The Secret Love: A Cedric Dig...

By Lizzie_Lolly45

118K 1.9K 548

"I like you. It's doesn't feel like its nothing anymore." He said to the young brown hair caramel eyed girl i... More

Chapter 1: Quiditch World Cup
Chapter 2: Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 3: Plan of Action
Chapter 4: Plans to be Successful
Chapter 5: 4 Champions
Chapter 6: Midnight Note
Chapter 7: First Task and Revealing Stories
Chapter 8: Newspaper Relationships
Chapter 9: I'm Always There For You
Chapter 10: Date Drama
Chapter 12: Love Rebels
Chapter 13: It's Our Secert
Chapter 14: The Second Task to Love
Chapter 15: All I want is You
Chapter 16: Tell The Truth The Hard Way
Chapter 17: The Truth and a Hogsmade Day
Chapter 18: Wanting More
Chapter 19: Conflict with Girls
Chapter 20: What's Stopping Us?
Chapter 21: Before The Storm
Chapter 22: The Third Task
Chapter 23/Ending 1: The Hurricane Hit
Chapter 24/Ending 2: The Rolling Black Clouds Hit
Chapter 25/The Final Ending: The Sun Comes Out
Chapter 26/Final Ending pt. 2: Cedmione Forever<3
Final Author's Note/The End

Chapter 11: Yule Ball

4.1K 58 10
By Lizzie_Lolly45

AN-I know it's been so long! This chapter took some time to write since many ideas went through my head. Hope you enjoy chapter 11 and please leave your opinions on this chapter.

Hermione POV
The afternoon came of the day of the Yule Ball. Harry, Ron and Hermione were eating lunch together like always.
"Hermione, who are you going with?" Ron asked for the seventh time that day.
"Again, you both will find out later tonight." Hermione said again.
"Wonder what Ginny's reaction will be when she sees you Ron." Harry stated.
"It shouldn't matter, Ron. As long as you enjoy your time." Hermione said.
"Well, she doesn't know so she will be surprised." Ron stated to make him feel better.
"Did you figure out who Fleur was asked out by." Hermione asked.
"Fleur was asked out by Roger Davis." Harry responded.
"Well I pry could have got her. I literally just couldn't the first time." Ron said a bit disappointed. "They walk so gracefully and so beautiful." He said so dreamily. "How can you not hesitate?"
"Gabby asked you Ron." Harry said.
"She didn't need to know that, Harry." Ron said.
"Well I didn't need to." Hermione said back. "But it was something."
They continued talking for the rest of lunch. Hours went by before it was 19:30. Everyone was in their common room preparing for the Yule Ball which started in half and hour.

Cedric POV
Cedric and Lukas were in their dormitory.
"Lu do you think I look ok?" Cedric asked his friend.
"You look alright Ced. Better than Ron Weasley and his vintage dress robes." Lukas joked.
"Seriously Lu."
"Hermione wouldn't care."
"My guess is you look fine and not caring what she will think."
"I do, Lynzie asked me out."
"You won't stop talking about that will you?"
"At least I have to courage to face Hermione and ask her."
"That's because your that kind of guy."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that your a kind of guys who has the guts to ask someone out even if there's a chance they will say no."
"Thanks Lu."
"Um...its getting late. Let's go now."
"Ok then."

3rd Point
The Great Hall entrance was with very formally dressed up students. The Great Hall was decorated in the most beautiful way anyone has ever seen, well everyone but Fleur but that's another story.
"Where do you think Hermione is?" Cedric asked Lukas once they got to the entrance of the Great Hall.
"Dunno. How am I supposed to know?" Lukas replied. "Looks like Harry really asked Cho."
Cedric and Lukas saw Harry with Cho and Ron with Gabby.
"You know what Lu," Cedric said. "I'm always wondering who Viktor Krum asked out."
Lukas caught everyone looking at someone behind them both. He looked to see what they were looking at.
"I think we all know now." Lukas said.
"What?" Cedric said as he turned around to see a very pretty girl walk down the stairs.
A blonde hair girl with a light across the shoulder dress. Her hair was up in a wavy like bun. The girl just so happened to be Gemma Farley.
"Gemma?" Cedric and Lukas said at the same time.
Viktor walked over to Gemma which so happens to be Gemma's date.
Then someone else came down the stairs. The girl was wearing a periwinkle colored long flow like, silky dress. Her hair was up in a very formal way. Her hair had many sparkly hair accessories. Cedric couldn't figure out who it was for a second. Once he recognized who she was, he walked up the the pretty girl.
"Hey." Cedric said to her.
"Hey." Hermione said back.
"You look very nice, I couldn't even tell it was you at all."
"Thanks, you look great to."
"Diggory, Diggory," Professor Sprout said to Cedric when she found him in the crowd. "Are you and your date ready?"
"Ready for what professor?" Cedric asked.
"To dance, its traditional that the Triwizard Champions, all 4 will dance first." She responded. "Didn't I tell you about this?"
"No professor." Cedric replied back.
"Oh well now you know. As dot you Ms. Granger you look very nice today."
"Thanks." Hermione responded.
Cedric and Hermione went with the other champions.
"So I guess us eight are going first." Cedric stated."
"Wish I knew that so I could have practiced a little more."
"Same here. Lukas did late at night in our dorm."
"Neville did the same. I haven't walked into him or anything but that's what Harry and Ron are at night. No girls in my dorm do that."
"I can guess that already. He really took out Cho." Cedric stated looking over to them.
"Guess he had the guts to." Hermione said. "I think Ron was going to ask me out after Fleur denied him but he wad to late."
"Did you want to go with him?"
"The first to ask gets the girl."
"Well then I'm glad I got you first." Cedric said as he took Hermione's hand. "You ready?"
"Only if you are."

