Among Lions and Wolves • |Boo...

By GhostlyWonder

78.3K 3.1K 378

She thought she could play the game, but the game played her. • Warning: This is a GoT fan fiction, most cert... More

.c a s t.
.chapter one.
.chapter two.
.chapter three.
.chapter four.
.chapter five.
.chapter six.
.chapter seven.
.chapter eight.
.chapter nine.
.chapter eleven.
.chapter twelve.
.chapter thirteen.
.chapter fourteen.
.chapter fifteen.
.chapter sixteen.
.chapter seventeen.
.chapter eighteen.
.chapter nineteen.
.chapter twenty.
.chapter twenty-one.
.chapter twenty-two.
.chapter twenty-three.
.chapter twenty-four.
.chapter twenty-five.
.chapter twenty-six.
.chapter twenty-seven.
.chapter twenty-eight.
.chapter twenty-nine.
.chapter thirty.
.chapter thirty-one.
.chapter thirty-two.
.chapter thirty-three.
.chapter thirty-four.
.chapter thirty-five.
.chapter thirty-six.
.chapter thirty-seven.
.chapter thirty-eight.
.chapter thirty-nine.
Author's Note;
.chapter forty.

.chapter ten.

1.8K 79 4
By GhostlyWonder

He'd grown since she'd been there, no longer the size of a dog or even a large puppy. Red eyes peered up at her, a question swimming deep within his iris. A smile curved her lips as a small breath of air filtered through her nose.

"We will go soon," she said to the wolf, scratching between his ears. She had promised Ghost they would return to wolfwoods where Jon had taken her a day ago to see the unicorn.

She wanted to go with Jon again, but one of his brother's had an accident that left Winterfell in a sorrowful state. Rhaella had wanted to offer her condolences, and she would just before she left, but Lady Catelyn Stark kept at Bran's side, never once leaving.

Rhaella didn't entirely hate the Lady of Winterfell, she just never felt comfortable near her. There was always a look in her steel blue eyes, one that never left Rhaella feeling warm and welcomed.

She pulled her hand back from the wolf and went to stand up. With her handmaiden left back in King's Landing, Rhaella saw to her own needs of getting ready and she found it to be tiresome.

A light knock sounded at the door. Ghost rose to his feet, ears perked as the door opened slowly. She placed a hand on the wolf when she caught sight of the red gown and golden hair.

"Your grace," she smiled sweetly, the presence of Cersei Lannister made her just as happy as it had back in King's Landing, and why shouldn't it, Cersei was like a mother to Rhaella.

Her emerald eyes fell to the wolf first, Rhaella noticed the queen's lip twitching just before her eyes flashed up to her and she forced a tight lipped smile onto her face.

"You still keep the beast?"

Rhaella looked down at the wolf and stroked his velvety ear, "I do," she said with a soft smile. "I feel safe as long as he is with me."

Cersei said nothing, she turned to close the door and then walked across the room to the window Rhaella kept open. The queen peered out the window, her expression showing she was far away and deep in thought. Then she stepped back, a breath of air passing through her nose. One brow rose slightly as she looked at Rhaella.

"You are to come back to King's Landing when we go," she informed her. "I can't bare to think of what will happen if you stay."

"Am I not to marry Lord Eddard's son?" A faint pain started in her head. She placed a hand to the direwolf's back for support.

"In time, but not soon, sweet Fox," her expression changed, she now appeared happier and warm, like the Cersei Rhaella knew. She moved forward, stopping only as Ghost stood up to his full height and looked at her. Rhaella caught the look of disgust that appeared briefly before it was gone.

She looked back to Rhaella, rethought her original idea of embracing her young ward and then turned to leave the chamber.

Rhaella felt herself breathe again and realized she had been holding her breath the entire time. Glancing down at Ghost, she realized she must have also gone rigid at the news of not staying behind at Winterfell.

Had Cersei brought forth this news a fortnight prior, Rhaella would have rejoiced at the news, but now things were different. She no longer held Winterfell responsible for what happened to her. She was just growing to love the small castle and it's people and now she would be leaving.

"But I will return," she told herself as she moved across the room to gather a cloak for warmth. "I will, won't I, boy?"

Ghost cocked his head, his expression telling her he didn't know the answer either. She sighed deeply, folded the cloak over her arm and then forced a smile.

"Come, let's go see Bran before we take off for the day."

Rhaella knocked first before opening the door and peaking in. Catelyn Stark sat next to the bed, her face pale with deep shadows beneath her eyes. She barely looked up, but only because of the wolf that stood at Rhaella's side.

"Get that beast out of here!" She ordered, her blue eyes flashing with anger.

Rhaella sighed and looked down at Ghost, "Wait for me outside," she said to the wolf. Ghost turned around and went to leave the chamber. He turned back around and sat down. She smiled softly and shook her head as she shut the door only a little to hide the wolf.

"I hope you don't mind that I've come to see Bran," she began as she walked part way.

"You're here, aren't you?" Had been her cold reply. Lady Stark looked back to Bran, his hand in her's.

"I was six when I had my accident," she said, hoping her own accident would warm the heart of Catelyn Stark. "I didn't wake until my seventh nameday. He will wake though, if I woke, so will he. I know he will."

"Is that all you have to say?"

She bit her bottom lip and stared down at the ground, "Well, I really don't know what to say..." she admitted, her voice trailing after she realized it was better to remain silent rather than ramble.

"Then don't say anything at all," Catelyn looked up at her. Rhaella nodded her head and then turned away. She had been hoping to speak a few words to Bran, but now that it had been made clear she wasn't welcomed, Rhaella thought it best to leave.

Outside Ghost waited, his red eyes sad. She smiled softly as he nudged her hand, "Come boy, we can go now."

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