Fate In A Letter [Christian C...

By TigerChick_

161K 3K 753

What if everything changed with one email? Kiana has been set an extra credit assignment so she can finally g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 4

7.6K 169 11
By TigerChick_

Just to save confusion, this is chatper 4, but because I posted the first chapter as 'Fate In A Letter' I thought it best just to go on from there haha.

Dedicated this one to gunsandguitars purely because her poetry is fab and I AM WAITING FOR MORE CHAPTERS OMG. Please update soon? I love your stories :3 

Anyway. there's gonna be more CC in the next chapter, I promise you. :3 

Vote, comment and enjoy ^^ 

After a few moments, I remembered who were in my house and I felt my embarrassment eat me up. They would have heard every word if they were silent.

I had no energy to move though. I couldn't take this shit anymore. I was fed up with it and by the sounds of things, my parents weren't done with me just yet. Despite the unforgivable words which left my mother’s mouth.

Soon I felt a set of arms cradle my body and pull me up so that I was sat up. I didn't even have to look to see who it was. I knew it was CC. 

A strangled sob left my lips and he hugged me tightly, the strong, comforting embrace being exactly what I needed. Even though I was breaking apart, I knew it was his care for someone he barely knew which was holding me together. 

After ten minutes or so, I felt myself calm down and I moved myself to hug him back properly. I clung to him, not really wanting to let go, in case I was really breaking. We both pulled away from each other and I smiled at him as I wiped my eyes.

"Thank you." I muttered, my voice cracking. I cleared my throat and stood up with the help from CC who draped his arm over my shoulder as we moved out of the kitchen. We walked into the living room and all eyes were on me.

I couldn't help but look down, ashamed of the words my parents had said to me. It was someone's gasp who made me look up.

Ella was staring right at me and then I remembered. I just shook my head before I turned to the guys.

"Considering on how late it is, I'm suggesting that we crash. I've got plans tomorrow."  I muttered before giving each guy a hug. All of them hugged me tightly, silently reminding me that they were there for me, and despite them knowing me for only a day, I was silently grateful that they knew I needed distractions to keep me sane.

The girls kissed their own guys before hugging everyone else and I walked out, calling a goodnight to the boys. 

"See ya in the morning Kia." Ashley yelled and I just grinned at him as I walked to my bedroom. 

I searched my drawers for my pj's before I opened up my laptop and set Skype up as Busy.

The girls wandered into my room and Ella moved over to hug me tightly, her slender arms wrapping tightly around my frame. I couldn't stop the sigh escaping my lips even if I tried.

"Want to talk?" 

"What is there to talk about? You all pretty much heard everything." 

"Well. Seeing as it's just us girlies, how about a bit of a girlie night?" Sammi piped up, the down mood slowly disappearing from her vibrant aura. I felt a grin cross my features as I glanced over to my laptop.

"I need to make a skype call first."

They all nodded and sorted themselves out, each one taking turns to go into my ensuite to get changed.

I called amelia and she answered on the fourth ring.

"Hey Kii baby!" She called and I felt the weight on my shoulders lift instantly, the smile returning to my face once more.

"Meli! I've missed you girlie."

"Miss you too baby doll. Now spill. What's Chris like and please tell me your 'rents have fucked off?" I laughed, catching the attention of Sammi and Ella who were already changed.

"Who's that?" Sammi piped up and I winked at her. 

"In due time Sammi." I winked at her with a sly grin on my lips.

She pouted at me whilst Ella laughed and I turned my attention to Amelia once more.

"Chris is pretty much an amazing person. My 'rents turned up and he acted like a true friend once they left. He made sure that I was okay." I watched Amelia's face drop as she scrutinized the screen in front of her.


"Just, leave it." I couldn't help but sigh. "What's done is done. I've got people here to distract and comfort. I was just skyping you to let you know that I was okay seeing as I haven't spoken to you in three days." I grinned at her and she smiled back.

"Oo. I forgot to tell."

"Mm?" I looked at her bright expression and she grinned at me before tapping her nose.

"Actually, I'll inbox you later. You have guests." I groaned as she laughed at me.

"Fine." I muttered, pouting like a child as I did so.

"I promise, it's good news. But for now, let me know on facebook how you are and we'll skype in free time, yes?"

"Bingo." I grinned at her and she blew me a kiss whilst I created a heart with my hands.

"Love you Kii."

"Love you too Meli." With that she disconnected the call and I let out a sigh as I leaned against the chair, a smile on my face.

"Will you tell me who that was now?" Sammi pouted as I sat on the bed with her knelt in front of me.

"That was my best friend who lives in England." They all had a look of astonishment on their faces before Sammi grinned.

"Isn't she the girl who ended up letting CC borrow her phone to call you?" I blushed and nodded, a smile working its way onto my face as the memory replayed itself in my mind.

The girls awed and I shoved Juliet who simply laughed.

"What's the big plan for tomorrow then?" Ella asked and I heard everything go silent in the next room. I grinned at them and held my finger indicating them to keep hush.