When the doors opened to the Great Hall, the peak of the reflection from the ice like room shined bright like diamonds. How they can change the Great Hall from normal to more of an ice place ballroom shows what magic can do if used well.
"Is that Hermione Granger with Cedric Diggory?" Gabby said as the first eight came through the doors.
"No it can't be." Ron stated. "It can't be."
"It is!" Ginny squealed.
Students around were seeing who each champion took. Many eyes were on the beautiful girl with the first Hogwarts champion.
"Diggory asked Mudblood?" Hermione heard from none other than Pansy Parkinson but she didn't care at that time.
As they all got to the middle of the Great Hall more of the light sparkled in that came from the ice lights. When they got to their places, Hermione said right away, "I don't really know what I'm doing."
"Well I can't tell you what you need to do." Cedric responded back. "I can only guide you."
"Good to know." Hermione said before the music started.
Like McGonagall told the Gryffindor's, Sprout told the Hufflepuff's, Flitwick told the Ravenclaw's with Snape telling the Slytherin's, the girl who dances brings out their inner swan while the boys showed the lion that was hidden inside of them. The dance flowed through each dancer like they have done it a million of times before. There may have been other students judging the couple on the dance floor but that didn't distract Cedric nor Hermione at all. They both just danced as if they were the only two people still living on the earth. Sooner or later, the whole dance floor was full of students and professors.

After the first dance ended, Hermione stepped away near the ice tables. Seeing Harry and Ron together, she went to say hi to them. Hoping Cedric wouldn't mind she walked over to them.
"Hello Ron. Hello Harry." She said as she sat down next to Harry. "How have you two been?"
"Great." Harry said politely.
"Did you get him to go with you last minute?" Ron asked.
"What? He asked me to go." Hermione said. "What about you? Did you just say yes so you wouldn't have to ask anyone out?"
"Did youz juzt say yes witoutz meanzing iz?" Gabby interrupted sitting at the table Harry, Ron and Hermione are at. "I thougzt you woulzd beez interezted butz I guezz notz."
Gabby then stood up from her chair and left Ron. She went to her sister in a French strut walk away. Hermione looked at him like he should be happy at all.
"Really Ron? Hey Harry, where's Cho?" Hermione then asked.
"She's with her friend for a bit." Harry responded.
"Oh, care to join Ced and I for a bit? We would sure like some company."
"Su..." Harry said before he was interrupted by Ron. "No. We wouldn't want k join you and Pretty-Boy Diggory." Ron responded back in a sour like way. He about acted the way as if he just bitten into a lemon.
"Well what's wrong with you?" Hermione asked.
"He's the other Hogwarts Champion. A Hufflepuff champion. Makes life even better. Those cloud minded and weak pathetic students."
"What?" Hermione asked very surprised of what Ron said. "Helga Hufflepuff taught the honest, kind, loyal fellow students at Hogwarts. She didn't teach anyone that you would call "stupid." Also weak, lazy, and cloud minded is that last thing when I think of Cedric Diggory. I wouldn't even think him as that."
"Well your still in contact with the enemy."
While the whole conversation between Ron and Hermione went on, poor Harry was just stuck in the middle of it all. Staying quiet not to try make things worse.
"The enemy!" Hermione exclaimed. "Ron where did this thought get in your head? Besides this even is international for the British, Sweden and France to make peace to the young generation in life. Also saying the Hogwarts Champion is the enemy makes no sense at all."
Ron shrugged in what he believed was true. Hermione couldn't even stand Ron at that moment. She just left them to ignore any hate. Hate was something she didn't want to deal with at that moment so she went back to Cedric.

