Try Again?

By breezyskonfuzed

107K 4.6K 2.2K


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Clearing things up
Chapter Six
Are there any questions i need to answer???
Chapter Seven
Sequel to dangerously obsessed
After Dark
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Grand Theft Auto
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Suicide Note

Chapter Four

4.5K 236 199
By breezyskonfuzed


"Just go Adrian!" I yell as tears well in my eyes. He clenches his jaw and removes his body from mine.
"Jasmine why are you-"
"Go Adrian! I don't want anything to do with you!" I shout in anger as I begin to throw his clothes at him. He gently gathers them and begins to slip them onto his body. He sniffles as he fixes his pants.
"I'm sorry Jas." His voice cracks as he lets tears escape his eyes. "I shouldn't have done what I did. I'm sorry." He says blaming himself for what has just gone down between us.

"You should be sorry!" I hiss and he looks at me for a moment before slowly backing away from my bed.
"I am..." He whispers before he slips on his shirt.
"Hurry go!" I scream before throwing a pillow at him. It collides with the side of his face before he turns and twists the door handle. He pulls it open and slips his muscular body out. "I hate you Adrian!" I scream as tears roll down my face. After a few moments I get from the bed and peak into the hallway.

"Sh... it's okay Adri..." He whispers to his crying daughter. She whines and rubs at her ears making him frown. "I'm gonna take these out ma but you won't be able to hear me." He warns and she nods. He removes the aids from her ears and shoves them in his pocket. He wipes his face with his sleeve before standing up. As he picks the small girl up from the ground Xavier appears from the room. My anger begins to rise again as I watch him hug X.

I quickly toss on my robe and stomp into the hallway.
"Why are you still here!?" I shout and he clears his throat looking away from me.
"Jasmine, I had to get Adriana." He says softly. I scoff at him and begin to push him away.
"Goodbye Adrian." I spit harshly and he descends the stairs. This is how it's always been between us... I acted like I wanted him, got what I wanted and pushed him away. Why he continues to come back? I don't know.

"Jasmine?" Adrian calls out as he steps into the house.
"In here." I mutter dryly and he makes his way towards the living room. He smiles when he sees me and bends down to kiss my lips. I turn my head and his smile drops and he licks his pink lips.
"I brought the stuff you asked for." He says softly. I look at him for a moment before grabbing the bag from him.

"If you need anything else-"
"I'm fine Adrian." I interrupt him. He clears his throat and nods as he stands in front of me awkwardly.
"Do you... want me to leave?" He asks and I roll my eyes.
"I don't care what you do." I spit harshly at him. He bites into his bottom lip before seating himself next to me on the couch.
"So, you think you're pregnant?" He asks softly. I huff and look over at him.
"If I didn't think I was pregnant I wouldn't have asked you to grab a test!" I scowl and his face turns red.

"Sorry Jas, just trying to have a conversation with you. I really want to be with you but you act like you don't want me!" He expresses by I ignore him like I always did when he started this.
"There's men out there who actually deserve me Adrian, you're not one of them." I say as I think highly of myself. He looks taken aback but he quickly goes back to being straight faced.
"Call me later." He mumbles before standing from his seat. I for even glance in his direction as he leaves the house.

"Xavier come on. Time for school." I say waking him up. He groans and lets his bright eyes open.
"Do I have to go today? I feel sick mommy." He whines and I sigh. I place my hand on his forehead and it was a little hot.
"Fine but you better stay in bed." I say pointing a finger at him. He nods and goes back to snuggling beneath the covers. I kiss his forehead and make my way from the room. I tie the string of my sweats as I get down the stairs and head for the kitchen.

"There's my girl." Ray smirks making me giggle.
"There's my man." I wink at him and he chuckles before pulling me closer to him. I bite my lip as he stares down at me. He grips my waist and lifts me onto the counter before wrapping my legs around his. He smirks before leaning in to give me a kiss. My arms wrap around his neck and he groans as I begin to tug at his black curls.
"You missed daddy?" He whispers against my neck making me moan out.
"Yes baby..." I admit and he chuckles before swatting my backside.

"How 'bout some early morning, kitchen sex then?" He suggest as he smirks against my skin.
"Sounds perfect." I gasp out as his teeth sink into my sweet spot. He laughs and continues kissing on my body. He gets my shirt over my head as licks my jawline.
"Where this come from?" He asks as he suddenly stops touching all over me. I look down to see him pointing at a medium sized hickey right on the cleavage of my breast. I sigh and flip my hair from in front of my face.

"Adrian gave it to me. He came over last night to drop X off and he got out of hand. I swear nothing happened." I say letting my hands run up and down his chest. He squints his eyes at me for a moment before leaning closer to me.
"Good." He mumbles before taking my lips onto his again. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.
The truth comes to light. Comment/vote

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