Two Man's War

By unicorn1379

363 54 6

"You don't know how strong you are, until strength is the only choice you have."~Google In the world of bombs... More

Terrorists' War
The real enemy: Lies
Delivering the message
Fight for Rights
This is war
How to know when you're fired
Alive and...well?
What war truly is
Don't do eveyrthing you're told
A hero means pain
Chapter 11
Inhale confidence, exhale doubt
One step closer
Caught in pursuit
War is pain
Planes, planes, and more planes
The race of life
The worry fight
One victory, one defeat
Two places at once
Fellow Wattpaders!


8 2 0
By unicorn1379

Zane's POV
Tom led the way a few feet in front of me, but I could barely see him because it was raining so hard. The rain poured down, making it hard just to see Tom in front of me. Suddenly, I took another step down and the rocks underneath my foot began to fall, taking me with it. I flew forward and landed hard on my stomach. Crying out in pain form the landing, I desperately tried to grip onto something that wasn't slippery. My cried were swept away from the pelting rain. Finally, my fingers caught a rock that was sturdy and I stopped myself from falling any farther. Tom reached out his hand for me to grab onto. With my feet finding a grip, I leaped towards him and he grabbed onto my arms. He pulled me onto steady rocks and stayed their until the rain turned into a light mist. My lower left stomach was bleeding, and I could barely touch it without it stinging. Tom stood up and looked at the rest of the distance we needed to hike down.

"We probably only have a mile or so before we reach the bottom. We could probably stay the night once we reach it and hike to the smoke tomorrow." He said. He turned around and was about to say something when he stopped himself and looked at my bloody side.

"Oh shit." He said and kneeled by my side. I removed my hand away and he examined the cut. He then took out a small jug filled with water he got from the lake and poured a small amount on my cut. I winced when it stung. He then out a hand on my shoulder to keep my from moving while he took his other glove off. Next, he pulled out a small sized rock form my cut. I don't know how he could see it. He put his glove back on.

"I don't have any wrap." He said.

"That's okay." I replied.

"We could camp out here and hike the rest of the day tomorrow."

"Tom, it's a cut not a bullet wound. I can hike to the bottom today."

"Yeah, well, your cut is as bad as a bullet wound." He replied. We began to walk the rest of the day


It was night time and Tom was sleeping next to me. We had finished the climb and were at the bottom. An hour or so earlier, we had shot and killed a bird to eat. We cooked it over the fire. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. As for me, however, I couldn't fall asleep. I was lost in all of my thoughts and questions. So, after a while, I gave up trying to and decided to call the chief just to pass time. I took out my Walkie. As if it was my lucky day, I got signal.

"This is flight B-215 here. Over?" I spoke into the speaker, low enough that I didn't wake Tom up.

"Flight B-215 hold on one minute. I will get the chief with you." A lady said over the speaker.

"Chief here. Glad you're reporting in, we were starting to get worried for both of you. Is everything alright, over?" He said.

"Yeah, we're hanging in there. Sir, we um, we didn't stay in one place like you told us to. We traveled."

"You moved? How do you know where you are going?"

"We see some activity and we are going to see what it is tomorrow, over."
"Okay, what is your condition?"

"I'm a little scraped up from hiking, but we are okay. We aren't hungry, we shit a bird earlier and ate it. Can you find our location, over?" I asked.

"We have been trying to track the commander and his team as we speak, but there is no way currently to track where you guys are. The signal is too weak."

"Well, just make one promise to us."

"And what is that promise?" The chief asked.

"If you find us alive, kill those terrorists and teach them a lesson. If you find us dead, bring our bodies back to America."

"I promise. And I will get you back alive."

I laughed.

"I hope so. Flight B-215 over and out." I put away the Walkie knowing that it could be the last time we talk to him, at least over Walkie. It could be the last time that we had signal so that is why made that promise, in case we have no more signal.

Chief's POV
After I put down the phone, my team on computers and communication were able to relocate the commander's team shirty after. However, there was just one problem locating them through a satellite. The satellite has a time limit. My workers had calculated that we can watch the commander and his team for three hours before the satellite goes out of range. Then we have to wait another day to see more pictures. So, it only lasts for three hours per day.

Although, there are positive things about it. The pictures of the team come in two seconds at a time. So, we can see pretty much everything that goes on within the time limit.

The only people I don't want here currently is the general and his men. He already has a stone heart, so it seems, so I can't imagine how careless his special tiny army can be about saving every single life. And, if he finds out about the choices I made, he would be furious. Generally, he would probably disagree with everything I say.

The sections around here have been bustling about. I have been trying to keep every soldier calm and not to raise panic. Every call someone has made on the Walkie was monitored and heard by everyone here. So, the last call with Zane, for example, was heard by every worker and soldier in this facility. However, I made the decision not too long ago to have the calls monitored by only communication workers. Because the next incoming calls could have bad news, like someone died, I only want the communication workers to hear it along with I. I don't want to raise anymore panic within the sections of soldiers.

One day, I overheard  two soldiers talking about how the navy is rooting for the commander's section right now. It makes sense, though, because Austin is friends with the naval commander Kevin. I wonder if the commander knows about it.

I don't know what else I could do. I am monitoring all communications, watching over everyone out there that I can, and trying not to raise panic. I was trying the best I could; I even went against what the general would have wanted me to do. Let's just hope he never finds out.

Hey guys! This chapter took longer than I expected. I have had to redo this chapter TWICE because nothing saved. I tried to make it as good as it was the first time I wrote it. These next few upcoming chapters are going to be more exciting than this one. I have good stuff planned! Enjoy!

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