Love in LA • a Ross Lynch Fan...

Bởi Crazy_Girl_SA

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Tori and Ross have been through a lot together. A psychopathic stalker, suicide, rape, court trials, deaths... Xem Thêm

Love In LA
Chapter 1
New Book!
31 (preview)
Butterflies Against Cyberbullying
New Story
38/The Wedding!
39 (part 1)
Very Important
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50 (Final Chapter)
Third book


630 24 5
Bởi Crazy_Girl_SA

Take note of the dates.

*Wednesday the 5th of April 2017*
Ross's POV

"Thank God everything's done," Tori sighed as she flopped down next to me on the hotel bed and I pulled her closer. "Yeah. Now you can also relax for the rest of the tour," I said and softly kissed her cheek as she sighed.

"I can't relax. I don't wanna let my guard down,"

This thing with Damon was killing her inside. It was killing both of us. It feels like we're never alone anymore. Somebody is always around us and it's seriously irritating. I get that it's for her safety and her safety is the most important thing to me, but I also want her to relax.

"C'mon. Get dressed," I said as I sat up and she also sat up, looking at me confused. "What? Why?" she asked confused and I smiled. "We're going to explore," I said and she bit her lip.

"Baby why don't we stay inside? You're exhausted. C'mon we can have a nice relaxing night and lay in bed," she suggested and I shook my head. "No. I'm never too exhausted for you. C'mon it'll be just the two of us. We'll get some quality time together and let loose. Please," I begged and she caved in with a small smile. "Okay. Just the two of us?" "Just us, babygirl," I said and leaned down to kiss her.

*Thursday the 20th of April*
Ross's POV

Tori and I were currently in her New York penthouse because my new movie My Friend Dahmer was being released tomorrow at the Tribeca Film Festival.

"You ready?" Tori yelled from her walk-in closet and I chuckled at her loud tone. She was getting ready to show me her dress for the red carpet tomorrow. "Yeah I am!" I yelled back and her closet's door opened. "Here I am," she announced and my breath caught in my throat. "Wow," I breathed out and she blushed. "Does it look alright?" she asked.

"You look amazing, love," I said speechless as I walked closer. Oh my God. She looked like a goddess. Her legs also look amazing. And don't get me started on her cleavage.

"You sure? Isn't it like showing too much cleavage?" she asked as she inspected herself in the mirror and I shook my head. "No. God no," I said as I stared at it.

I wanted to look away and respect her, but I really, really couldn't look away. She also has amazing, and real, breasts.

"Ross?" she asked and I looked up into here eyes. "Sorry. Just got a little distracted," I defended myself and she smirked. "I can see that," she said and I started walking slowly over to her. My eyes were glued to her, inspecting every inch. 

Like a hunter stalking it's prey.

"Does it have a zipper?" I asked, with a kind of wheezy voice, and I could feel my sensed heighten. My brain was screaming with thoughts of Tori. At the beach, on the tour, on our dates, while we were making love. My brain was especially thinking about that last one.

"Yeah, why?" she asked as I placed my hands on her hips and slowly turned her around. "I just want to know how much I'm going to struggle to get it off you," I whispered into her ear as I grabbed the zipper and Tori shivered.

I slowly dragged down the zipper as I kissed her neck and she let out a barely audible moan. "Well that was easy," I said as the dress fell to the floor and she giggled.

*Monday the 1st of May 2017*
Victoria's POV

"I'm getting married in 20 days! I'm getting married in 20 days! I'm getting married in 20 days!" Ross yelled as he literally skipped around backstage and I blushed while shaking my head. He's been crazy the whole day. He keeps singing the song over and over. Stormie finds it adorable, she even made a video and put it on Instagram, but I think Rocky was starting to get irritated.

"If you don't stop singing I will shove your wedding ring up your ass!" Rocky snapped and Ross immediately stopped and looked at him in shock as I struggled to keep my laughter contained. Stormie scolded Rocky and Ross smirked.

"Hey, Rocky," he said and Rocky looked at him. "Guess what," Ross said and Rocky looked at him expectantly. "I'm getting married in 20-" before Ross could even finish his sentence he was on the floor with Rocky on top of him. Michelle and I laughed as the two boys wrestled on the floor.

Michelle was starting to show. She had a very small baby bump so it was very easy to hide, but it was adorable. Rocky always had his hands on her bump and it made me melt.

But what made me scared was the signals I was getting from Ross. He was staring at her bump, but that's not what was bothering me. It was the longing look in his eyes. I know he really wants a baby, but we really should wait. I want to give him everything I possibly can, but a baby isn't in the picture right now.

