heard them leave, her focus completely trained onto Natsu.

The captain was dressed back into a new uniform, his hat gone but his long red ribbon tied around his forehead. His white scarf was back in his quarters, safe and sound. Lucy was informed how that had been his father's scarf, and she remembered him wearing it during their fight with Kane.

The pink-haired dragon slayer walked towards her, grinning slightly. "I don't want you to go, ya know."

The blonde felt her heart jump. "Mm. I don't either."

He took a couple more steps closer.

"But..." she began, her voice soft at first. "...I can't tell you how grateful I am to you, Natsu."

She remembered meeting him for the first time, on this very ship, back when she'd first been cursed by the trackers. How his presence seemed ethereal.

"You saved my life more than once," Lucy continued, her hands clenched into fists to keep herself from crying, "and showed me what I've always wanted--an adventure. I got to sail, to dance..." she remembered their dance on the night of the summer festival, and it seemed like a dream.

"With you," she added quietly.

Lucy's eyes were shining; if pure happiness could be shown through an expression, it would be on the mer-girl's right then.

"You saved our lives too, Lucy," Natsu replied, now only arms length from her. "Thank you."

She smiled.

Lucy heard Plue splashing around in the sea below, calling out to her excitingly.

Turning back from the noise, she sighed sadly. "I...better go."

Natsu quickly drew her into an embrace, surprising her. His left arm resided around her waist, while his right was raised to let his hand caress the back of her head. Natsu's chin was resting over her shoulder, and in her surprise, Lucy's arms were raised next to her sides, not knowing what to do with them.

"I'll miss you." the dragon slayer stated matter-of-factly, though the deepness of his voice sent shivers down her back.

Lucy's eyes softened, and soon she closed them, taking Natsu in and enjoying their close proximity. When they pulled apart, Lucy revealed the Obsidian Stone she had kept despite its uselessness now.

She held it out to the captain. "Take this. I want you to have it."

Natsu blinked in surprise. "Didn't your mother give this to you?"

The blonde nodded. "It's important to me--a part of me, even." she held it out farther, her smile growing. "That's why I want you to have it."

Natsu grinned then, understanding. "Ah."

Lucy watched him tie it around his neck, it sliding between his pectoral muscles and resting on his breast bone, easily visible through his low cut white shirt.

"Okay, well..." Lucy took her place at the edge of the railing, sitting with her back against the sea. "...Goodbye, Natsu..."

She didn't want to go yet.

Natsu walked close to her, since she had moved back toward the railing. The space was closed between them once again, and her breathing stalled when he just kept closing the space between them.

"Natsu, what're you...?" she murmured, noticing him only leaning his face closer to hers now.

"You remember how I wanted to tell you something awhile ago?"

Lucy gulped, but nodded slightly.

"Well..." he muttered, glancing down at her lips noticeably.

Lucy didn't move as Natsu rested his hands on both sides of her, trapping her in a box using his body. She had no choice but to hold onto his jacket, not daring to move an inch as her face blossomed a bright pink shade.

Everything seemed crystal clear to Lucy. The stars were blinding, the waves against the hull of the boat deafening, and the feeling of fire in her chest unbearable.

"...I'm just...gonna..." Natsu murmured, staring into her eyes now as their noses brushed. Lucy could've sworn he was blushing himself, but it was slight.

"Happy, no!! You can't go out there!!"

Romeo, Wendy, and Levy burst out from the doors to the lower deck, diving for a certain blue cat.

Lucy and Natsu were so startled by the loud noise that the dragon slayer jumped nearly five feet out of his skin. Screaming in an amusing way, Lucy lost her balance on the railing and splashed into the water below.

Submerged and upside down, Lucy had her hands cupping her cheeks, her face so hot steam appeared where the cool water made contact with her skin.

H-He was going to...!!

She quickly burst to the surface, seeing the whole crew leaning over the railing now, some of the crew saying something about throwing Happy overboard. However, when the blonde emerged to the surface, they all turned their attention to her, grinning wildly.

"Are you alright, Lucy??" Wendy called out worriedly.

Lucy couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah! I'm okay! I guess that's a sign I should be going!" She raised an arm from the air, water dripping down her arm as she waved wildly. "Goodbye, minna!!"

"Come visit us soon!"

"This is your home, remember!"

"See you!!"

Thank you for everything... Lucy thought, looking at everyone one last time and letting her eyes linger on Natsu--who was watching her with an amused expression.

He smiled. "See ya soon, Lucy."

And with that, Lucy disappeared under the waves.




Lucy's journey with Fairy Tail has come to a close. But, is this the end? Find out in the last chapter of Mermaid Tail, Chapter 16: The Beauty of the Sea!

Thanks so much for reading! Please comment and vote, and tell me how you liked it!

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