We Shadows

By jaeshanks

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{✨book 6✨} (spoilers, of course) As the earthstorm ends, Lully and Esperanza head out to an expedition in sea... More

Chapter 1: wine and blocks
Chapter 2: rushing about
Chapter 3: how you feeling?
Chapter 4: a little bit of salad, a little bit of diplomacy
Chapter 5: clear lavender sky
Chapter 6: biding time
Chapter 7: pet names
Chapter 8: busy busy busy
Chapter 9: dirt and grime
Chapter 10: schemes
Chapter 11: calm congress meeting
Chapter 12: buried secrets
Chapter 13: finding differences
Chapter 14: changing of the guard
Chapter 15: some welcome help
Chapter 16: unique opportunities
Chapter 17: overtime
Chapter 19: too much responsibility
Chapter 20: not in Kansas anymore
Chapter 21: projects
Chapter 22: staying out of government
Chapter 23: falling and an egg drop
Chapter 24: as I am an honest Puck
Chapter 25: a new lieutenant
Chapter 26: machinations
Chapter 27: navigating relationships
Chapter 28: making up the rules as we go
Chapter 29: someone came prepared
Chapter 30: like family dinner
Chapter 31: Earth advice.
Chapter 32: cat's out of the bag
Chapter 33: packing up and heading home
Chapter 34: the feelings talk
Chapter 35: the truth will be set free?
Chapter 36: when life gives you limes
Who are these People (part 6)
Words: Old and New
Preview! Time of Scorn: Chapter 1

Chapter 18: unexpected responses

97 18 3
By jaeshanks

Cameron was home earlier than Harper and so started work on dinner. It wasn't going to be anything fancy, but she wanted the evening to be a nice time. Harper limped in short while later, looking exhausted.

"Hey babe," he said before folding onto the couch.

She hurried to his side, worried that he had overexerted himself. He gave Cameron a smile before wrapping her in his arms and kissing her neck.

"What in the stars were you doing in archives to be this tired?" she wondered. "Were you moving tekcom?"

"What? No," he promised. "I had interviews all day. We're looking for two more people for archives and I stupidly decided to interview each and every one of them. Teenagers are..." he shook his head. "It seems like so long ago."

"Sixty years ago," Cameron teased.

Harper rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean. What did you do for lunch? I came by and didn't see you."

"I met with Dashiell," she said. "He wants to be nominated for captain again, obviously, but I think that he should wait. I think it would be better to settle the term limits before he runs again. Dylan will intervene otherwise and make term limits rotatedly short, like a cycle or two." She shook her head. "I don't like fighting with Dylan. I think that she and Dashiell have a lot in common."

"Sure," Harper said doubtfully.

He sat up and stretched his legs before rising from the couch. Cameron rose with him and he peered at the salad she was putting together.

"Tomatoes," he said, dismayed.

"I like tomatoes," she told him, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Why don't you see what fruit we can cut up for dessert?"

Harper grumbled more about tomatoes, but found two apples and a knife, slicing dutifully. Cameron added bell pepper and tomato to the salad and wondered if she should heat up the chicken or not. Maybe not, she decided. The rest of the meal was cold.

"How did your first department meeting go?" she asked.

"Good, really good," Harper replied around an apple slice. He swallowed. "We decided to vote on our department head. I'm in charge of archives now."

Cameron's knife almost slipped. She set it down and turned to face Harper fully who had an apologetic look on his face.

"Were you going to tell me?" she questioned.

"I was trying to figure out how to say without it sounding stupid," he admitted. "I don't think I succeeded."

Cameron shook her head and then started to laugh. Harper looked worried and confused, but Cameron had to take a moment before she was able to compose herself.

"This is how you must have felt when I told you I was pregnant," she said, still chuckling. "Harper, did you think I would be mad?"

"I don't know, maybe?" he said defensively.

She abandoned the salad to step toward Harper, taking his puzzled face in her hands and kissing him. He relaxed.

"If we're both on congress, I don't have to pander to Dashiell; we can effect change on our own. You didn't have to hide such news, I'm happy for you. I'm happy for us."


"We're the only couple on congress, and we're the only Aeneid/Canary couple so far. And the process of partnering is up for debate. Others will be upset that archives circumvented congress's ruling, but it was perfectly legal." She kissed him again. "I'm really proud. Whose idea was it? Matisse?"

"Mine," Harper admitted. "Levi doesn't want to be there. He's still technically working for me, but he's in botany. I told him I want reports on what botany is doing and what their plans for the future are. I don't think anyone is tracking our long term planning. And I think the archives has the ability to do that. Libba seems to agree, we had a good talk today."

Cameron was amazed how animated Harper was, how focused. She knew that he hadn't been very happy in builds, but he had chosen it specifically to stay out of the public eye. Now that portion of their lives was over. Harper was taking his experience in communications to this new department. She was a little excited to see what he would do.

