A Lesson in Trust

By NeveaLane

1.1K 111 14

"So what you are telling me is there's no way that this could work?" Richard looked at his soon-to-be ex-wife... More

A Lesson in Trust

1.1K 111 14
By NeveaLane


"So what you are telling me is there's no way that this could work?" Richard looked at his soon-to-be ex-wife with an eyebrow raised.

Raine looked at him with a certain sense of dread. How could she tell him that she wanted to work things out but didn't know how? They'd been together for ten years, and they could get pass anything. Well, except for her trust issues.

"I am not saying that, Rick. What I'm saying is I don't know how to trust you." Raine had been burned too many times to open herself up fully to anyone. From being the adopted mixed daughter of a white couple, to being the laughing stock of private school because of her curly hair and café au lait skin tone, she was used to bottling things up. Richard always got the best out of her. The best that she could offer him was her companionship and her love. Love she had in abundance. Trust, well, not so much.

"We're sitting here at this table staring at divorce papers, Raine. This is a life or death situation. Think of something." His words were quiet but fierce, and she could feel the emotion behind them as if the words were alive and had just smacked her across the cheek. Raine had done nothing but think of things since she and Richard decided to try for a separation.

She could admit to herself that her own issues caused the strain. What man wanted to find out that he was being followed by a private investigator? Richard's working late had caused her to hire a private eye to find where he was spending his time. The PI had laughed and told her that for the first time, the target was actually doing what he was supposed to be doing: working.

When Raine came clean to Richard about having him followed, he walked out on her. He yelled and ranted that he couldn't believe after all this time that Raine still didn't trust him or believe that he took their marriage vows seriously. She'd balked, screamed back that he had women hanging all over him. That was an overstatement. It was really one woman that was all over him, his merger and acquisitions manager, Brooke with her raven hair and blue eyes. The woman was drooling over Rick at every single event. A part of her knew Richard, her loyal and commanding Rick, would never cheat, but at the same time, he was still a man. When men are faced with bombshell beauties like Brooke, they usually caved, according to Raine's past experiences anyway.

She stared at him with unshed tears and hopelessness in her eyes.


Richard on the other hand, had spent sleepless nights missing his wife. Everything about her screamed her love, from her smile, her caress, and the way she would rub his back when he was having a rough day. She was always there for him, yet she couldn't give herself completely to him. It was causing distance that he wasn't sure would make it through the years.

"Richard, I love you. Isn't love enough?" Raine looked at him with those big brown eyes. She always seemed to stare into his eyes, past his soul.

Richard shook his head. With love came trust, and he didn't expect anything less. Then, a thought so crazy hit him. It might just be crazy enough to work.


"Raine, come upstairs." Raine was shocked at his tone. She'd never thought he would sound as hard and demanding as his driven father, but there it was. In the ten years that she'd known him, Richard had never barked at her, but his father barked everything. Her first reaction was to tell Richard where to stick it, but when she looked into his silver eyes, she knew this was not the time to get loud with him. His gleam was feral, and he looked like he was ready to break the solid oak table in two.

Raine led the way up the stairs of their townhouse and walked into their bedroom. Richard was right behind her.

"Sit on the bed." Richard's tone was dark, confidant and kind of sexy to her ears. The air became thick with tension. Raine took a deep breath and complied. The room was still dark. All she could hear was Richard's quick movements. As Raine sat on the corner of their pillow-top mattress, she wondered why she was even here. It was obvious that she had some issues. Richard was a great catch, a good guy, and here she was, trying her damndest to trust him when he hadn't done anything to deserve her scrutiny. It wouldn't do any good to try to make him have patience. Ten years is a long time to finally admit the fact that one doesn't trust their husband and for no damn good reason.

"Close your eyes." Richard's voice sliced through her thoughts. It was still commanding, but now it sounded like no more than a whisper. His closeness made her shudder. The tingles running up her spine excited her, but she didn't want to close her eyes.

"Richard, I don't think..." Raine couldn't finish because his hand clamped over her mouth.

