Book's Beckoning || ( THE BOO...

By bIackbutIer

224 6 8

"A dark blue sky. It slowly filled my vision with no stars in sight." SARAH J. MAAS * A young and terrified g... More

02 // nightmares

01 // wilderness

133 3 8
By bIackbutIer

I look at myself in the mirror, and what reflects back startles me for a moment before I remember. . I will always look like this forever and ever. I've always questioned the pointed ears I had ever since I was born and I thought of the possibility of being a Fae or Fairie after I read a book series I absolutely adored with all my heart. Though I never thought I would actually be one in the first place. A Fae, nothing special other than the fact that I have immortality and have a stronger body than the usually human body. Realization then hit me harder than a bullet train as that sarcastic though crossed my mind. I would have to watch as my loved ones died until none of them were left. Just thinking about it sent a tear making it's way down my cheek.

I wonder, will I ever find peace or ever accept this new reality? I didn't think so. I kept on staring at the reflection of myself, but at the same time, it was not me. I wanted to tear those pointed ears off my head and replaced them with human ears, but I was a coward to pain. My hands clenched so hard that blood started to spill from them, and as soon as the pain reached my brain, I yelped in fear and pain with wide eyes. I hated this new me, cowering from everything but my books. I even was afraid of my own family now! I didn't want to know how they would react if they found out their child was this inhuman being. Would they hurt me? Kill me? Am I even their child?!

I started to ball my eyes out, and soon threatening sobs started to shake my body. How could the characters in the books deal with this? Being different from humans, and having to deal with so much of the suffering that came with living. I hated it. I just wanted this to be a sick dream that would teach me a lesson to never want to be anything other than a normal human. I heard a knock on the door. I quickly wiped my tears away, and faced said door. "Yes?" I asked, surprised by how raspy my voice has become, but I then realize that it's always been like this ever since learning my secret.

"Hurry up! I need to use the restroom, you idiot!" My sibling yelled before they then started to whine about how I've always hogged up the bathroom. I looked at the mirror for a split second, seeing the worry in my now reddened eyes, before quickly finding a bandanna in the cabinets and tying it over my eyes to hide the secrets that hid in said tired and saddened eyes. I opened the door, quickly to be pushed out of the way and also pushed out of the bathroom in general. The door slammed in my face, making me flinch away at how loud the noise was. I sighed and shook my head with a frown, quickly retreating towards my bedroom and locking it as soon as I entered and quietly closed the door.

The bandanna made it quite hard for me to see my surroundings. It also made my surroundings turn to the same color as my bandana. Realizing that I didn't need to wear it anymore, I took it off and placed it on my nightstand near my bed. I then turned to my bed, retrieving my cherished book from under my pillow. I opened the book for who knows how many time in my life, quickly turning to my favorite part to cheer my ever dropping mood. I started reading, smiling slightly as the word 'Rhysand' was wrote in the book. I loved this character dearly, his snarky remarks and playful jokes always making me smile and laugh. I then started to read to the next page and the next thing I knew, I was almost done with the chapter! I grinned as I shut the book and gently placed it back under my pillow, my spirits immediately lifted for a while now that I've read my book.

I quietly placed my bandanna back on to cover my eyes, before unlocking my door and quietly sneaking downstairs and towards the kitchen to grab some snacks before I went back to reading more. I grabbed my favorite snacks of all time, and a couple other foods that I found lying around, untouched, in the pantry. I licked my lips as my stomach started to growl just by looking at all these delicious foods in my grasp. I quietly crept back upstairs, making sure not to creek the wood with all my weight. I slipped back inside my room, making sure to shut and lock the door on my way towards my bed. I crawled on my bed, opening my snacks and eating them while reaching out for my book from under my pillow to continue reading it.

