Hidden Identity 💫 Jimin Fanf...

By harufree

16.6K 768 756

What no one knew, including the BTS members themselves was that Bang PDnim has a daughter, you. However, beca... More

Author's Note
22 [Final]


652 32 37
By harufree

BEFORE I GO ON WITH THIS CHAPTER. Let's all take a moment to appreciate and thank our boys! Even though they didn't perform last night for the BBMAs, they still slayed with their visuals and totally deserve the Top Social Artists Award. Truly, our ARMY family is the best and I wanna thank each and every ARMY who helped our boys go to the BBMA and win the award! 


{Jimin POV}

"Good! Just like that, keep doing that, you both are doing amazing!" 

Tae looked stunning as ever as he gave a combination of deep, sexy glares and playful box smiles to the camera. His usual shaggy, chocolate brown hair was gently styled in a swayed look that swept across his forehead, giving him a more intellectual look. I have to admit, I was shocked when I saw him pulling of Gucci slippers instead of wearing shoes. 

Belle on the other hand look completely different than what she usually looks like. I now understand why she is a model. Now that she isn't wearing her usual jeans and baggy tops, I could see her slender figure and tiny waist as the chiffon skirt synched in at her waist. 

Because she always has her hair up in a ponytail, I never noticed how beautiful and soft her long hair was. It was curled into beach looking waves which brought out the brown and gold tones from her hair. On the top is a deep, chocolate brown color and it slowly fades into a soft, blonde balayage at the tips. 

As I kept taking pictures and checking them, I noticed her half-moon shaped eyes that were a hazel color. However, when she smiled, it would look as if her eyes were smiling too. Her nose was small and pointy, which gave her almost a doll look. In addition, her defined, plump, rose colored lips looked so moist that they almost looked like glass in the pictures. 

She was getting prettier and prettier the more I looked at her.

I kept giving Belle and Tae compliments as they posed in different positions after each click of my camera. Their chemistry with each other was amazing, which made my job of taking pictures of them more easy. It almost felt as if they were old friends when they got close together so comfortably. Also, hearing them laugh with each other and cracks jokes with each other seemed so naturally. Their humor felt similar to the humor that all of the BTS members and Juhee used to have when we lived all together. 

"I miss Juhee." I thought as I paused and simply stared at the marble white floor while I could hear Belle and Tae's laughter and chatter muffled in the background. Something about the way she talked with Tae made me jealous without me knowing why. All I knew was that their conversations seemed so familiar... 

I wish I could have that close relationship with Belle too.. She reminds me of--


The photoshoot ended and Jimin shot incredible photos for their magazine with the help of Juhee and Taehyung working so diligently and well together. Also, Dan had come up with an advertisement for the billboards all over the street that would advertise their magazine in a fancy way. 

With Mindy finishing her last phone call with a factory about some publication information, the day was over and a lot of work had been accomplished. 

As everyone was packing up their bags from their desks and Taehyung about to walk out the door, Genoive came skipping down the stairs while putting his hands up in an "extra" kind of way singing, "Let's all go out for a business dinner tonight~ It'll be on me!"

At once, every one jumped up with excitement since this was their first business dinner together. Hana ran up to Juhee and wrapped her arm around Juhee's and piped, "Yay! I am starving! Let's see how good you are at drinking~" 

"I don't know, I haven't gone drinking in so long that I don't even know if my body will be able to handle it." Juhee said with a whispered tone.

"Nonsense, I bet you're an amazing drinker!" said Jimin jokingly as he walked over to them. 

"You going Hana?" Jimin said as he rested his hand on her head causing her to flinch.

"Y-y-es, I am. Are you?" Hana's face was turing a bright red as usual whenever she saw Jimin or heard his voice. 

"I'm going wherever you're going~" Jimin's voice was velvety as he leaned a bit closer in a flirty way. Juhee rolled her eyes and was about to say a sarcastic remark to him when Taehyung walked toward her with his hands casually in his pant's pockets.

"Well, Genoive just invited me so I guess I am going with you guys!" Taehyung was smiling shyly as he looked at Juhee and Jimin. 

"Eyyy, tonight will be a real party then! Let's go, I am starving!" Juhee said as she grabbed Taehyung's arm and dragged him out with all the others following close behind.

With the touch of Juhee's hand on his arm and their skin touching, Taehyung felt a bit of warmth fill his cheeks, producing a rosy tint. 