"You had your time to think; now it is my turn. Close. Your. Eyes. Raine." Each syllable from Richard's mouth was clipped and powerful. Raine's eyes fluttered closed, and she took a deep breath. Her adrenaline rushed through her body. She could feel small beads of perspiration forming on the nape of her neck. Who was this commanding man, and where had her husband gone?


Richard was probably scaring Raine. Hell he was scaring himself, but what was more scary than anything in this world was losing his wife over something stupid. Richard took off his tie, and with a deep sigh, tied it around her eyes. Raine's breathing became shallower. Raine had always had some form of light on in the house. It was due to her still-prominent fear of the dark. Now, he had his Raine enclosed in the dark, with only his voice to direct her. Raine's hands began to clench and unclench, her nails making a scratching noise against the comforter.

"Stop that. Don't say a word. Every move you make will be dictated by me. Do you understand?"

Raine only nodded her head.

"Good. I'm going to undress you. Don't say anything, and don't move unless I tell you to."

Richard moved around her with strained care. Being in the dark always made Raine jumpy, and he didn't want to scare her, but he wanted her, all of her, trust issues and all. He removed her shoes and proceeded to her nylons. When he reached her waist, Raine took a sharp breath, and he knew exactly why. Because of their arguments and recent trial separation, he hadn't been this close to her in months. Touching her like this immediately made his cock stiffen, and the ache in his loins began to burn, but he wouldn't speed up his actions. Life as he knew it depended on his patience. His fingers slid across her smooth skin as he eased the nylons down her toned thighs and down her shapely calves. Each moment his skin touched hers, he needed to swallow hard. It made his eyes water thinking about how beautiful he found her and how much he wanted to just touch her all over. Richard finally pulled her foot free from the sheer material and began to lift her dress over her head.

"Arms up." Raine immediately complied. The amber light from the night light illuminated her smooth skin and she looked like a painting. A breathing painting. Her breath was coming out in short pants and he wanted to suck everyone of those breaths into his mouth as if they were his. Raine sitting still in her delicate satin panties and bra was driving him wild. She licked her top lip, and Richard's hand went to his cock to give it a squeeze. Only Raine could manage to be so seductive without trying. He needed her to trust him; he needed her to open herself up fully to him so she could experience more love than she knew what to do with. He hungered to toss her on the bed and demand her trust, demand her love, and demand her body. Before he lost his nerve, he stood up.

He was going to fix his relationship once and for all. Slowly he kicked off his shoes, and his hand went to his belt buckle. He looked at her mouth as he unlatched the belt and pulled it through his trousers. He knew the silence was unnerving; Raine was a talker, but he was in command now. As he stood there with his belt in his hands, he couldn't believe it had come to this. Looking at the silhouette of his wife in the dark room, the moon highlighting the fullness of her breasts, the night light accentuating the creamy coffee color of her skin, Richard felt an intense desire. Oddly enough, it turned him on to see her in such a submissive position, with her arms in the air, blindfolded and waiting for his next command. She'd always been the strong, independent sort that had never depended on anyone for anything. Until now. Now she was depending on him to save their marriage. He could feel it.

Richard dropped his belt and the buckle rattled on the floor. He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. Richard had heard that this was a good way to establish trust in a relationship. While he'd never thought he would be involved in light bondage, he was desperate to find a solution to his marital woes. It was now or never.

"Stand," Richard said in the most commanding voice that he could muster.

Raine flinched a little, but she complied.

"Walk three steps forward." In slow, measured steps, Raine took the commanded steps and stopped.

"Now kneel where you are." Richard hoped he wasn't going to fast and hoped that she would not protest.

Raine hesitated for a moment. As she made to open her mouth, her lips already forming the word "No," he inwardly cringed; he was going to fail trying to make her trust him. Surprisingly, Raine clamped her mouth shut and sank down to one knee. The other followed slowly, and she bowed her head in surrender.

Richard expelled the breath he was holding. He'd seen her hesitation, but his heart did a somersault as he witnessed her submission. It gave him to courage to do what was to come next.