Someone knocked at the door and Cameron released Harper to open it for Tyson and Alcott. They held up some cookies, which Tyson set on the counter too close to Harper. Cameron moved the plate just as he was reaching for one.

"Babe," he complained.

"After dinner or you'll try to tell me you're too full for salad."

"It has tomatoes on it," he grumbled. "How are you two, or three rather?"

"Tired," Alcott admitted. "All the time. I'd say I'll be glad to get my time back, but I know that's not going to happen for a long time." She smiled. "You don't have many cycles of free time either, Cameron."

"Non," Cameron conceded. "Let me finish up this salad and we'll sit. Oh, Harper; you need to set up a meeting with Tyson."

"Oh, why?" Harper asked.

Cameron smiled. "Because Tyson is supposed to interview every department head. That's you, now."

Alcott and Tyson both congratulated Harper as he explained the circumstances. Cameron was still a little surprised. Most of the changes in Harper's life, even eating vegetables, had been instigated by her. This was all on his own. Alcott wiped a tear from her eye.

"I haven't seen Levi yet, I'm sure he wants to surprise Anatoly and me later," she said. "But I can't tell you how glad I am. Merci beaucoup, Harper."

"I'm pretty excited myself," he admitted. "And I think Levi will be much more interested in helping now that he hasn't been forced into it. Also, we were trying to figure out a new date and cycle filing system. My birthday should be soon. I'll be thirty."

"You're old," Alcott joked. "Older than the rest of us, at least."

"He's only two years older than me," Tyson replied. "I don't feel old."

"Most of the people in cyro are in their early twenties, with the exception of Earth people who are all sorts of ages," Cameron explained. "Harper was much older that usual."

"I also was in cryo for much different reasons," he pointed out. "I was put in cryo as a punishment, not because I was looking forward to the planet surface."

He didn't mention Taylor. Cameron was a little glad. She couldn't possibly be jealous of his affections, but every now and then she'd still worry a little.

"Congress did that?" Tyson asked, eyebrows raised. "What could that possibly solve; for you it would be like no time had passed."

"Harper had contacted the Canary when his captain had expressly forbade it," Cameron explained. "Being in cryo meant that he couldn't interfere."

"That's rotated," Tyson exclaimed and then snorted. "I'm picking up your vocabulary too quickly for comfort."

Harper rolled his shoulders and then winced, rubbing his collarbone. "Rotated is the only word for it. It's a good thing Dylan and Levi came by when they did. I'd still be in cryo and Cameron a skeleton in a burned out Canary."

"A cheerful thought before dinner," Cameron admonished. "So Tyson, on a happier note, how are you finding the base? Is Keller making himself useful?"

A flash of emotion passed across his face too quickly for Cameron to ascertain what it was. He managed a smile, but it didn't seem genuine.

"Keller is great," he said. "We set up appointments all day, met with most of the department heads. You're coming by after the weekend; why don't you just bring Harper along as well?"

"Will do," Cameron agreed. "Keller seemed quite excited to work with you. I don't think he waited five minutes before darting out of personnel. I don't even have all the paperwork complete yet."

Tyson didn't seem surprised by this, which piqued Cameron's interest. What odd thing had happened with Keller today? She didn't press further, but instead enlisted his help in getting plates and water to the table. Harper brought the apples and the four of them took their seats. Cameron liked the colorful vegetables; she felt like the food on the Canary had never seemed as bright or as flavorful. Whether this was her imagination or fact, she wasn't sure.

No one spoke for the first part of the meal. Tyson's face had morphed into a frown and Alcott was giving him sidelong glances. Cameron was normally quite good at small talk, but she wasn't certain as to why it had suddenly become necessary. Was it something she had said?

"Okay," Harper sat up straighter and looked around the table. "We did the small talk, we're eating, and suddenly it got really really awkward. What's going on?"

Tyson looked at Alcott and then at Harper. He looked like he might shrug and go back to eating, but then sighed.

"You killed Victoria and the others," he said simply. "And now you both are on congress. Are there no consequences for murder here?"

Cameron had nothing to say. She looked at Harper and then at Alcott, wondering why she had said anything to her new partner.

"I didn't say anything," Alcott said, making Tyson's head snap towards her. "Why in the seasons would I? Tyson, I killed Lincoln."

He opened his mouth but nothing came out. Harper took the opportunity to move all his tomatoes to Cameron's plate and steal a sliver of chicken.

"What?" Tyson managed.

"And O'Keefe really did kill Victoria and Charles," Harper said "Cameron was with him. I was at work the first time and...I think refusing to go the second time. "

"Harper," Cameron chided. "Really? We're going to talk about this now?"

"Um, yes?" he said. "Tyson already brought it up and if he's going to blabbing to everyone that I'm a murderer..."

"I'm not going to blab to anyone," Tyson cut in hotly.