After a few rounds of meats and meats and meats, one by one, each person was getting full and a bit sleepy since all their blood was rushing to their stomach to digest all the meat they had just eaten. Genoive kept persisting that each person eat till they die tonight since this would be the last business dinner until next year. 

"Plus, since this is an all-you-can-eat place, make my money worth it and eat, eat, eat!" Genoive said as he stuffed another huge chunk of meat in his mouth.

"Okay~" replied back all of them as they all stuffed meat in their mouth while talking. 

"Here, say ah!" Juhee made an "O" shape with her mouth when Taehyung placed a lettuce wrap with meat in her mouth. 

After chewing for a second, Juhee smiled without showing her teeth and gave a thumbs up.

"I still remember that you just like meat with lettuce, no sauces or kimchi inside." Taehyung said, sounding proud of himself. 

Juhee swallowed the last bit before replying back shocked, "You remember?! I didn't think anyone would notice that." 

"Well, I noticed because you are just picky when it comes to eating. Picky, picky, picky." Taehyung stuck out his tongue in a teasing way. 

"Jerk! At least I didn't stuff cucumbers in my pocket and walk out of the restaurant to throw them away." 

Taehyung laugh stopped as he quickly looked all around him feeling guilty. He leaned downward and whispered, 

"Shhhhh, that was a long time ago, now I eat everything and down stuff food in my pocket."

Juhee was laughing now with her mouth wide open. Thankfully, no one was listening in on their conversation since the others were talking with one another. 

"Before you say another embarrassing past of mine, eat this." Taehyung made another wrap with just lettuce and meat inside it and shoved it in Juhee's mouth to shut her up. 

Juhee chewed the wrap with a huge grin and said, "It's all still fresh in my head as if it happened yesterday!" 

"Ewwwwwwww" Taehyung said playfully. "Don't talk with your mouth full, you have the same old habit!" 

While the two of them were playing around and feeding each other, the only other person that happened to notice the two was Jimin, who was across the table down a few seats to the right of Taehyung. He was sitting beside Mindy and Hana.

Something about the way Taehyung and Juhee were playing around with each other cause Jimin to feel left out. He felt as if he should be talking with them, as if he belonged in that scene.

But most of all, he felt jealous that Taehyung could make her smile genuinely like that. 

Because of his jealousy, Jimin quickly picked up his chopsticks and turned to his right where Mindy was sitting. 

"Mindy, I'll make you a wrap, tell me what you like inside." Jimin said sounding like a gentleman. 

Mindy smiled, "Awhhh Jimin, thank you, you're so sweet~" She placed her hand delicately on top of his. 

"I want that lettuce down there because it has less calories, I want a spoonful of the pepper paste, two strips of meat, some radish, a little bit of rice because if there is too much then I will gain weight in my stomach and getting rid of belly fat is the worst. Oh yeah, and don't forget that I like it all wrapped in the lettuce in a heart shaped. Because by shaping it in a heart, I know that you really like me." 

Jimin stared at her as if he had just heard a crash course in a subject that he disliked but tried his best to control his facial muscles to keep a smile on his face. 

He started to follow the order step-by-step by muttering to himself how long and complicated her order was. Plus, he couldn't believe that she would be so picky about how much was put in because of her getting fat. 

Once all the complicated ingredients were in, it was time for Jimin to shape it into a heart.

"What the heck, that's literally impossible." Said Jimin to himself as he tried three times to shape it into a heart. 

"I can't even cause there to be two lumps with an indent in the middle." He said under his breath. 

"Jimin-ssi, is it done? I am hungry~" Mindy said while twirling his hair with her fingers. 

Jimin was getting too annoyed at this point to even pretend like he liked her that he simply just shoved the wrap in her mouth roughly, but carefully. 

"Mmmm yah, there you go. So yummy. It was in a heart shape but too bad you couldn't see it." Jimin had a bit of annoyance and sarcasm evident in his voice. 

Mindy, not knowing why Jimin was suddenly acting like that to her just ate her wrap silently with a bitter face and turned around to her other side to talk to Dan. 

After they were full of meat and wraps, Genoive stood up with a glass in his hand and raised it up to start his speech. 

"Ladies and Gents of the Le Bleu magazine production team." 

Genoive cleared his throat and muttered, "That was a bit wordy."

"To WRAP up our spectacular, wonderful, meaty, and leafy dinner, LETTUCE play a game!"

Taehyung laughed from all the puns that Genoive used before looking around the table with an excited face saying, "Let's do it!"

Gem, the oldest person there explained the game.