"Well. I have many things planned." I grinned as they looked at me in confusion, I simply smiled as I grabbed my notepad and started to write out the list of things I intended to do. "I think some shopping first, then maybe some spa treatment?" I asked them before I showed them the pad. 

I watched in amusement as Sammi covered up her laugh and Ella just sniggered.

"They won’t enjoy being dragged around." Juliet pointed out and I grinned.

"They're free to do as they wish, but they'll miss out on the treat at the end of the day." I bit my bottom lip to stop the laughter and we heard a whine of protest from the next room. At this we all laughed before I collapsed with the others on my bed, all four of us giggling like teenagers.

"Night girlies." Sammi murmured before shutting off the light. Once the room was submerged into darkness, I felt myself become sleepier. Within moments, I was gone.

I slept easily that night, my dreams being avoided by the nightmares. 

I woke to a nice smell which I knew was coming from the kitchen. I turned my head either side to see the girls either side of me so I snuggled under the covers, letting my body relax as I left my eyes closed.

I felt myself drifting off when a light knock startled me awake once more. This time, I groggily opened my eyes and looked to the door and I felt my heart melt at the sight before me.

The five guys were stood at the door holding trays of pancakes. I smiled at them before I stretched out and sat up, jostling the other three at the same time.

"Five more minutes." Sammi grumbled from beside me and I held back my laughter as I shook her shoulder.

"We got ourselves some room service Sammi." Her eyes opened slightly as she looked towards the boys and I watched the smile on her lips as she finally pushed herself up into a seated position. 

I looked to my other side and debated whether or not to wake up the two peaceful looking girls asleep next to me.

So carefully, I nudged Ella's side and she moved away from my nudge. So I started tickling her, which woke her up rather quickly, in turn waking up Juliet as she moved away from my tickling hands.

"No fair." She pouted and the guys laughed as I simply smirked. The guys' laughs caught her attention and her face lit up when she spied Jake with a plate of food.

"I swear she loves the food more than me." Jake grumbled and I laughed. 

"No babe, I love you for feeding my love of food, therefore I love you more than I love food." She grinned triumphantly at him and both me and Sammi cracked up as Juliet finally moved, offering a sleepy smile to us.

"So. Can we eat or are you going to just stand there like statues?" I felt a bit of shock at my wit but I relaxed a little as the guys just laughed. Sammi shifted from her place in the bed so she was sat in front of me, but her legs were dangling over the edge, Jinxx moved himself next to her and she grinned at him. 

Juliet did the same as Sammi, except she sat in front of Ella and Andy was quick to copy Jinxx's actions. Jake moved himself so that he was sat next to Ella and CC moved to sit next to me. Ashley squished himself between Juliet and Sammi. 

"I get pancakes all to myself then.." He trailed off. At this, the other four men in the room whined and I looked at the girls in disbelief. They simply rolled their eyes and smiled.

CC set the tray in between us, so one half was resting on my leg and the other on his. Without needing to be told, I took a bite into the first pancake and I felt my taste buds die and go to heaven.

"These are so good. Who am I to trust with cooking from now on?" The guys all looked at each other before casting a glance between Ash and CC.

"We kinda tag teamed." CC muttered and I laughed.

"It's good to tag team when it comes to cooking. Or so I've been told." I shrugged nonchalantly before Jake let his gaze break from his girlfriend to look at me.

"Are you really going to make us suffer shopping?" I chose the wrong time to bite down on the pancake as I started choking on my food from my laughter. The guys looks scared as the girls watched amused. 

After I managed to get my coughing back into check, I couldn't help but laugh.

"You guys should never eavesdrop on a woman's conversation. But to answer your question, no I would never put you through that kind of torture. I have something else involved. And it involves all of you in full gear. I know you'll like what I have planned for today." 

The guys looked at each other warily and I simply grinned as I finished off my pancakes, the girls doing the same. 

It seemed that we'd be waiting for the boys to finish, so I simply let my head rest on CC's shoulder, watching the couples before I glanced to Ashley. He seemed contempt by himself but even I could see he needed someone like Andy, Jake and Jinxx had. I didn't know much about CC's love life, but this was apart of the day. 

The girls had agreed that after what was already planned, we'd split off, presuming Ash would go and have a wander around town, so I'd take this as my opportunity to get to know CC better.

Before long the boys had finished and vacated the room pretty quickly, making the four of us laugh.

"Oh Kia." Sammi sung and I eyed her warily as I got off the bed slowly. She had a sly grin and something told me that she had seen my head on CC's shoulder and instantly my cheeks flushed. She remained quiet as Juliet and Ella exchanged looks before looking at me and Sammi. 

"Someone got rather cosy." Her voice had hushed, and I was glad for that because I would have slapped her otherwise.

"Shush. We're friends. He's helped me through a lot of crap." I grumbled. 

But even I knew that deep down, I was starting to develop feelings for CC.

And that thought terrified, yet intrigued me.

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