By EliseStark4465

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Love has always been so beautiful. Love has always been so endearing. So exhilarating. So enchanting. But... More

The Avengers
Chapter One: My Little Girl!
Chapter 2: Year 2012
Chapter 3: Food, Stories, and Midnight Fun
Chapter 4: Dreaming....
Chapter 5: Hell of a Mind
Chapter 6: Dreaming Again
Chapter 7: Lucilla Condoneiree
Chapter 8: 'F' Word
Chapter 9: Feel Like Shit
Chapter 11: De-Aged, A New Sister, and A Stupid Rule
Chapter 12: Confessions For a Love Lost and Found
Chapter 13: She Devil
Chapter 14: Call Me Bruce
Chapter 15: Doubts and Chocolate Bars
Chapter 16: Motherflunker
Chapter 17: STUPID
Chapter 18: Ass-Handed
Chapter 19: More to Fury
Chapter 20: I Was There
Chapter 21: Was I That Much Of A Mistake?
Chapter 22: Breaking Quietly (Pt. 1)
Chapter 23: Breaking Quietly (Pt. 2)
Chapter 24: My Doing
Chapter 25: Anchor
Chapter 26: Zappy Zappy Baby
Chapter 27: Hero
Chapter 28: Pressure
Chapter 29: Know Your Worth
Chapter 30: Phoenix
Chapter 31: Oh Glory Fighter
Chapter 32: Battle of New York
Chapter 33: A Little Too Much Like You
Chapter 34: Eternity and the Solace of Space
The History
Chapter 35: Finnegan

Chapter 10: Arrival

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By EliseStark4465

3rd Person's Point of View

After Elise's body disappeared in the realm of Jötunnheim, the arrival of Odin came, sitting on Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse, and the son of Loki.

Loki's Point of View

A Few Minutes Ago…

We were stuck. We have nowhere else to go. Just because of Thor's unnecessary arrogance. Fandral has been impaled by an icicle, while Volstagg has been frostbitten. As for me, I do not know what had occurred. When that Jötunn touched me, it didn't burn me like it did Volstagg, but instead, my skin turned blue.

Am I cursed?

That was the first thing that I thought of. If so, why has father never told me? My mother? Why wouldn't they? Anger and betrayal rides upon my body.

I was pulled out of my reverie when amounts of Jötunns came our way, along with their king, Laufey. But there was something, someone, behind them, running.

"Curse this dress!"

I froze. That voice. I cannot be mistaken. That is a voice that I have grown to know. Elizabeth.
I squint my eyes to see more clearly. Laufey, as if hearing her, scooped her up by her waist, and a childish surprised squeal and laugh came echoing in the air. At that instant, my heart drummed faster in my chest just hearing her.

Gods, I missed her.

I have been acknowledging her more less than before, for I have been troubled these past few days. I felt guilty, but it was necessary, for I am afraid that I might vent my anger and jealousy of my brother, on her.

Laufey, along with numerous frost giants, came our way.

"Who is that?" I heard Sif ask, pointing at Elise. I kept my mouth shut, afraid to tell them about her being.

The first time I met her, I knew instantly that she was a strong soul. The aura she gave off was powerful. It was unlike any others. Not even Father’s or Mother's.

But what was troubling me, is why she is here. Why is she here? Was she summoned? Or was it like in our dreams, wherein, when we both sleep, her body or soul is being transported?

But it was impossible, I am not asleep. But maybe she is?

Laufey set her down on her feet, a few feet away. She looked at all of us, but when her eyes landed on my mine, she directed it back to the others. Surely, I was frozen in shock, and my eyes were wide. Of course I would be shocked.

There she was, a stranger to that wretched King, and she was being treated nicely. Is Laufey even capable of kindness? I doubt it.

I will admit that she has made her way in my heart and she held a special place there. I just do not know what place. Was it friendship? Or love?

