Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x...

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Valentines Day Competition! At your Hero Academia, UA, what will happen when an innocent Holiday becomes a... Mai multe

Chapter 1- Lovers Day
Chapter 2: Courting Begins
Chapter 3: Interrogation
Chapter 4: Is this a Date?
Chapter 5: Heart of Gold
Chapter 6: Matchmaking
Chapter 7: Heartbreak
Chapter 8: Cheaters
Chapter 9: Jealousy
Who should win?
Chapter 10: Fiery competition
Chapter 11- Birds, bees, and love letters
Last Update
FINAL CHAPTER: The Decision Part 1

FINAL CHAPTER: The Decision Part 2

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The day has come. [See what I did there?] You brought in the finalized package into class with you. You faced forward hoping nobody would ask you about it. You saw Midoriya glancing at it out of the corner of your eye. He needed to get a good look at it before you could put it away in your desk.

"So is this my prize?" Katsuki asked as you were moving it. "It's not Lovers Day till after school! Sit down, Katsuki!" You screeched at him, pointing him to his desk.

"Heh. I guess I can wait a few more hours." He smirked, strutting back to his seat. 

"Oh you'll be waiting a lot longer than that." You mumbled snidely.

"What?" Izuku asked.

"Nothing! Nothing." You said with a big feaux grin. You cleared your throat and looked the other way.

It was hard to power through the rest of the day. The anticipation was killing you. But you finally walked in to the student lounge, which was decorated in pink streamers and ribbons. You wouldn't call it ornate but somebody put a measurable amount of effort into it. Ochako, Iida, and Izuku caught your eye from across the room. You smiled and waved. You sent Ochako a significant look, urging her to keep Midoriya there for a few more minutes.

You had to take care of something first... It didn't take long to locate Katsuki's stark hair color in the crowd. Not to mention his loud voice...

"Kat-Five!" You called, beckoning to him when he looked up.

"Hah! Later losers!" He called back to them as he rushed over to you. You looked over to Ochako, who was patting Midoriya's head, which had already found it's way to the tabletop. You sighed. 'Just a few more minutes, Izuku...'

Bakugou arrived to your side. "I need to talk to you. Come with me." You dragged him aggressively through the open doors and just out of sight of your classmates. You pulled the  letter you received out of your pocket. "I know you lied, Katsuki." You said angrily. "You stole Midoriya's letter and signed it. How could you do that?" He looked unphased by your words.

"Eh. I figured you could do better than that nerd." The pit of your stomach churned in disgust.

"Yeah? Well that NERD just kicked your butt in this competition. This gift is for him and not you!" You yelled to rub it in. He made a pissed-off 'tch' sound with his tongue. "Go home Kacchan!" You shouted, demoting him back to the original nickname he hates. "Save yourself the embarrassment!" With that, you turned on your heels and strolled back into the lunchroom.

An explosion resounded right as you walked through the door. "Where did you go?" Ochako asked as you rounded the table.

"I had to take out the trash." You quipped. You noted that Tenya must have won his own competition, since he was wearing a little crown that Ochako kept floating above his head as well as a cozy-looking scarf that had "UA class rep" embroidered neatly onto the tail. You assumed she had made it from scratch. You smiled at them before glancing down at your woeful beloved.

Your resounding heartbeat echoed in your ears. Why were you nervous?! You were so confident this whole time, but now that the moment arrived you became petrified of a ruthless rejection from him. 'It's now or never! He deserves to know your true feelings.' You reached out a shaky hand and placed it on his shoulder. "Izuku." You whispered softly near his ear. He jerked upright, his miserable expression turning to surprise when he saw your face.

"F/N." He mumbled. His eyes darted around you, searching for something. "Where's Kacchan?" He asked, still convinced Bakugou was the winner.

"I told him to leave." You said.

"...Why?" He questioned gravely. You pulled out the piece of paper from your pocket and dropped it in front of him. "What's this?" He asked. "Kacchan's letter?"

"No. YOUR letter, Izuku." You replied calmly. He looked up at you in bewilderment. "Wait! How did you know that I wrote it?!" He gulped, swinging around the bench to face you.

"I recognized your handwriting from the notes you gave me. I was studying them and noticed that it looked familiar. Look." You pointed at the letter. "You curl your T's and F's a certain way." He blinked, obviously speechless. "Kacchan lied about sending the letter. He couldn't write something that thoughtful and his signature was in completely different handwriting." You paused, the anguish of guilt resurfacing. "I'm so sorry, Izuku." You don't think you have ever heard your own voice sound more sincere than it did at that moment. All you could do was pray that it wasn't too late.