"Open your mouth." Richard walked over to her and waited until her mouth was open. Gently he placed his hands on the sides of her head and pulled her waiting mouth near his engorged cock. She jumped a little at first but kept her lips in a perfect circle as he slowly inched his erection past her parted jaws.

He pushed his cock farther along her tongue until he felt the tip of his head touch her tonsils. It was a heady rush to know that he had pushed himself that far into her mouth. The urge to push farther ran through him. His fingers curled into her hair, and he willed himself to withdraw slowly. As he pulled his pulsing cock from her lips, he sighed again. The feeling was exquisite with her warm tongue on his shaft. He didn't realize how much he had missed having sex with her during their separation. Thinking about the warmth and the pleasure that he'd been missing out on, Richard pushed his cock back into Raine's waiting mouth. He cupped the side of her face as he slowly worked his cock in and out of her opened lips.

He held still, relishing the feeling of her mouth and throat encasing his cock. The inside of her jaws was warm, and with her every swallow, it reminded him how her pussy would clench around his dick. The base of his shaft began to throb and he had to withdraw quickly. While he loved the feeling, it was too intense for that moment, and he would spill before he got to do the other things that he had in mind.

As Richard regained his control, he heard her whimper at her loss. He had to smile. At least he knew that she missed him.

"Stand," he said again. He watched her and wondered what to do next, for he wanted her with a burning passion, but not before she trusted him. As he watched her breasts heaving in her black satin and lace bra, he thought of just the thing. He walked up to her and pulled down the top of the satin material, unleashing her breasts from the confines of the bra. She flowed over the tops of her underwire and her brown nipples were already stiff.

Richard carefully moved to position her breasts on the top of her bra so it didn't pinch her or make her uncomfortable. He swiftly removed her panties and let her stand there. She was beautiful to him, he would do anything for her, but right now he just wanted to look at her. He wanted to memorize every curve, every angle, every mole, and every hair on her body and drink her in.

He took her erect nipple in his mouth and began to suckle. He nipped at the bud with his teeth. Gently at first, and then he began to suck hard and pull on the erect tips. The feeling of her flesh in his mouth made him salivate, and he wanted more immediately. It was going to be difficult to take his time, but he was going to do it if it killed him.


Raine swallowed hard and tried not to cry out. Richard had never paid this much attention to her breasts. She'd been so damn insecure that they weren't as huge as the busty women in his office, but Richard had often told her that he loved her breasts just the way they were. Richard soon moved on to the other breast, teasing, suckling and pulling as he had the other.

She felt a warm line of moisture begin to ease down her inner thigh like a freshly formed creek. Richard was making her pussy cry. While she could remember plenty of times where her husband had made her extremely moist, she couldn't remember getting this wet before. There was no mistaking it though, her pussy was actually dripping. Her mind kept trying to fire questions like Was this what happened when I let go of my control? Submitting, putting her trust in Richard made her mind race, yet it made her pussy wetter than she'd ever remembered. Her body, however just wanted to experience what was happening. Her nipples pulled more taut than she'd ever felt them, and another gush of her essence flowed out of her pussy.

Richard put his hand on her inner thigh, his index finger swirling circles on her overheated and highly sensitive flesh. The touch almost made her capitulate and orgasm at that moment, but no, he kept his finger following the wetness from her thigh up to her pussy. She almost yelped when he pressed his palm into her sex. The pressure made her whimper, and the feeling of his large, warm hand on her sex made her body shake. Slowly he rubbed her outer lips, clutching and pulling at her labia, up and down, back and forth. He slid his middle finger from the apex of her ass, then pulled back until said finger grazed the tip of her clit. Where in the hell had he learned that? He'd always been a generous lover, but this was akin to torture masked as pleasure. Raine had resigned herself to coming on his hand until he spoke.

"Don't come yet. Stand still," Richard said as he bent his head and began to suckle her breasts again.

Raine didn't know how difficult not coming would be until he slid his middle finger into her drenched channel. All of her muscles clenched at the intrusion, as if that was going to stop Richard or his finger. As he crooked his finger and pressed it forward, Raine knew that he was going to hit her G-spot. And he wanted her to hold off on coming?

