Heartkeeper (by blueberry on...

By saulafanforever

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I read the whole story on www.saulaheaven.com and had to share it here Summary: Sometimes a housekeeper fixes... More

Chapter 2 or 3

Heartkeeper (by blueberry on saulaheaven)

845 10 8
By saulafanforever

"Finally," Kathrin groaned when Simon entered the living room.

"Nice evening to you too," Simon chuckled.

"Nice evening?! Nice evening?! Uh," Kathrin yelped angrily and jumped out of the couch.

"Were kids good?" Simon asked in anticipation of never ending yelling.

"You must be kidding me!" Kathrin gasped, "Your daughter is a little devil!"

"Amy?" Simon doubted.

"Do you have any other daughter?!"

"What happened? Where is she?" Simon asked.

"Ask her... If she let you in her room, because the doors are locked. She's really unbelievable," Kathrin seethed.

"Kathrin, calm down. I know Amy is kind of wilder sometimes, but she's just a kid," Simon said patiently, but already tired.

"Kind of wilder? Uh? Simon, don't fool yourself. There definitely has to be a reason why fifteen nannies quit their jobs here! And many babysitters don't wanna hear about your house anymore! And in only one year! She needs a stricter raising or a psychiatrist. Think of it!" she spilled out angrily.

"My daughter isn't a nutter! Are you really sending a six years old child to the psychiatrist? Maybe you need one!" Simon shouted.

"Fine! I would have definitely need one if I had spent more time with watching over your kids, so don't call me again, Simon!" she yelled while gathering her things.

"Don't worry about that!" Simon groaned angrily.

"She's just like you!" Kathrin added finally and then left the house.

"Well she's mine!" Simon groaned and sat down on the couch with a heavy sigh.

Simon knew that Kathrin wasn't that far from the reality. There were really fifteen nannies who quit their jobs after few weeks. He knew that Amy wasn't easy to handle. But she was just a child. His child and she could be so sweet as well. Simon didn't know what to do. But a psychiatrist wasn't an option for sure.

Simon was a successful lawyer. He left London and came to America to study a law when he was young. He finished the Harward University as the best student in his year and he could choose of many job offers. Simon chose the law firm in Los Angeles, because this firm had a long tradition - O'Melveny & Myers. And he wanted to see the other part of the United States as well.

Soon he began to be known as a really good lawyer. His career rose up quickly. He loved his job. He loved the power he had when he was standing on the court. He was known as a hard, uncompromising and emotionless shark and people began to be afraid of him. Truth to be said there definitely was a reason. People said that he was arrogant, cruel and rude. And it wasn't any far from the truth either.

As successful as Simon was in his professional life he was unsuccessful in his personal life. Two years after he had moved in Los Angeles and had begun his career he met Emily. Emily was early twenty and he was twenty six. They were dating for a while and then Emily got pregnant. It was absolutely unplanned and unwanted, but it happened. Simon decided to do the right thing and married her. It would have looked bad if he hadn't done that anyway. The image of him having a happy family seemed to be better than gossips about him sending money every month to his unwanted child. Emily moved in his large house and Amy was born soon.

They lived quite happily for few years. At least Simon thought that. But honestly, he wasn't at home most of the time. And later when he was at home Emily was blaming him for not to be at home; for leaving her alone; for him destroying her life. She blamed him that she couldn't have finished her studies; that she lost all of her friends; that she had no fun while staying at home with a baby all of the time. Simon knew that Emily wasn't happy, but he didn't know what to do. So he did the only thing he knew - work. And then Emily got pregnant again.

Emily had never been a mother type. She had never found her way to her daughter. She loved her and took care of her, but she didn't feel what she thought she should have felt. She had never got to understand Amy. She wasn't up to cuddling. And the idea of the second child scared her. She had been even thinking about an abortion. But she hadn't done that. Fortunately.

It made Simon happy when his son - Adam - was born. He hoped that things would get better. He tried to be at home for more often and help with kids. But it seemed that it was too late. Emily was more and more unhappy and she began to be angry. She tried to avoid her kids as much as she could. Simon noticed her attitude and he really didn't like it.

When Adam was six months old Emily left them. Simply. She left a letter explaining that she wanted to live her life again. Well, she left a paper with only few lines... Few months later divorce papers came and soon they were divorced. Emily gave up on everything - money as well as her children. And Simon - emotionless shark - became a single father of two kids - nine months old boy and five years old girl.

Simon felt really helplessly. He would have never expected anything like that and had no idea what he was supposed to do. He loved his children, but he couldn't stay at home with them. He even didn't want to. He loved his job and just couldn't leave it. So the only option was to hire a nanny and a housekeeper in one person, because he didn't want too many strange people being in his house. He tried to be a good father to his kids, but he doubted if he was doing enough. He wasn't at home much.