We're way too young. I'm not ready to be a mom. Not now anyway.

"Hello!" I heard as a hand was being waved in front of my face. "What?" I snapped out of my daydream and saw my fiancé looking at me curiously. "You okay?" Ross asked and I nodded.

"Perfect," I said as I intertwined our hands and he grinned happily before sitting down next to me.

Riker's POV

I walked with Sav from the tour bus to backstage and smiled at the sight. Ross was holding Tori close to him and softly whispering into her ear as she giggled softly with a huge grin on her face.

They were still in complete awe of each other. I have never seen Ross this happy before Tori came into our world. Ross changed completely since he met Tori. He's more mature and he's very open-minded. She makes my brother so happy and I really appreciate that. Even through all the shit they go through together, they still find a way to be in their own world where only they exist. I look up to them for that. They can put everything aside and just completely focus on one another when their moment comes. The bond they have is incredible.

"Ross it's time for your interview," my mom spoke up and Ross frowned slightly as he pulled his mouth away from Tori's ear. "Already?" he asked, hoping he would have more time with Tori to whisper, but my mom nodded. "Join me?" Ross asked Tori and she nodded before he pulled himself, and her, up.

They walked to the room where Ross and the interviewer will be filmed as they continued laughing and holding each other close.

"They're so happy," I said in complete awe and the others nodded in agreement. "Ross definitely found his one," Rocky said as he wrapped an arm around Michelle.

Ross's POV

"Hello, Ross and Victoria. I'm from Vogue. Today I'll be asking you some questions about your new film, new album and, of course, your personal life," the woman said and Ross smiled at her.

"Thank you for coming to me. We're very busy with the tour," Ross said and the woman smiled. "No problem. Now let's get get started shall we," the woman said and she and Ross sat down on the couch. I stood behind the cameras and Ross winked at me.

After the woman introduced herself and Ross to the camera she started asking questions.

(A/N: Questions are in bold. His answers is in Italics.)

What did you know about Jeffrey Dahmer’s story?
Believe it or not, I didn’t know who Jeffrey Dahmer was. It was born in ’95. And I think he died in ’94. The script was floating around. It was a Black List script. My agent emailed it to us. I thought, “This sounds really interesting.” I auditioned a few times.

There’s a tradition of Disney stars — from Anne Hathaway to Selena Gomez — going dark in independent films. Were you trying to show your range? 
Yeah. When I was doing the majority of the Disney stuff, I was always thinking, “What’s next?,” because Disney is not forever. Although it was a great time and I learned extraordinary things, I knew there had to be something [else]. I didn’t want to go off the rails and started partying. When “Dahmer” came along, it was the perfect opportunity to really immerse myself in that role and hint at what I’d like to do in the future.

How did you research Dahmer’s life?
It’s so twisted and scary to read about the things he did. He was also surprisingly smart and charming. There are many interviews about him confessing about what was going through his head. It was cool to listen to how he spoke. He had somewhat of that Midwestern twang, almost like a Minnesota accent, but not really. I did a subtle version of it.

Did you see the Jeremy Renner movie?
I didn’t. That was a different time in Dahmer’s life. I’m doing a version of him slowly losing his humanity. I would kind of walk around the house and practice the movement.

What did you base his walk on? 
I based it off Jeffrey Dahmer. There are a few interviews, it’s very short, but he walks right into the interview. He was a big guy and he was really burly. He was somewhat gentle in his younger years, because he was so shy. And he was so strong; he had awkward movements. I was really trying to get that. When we were filming, word got out, because we were in his hometown. People showed up on set and they were like, “There’s no way.” They were shocked at how accurate my walk was.

You actually look like a young Jeffrey Dahmer.
I know. It’s kind of scary.

It’s hard to read about what Dahmer did to his victims. Did the role get to you?
The most I felt the role had affected me was when I got home. I realized how much was lingering. I was anti-social for a second. Generally, I’m a happy person.

Did you grapple with the idea that by telling a serial killer’s life, you might be celebrating him?
I wanted to show the sympathetic version of what happened to him. I don’t think it’s a celebration.

Can your Disney fans see this film? 
I think there’s definitely a wide range of my fan base that would enjoy it. I remember when the press release first came out, a lot of people on Twitter and social media were really excited. They like to see a departure, too. They like to see growth. But if you’re a 10-year-old fan or a little younger, maybe this isn’t the right film for you.

Hearing all these things were kind of shocking. I mean he never really talked about his film. He was finished shooting before we even met so it never really came up.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself before the interviewer continued.