Love. That would be outrageous. But I do admit, I have taken a liking to her. She can put up with my childishness and mischievousness. She can outwit me in many ways, and she can make me smile and laugh. She was one of a kind. But, there was a flame within her. She is brave. She is courageous.

She is gorgeous.

She has shining hazel brown eyes that held many emotions. Her brown locks of long hair shine and sway with every slight movement. Her porcelain skin, matches her earthly look. Her button nose makes her look so innocent, so youthful. And her lips. Oh Norns. Those pink thin lips. How her lower lip is slightly fuller than her upper lip. The words she utters that escape her wonderful lips. The way her lips move when she utters my very name.

She may be short, but her curves and small frame make her look taller. More feminine.

A whimper came from her lips, and my head shot up to her. She clutched her head, as if it will take the pain away. Her knees buckled, and she fell on the cold, snow-covered floor.

I felt something claw at my heart. She was hurt. That was for certain. Her face was contorted in pain, and her hands clutched her marvelous hair.

"Child, are you doing well?" A voice asked concern evident. My head shot up to Laufey. He placed his large cold hands on her back. It didn't burn her. How?

But the more important matter is why is he concerned about her? Is it because he can feel her powerful aura, and decides to feign concern to get her trust? Or is it real? I was confused, and shocked. All of us were. My mouth was slightly ajar, and my eyes were wide in disbelief.

She looked at all of us, but her gaze lingered on mine longer. It made my heart skip a beat, but at the same time clench just seeing her face twisted in pain. Elise grunted in pain, but nodded nonetheless. But her faced cringes, showing that she had regretted the decision, as she seemed to clutch her head harder.

She looked at Laufey, and said, "Yes, I'm fine," she paused "-I just feel dizzy."

I stared at her. A gnawing feeling of concern and worry clawed at my heart. She was in pain- inn obvious, heartbreaking pain. But then, her ears perked up, and her head tossed around, as if looking frantically for something. Someone.

It was too much. My heart couldn't take it. Just watching her in pain like that, looking so lost. So confused. Without thinking, I took a step forward, in attempts to getting closer to her, to feel her, to heal her, to make her feel better, to touch her.

But my oaf of a brother stopped me by putting his arm towards me, stopping me from healing her, someone innocent and pure. He is stopping me from healing Elise. I looked at Thor, to see him glaring daggers at her. He must be thinking of her as a traitor. What an oaf.

I placed my gaze on Elise once again, to finally notice a frost giant pointing an ice dagger at me. But there was something in the air.

It was something powerful.

I placed my gaze instantly at Elise, to see her kneeling on the ground, not moving. She wasn't moving at all. Her body was stuck to the ground, but her facial expression was of pain. I wanted to go next to her and ease her. I needed to get close her. I needed to feel her. But something unexpected happened.

Her body was surrounded in a blue light, an electric blue light. The Tesseract light. Her body was being surrounded with the swirling energy of the Tesseract. The wind picked up around us, as her body disappeared into thin air.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. I looked at Thor, and the others to see that they were shocked as well. I place my gaze on Laufey, who had a look of mild shock, but he smiled, a concerned smile, with a sigh escaping his lips.

"The Empress.”

It was barely a whisper, but my ears caught it. Empress?

Who was he referring to? Elise? That was impossible. Elise was just a woman with power. But he seemed... fond of her. He did not even hurt her, yet alone be rash around her. Laufey, then placed his gaze, once again, upon us. But before he can speak, the familiar colors of the Bifrost swirled around us, revealing Odin, on my eight-legged horse, my son, Sleipnir.

Sleipnir neighed, with Odin on his back. The guard took longer than expected.

I tried to tune them out, all of them, as they spoke pointless things. My mind wandered off to Elise.
Many questions raced in my head. Why had she been here? Why had the power of the Tesseract engulfed her, and possibly, transported her back to Midgard? Why had Laufey been kind towards her?
She was powerful, that I am certain of. Her stance, her aura everything about her screamed authority.

