A War Inside and Out

By Pandas065123

35 2 0

At a young age, Eilidh's parents were murdered by hunters. As her mother's life was draining from her body, E... More

Chapter 1.

Chapter 2.

14 1 0
By Pandas065123

**Hola my peopless! :) Haha, so here's a new chapter :D. Hope you enjoy it and please vote and comment!! :))) The more, the faster I'll make the next one. Anywayssss, enjoy :* **

(Picture to the side is of Eilidh -> I know she's older than Eilidh is but just imagine Megan Fox as 16 ;DD)

Chapter 2.


    I hear my door open suddenly and shut fast. My eyes open wide as my reflexes kicks in. I sit up and face the person.

    "Oh, Lily it's just you," I say taking a breath. "You scared me, you know to knock before you come in," I say scolding her. Her six year old frame is shaking and I look at her in concern. I pick her small body up and cuddle her. She's the only person I care about and would do anything for her. "What's wrong baby girl?" I say rubbing her back.

    "Th-they're coming today," She says looking up at me, her big green eyes brimming with tears. "Oh sweetie, don't worry, even if someone adopts you, I'll always be around for you. I'll come see you whenever you want," I say tickling her. She giggles and wipes her nose with her long sleeve.

    "What if you get adopted Eilidh?" She asks tearing up again. "Oh, I'm probably not going to be adopted, I'm too old anyways; no one would want me," I say trailing off. "Anyways, if I somehow get adopted, I won't go unless you come too," I say smiling down at her. "Well I hope you get adopted Eilidh, you deserve a mommy and daddy, just like I have you," She says snuggling up against my neck.

    This little girl was the closest thing I had to a family since my mother and father died. "Hey sweetie, I'm going to go out for a little bit and I'll be back in an hour. The people should be there a little after I get back, so don't worry about me."

    "Okay, I love you," She says kissing my cheek and walking out of my room. "Love you too...," I whisper.

    I slump over to my small dresser and get my training clothes on. It's very comfortable clothing that I wear whenever I train out in the woods. I pull on the shorts and tank top, not caring that it's the beginning of December. I never get cold.

    When I arrive to my training location, I start with 1,000 push up and 1,000 sit ups. Then, I start on my run for 9 miles and back. Even though it would usually take someone about three hours to run that, it only takes me twenty minutes. After my run, I start on my martial arts and sword fighting. I pull out my mothers sword and practise with that for the rest of the time and run back to the orphanage.

    Once I get to the orphanage, I walk into the back door and get squeezed by my legs. I look down quickly and smile seeing Lily. "Hey baby doll, did you miss me?" I ask her scooping her up and twirling her around. She laughs and I put her back down on the ground. "Yes, and the people will be here soon so I was worrying about you," She says hugging me again. "Aw, don't worry Lily, I would never leave you alone on adoption day," I say kissing her on the top of he head.

    "Well, I'm going to go get changed and by the time I get ready, they should be here so wait for me outside of my room and I'll walk with you, okay?" I say as we walk to my room. "Okay, but hurry," She says worriedly. "Don't worry, I'll be as quick as a bunny," I say laughing at her.

    I get changed into some black skinny jeans and a dark blue sweatshirt as fast as I can. Then, I open the door to a squeamish looking Lily. I laugh at her and she immediately grabs my hand and walks with me as if she was my shadow. "Don't worry, it's going to be all right," I say reassuring her.

    We walk into the living room and her petite hands tighten to mine. I chuckle under my breath and we walk to the line.

    "Okay girls, today is adoption day so one of you lucky ladies are going to be adopted! Now get into a single file line and I'll go bring them in," The owner of the orphanage says in her annoying voice. She only owns this orphanage to get money and it makes me mad every adoption day that she doesn't even care we're leaving.

    I get at the end of the line with Lily by my side. The door opens and I see three families come in. The first family that walks in is only a mom and her young son. She has beautiful long brown hair and brown eyes. The next family that walks in is a young-looking couple that seem excited about adding a new addition to their family. Then, the last family walks in. They are different and I can tell as soon as they walk in the room. There is a mom and dad and they have flawless proportions. Their skin is porcelain and blemish free. They look like they came straight from a modeling magazine and I know exactly why. "Vampires," I whisper under my breath.

    My grip tightens around Lily's hand and I get protective over her. My adrenalin is pumping and I calm my heart down so they won't see that I know.

    Just then, they come over towards the end. My heart stops and I stand partially in front of Lily.

    "Hi there, what's your name?" The women vampire says. "Lily," She says shyly hiding behind my legs. "Oh that's a beautiful name Lily, is this your big sister?" She asks looking up at me smiling. "No, but I wish she was," She  says quietly. My heart throbs at that because if someone adopts her and I'm not kin to her, they could take her no matter how hard I protest. But I would try as hard as I could to.

    "Well, would you like to go home with us? We would treat you just like a princess and...," She says but I cut her off. "No!" I say loudly, scared of losing her. "I-I mean um...never mind," I say trying to not keep her from having a family. "Well, I was going to say that we could take you too silly," She says smiling. I didn't like being called silly but at that moment, I didn't care. "You're going to adopt me?" I say in disbelief. I didn't think anyone would want me. "Well, I can see how much you care for her so I guess you can come too sweetie," The male vampire says standing beside his wife. "Okay," I say without any emotion. They seem surprised at my attitude but just brush it off, walking over to get the papers.

    I only let my cold heart melt around Lily and to anyone else, I'm just a robot. "Well, let's go get packed Lily to start our new life," I say happily as Lily and I walk hand in hand to pack.


**Sooooooooo, did you like? Haha anywaysss, please vote and comment, the more I get the faster I make the next one :D. I'm hoping to get at least 5 votes and then I'll publish the next one as quick as a bunny ;D lol.**

~Stay beautiful my peoples :*~

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