Richard pressed harder, working his finger in and out of her and suckling her breasts. His finger worked slowly in and out, circling her clit and plunging in again. Raine's knees weakened when she felt another finger enter her.

"Please, please stop, or I am—" Raine's voice broke off in a sob. The excruciating pain of not coming when her body ached for release required all of her attention and effort. The anticipation of her orgasm left her skin feeling like a bunch of needles had been stuck in her.

Richard removed his digits from her canal and put them to her mouth.

"Lick me clean," Richard said in a hoarse whisper. Richard was supporting her by holding his arm around her back and tilting her head back. He traced his finger across her bottom lip before he slipped his digits between her parted lips, pumping them in and out as he had earlier with his cock.

At least he'd stop playing with her pussy she thought as she sucked on his fingers longingly. . Her guard was down and she dropped her arms as she sucked.


The stinging sensation on her ass came from nowhere.

"I didn't say put your arms down." Richard's voice was husky, aroused, but firm. She didn't know where this "new Richard" had come from, but her libido was definitely in love with him, regardless of how much her mind wanted to protest.

"Rick, I..."

Smack! This time his hand met the other ass cheek, creating a new burning sensation just when the first one had started to subside. She was just about to let him have an earful when she remembered this was about trust.

"No excuses. Since you can't keep them up I will put them up for you." Richard backed Raine up until the back of her knees hit the bed. His strong hands rested on her shoulders and eased her down until she was seated in front of him. Then she heard his belt rattle and felt her wrists being bound. She couldn't see, but she knew immediately where this was headed. Their bed was a wrought-iron canopy bed, and as soon as she felt her arms being elevated above her head, she knew where the other end of that belt went.

He took her legs and placed her feet onto the edge of the mattress. There she sat, on display for him, her pussy gleaming in the moonlight.


He wasn't sure if he could take anymore. The need to posses her was too great and he needed to have her now, but he wasn't willing to jeopardize this momentary progress.

Richard pushed his wife's legs farther apart, exposing her wet pussy to him as if it was a feast for a king, and he planned to dine and dine well. He kneeled, and instead of burying his face into her slick folds as he usually did, he stuck his tongue out and licked from her wet cavern to clit. Her taste was divine and her juices rolled like warm honey over his tongue. One taste just wasn't good enough. Licking her again, this time he placed his fingers on the top of her pelvis and held her womanhood open. Her soft pink flesh pulsed and he licked there. Raine's legs quivered, but he was just getting started. The tip of his tongue circled her clit before he sucked the swollen bud into his mouth. He suckled and slurped until he could feel her legs shaking so hard he knew she would come if he kept this up.

"Please, Richard, please, let me come." Raine's word were broken by her gasping breaths, and he'd never seen her look so exquisite.

"No." He was surprised his voice sounded as firm as it did because the only thing that was sure about him at this moment was his cock. It was harder than the first time he'd had sex, and it was just as painful.

"Richard, I can't..."

"I don't want to hear anymore about what you can't do Raine. I know what you can do."

Raine's doubt only served to snap him out of his own. This was going to work, or he was going to die trying to make it work. He rose from his knees and stood above her. Positioning himself, Richard took a deep breath and lined his cock up to her ready and waiting pussy. The head of his cock jumped as it approached the slick opening of his wife. It knew its home, and more than anything Richard wanted it back there now. With his hands on her knees, Richard pushed his entire length into her with one smooth motion.


Raine gasped. Never before had he taken her so quickly, so smoothly. He would always tease her opening with the head of his cock before he put it in, or he would slide his shaft up and down the length of her opening. Now, he seemed possessed or obsessed; she couldn't figure out which one was which.

Richard pushed in harder, spreading her legs as far as he knew they could go, but it still didn't feel close enough. Gripping the bend of her knee, he raised her legs up and draped them over his shoulders. He needed to get deeper. She was now elevated off the bed, his belt holding up her arms to their canopy and him holding her ass, with his cock buried deep within her. He didn't move even though he wanted to. Their sex had always been hot and passionate, but this was driven by need, want, and a desire to show his love and his will to make her trust him. He wouldn't stop until he possessed not only her heart and body but her trust as well.