My mind raced with thoughts, but as Odin ordered Heimdall to open the Bifrost, Father said something that captured my interest.

"We are being called, upon her arrival."

Third Person's Point of View

The colors of the Bifrost surrounded the wounded Asgardians, taking them back to the Bifrost site; to Asgard, whilst the two kings, were transported to the Empress.

Their bodies were surrounded by a blue light, and in a blink of an eye, they are greeted by a platinum blonde haired woman with blue eyes, and a man with silver hair and the same blue eyes. The woman wore a glittering pastel blue dress that had a slit on both sides. While the man wore armor, with platinum breastplates, straps, chainmails, vambraces, and other pieces of metal protection. On his left hip dangled a sword with a glittering hilt.

Odin and Laufey bowed their head, and followed suit. They were quiet while walking on a bridge made of solid and glittering ice. As they walked on the ice, from a distance you can see flowers of different types blooming, vibrant and healthy, its fragrance cleansing the air.

Laufey changed his form. His hair was as black as coal, eyes still as red as a rose and skin as white as snow. Armor appeared on Laufey's body, made of pure ice. Chainmails, breastplate, vambraces all connected with each other, all made of blue ice.

The four of them arrived at a castle. The castle reached the sky, endlessly reaching up and beyond. The exterior was made of gray cobblestone, with hints of different metals, and gems. There were numerous towers, all with different heights and lengths. The scattered gems glittered, as the sun's rays fell upon it. Many knights, maids, and nobles walked around quietly, along with children and couples. As the people noticed their presence, they stopped and bowed.

"Carry on, please, we are simply passing through," the woman with shining platinum hair said, her lips curved to a smile. The people smiled back, and carried on, as the four of them walked and entered the grand castle. A woman with brown hair and brown eyes, appeared out of the corner, and walked with the four of them trailing in front.

The interior of the house was picturesque. The cobblestone walls were lined with tapestries, adorned, with different types of gems and crystals scattered from the ceiling, wall, and floor. Some were lined with pillars, oak doors, torches, and paintings. Maids rushed, with some nobles, giving them way.

"Report," the man with silver hair says strictly. As they walked, the brunette slowed down, rounding corners as they went.

"After she passed out, I sensed that she wasn't asleep for I can feel her mind pulsing," she paused and opened a silver double door with finely carved designs. Odin and Laufey were confused, but carried on for they knew that the answer will soon be served. Opening it, she went forward, bowed her head, and carried on to walk and sit down at the left side of a round, slightly oval, table. The two kings sat down across each other, and the other two, took their place next to a woman with shining curly bronze hair, and black orbs. The bronze haired woman stood up, and smiled at them all. All of the other people, approximately twenty people, smiled back in return.

"How is our princess fairing, my Empress?" Hel asked, her black hair glinting as the sunlight seeping through the floor-to-ceiling window hit her hair. The Empress smiled.

"She is doing well in the hands of her father, but Lucia, please report," the Empress stated, sitting down once more, as the brunette stood up once again.

"Good morn to all of you," she greeted.

"After 17 years of surveillance on our liege, I can say that she has grown to be quite a fine lady, warrior, and a future queen. Elizabeth's abilities are powerful and growing more so each day. Her health is stable, but she occasionally has attacks."

"She arrived in Jötunnheim, why is that?" Laufey asked, the question slipping from his mouth.

"The past days, Elizabeth has been having constant dreams... with Loki," she said looking pointedly at Odin.

"Father? How so?" Hel asked, confused. Lucia shrugged her shoulders.

"I do not know for sure, but her soul and Loki's soul seem to meet up every night, when Elizabeth falls asleep," she responded. All of them were quiet. The platinum haired woman spoke up.

"If I may ask, where does my daughter's soul and Loki's soul meet?" she asked. Lucia turned to her.
"Our Enchanted Ruins. Also, they have discovered the nearby village a few days ago, Sage."