Simon even couldn't ask his family to help him. His family was in London. His mother and brothers and sister. His father died three years before. And Simon wasn't on good terms with his family. His parents had never wanted him to go to the States and had been blaming him for doing so. The communication got so awkward and stressful that he stopped communicating with them at all. They didn't come to his wedding and they had never seen his children; their grandchildren. The last time when he saw them was when his father died and he came to participate in his funeral. And even that was strange. He came alone, without his family. And they barely talked together. He left right after the ceremony and had never gone back.

Amy, his daughter, had used to be a happy child, but then she turned to melancholy. She didn't understand why her mother had left them. Although there wasn't really strong bond between her and her mother Emily was her mother still. Amy didn't have any other mother after all. And her father wasn't at home often. She didn't have any grandmother or grandfather. She was alone. Her confusion turned to sadness and her sadness turned into anger. She hated the strange nannies and babysitters, so she aimed her anger at them. She was smart and she was really a lot alike Simon, so the nannies were leaving one after another. None of them wanted to put up with her. They said that she was spoiled and wicked and it was over. Why to bother?

The last nanny left three days ago. She didn't overcome five mousetraps in her bed. With dead mice in them. Simon wondered where Amy had got them, but he shrugged it as a joke. But it was only the last drop and the nanny quit. Like the previous ones. Amy knew it she would leave sooner or later. And the sooner the better. And that was why Simon asked his friend Kathrin to look after his kids that evening. He had an important meeting. Kathrin was his friend from the company, but they weren't any close friends. Simon didn't have close friends.

Simon had called to the agency to send him a new housekeeper/nanny the day before, but it took them too long. And no wonder about that. It was really hard to satisfied Simon Cowell's requirements. Fifteen nannies run out of his house and they didn't want to hear anything about him anymore. Amy wasn't the only one rude and hard to handle in that house. But Simon blamed the nannies often either.

It was a year since Emily left them, but things didn't seemed to change for the better. Simon hoped that Amy would overcome it soon, but he began to be helpless about her. She acted quite normal when he was at home, so it was hard to believe the complaints of nannies and babysitters. Amy was six so she began going at school and it seemed that she enjoyed it. At least teachers didn't complain. At least something, Simon thought.

Simon sighed, ran his hand through his hair and got up from the couch. Then he walked towards the stairs and climbed up. He knew that he had to talk with Amy. He had to check her if she was alright at least. But he went to Adam's room at first. Adam was sleeping in his little bed and looked contented. He was a nice boy. He looked a lot like Simon. He had his black hair, thin lips and dark eyes. And his famous pout. He was eighteen months yet. Simon stroked his cheek gently and left the room.

"Amy?" he said and knocked on Amy's door.


"Amy, please, can you open the door? You know what we said about locking, don't you?" he tried.

Then he heard tiny steps and the sound of unlocking. He sighed and opened the door. Amy was standing by the window while looking out.

"Amy?" Simon said and continued when he gained no reaction, "Can you tell me what happened here today?"

"Uh... Nothing special. What do you mean?" she said without turning away from the window.

"Amy," Simon sighed, "You're smart enough to know what I mean."

"It's about Kathrin, right?" Amy said and turned around so Simon could see her face.

"It is. What happened?"

"She's stupid," Amy said.

"You shouldn't talk like that, you know," Simon sighed resigned.

"But it's true!" Amy frowned.

"Okay, why is she stupid?" Simon asked.

"She told me that I'm spoiled and that's why my mum left us," Amy said.

"WHAT?!" Simon gasped, "Why the hell did she say that?"

"Because I didn't want her food. It was disgusting," Amy said.

"It was the only reason?" Simon doubted.

"Uhm... Maybe the plate fell on the ground," Amy blurted out.

"Fell? Alone?" Simon asked sighed while trying to sound patiently.

"Well... It was really disgusting and she was making me to eat it! And she was horrible anyway! Like everyone!" Amy whined.

"Uhm... Okay. You really shouldn't throw plates and food. Even if you don't like it. But she shouldn't have told you that about your mother. It was really stupid," Simon said.

"I told you she is stupid," Amy frowned.

"It was stupid," Simon nodded, "Come here," he said and kneeled on the ground.

Amy approached him slowly.

"And it isn't true that your mum left because of you, you know it, right?" Simon looked into her eyes.

"So why did she leave then?" Amy asked.

"I don't know, honey. Maybe she wanted a new life. But it wasn't because of you or Adam, okay?" Simon said.