He could feel her walls pulsate around his throbbing cock. Her hips began to buck back against him, and Richard lost his cool. He wrapped his arms around her waist and finally began to move. Working his hips so his cock never left her fully, he pumped in and out, slowly, enjoying every single slide of his cock in and out of her quivering pussy. He felt like he couldn't get deep enough. He pulled her into him harder, rolling his hips and pushing his cock deeper and deeper into her.

"Raine, you're mine. I'm not letting you go. Trust me not to drop you." He ground out as he pumped into her faster.

"Richard I..."

"You're mine. Trust me to love you," he said slamming into her harder. The tip of his dick found her G-spot and Raine howled. He allowed himself a small smile of victory. Again and again, he pushed himself hard into her spot.

"I am going to come, Richard. Please let me come..." Raine was sobbing now.

"Trust me to let you come," Richard growled and pumped into her. She began to roll her hips into him, meeting him thrust for thrust, her body giving him control of its satisfaction.

"Richard! I need you. Let me come please!" His dick slammed into her faster still.

"Tell me you will try to trust me. Open yourself to me like you open to me right now," Richard growled as their movements became more and more frenzied.

"I trust you, Richard. I'll try to trust you more." Raine's breathing slowed long enough for her to utter the words he'd longed to hear.

He slowed down enough to position her legs around his torso and to reach a hand up and untie his belt from the top of the canopy. Her arms came down around him in a rush, and her legs fastened around his waist. He was fully holding her, her breasts bobbing up and down his chest as he slowly laid her down on her back on the bed, his cock never leaving her warm pussy. He wasn't done yet.

He began the process again, pulling out of her pussy until his cock was entirely out, only to push his throbbing member back in in a fluid thrust. In and out he worked his thick cock into her until her breathing became ragged again.

"Richard, please, I can't take much more. Please let me come." Raine's voice was far away, a soft whisper between her moans and gasps.

"Will you trust me? Do you want to trust me?" Richard wasn't going to let the moment pass. He was going to have her word, or his penis was going to burst trying to get it.

"Yes and yes, oh God please, Richard, let me come!" He looked down at his wife, noticed her brows knit together; her effort not to come made her pussy shake around his cock.

"Come with me now Raine, now!" He slammed his cock into her one last time before her walls clenched and released a flood around him. Richard spilled his seed into his wife. He held rigid until the last of his spasms subsided. His breathing was ragged, and he didn't have a coherent thought in his head.

All he held onto was hope. He slowly removed Raine's legs from his waist and let his waning cock slide from her slick canal. He reached up and gingerly removed the blindfold from her eyes. He pulled her into him and curled his arm under her as he cradled her body in his arms.

Raine's eyes were still closed, and she licked her lips. Richard brushed his hand against her belly and let it rest over her heart.

Raine was the first to speak, breaking the stunned silence they had fallen into.

"I didn't think it could be like that with us."

"Neither did I. But did it help, Raine? Did it help us?" Richard was worried that all he had done was put a temporary fix on their problem.

"It's a start. I had to trust you. You put me in the dark, knowing my fear of it, but I trusted that you wouldn't hurt me. You tied me up, knowing I hate being confined. I guess I've always trusted you but didn't know it."

"Do you trust me enough to say that you won't leave?"

"I'm not leaving, Richard."

"Good. Do you trust me enough for one more thing?" Raine turned her body and tried to find Richard's silver eyes in the moonlight.

Looking at her fully, Richard smiled a smile that he knew showed he had something deliciously wicked in mind. But she had to answer his question.

"Richard, I trust you, and I will try to show you more every day."

"Excellent. Then you will trust me when I get some handcuffs and chain your hands and feet to the bed next time." Richard waited for her to protest, but she just giggled. She sighed in contentment and snuggled her body next to his. He'd be more than happy to give his wife a far more thorough lesson in trust.

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