"I apologize, but I can't quite follow," The silver haired man said. Lucia turned to him.

"A few days ago, Elise fell into slumber, and her soul was transported to the Ruins, where he met Loki. This continued on for a few days, Marshall. Does anyone know what it means?" Lucia smiled to herself. All was quiet.

"Soulmates!" A woman with red fiery hair exclaimed. Lucia smirked in her direction.

"You catch on quite quick, Evereth," she pointed out. The Empress smiled in amusement. Soulmates? I have not heard of that word for millenniums, she thought.

"So, you mean to say, that our liege, is bounded to the prince?" Laufey asked.

"Yes!" she stopped, "-not exactly. I do not know for sure yet." The table was quiet.

"But, there is something not right. Why did Elizabeth's soul, ended up in Jötunnheim?" she paced around.

"Loki's soul was there too," Odin pointed out, speaking for the first time.

"Would it have been that Loki summoned her?" Sage asked.

"No, that is not possible. From what I know, Frigga had never taught Loki how to summon, he has only heard if it in lessons with his mother," Odin said, shaking his head. Lucia flinched in anger at the word 'mother'.

"Then someone must have summoned her," Evereth said.

"Summoned her by force," Marshall added. All of them nodded.

"Yes. Elizabeth writhed in pain, so it is positive that she was summoned by force," Lucia added.

"But… who?" The leader of Vanaheim asked.

"It cannot be us, for we are indeed, expecting her arrival for a long time," the leader of Nilfheim stated. The other members of the round table agreed.

"Him." Marshall stated bitterly. Lucia sat down, knowing who he was referring to.

"How could we forget?" Sage said, sighing in despair. The Empress smiled sadly.

"He loves his granddaughter, you know that," The Empress said in consolation to Marshall and Sage.

"But how can he do this to my own niece? To his own granddaughter?" Marshall asked. Sage sighed, stood up, and left. The Empress smiled in apology. Marshall followed his twin sister.

"What now?" Odin asked.

"For now, we wait until she is of the right age, before we tell her everything," the Empress stated calmly.

"You are all dismissed, Odin, Laufey, Lucia," she called out, "-stay, please. I need to have a word with the three of you."

The three refrained from standing, and waited for the other members to be out of the room.

"What is it you want to discuss, my Empress?" Odin asked, once the four of them are alone. The Empress sighed.

"It's time you told Laufey," her tone of voice was calm, but you can hear the edge in it.

"Tell me what?" Laufey asked confused.

"Your son is alive and well," Lucia said, glaring daggers at Odin. Laufey was shocked. Angered. He turned to the Empress. The Empress nodded, but it seemed that her voice of approval was needed.

"Is this true Corona?" Laufey growled.

"It is, sadly. I will leave you two to sort this out. Lucia, with me," she said standing up. Lucia followed, after patting Laufey's shoulder.

Odin and Laufey sat there, quietly. But you can feel the tension, that you can pierce it with a knife. Laufey was confused, shocked, and angered at the same time. His mind raced with thoughts.

How can this be? My son had been dead for more than a millennium. After the fight between our races- He stopped. Of course.

"Do you know where my son is?" Laufey growled. His tone filled with anger. Odin looked down, guilt and fear clawing at his heart. For the first time, he experienced fear once again. Odin thought of ways to tell Laufey, without him having to fight Laufey, be injured, or get killed.

"Yes," Odin answered truthfully. Laufey took a sharp breath. Ice had started to form on his wooden chair.

"Where is he?" Desperation filled Laufey's voice.

"I cannot tell you."

Anger bubbled in his chest as Laufey stood up and slammed his hands on the wooden table, denting it, with frost and ice creeping on the table.

"Cannot or will not?!" Laufey yelled.

"Cannot," Odin answered. Laufey slumped, sitting back down. Despair. Anger. Rage. One question was left in Laufey's mind. One.