"Sorry for what?" He asked. You gawked at him, frozen in place.

"For how I treated you." You said. "I was so cruel to you. I feel terrible." You fought back shameful tears.

"It's okay, F/N!" He replied to uplift your spirits. "You didn't know I wrote it. I understand why you did what you did." You were still in shock that he bared you no ill will. You were almost compelled to convince him to be angry with you. You deserved his scornful judgement. To be honest, you probably deserved worse... but no wrath fell upon you.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You asked him in earnest, brows knit together. He put his finger to his lip in a thoughtful sort of way.

"I guess... I didn't want to hurt anyone else's chances." 

'So you hurt your own chances...' You thought to yourself. Leave it to Midoriya to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. It was part of his beguiling charm and certainly one of his best qualities. Yet even against all odds, he still managed to captivate your heart. You smiled widely at him, your chest brimming with affection.

"I have something for you." You said, feeling your cheeks burn with anticipation. You sat the box on his lap.

"This is for ME?!" He asked, pointing to himself in disbelief.

"Of course it's for you!" You guffawed. "It's green and has All Might all over it! I wanted to make that as obvious as possible so you wouldn't fret about it all day. Don't you think if it was for Kacchan, I would have put flames on the side of it or something?" You gushed.

"Why didn't I think of that?" He blushed in embarrassment, reaching for the ribbon with slightly trembling fingers. You caught his vivid emerald eyes, which were waiting for your permission. You gave him an encouraging gesture. Immediately his hesitation transformed into bubbly enthusiasm. He tore into the tacky All Might wrapping paper with reckless abandon. His shoulders hunched over as he peered into the box. "There's a lot in here." He observed, eyes widening. You started noticing other people watching your encounter.

"It's all special, just for you!" You exclaimed, fighting the urge to take him in your arms and carry him home with you.

The first item he pulled out was the mug you had made for him. "It's a picture of you and me and Thundersteel... DID YOU PAINT THIS?!" He shouted, petrified by the amount of effort that must have gone into it. "Mhm." He noticed a small package inside the cup. "Hot cocoa mix... with All Might marshmallows..." His amazement continued to grow.

"Aw! It's perfect for him right down to the last detail!" Ochako cooed from across the table. You beamed at her triumphantly.

"You know, since we're waaaay too young to drink coffee." You joked back to her, validating Izuku's past argument. A couple of people laughed with you. You looked back at Midoriya, whos expression had completely changed. He was holding the letter you wrote to him. His hand was clutched over his heart and little droplets were forming at the corners of his eyes. A collection of "aw"s echoed from around the table. He breathed your name shakily, sending a tingle down your spine. You remembered how intimate the letter was. It was pretty much your whole heart written down on paper. Him seeing it in the public eye made you slightly uncomfortable. "It's kind of long." You said, making an excuse. "You can finish it later. There's one more thing." He sniffed once and nodded, wiping his eyes once on his sleeve before continuing. He held the letter against his chest and pulled out the last little envelope with green glitter on it. You awaited his reaction on the gift to rule all gifts.

"Oh my gosh..." Was all he could say. He covered his mouth.

"What is it?" Iida asked curiously.

"Tickets to the Pro Hero Panel." You answered. "My dad is part of the hero league so he was able to get us tickets. I checked and there is going to be a train running there early in the morning. We can go together, Izuku."

"This is too much." Izuku squeaked.

"Hm?" You asked. Nothing could have prepared you for his outburst. He stood up to face you, the empty box making a light ploof sound as it hit the floor.

"I can't accept a gift like this! You must have spent so much time and effort on this and those tickets must have been really expensive and..." He wailed hysterically, his words building speed and volume.

"It's okay, Izuku!" You said, attempting to pacify him. "I just asked my parents to get this in place of a birthday present this year."

"GWAH! That's even worse, F/N!" He began babbling incoherently and loudly. There were only bits and pieces of phrases you could understand "...This must have been the reason you failed the test on Wednesday.... Wont get a birthday present...You did all of this for me and I don't deserve it!" You were sure every eye in the whole cafeteria was on you now. You plopped down on the bench behind you, utterly perplexed. A mortified expression painted your features.

After a moment of Midoriya's bawling, your eyes darted around the room. To your surprise, nobody looked concerned. Every person was smiling warmly at you, as if this was exactly how they expected Midoriya to react. You closed your gaping mouth, beginning to understand the situation a little better. He was so overwhelmed with emotion, he didn't know how to handle it.