"You alright?" He asked Hermione when he found her.
"Yeah, I'm ok." Hermione responded even though she wasn't ok at all. It's what girls do. They say their alright when they aren't. "How have you been?"
"Alright, you coming back makes it even better."
Hermione looked around them. Seeing nearly everyone stare or give her glimpses of her mace her feel like she was the center of attention. What were they looking at? Cedric? Cedric and Hermione as a couple? Her hair? Her dress? What was it? Then some girls looked over to the closet boy she was near by but more eyes were on her than on Cedric. Cedric was used to attention so it didn't really bother him but to Hermione, it wasn't her thing.
"I'll be right back Ced, again." Hermione told him.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
She nodded back then left towards the hallways outside of the Great Hall. She needed a minute of leave and quiet. She didn't want to be the center of attention. Though she didn't know why she left him. She wished she didn't but all she needed was fresh air.
"Hermione?" A voice she heard.
"Ginny, what are you doing here?"
"Fresh air. How about you?"
"Also for fresh air."
"Yep, I need it.
"Are you enjoying yourself Ginny?"
"Yes! It's been very nice. You?"
"I've enjoyed myself. It's really nice what they did."
"I'm loving it! This year has been so good with the tournament and all. I can't wait for the second task." Ginny squealed.
"I know!" Hermione chimed in.
"The next task is going be so good! I can't at all wait!"
"It's going to be so good."
Hermione and Ginny continued to talk in the hallway about all sorts of stuff girls these days would talk about.

"Potter, Potter." Cedric said while walking over near Harry who was alone outside of the Great Hall.
"Cedric." He responded back after he knew who was calling him.
"How are you feeling?"
"Spectacular." Harry responded to Cedric's awkward question.
"Look I haven't said anything to you about the dragons."
"It's good. You would have done the same for me."
"And I need to return the favor. You know the prefects bathroom on the fourth floor? It's not a bad place for a bath." He whispered to Harry. "The password is 'Pinefresh.' Just take you egg and mull things over in the hot water."
Harry just looked at him weirdly. Harry just walked away from him confused. Cedric thought to himself, "Well that was awkward, hopefully he does that soon." Hermione was in his sight with Ginny next to her in her light pink and real colored dress she wore. It was more of a simple and elegant dress. It looked like the dress was completely for Ginny. He walked over to both of them.
"Hey Cedric." Hermione said.
"Hey Hermione, Hey Ginny."
Ginny's bright brown eyes widen when she was saw Cedric Diggory right in from of her. To Ginny, seeing another Triwizard Champion, that isn't Harry, isn't in her average everyday life. She didn't say hi back to him. What stuff she said hi in the most awkward way possible in the whole wide world that any awkward hi would ever be in history? Then again, it's only one word and she came with Neville Longbottom anyway. She continued to stand there with the bright brown eyes wide open.
"Is she alright or does she normally do this?" Cedric whispered to Hermione.
"I don't know, she doesn't do this often. I don't think she's done it even once." Hermione whispered back in the same confusing as a new born foal trying to walk for the first time.
"Um...I got to go now and going to...find my date." Ginny said as she quickly walked back into the Great Hall.
"Yeah I can't answer what just happened then." Hermione said. "I promise when I say that's unusual for Ginny to do that."
"I can believe that. I see girls do it all the time. About every day of my life since day one here."
"I can definitely believe that. What were you doing before you came?"
"Oh, I was telling Potter about the golden egg and how to figure out the clue."
"What did you tell him?"
"To take his egg to the prefects bathroom and mull things over in the hot water."
"Well you told him something at least."
"Yeah, want to go back now?"
"Sure, why not?"
Cedric took Hermione's hand as they both walked back into the Great Hall. The place was peaceful. Some already left cause of how late it was. The others were there late at night. 23:00 is what the time was.
"Have you enjoyed yourself?" Cedric asked Hermione.
"I have. You?" Hermione responded back.
"Let's just say, it would be as good if you weren't here with me."
"It wouldn't be the same if you didn't ask me to go."
"Makes sense why."
"If anyone asked me, I'm glad you did."
"I have an idea. A last minute idea."
"What other ideas do you have?"
"Do you want to do more tonight?"
"Sure, what should we do?"
"I know it's a little out of the blue but want to meet me at...the tree where we first fully met?" Cedric whispered to Hermione hoping no one heard him. "Meet me right after the Yule Ball ends and I will go up and change and you should to."
"Ok cool."
When 24:00 rolled around ant the Yule Ball ended, both Cedric and Hermione go to their dorms quickly before others came. Both changed and raced to the tree where the first officially met.

Summary: Yule Ball was the place where everyone was at that Christmas Eve night. What was Cedric's weird idea? What will this new date bring them together in relationship? Will others find out about this little sneak out?

AN: Thanks for being patient. I'm so sorry I haven't updated my readers in so long! I have a horse and I have had no time to write. I have summer School but that shouldn't effect me from writing. Thank you so much for everything! I hope you enjoyed chapter 11.

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