"Okay," Amy nodded unconvincingly.

"Good. Time for bed," Simon said and stood up.

"Not tired," Amy said.

"Come on. There is school tomorrow," Simon sighed.

"Not interested."

"Amy," he groaned.

"Okayyy," she rolled her eyes and got into her bed.

"Good girl. Sleep well," Simon said and left the room.

"Auntie Paula, are you leaving us?" Kelly asked sadly as she jumped on the couch where Paula was sitting. She snuggled next to her aunt.

"I don't know, sweetie. But if I get the job, I'll move out." Paula caressed Kelly's cheek.

"But who will play with me?" Kelly whined almost desperately.

"Oh, what about your sister?" Paula suggested in hopeful tone.

"She's too small," Kelly mocked and rolled her eyes.

"She's three. She can play with you," Paula reassured her.

"Yeah... She closes her eyes and she thinks she is invisible," Kelly groaned and lifted one of her arms in the air in a desperate gesture.

"And it's a fun, isn't it?" Paula chuckled.

"Uhm... No, it isn't." Kelly frowned.

"Okay. Look, I'll be visiting you and then we can play, okay?" Paula smiled. She tried to comfort the little girl who obviously got used to her living with them.

"Okay then," Kelly breathed but her annoyance was clearly visible. Paula felt bad for her a bit.

"You know you can stay for how long you need, right?" Wendy said when she entered the living room.

"I know, sis. But it's time for me to move on. I don't wanna bother you for more," Paula said.

"Paula, you're not bothering us," Wendy said seriously and sat on the couch as well.

Kelly sensed some more serious adult's talk so she excused herself and left to her room. She was kind of sensitive child. She was only five, but she was really mature. And she loved her aunt Paula and was really sad that Paula was about to leave them, after a very long time. Kelly even had Paula's curly hair although Wendy's hair was straight. Eva, Wendy's younger daughter, was a splitting image of her father.

"I know. You were so nice to me. But I'm twenty-eight, sis, and I'm not supposed to live on the couch of my sister. Your flat isn't big enough for you, your husband, two kids and me occupying your living room for two years already." Paula frowned. It was really bothering her. She needed to go and begin to live her life.

"But..." Wendy objected.

"No buts, Wen. If I get this job I'm supposed to move in their house. I hope I'll get the job. I need it. I need to begin to live again," Paula said.

"What is it exactly... this job? A nanny again?" Wendy asked resignedly.

"Uhm... A nanny and a housekeeper in one," Paula said.

"A nanny and a housekeeper? How many kids?" Wendy asked with raised her eyebrows.

"Two, that's what the agency told me. A six years old girl and eighteen-month-old baby boy," Paula explained.

"What their mum is doing?" Wendy wondered.

"I have no idea and it's not my business anyway." Paula could sense something in Wendy's tone. Her sister didn't think much about Paula working as a nanny. Wendy thought Paula was over qualified to watch over kids and clean houses for other people.

"Just wondering, that's all," Wendy murmured.

"I know. But rich people are just strange sometimes, you know," Paula offered.

"Yeah," Wendy nodded. They were living in LA after all. With all the celebrities and their strange life style. Wendy knew about many famous mothers who weren't spending much time with their own children. There was always a room for a nanny or plenty babysitters. Having children was just a fashion it seemed, but taking care of them was an annoying duty. And many mothers were too selfish to do that. They had their flashing careers and children didn't have a chance. Wendy couldn't understand that. She was a mother and she spent as much time as possible with her two daughters. She just didn't understand why someone who had enough money and didn't have to work left kids with someone strange and did who knew what.

"Paula?" Wendy asked after a while.


"Is this really what you want to do?" Wendy asked carefully.

"What do you mean?" Paula tried to act like she didn't know

"Being a nanny... a housekeeper... Taking care of someone else's children and houses, you know," Wendy rambled worriedly.

"Wen," Paula sighed, "You know that my dream was to be a ballet dancer and I sacrificed everything to it. And it's over now. I won't be dancing anymore. I should be glad I'm able to walk. And I don't know anything else. Well, I haven't found anything else yet. But I need a job and I love kids, so why not?" Paula said.

"But," Wendy began.

"No buts, sis. This is closed topic. We can't change the past," Paula stated resolutely.

"I only want you to be happy." Wendy frowned a bit.

"I'm happy." Paula smiled. But it wasn't very convincing smile, "And if I get this job I'll be happy for sure."

"I'm gonna miss you," Wendy whined but hugged Paula all the same.

"Wen, it's not like I would move in other state," Paula said. She was shocked a little, because it wasn't usual for her sister to get emotional.

"I know. But I just got used to have you here," she mumbled.