Now moving on. Last year you and Victoria Kors announced that you were engaged. You guys moved fast.
Honestly, yeah, we did move fast, but I know she's the one. From the first moment I saw her I knew that I found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. The night after we hung out, just before our first date, I went home and Riker asked me how it was. You know, like, if I enjoyed it and if we get along well. I looked at him for a second and said, "I'm marrying that woman one day,"

I blushed widely as the camera man looked at me and the interviewer awed.

That's so sweet. You guys have been through a lot together. How did you handle everything when Victoria was attacked?
I found out about everything through social media because at that time, I haven't met her family so they didn't have any contact info about me. I was honestly really shocked and I just immediately got on the plane and went back to London.

I felt my heart sink a little as the spark in Ross's eyes faded a little and the memories replayed in my head.

From early on in your relationship you guys have had a lot of obstacles. Have you ever, and this is the question a lot of fans want an answer to, considered leaving?
Leaving or walking out was the absolutely last thing on my mind. It was never a thought.

Tell us more about your engagement. Do you help Victoria with the planning and how does she handle the planning?
I can honestly say that I helped a lot with the wedding planning. Tori was stressed, we both were, but we always made sure to make time for each other and just relax. Luckily everything is done so now we can relax and enjoy the rest of the tour.

Getting married at 21 isn't something you hear of often. Don't you think it's a young age to get married?
I mean, yeah, we are still young, but I just figured why wait when you've found the right one? I don't have any doubt that Tori is the one.

After another couple of questions the woman thanked Ross for doing the interview and the camera man stopped filming. After they greeted us Ross grabbed my hand and led me out of the room. "That was sweet," I smiled at Ross and he grinned down at me.

"Only speaking the truth, baby,"

*Tuesday the 11th of May 2017*
Victoria's POV

"Are you sure I won't be intruding?" I asked Ross softly as we were on the plane. We were heading back to LA to celebrate Mother's Day weekend. Ross and I rented a house on the beach for everyone for Mother's Day weekend, but now I'm worried that I'm going to be intruding. I mean Ratliff and Savannah are going home to their moms.

"Baby, you're like a daughter to my mom. You're not intruding. This is your family too. Besides Michelle is also going to be there," Ross whispered back before kissing my cheek as I sighed. "True," I mumbled as I laid my head back on his shoulder and he let his seat drop back a little. "C'mon. Let's take a nap. We still got a couple of hours," Ross said and I dropped my seat before laying my head on his chest. He closed us with a fuzzy blanket before kissing my head.

"I love you," he whispered and I kissed just below his ear. "I love you too," I replied before he held me tighter.

*Saturday the 12th of May 2017*
Victoria's POV

My eyes snapped open and the smell of salt water immediately filled my nose. I looked around the room and frowned a little as I saw I was alone in the bed.

Suddenly the phone next to me started ringing and me, being my stupid and tired self, answered it. "Hello?" I groaned into the phone and heard heavy breathing. "Hello, Boo," the eary voice said and I immediately sat upright. "Why so quiet? Cat got your tongue?" Damon chuckled and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand upright.

"So, Boo, how's it going? Did you like my music a couple of weeks ago? I love that song so much! Do you remember that song, Boo?" he asked, but I was frozen in placed with tears streaming down my cheeks in fear.

Suddenly the door opened and Ross's face immediately filled with worry. "Who are you talking to?" he asked, noticing my frozen state and I heard Damon whistle. "Whoo! Is Lover boy there? Boo, let me talk to him for a second," he said loudly and I guessed Ross heard because he immediately walked closer and snatched the phone from my ear.

"What the hell do you want?" Ross growled into the phone. It was silent for a couple of moments before Ross spoke up again. "Just tell me what I have to do to get you away from her," he said while standing with his back towards me. "How much?" he asked and I fell back onto the bed.

"Give me a week," Ross said before hanging up and a sob escaped me. "Oh, my love," he said as he climbed into the bed and pulled me into his arms. "C'mere. I'm gonna get him away from you. We're gonna be okay," he said as I sobbed into his chest and he rubbed my back.

"I'm scared," I confessed and he kissed my head. "Don't worry, babygirl. He's not bothering us anymore. Just another week," he said and I looked up at him. "What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"He wants money," "What? No! We have to go to the cops! He can't just get away with this," I cried and Ross quickly sat up. "Baby this is the only way we're gonna get him away," he said and I shook my head. "We're going to the cops or weren't not doing this," I said and he sighed.

"Okay. On Monday we'll go to the police. Now c'mere," Ross said and pulled me into his arms, allowing me to cry my heart out.

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