"Why? For Hel's sake Odin! I'm begging you! Just this once! Tell me!" He yelled, his hands balled into fists. Laufey looked down, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks.

"No," Odin's voice was void of emotion. This fueled Laufey's sorrow and rage even more.

"Just tell me! I have nothing left! Nothing! You took it! You killed my wife in battle! You took the only relic our realm can be proud of! And you know where my son is!" Laufey yelled.

"No, I didn't kill your wife. She was simply caught between the crossfire, besides, Farbauti chose to fight. It was her choice. I took the casket, for it is better in the hands of the Asgardians. And I cannot tell you where your son is," Odin said, his voice meek, but edged. Laufey yelled in frustration, throwing the table.

"Farbauti, was never to have been engaged in battle! She was supposed to get our son away from battle! She was supposed to live!" Laufey yelled. Anguish, anger, desperation, frustration, rage, and sorrow filled his bloodstreams. Laufey felt all the emotions mixed up and about to be unleashed.

"Tell me!" Laufey begged. The tears finally streamed down his face, leaving frozen trails of tears.

"I beg you, I have nothing left," Laufey whispered, falling on his knees.

"It was one mistake, Odin. One. Please. Can we fix what was broken? Can I fix our broken alliance? Friendship? Trust?" At this point, Laufey was desperate: desperate to see his son, and desperate to see one thing that was left of his soul. The only thing he had left.

Odin was silent.

Odin resisted the urge to answer. Guilt. Sorrow. Sadness. Those emotions ran up and down his veins, eating at him. It felt horrible. Odin stood up, left, and said nothing about the Prince of Jötunnheim, and left his former friend and ally on his knees hunched, crying. Weeping, and mourning for his lost wife… and son.

The Empress and Lucia sat at the small table, drinking tea, and looked outside the gardens, the ice bridge glinting in the sunlight from a distance. The rays from the sun hit their skin, emitting a nice warm feeling, while the cold breeze blew their hair back.

"What now?" Lucia asked, putting down his cup.

"We wait," the Empress answered. Lucia nodded.

"I feel bad for Laufey. He knows what our Queen Sage has been through, in a way," Lucia said, sadness dripping down her voice. The Empress nodded grimly. For 17 years, The Queen Sage had endured life without her elder daughter. She left him to his father to ensure her safety, for a raging war was still afire in 1995, between The Round Table.

17 years without a princess. 17 years without an heir. And 17 lost years. How truly painful.

"How is she doing? My granddaughter?" Corona asks, eagerness evident. Lucia smiled, thinking of the little, sarcastic, and kind princess she had watched for 17 years.

"Elizabeth is doing well. She looks awfully a lot like Tony," Lucia said joking. The Empress laughed. It's been a long time since Her Highness has laughed, Lucia thought.

"I see, I assume her attitude is of a combination with Sage and Anthony?" The Empress asked. Lucia laughed.

"You have no idea Your Highness! She can pull of a good prank and get away with it!" Lucia rolls her eyes and Empress Corona laughed too.

"I see. How about the woman? Pepper, I assume is her name?" Corona asked. The feeling of thankfulness coursed through her, just thinking of the woman who stood up as a mother figure for her granddaughter.

"Pepper is very nice. She takes good care of Elizabeth," Lucia reported, a bit of edge in her voice.

As the day went by, Lucia bid farewell with a message from the Empress, herself. She made her way back on top of the ice bridge. She stopped at the edge, looking down where a fresh powder of snow resided. Lucia thought of Midgard, the tower and her own room. She closed her eyes, and let herself fall. Letting herself be consumed by the cold abyss, wind rushed past her, and as she opened her eyes, the beautiful swirl of colors engulfed her body. The wind whipped her hair but she remained still, concentrating on the place she wanted to go to.

She opened her eyes, and was greeted by her black and white room in Stark Tower.

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