"Then I'm going to explain what happened," Harper continued. "Honestly, Tyson. You've met me. Do you think I'd go around just shooting people?"

"I hadn't thought so, but..."

"The only time I've touched a gun was when I used it to cut free," Harper continued, showing the inside of his arm where he still had burn scars. "During Landing Day, an event you were not awake for, I might add."

Alcott put a hand on Tyson's shoulder and took a deep breath. "Let's start over," she suggested. "Clearly, Tyson heard something that's not true, which means who knows what kind of rumors are flying about. Tyson is in a good place to squelch them."

Tyson nodded and folded his arms. Cameron wondered where he could have heard such information, and why he would choice to confront her and Harper during this dinner.

"It's like how Harper said," Cameron said, uncomfortable saying any of this aloud. "Lincoln tricked O'Keefe and when we realized what had happened, went to his aid. Lincoln shot Harper twice when I... when I didn't pull the trigger fast enough."

Harper took her hand and squeezed it.

"Lincoln wanted the rest of the guns so left me for dead and took Cameron back to our berth," he continued. "I called Alcott. She called Lully and Esperanza, and they got me to medical."

"And Harper, rotated man, was ranting about saving Cameron, even though he was bleeding out," Alcott chimed in. "So I came here. Lincoln aimed his gun at me, and I shot him. We called Dashiell and Titus to cover up the mess."

"Why would you...how could you protect them?" Tyson questioned.

"Because they weren't wrong," Alcott told him. "You weren't here, Tyson. Harper came to me after they killed Victoria, wanting another way. But the group that had killed so many on Landing Day, the people who killed my Marcus, still had guns. They could have been planning some other attack if they decided that the Aeneid crew hadn't suffered enough. I think they should have turned in the guns and alerted congress, but then who knows? Maybe Lincoln would have shot Titus when he came to question him. Maybe he would have killed Cameron for stealing the gun blueprint."

"But what you did, it isn't justice," Tyson insisted. He shook his head. "Dylan nearly took the fall for you, didn't she? Four people died."

"Twenty people died on Landing Day and nothing was done," Cameron shot back. "Lincoln was on congress afterward. He killed my mentor. He killed Dylan's mother, Harper's former partner. Marcus. We did something about it. I'm not sorry about that. If I could have spared Harper any injury, I would have. I wish that O'Keefe hadn't been killed. Those were things out of my control."

Tyson blinked at Cameron. He seemed conflicted. Alcott rose suddenly, bringing the cookies from the counter to the table. Harper grabbed two immediately and sighed.

"Let's have people over dinner," he grumbled. "It'll be fun. We should get to know Tyson. He seems interesting. Let's have salad. Vegetables are good for you, Harper. This evening is a disaster." 

Alcott snorted. "Not really," she pointed out. "I mean, now you know others are starting to suspect. Dashiell is no longer captain. Who's to keep those people from talking to Vertov, to the rest of congress? Dashiell can't protect us."

"People came to me in confidence," Tyson retorted. "I'm not telling you who they are."

"I don't care who they are," Harper scoffed. "People will talk. A lot of the base knows they were fed a story. No one pursued because ultimately, the base is safer. There are fewer guns unaccounted for. Right? Tell me Tyson, what would you have done?"

Tyson seemed unprepared for the question. He glanced at Alcott as if she might have the answer for him. She reached for a cookie instead. Tyson sat back in his chair with nothing to say. After Alcott took a bite of her cookie, she patted Tyson's arm.

"You're an idealist," she said. "You want us to all be our best selves. But these aren't ideal situations. We need people like you to remind us to be better, but you need people like us to make the hard decisions to which there are no good choices. This whole incident, it's in the past, Tyson. Cameron and Harper are doing their best to make up for it. I'm doing my best to make up for it. What punishment do you think we deserve? To be locked up? To be put in cryo? Exiled? What would make you happy?"

"No," he admitted, grudgingly. "It's just...so unlike anything I expected from this place. From you, Alcott. I can barely believe that you've killed anyone."

"A choice between Lincoln and my unborn child was not a choice at all," Alcott shrugged. "So eat a cookie, calm down, and let's change the conversation. This is more morose than I had expected out of this dinner."

Tyson sat back, his usual easy smile gone. Cameron could appreciate that he had come into this conversation thinking he knew the whole story, and that, now confronted with the truth, he would have to come to terms. She couldn't imagine him killing anyone; Alcott was right; Tyson, despite his parents, was an idealist.

"Also, these cookies are delicious, Alcott," Harper replied. "Marcus's recipe?"

"Oui," she said with a sigh. "He was amazing in the kitchen; I wish you could have met him."

"I am looking forward to meeting little Marcus," Harper said. "And then he can play with Harper Junior."

"Oh, so it's a boy again," Cameron rolled her eyes.
I have totally been in Tyson's shoes, well, not accusing my friends of murder, but you know, of wrongdoing without the whole truth. It's always awkward. Thanks for reading!

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