You came to your feet again for a second attempt to calm his lamentation. "Izuku- Oof!" He immediately scooped you up in a vice-like hug. You returned it in earnest, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your scarlet face into his neck. 'At last...'. His curls tickled your forehead and cheek. He was silent now except for a few quiet sobs. You rubbed his back to comfort him... though you weren't sure how to soothe someone who was inconsolably happy.

"I cant thank you enough." He said, his voice seething with emotion. "This means so much to me." That was all that you wanted, you supposed. Your only desire today was to touch his heart and make him feel special. You figured your tear-stained blouse was evidence of success in that regard. You continued to cherish the moment in his arms, allowing his warmth to fill you up. He didn't seem like he was in a hurry to let you go either.

You finally pulled away a bit, guiding him back to his seat.

"Here." Ochako said, handing him tissues from her pocket. "I had a feeling that you'd need these." He smiled sincerely, cleaning off his face.

"Now the moment everyone has been waiting for." You said to him. You took his hands and got down on your knees.

"Izuku Midoriya." You said audibly so the whole cafeteria would hear. "Would you be my lover today? ...And also Saturday for the Pro Hero Panel?" You added slightly quieter with a wink, making the audience giggle faintly.

"Yes!" He asserted shamelessly. "Of course I will!" You mirrored his radiant smile, filling up with an elation more forceful than a Delaware smash. "But you know..." He paused as you rose to your feet. "You didn't have to do any of this for me. ...The only thing I really wanted was... to be closer to you..." He trailed off, flushing and looking down awkwardly at the tile floor. A lopsided endearing expression found its way to your face. Was he really still self-conscious after all this? You raised your eyebrows, feeling silly for all the shortsighted games you had put this poor boy through. He looked up at you and must have misread your face, for he began to drivel on once again. "Not that I don't appreciate all this! I mean... you know I do, right?! I just mean it wasn't necessary to-"

You cut him off, meeting his lips. You had originally hoped for a more private setting for this, but your devastating amount of love for the boy overpowered you. In a swift movement, your hands smacked the table on either side of Midoriya, boxing him in as you swooped in for the kiss. For a split second, you were plagued by self-doubt. 'This is okay, isn't it? Even if he pushes me away, I can just say it was a mandatory part of the holiday, right?'

"Yeah! Get it!" Someone whooped.

"You da man, Midoriya!" Kirishima's voice rang out. You fought back a smile. In all honesty, you had thoroughly prepared for this moment by watching several romance films. The original aim had been to utilize the techniques you saw in the movies in the hope of giving off the impression you were a kissing professional.

However, it was all for naught. There didn't seem to be any spare brain cells left for that when all of them were simply screaming over and over: 'I'm kissing Midoriya! Holy crap, I'm actually kissing Midoriya!'

After a moment you felt the pressure of his hands against your shoulders, gently pushing you away. Your lips disconnected, and you opened your eyes in dismay. 'Oh no! What did I do wrong?!' He stood up to face you, cheeks burning brighter than Kirishima's hair. You opened your mouth to apologize, but were muted as your lips collided once more. His arms snaked around you, pulling you closer than he would have been able to while sitting down. You lovingly repaid his embrace, holding him tighter. You raised a victorious fist in the air, hearing the cafeteria erupt with cheers. 

"This is officially my favorite holiday." He huffed breathlessly.

"Mine too." You giggled in agreement. You rubbed his nose with your own in a sweet playful way before pulling apart.

"Can I ask you something?" He inquired as you gathered his gifts back into the box. You nodded. "Since you went through all that effort for me... could I please treat you to dinner tonight?"

"I'd love to." You replied with a smile. "On one condition."

"What's that?"

"It has to be a date." You winked. He chuckled bashfully.

"Deal." He agreed with no hesitation. He scooped up his victory prize with care and turned to you. You couldn't help but feel like you were forgetting something. 'Ah! Of course!'

"Izuku..." You cooed warmly, extending your palm to him. He eyed you curiously before understanding dawned on him. His face lit up enthusiastically. A few more 'aw's echoed the room as you departed the school together, walking hand in hand with the special boy who captured your heart.

<3 THE END <3

Yaaay! Finally done! I hope you enjoyed it. I had fun writing this. I still want to add a little more exposition and a bonus chapter where you go to the Pro Hero Panel together. I will add a Katsuki alternate ending ONLY if people ask me for it. Otherwise, I leave it here. If you liked this story, check out my other ones. I'm almost done with "The Love Spell Quirk." And there will be many more where that came from. Thank you all so much for reading! 

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