"Alright, so here is how we will play. Each person will be given a shot glass of Vodka. The whole point of the game is to give your glass away so that you don't have to drink anything. The way you give away your glass is banging your head on the table to knock down a tower of stacked coins." 

"What?! How is that even possible?" Hana said looking baffled.

"It's possible when you've got a forehead of steel like Taehyung~" Said Jimin jokingly. 

"Alrighty then, let's start with me and then we will go around the table. Losers who cannot do it will get the drinks of the people who did it! Good luck to your foreheads!" Said Genoive as he didn't hesitate for a second. He forcefully brought his head down like an airplane that is diving downward, about to crash. 


The table shook from the hard compact, causing the coins to fall instantly. The whole table clapped while his head was still resting on the table in the same position. 

"Ouucchhhhh." Genoive finally lifted his head up to reveal a messy circle of redness on his forehead.

Seeing how red Genoive's forehead was cause the others to be intimidated by the game. They weren't prepared for their sensitive foreheads to go through such pain after having a delicious dinner. 

"Allrriighhhtyyyy, next is Gem!" Genoive said as he re-stacked the coins in front of her. 

"Let's do this!" Gem cried out as if she was a general in a war about to go into battle. 

Since she had played this game many times throughout her youth hood, she had developed a strong forehead and was able to send the coins falling from one powerful bang. 

She lifter her forehead and simply fanned it with her hand as she let out a "whew".

From Jimin down to Taehyung, each person had done it. Even Hana, thanks to Jimin's help from hitting the table from underneath secretly. 

It was now Juhee's turn and she was nervous since this was her first time playing. She felt her forehead timidly before challenging the game. As she felt her soft forehead, she felt a pang hit her and let out a painful wince like a puppy. 

"Oh gosh, how are you going to survive the table?" Taehyung said with his fist still near her forehead. 

"Ouch, that was your fist?!" 

"Juhee, you can do it, people say my hand is stronger than usual so if you're not bleeding from my hit, then you can knock down those coins!" Taehyung said patting her forehead. 

"Alright, let's do this... 1, 2, 3-" 

Juhee's head went flying down at a rapid speed until she felt the surface of the table. The contact between her forehead and the table sent a strong sense of pain all throughout her head.

Having no energy or strength, she stayed in her position with her head on the table. There was no clapping. Instead, there was hollering and cheers ringing all around her. 

"Everyone, give your drinks to Belle!!!" Shouted Genoive as he leaned over to give his glass of Vodka to Juhee. 

One by one, the glasses were placed in front of Juhee. The only thoughts going through Juhee's head were,

"Please don't die from all these drinks. Be strong body!"

Taehyung patted her back as he slid his drink over to her. 

"Good luck, better start exercising your forehead for next time."

Jimin slid over his drink feeling thankful that he didn't have to drink it. 

"Thank you!"

There were 8 shot glasses in front of her, including her own. After staring at each glass and hearing the cheers of the people from other tables all around her, she picked up one glass at a time and started to drink each glass with one shot. 

The whole table was going crazy and pulling out their phones to take videos of her to post on their snap stories and instagram stories. 

"You got it Belle!" Shouted Hana.

"You are almost done, one more glass!" Genoive cheered.

"Don't throw up on me! My clothes are too gucci." Said Taehyung teasingly. 

Juhee could feel the symptoms start to kick in as she reached for the last glass and paused before chugging it down.

As if she had just won the lottery, the entire room clapped and cheered for her accomplishment. Juhee would have felt proud of herself too if she wasn't so drunk already. She slowly felt her mind get cloudy.

"Well, that ends our dinner so farewell everyone~" 

{Jimin POV}

I got up to leave while every one else was leaving when Taehyung called out to me,

"Hey, Jimin, can you take Belle to her apartment? She is completely drunk and has no one to take her back to her place."

"Why can't you?"

He pulled out his phone to show me his conversation with Jungkook. 


Hyung! Can you hurry and come over?

I just got the new edition of Over Watch!!!

Let's play it together~ 

I paused and gave Taehyung the are-you-kidding-me look as he replied back by showing me his silly, boyish smile. 

"Sorry, but you know how serious Jungkook and I are about Overwatch." 

I can't believe that Jungkook and Taehyung can play overwatch all day and night without getting bored. I could never get into it. I tried to but it was just not fun for me. I guess it's because I suck at playing video games. 

I gave a defeated grin and replied back to Tae, "Fine, but you owe me."