"Oh God, stop it or I begin to cry," Paula sniffed.

"Okay." Wendy smiled and pulled away, "So I hope you'll get this job if it makes you happy," she added.

"Thank you," Paula smiled.

Paula really needed to get that job. She hadn't been able to find any job for longer time. And she really didn't want to stay living in her sister's living room forever. Two years was really enough. She was glad that her sister let her stay with them, but it was really time to leave. She knew that Wendy didn't mind her staying with them and her children - five-year-old Kelly and three-year-old Eva loved their aunt. But Wendy's husband Mark wasn't so excited about it and she understood him well. She just didn't fully belong to that family. She didn't belong to any family at all. So taking care of a family of someone else wasn't so big deal. She loved children and she was good with them. And keeping the house clean shouldn't have been a problem too.

When Paula was a small girl she lived with her parents and sister, Wendy, in Pasadena. Pasadena was really close to Los Angeles and the big city always attracted her. She used to think that angels were living there. She imagined that the city was full of angels who were dancing there together. And when they were dancing they were shining. She imagined that the bright shine which she could see during the night on the horizon was caused by those dancing angels. She wanted to dance and shine with them.

Paula dreamt about being a ballet dancer since then. But her parents didn't share her dream. They laughed at her idea of dancing angels as it was something stupid. They told her that Los Angeles was full of evil people who were selling drugs and small girls.

Her parents didn't like dancing, but they allowed her to dance in few small courses when she was studying at a primary and a secondary school, but nothing else. They forbid her dancing during the high school, because she wouldn't have had enough time for studying then. Her parents didn't want to hear anything about a dancing academy or her being a ballet dancer. They wanted her to choose something more serious. Something as a teacher or so. They wanted her to go at the University to study something ordinary. But Paula's heart was decided already.

When she was eighteen she left her family in Pasadena and went to the city of angels. She was admitted to the big Dancing Academy and she was on her way to fulfill her dream. Her parents had never forgiven her for leaving them because of dancing.

It wasn't easy to study and to work at the same moment. But she needed money for school and for residence hall, so there was no other option. The study was quite difficult, because it wasn't only about the dancing. There were other theoretical subjects too. But she was smart and really talented, so she managed to finish the Academy successfully. Everyone noticed her enormous talent so when she finished the school she got an engagement in one of the biggest theatre in Los Angeles. She gained a main part soon. She was successful and she was doing the job of her dreams. She danced with passion and everything seemed to be great.

Only her parents hadn't visited any of her performances. They didn't communicate with her so she stopped calling them. It hurt her and she felt alone. But her sister Wendy moved in Los Angeles as well. She came there with her husband who had gotten a job there. Paula and Wendy had been always close, so Wendy didn't miss any chance to see her little sister dancing. Wendy was happy for Paula's dream came true.

But everything changed when Paula was twenty-five. And only one simple slip was enough to ruin Paula's dancing career and dream. Only one step ruined her health. She was practicing with her dancing partner and he slipped and fell. But just right in the moment when Paula was high above his head. She fell and unluckily, she injured her neck and back really badly. Her spine was injured and even the doctors weren't sure of the possibility of her being able to walk again. She spent a year in various hospitals. It was hard and it cost much money as well. But after many surgeries she began walking again. She knew that she would never dance again. Her neck and back still hurt pretty badly sometimes. But she got used to that. She had to.

Her parents came and helped her, but they didn't stop blaming her for her decision to be a dancer. It was all her fault. Their accusations hurt her really much. But her parents had never forgiven her. They blamed her for destroying the life of the whole family. Paula couldn't imagine going back to Pasadena with them, so when she recovered she stayed at her sister's flat. Her life fell apart. Her previous dancing partner who caused her injury was her boyfriend as well, but when he realized that Paula's career was over, he left her too. And Paula resigned to her life somehow. Dancing was her life and it was over. It hurt. She didn't know what to do anymore.

But what she knew was that she didn't want to stay on her sister's couch forever. So she began trying to find some job. She wanted to gain enough money to be able to rent her own flat. She really didn't want to be dependent on her sister's family. But she wasn't as successful as she wanted to be. She used to be a shop assistant, a babysitter or a nanny, but nothing stable. And nothing paid enough for paying a rent.

And then she got that offer from her agency. To be a nanny and a housekeeper for one rich family. It was well paid and she would gain a room in the house for herself to move in. She didn't know much about the family. Only that he was a lawyer and there were two kids. And she knew that it wasn't going to be easy. The agency had warned her that Simon Cowell was really demanding client and that many previous nannies quit at a quick rate but she needed that job. Two years in her sister's living room was enough. She was prepared not to give up.

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