My Life as A Grim Reaper

By Aimless

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Taking a bullet aimed at her friend cost Zel Stanton her life. She wasn't supposed to die, and so Death gave... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

3.8K 169 7
By Aimless

XD thanks for reading, guys. Enjoy!


As Louis and I headed away from the boy's house, Louis stopped me, by grabbing my arm. I gues he could sense that I was kind of mad about the little boy's choice.

"Zel... Don't let it get to you, it happens all the time. One's fate can easily change, depending on their willpower."

I frowned at him. "Let's just get to the next soul, alright? I'm fine, now let me go." I said, jerking my arm out of his grip. Louis sighed, and followed. I walked through people on the sidewalk. I was wondering why there were so many people gathered around an intersection, and then I saw it.

There was a huge 18-wheeler truck toppled over ontop of a smaller car, and you could sort of see blood dripping out of the smashed-open car door. It was horrific. But blood and guts never really seemed to bother me, so I walked up to the smashed car, and pulled out the soul of the confused dead person, and then, we were both sucked into the dimension where the two gates were.

The man looked at me when everything cleared up. "Who the hell are you? Get your damned hands off of me!" he yelled.

I frowned. I reminded myself not to talk.

The man looked at the two doors. One leading to hell, the other to Heaven. "Take me back!!!" the man yelled again. Fate appeared just then. "Pardon me-I was a bit busy...It's not easy being everywhere at once!" he said. He turned his hooded face to the man, red eyes glowing beneath the shadows. "You, you are a murderer, are you not? A rapist as well? You raped your victims, then buried them alive in your backyard. Quite a big backyard, since you have 6 coffins laying underground, Mr. Mendelev?" fate said matter-of-factly, his bony white hands clasped together thoughtfully. I couldn't help but grin a bit underneath my hood.

The man, named Mr. Mendelev, looked at Fate with wide, surprised eyes. His mouth was a bit open. He hadn't expected a complete stranger to know everything about his personal pleasures.

"Wha--how did you know...?" Mendelev stuttered.

Fate's toothy grin glowed under his hood. "Because I am Fate. I am with you everywhere you go, you imbicile." Fate said.

The man gasped. The door to hell opened, and a shadowy arm reached out, and grabbed the man tightly, and Mendelev screamed as he was dragged into the Gate. After he was gone, I was teleported back to reality. This was quicker than the last one, thankfully. Also I got to see a bad guy go to hell. always a plus.

I sighed, and put my scythe over my shoulders. Louis looked at me. "Now, it's my turn to take a soul." he said with a grin, as we headed away from the gory accident.

I just want to go home... That's all I wanted. I guess it's true, what they say, 'You never know what you have until you loose it.' I hate that saying, because I'm just now realizing how true it is. It pains me to think of my little sister, and my dad, my mother. Even the people at school, and the teachers that hated me. I miss everything about my old life. There are things worse than death. Living on without the people and things you love without them knowing happens to be one of them.

I hadn't even noticed that we'd teleported to Louis' destination Somewhere in Russia. I loved the snow, the cool air. It was refreshing.

I looked down at a body that had been mauled to death by a bear, from what I could tell. The features of the person were incomprehensible, due to the face and throat being ripped from their original positions. There was an eyeball a few feet away from the site. This scene was...... less refreshing, but, all I could do was wait. I wondered where the other eyeball was, and gave up on the thought. Maybe the bear ate it. It was laying a little bit away, maybe a few yards, had a gunshot wound. It had died of shock.

The body of the deceased stunk terribly. The two souls' bodies had been dead for days, due to the smell, and the flies, and the animals that were waiting to get their fill. Sensing me, and being too afraid to approach, they were waiting just on the edge of the woods. It's kind of annoying that only an animal, or a clairvoyant can see you, or sense you, at least. The wolve's eyes were gleaming with hunger, but their heads were bowed in respect towards me. I wondered at that as well.

I tried to veer my eyes away from the trachia portruding from the man's ripped open throat. The blood was dried, and the man was pale, as the dead should be. I wondered what his family was doing. Maybe they were searching for him? Or maybe he'd told them he'd be gone a few days.

I don't want to imagine their reactions of losing their loved one.

I was ripped out of my thoughts, realizing I'd been staring off up at the sky. I looked at Louis, whom was calling my name.

"Zel? Zel! Earth to Zelllll..." he called, flicking my forehead.

"Ow! Bastard, what the hell was that for!?" I hissed, hand covering my nose.

Louis gave me a cocky grin. "You looked like you were lost, little duck." he said, putting his hands up.

I frowned. I'd been frowning alot, I hadn't really

I haven't been my talkative, weird, and quirky self. I'd been more like a person in deep, deep depression. I guess I had been though. Depressed, I mean.

"Zel? You alright? Seriously, You're always such a downer..." he said, tugging me along a pathway through the snow.

I glared at the back of his head. "Tch. You'd be a downer too if you were 'accidentally' shot." I hissed. I could almost feel my eyes flare gold in annoyance. Louis turned around to look at me. I thought I'd left him speechless. However, suddenly- and I do mean suddenly- Louis' arms were around me, holding me firmly, but gently, as if he was trying not to break a delicate piece of china. Heat flared in my cheeks, making them rosy-pink.

"Maybe a kiss could cheer you up?" He said in a rough, sexy voice.

I opened my mouth to reply, then closed it again, not sure what to say.

"Umph!!!!" I yelped in surprise, as his lips touched mine.

Louis let me go after a bit, with big grin on his face. Now it was my turn to be speechless. Almost.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"It was for my happiness, and yours. " He said.

I blushed even more, and clenched my fist around my scythe.

Then, the scythe's voice could be heard in the back of my mind, once again to insult me.

You know, you could, maybe not squeeze so tight? ugh! Someone loses track of their strength when aroused. I'll be sure to make a note of this.

I was so shocked I dropped him. He hadn't spoken since before I left the Organization this morning.

"Awh see? The kiss was so good you dropped your scythe." Louis teased me.

A growl arose from my throat, and Louis smirked.

"Don't toy with me, and don't kiss me when I know you don't mean it." I said firmly.

Louis looked a bit shocked to hear that, but I turned away. Good. I hoped he wouldn't do that again. I marched up the snowy hill, towards civilization I put my hand over my lips. The kiss wasn't that bad...I just hadn't been ready for it.

"Zel!!!! Watch out!!!!!! Angel!!!!!" I heard Louis call from behind me. But when I turned to look at him, wondering why he'd called me "angel", I felt something plunge, far into my stomach. I looked down. The tip of a sword was portruding from my torso, and golden blood was flowing from the wound.

Shit. I'm screwed, I thought. I currently couldn't speak, given the shock.

I looked back up, with wide eyes. Louis was fighting of a winged creature in white, flowing robes. An angel.

So Louis hadn't been calling me angel. He was referring to the angel that'd shoved his sword into me.

"She's a child of Death himself!!! She must die!!! A child of Death will bring about a war between the two--" The angel never finished her sentence, for Louis had beheaded him.

I watched silently, unable to speak, as the angel's body turned to ash.

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