Taehyung hugged me and ran out the door with a silly smile on his face. I bet you he was just imagining himself and Jungkook playing overwatch.

I looked over to where Belle was still sitting and walked over to help her walk out. 

"C'mon Belle, we need to go. Everyone else is leaving no--" I couldn't finish my sentence because the smell that came from her was horrifying. I jumped back as if she was a monster that had come out of a sewage.

"You smell awful. Why did you have to lose. You are probably the worst drinker!" 

Belle was unresponsive to me. Her head was face downward as if she was sleeping. I knew that she was completely drunk and almost lifeless so I gathered my manliness and gentleman-ness together to ignore the awful smell and put her on my back in a 'pigg-back' style.

I walked out the restaurant and started to walk toward the bus station that was right outside of the restaurant. Thank goodness that bus stops have benches for you to sit on and wait because Belle was making my arms numb that I had to put her down.

I tried to put her down on the bench as softly as I could, but because she had no energy, her body was like a wet noodle and so she ended up hitting the bench with her legs in a painful way. 

"Ouch" I thought as I quickly bent down on my knees to look at her legs for any bruises. 

Good thing she isn't in her right mind to feel the pain. 

The bus was taking a long time to come that the next time I pulled out my phone to check out the time, 5 minutes had passed by and yet there was still no sign of another bus coming. 


I was startled from the loud burst of laughter from the person on my right side. 

"Belle?" I said as I saw her laughing and looking down at the floor. 

"Are you okay?" I said while scooting away from her.

She turned her head to face me with a lazy swoop.

"Me? No, I am perfectly fiifiiiiiiiiiinnneeeeeeeee" She carried out the "i" by singing it in a loud, high pitched tune.

"You don't look to good to me. Next time, don't drink to much!"  I said, trying to keep in my laugh from her silly behavior.

She paused and smirked at me before looking away and gazing upward at the night sky. 

"You've always looked out for me.. That's why I could never have a sip of Namjoon's wine whenever he would offer it to me."

Like a natural reflex, I answered, "Of course! You and Jungkook were underage and I wasn't about to let you guys do something illegal."

Belle pouted her lips and gave out a long moan. 

"And Jin... I miss his cooking.. His kimchi fried rice was my favorite. When you guys came back from Japan and he made it for lunch, I promise I wanted to cry."

I started to laugh as I replayed the scene about how we had all pretended to forget Juhee's present from Japan. His face expression was so devastated that he looked so pitiful and sad. It was actually adorable to see. In fact, his pout was the exact same as Belle's right now. 

"You were so devastated, I wanted to just hug you."

She laughed before resuming, "Hug? I know you hugged me when we would sleep. You were afraid about ghhoosstssss~" she teasingly said as she stuck her tongue out at me and put her hands out in front of her, acting like she was a ghost. 

I felt my self get red with embarrassment, "Th-that's because I had just seen Paranormal activity with Yoongi hyung! If you saw it too, you would've been scared!" 

"Ahhhh, Yoongi...." There was a pause before she continued. 

"Is he still doing well? I miss him... He became so cold toward me after he found out....."

She paused. I looked over at her to see what was going one and why she had paused when I saw her lift her hand up and wipe a tear from her eye.

"I'm a girl..."

I laughed, she was truly drunk to think that. 

"Nonsense, you're so drunk Juhee. Let's go back to our apartme---"

I stopped mid-sentence, finally realizing the scenario that was going on at that moment. Without realizing, I had been talking to Belle as if she was Juhee. I didn't even think that she was Belle when we were talking. The way she had talked made me feel as if I was talking to Juhee.

Without me knowing, my body naturally took over my mind and I made myself act as if it were me and Juhee talking together like the old times. But suddenly, my conscious kicked in again.

Why the heck does Belle know so much about BTS? Why does she have such detailed memories of our past? Why do I feel so familiar with her? What is her history? What is her background? Why do I feel like I am talking to Juhee right now? Was Juhee re-born as a girl? Why did she say, "he found out... I'm a girl?!

From the intense confusion and pain that I was experiencing by remembering the past and how Juhee had suddenly disappeared, a light bulb went off in my head and I had an over-whelming realization. 

With tears streaming down my face and my hands shaking, I roughly grabbed her shoulders and shook her thinking that I could make her sober if I shook vigorously enough. I wanted her to not be drunk and answer me with a conscious mind. I was hurting inside from all the memories and thoughts piercing my heart. For a second, I could even feel my heart beating in my throat as I looked her straight in the eye, 



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