Glimmer's POV

By BeachBaby98

847 15 9

The 74th Annual Hunger Games from Glimmer's point of view. More

Chapter 2: Goodbye...
Chapter 3: The Train
Chapter 4: Prep Team

Chapter 1: The Reaping

371 4 2
By BeachBaby98

     Reaping Day.

     I can barely contain my excitement. Every single year, I anxiously wait for the names to be drawn and every year I'm not chosen. I volunteer, but my name is always excluded from the second reaping.

     In our district, if more than one person volunteers, which generally happens, then there's a second reaping. All the names of those who volunteered are entered once more into the glass bowl and drawn one by one, until a single person's name remains.

     Once, my name was so close! It was down to me and some other girl I've never really liked. She got chosen and in a way I suppose it was a good thing, because she died in the games. I really hated her and in my opinion, her death wasn't painful enough.

     "Glimmer?" my sister calls, distracting me from my thoughts. I finish applying my lip gloss and go to her.

     "Yeah? Plush, what's wrong?" I reply, walking towards her room in our mansion-like house. We live in the victor's village, due to my sister, Cashmere and my brother, Gloss, winning about five years ago.

     "Nothing, can you help me with this bow?" she asks, as I walk in.

     I go over to her, kneel down and tighten up the white bow at the back of her dress. She spins around and looks at me searching for approval.

     "You look lovely," I reply and she really does. She's wearing a beautiful pale pink dress, with the bow of course, and some simple mary jane shoes. The subtle colors bring out her clear blue eyes.

     "Thanks," she answers, shifting nervously.

     "Now, how 'bout a smile?" I tell her. She seems really anxious and her attitude distracts from her outfit.

     "Sorry," she says, smiling a bit now, "I'm just really worried. I want to get chosen so badly, Glim! I really, really want this. How amazing would it be to be a victor? The glory it would bring... I can only imagine. I hope I get reaped!"

     "I know, me too. But you're getting ahead of yourself, you're only twelve. You've got plenty of other years to become a tribute and hopefully a victor too. I, on the other hand, only have one last chance. If I don't get in this year, then that's it. I'll never be a tribute, ever!" I tell her, trying to ease her anxiety. She has so many other chances and I only have one.

     She smiles even brighter, no doubt thinking of all her other chances. I know if she got picked, she'd definitely win, she's a very good actress and could easily fool sponsors. Then, once in the arena, I know how vicious and ruthless she'd be.

     Our mother walks in and tells us we looked wonderful. She holds both our hands as we step out into the hallway. We walk to the town square, our new shoes gently squishing the grass beneath us. Upon arriving, our mother wishes us both luck and squeezes my hand, before disappearing into the crowd.

     I guide Plush to her designated area and wish her luck again. Secretly, I'm also wishing myself luck. I need this, it's my last chance, but I'd also be happy for Plush, she deserves it too, after all her hard work in the training center.

     In the roped off corner for seventeen-year olds, I come across one of my good friends. We hug and talk a bit about our chances. She'd been reaped once, but people volunteered for her and she didn't go. She claims she really didn't want to, which is ludicrous. Who'd pass up a chance for fame and fortune?

     A young woman in her early-thirties walks onstage, dressed in a most capitol way. She has flowing blue hair, with occasional green highlights. Her cheeks are tattooed with royal blue swirls and patterns. Her clothes are also extravagant and all matching the color blue. The long green skirt that shimmers in the sunlight reminds me of a mermaid. Maybe that's the theme of her outfit. The latest capitol trend is being clothed in a manner reminiscent of something. On the news, I even saw a woman who was supposed to be a teddy bear!

     She introduces herself as Rufilla and says she's the new escort of District One. We get a new escort almost every year, it's no big deal.

     "As usual, we'll start with the ladies!" she annouces. Her voice reminds me of cool, flowing water.

     She plunges her hand into the glass globe and rummages around for a bit before pulling out a name. She barely even finishes saying who it is before I, and about ten other girls have volunteered.

     "Alright, we will begin a second reaping for the girls of District One," she tells us, smiling brightly.

     She inserts some sort of machine into the ball and every name that volunteered came out. She takes these names and put them into a container that has recently been placed on the platform.

     The second reaping begins and it's mechanical so there's absolutely no way of cheating. A name drops out and she reads it off. Many other names follow. When there are only a few left, I'm really pleased to know my name was still there. I've been mentally counting how many people were excluded and it came down to two girls! Two! I'm in the final two, the only problem was that the other name is my bestfriend.

     A small peice of paper dropped out and I hold my breath. Rufilla extends one of her perfectly manicured hands and picks up the paper in a dainty gesture.

     She clears her throat and annouces the name. My pulse quickens by at least ten times.

     "Mahri Spectral," she annouces. My friend is eliminated. I catch sight of her through the crowd. She seems a litle upset, but smiles for me when I glance her way.

     It's me! I'm the tribute! I can barely even beleive it. Happiness pours out of my brain and all I can think is, "Finally, I'm a tribute!". I can't help but let my face break into a malicious smile. I know I'll kill many and come out victorious. I can barely wait to get started.

     My name drops out of the machine and Rufilla picks it up.

     "Glim-" she starts, but I tune her out after that. I know it's me. I'm the female tribute of District One. I stride confidently to the stage and take my place on the right side of my new escort. I brake out into one last intimidating, confident, malicious smile.

     I'm going to the Seventy-Fourth Annual Hunger Games.


So, this is my first story on this account. Originally, it was a Glimmer/Cato fanfic. But I've stopped shipping them (now, I ship Cato/Clove and Xander/Leven). So, this is just the hunger games from Glimmer's point of view.

Feedback is appreciated. Votes, comments and fans are also appreciated.

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