I suddenly blinked slightly, noticing after a while that the whole book was different than it was before. I was confused and slightly wary of why this was happening. I shook my head yet again before I shut the book, shoving it back under my pillow and finishing up my snacks. A bright light from my window suddenly made my room less gloomy, and I looked outside to see that it was a beautiful day to go walking and exploring. It was perfect since I needed to burn of all the junk food I just ate, and it also gave me the chance to get away from my family. I groaned as I got off my bed, my stomach slightly hurting by how much I ate. I sighed and grabbed the current book in my hand and the first and third book of the same series before shoving it into my black backpack. I then shoved a long red hoodie and my extra bandanna, which was red, inside of it. I placed some wrapping bandages and a few other first aid items inside just in case of an emergency. I then stuff my favorite torn black jeans, iPhone, and earbuds inside with everything else. I decided to bring some black flats and black army boots inside just in case. I then looked at everything, and kinda chuckled with a confused expression, wondering what drove me pack all these unnecessary things in my bag.

I shrugged it off, like usual, placing a small black dagger with a ruby in the middle of its hilt in your back pocket of my pants that I was currently wearing. A friend of mine gave it to me before they moved away, saying that they wanted me to stay alive until we were able to see each other again. I missed my friend, knowing that if she was still living here, I would have told her about my secret without hesitation. And knowing them, they would have supported and helped me instead of reacting harshly. I smiled before thinking if I needed to pack anything else. I then came to the conclusion that I was ready, and I slung my backpack on my back before I started walking out. Almost everything seemed red or pink since the bandanna made everything different, which gave off an affectioning glow to it. I quickly walked downstairs, not bothering to be quiet. Then I speed walked towards the front door, opening it, and getting blasted by refreshing and comforting wind. I stepped outside, closing and locking the door behind me before walking out towards the side walk. I debated whether or not to stick to the town or wander in the woods and flower plains for a bit. I rolled your eyes under your bandana, obviously knowing what I was going to choose and walking left.

I honestly wondered why I packed the clothes and shoes, but yet I didn't pack a shirt? I sighed loudly, wanting to complain to someone but knew that the only person who ever putted up with my annoying complaining was my awesome friend that sadly lives far, far away now. I kicked a stray rock and watched as it flew a few inches in front of me. I kept on kicking it for a while, seemingly trying to keep myself from becoming too bored. The sun shined brightly on my face, blinding and annoying me for a few second despite the bandanna, until I was spared by a cloud covering its death rays. The long black hoodie, black jeans, and light grey, almost white, shirt that I was currently wearing were not helping to keep me cool, and I had to stop walking to place my backpack on the floor to wrap the long hoodie around my waist.

I felt something in the pocket of the hoodie and decided to reach inside to grab it and see what it was. I hissed in pain as something sharp collided with my fingers, making me retract my hand and inspect it for any serious injuries. The blood was already starting to clot, which was a good sign, so I left it alone to deal with it, and my main mental injury, later. I went back to grab the mysterious item in my pocket, learning my lesson and being more careful this time. I was able to grab it with my two fingers, feeling it's cold surface rub against them. Slowly, I pulled it out to find a larger fighting knife than the one I had in my pant pocket. I lifted my brow in curiosity, wondering where it came from or if I was the one to place it there. I inspected it, noticing it had a dark purple tinted blade with a slightly darker purple color as it's hilt. I shrugged slightly, placing it with my smaller pocket knife. Though it stuck out of my pant pocket since it was the size of half of my arm.

I was honestly confused for yet the millionth time today. What in my mind made me think to have such a huge weapon in my hoodie pocket? As I thought about it and then was able to conclude an answer. I wasn't always the owner of this hoodie, it used to be my friend's. So that meant that she must have had this knife in here and forgot about it. Everything then started making sense, the only reason I didn't really realize it earlier was because I only started wearing this hoodie a few days ago. I silently sighed, tightly retying said hoodie that was slipping off my waist. As soon as it was tightly secured, I put my black backpack back on my back before I started to walk towards my destination again. Slowly as time went by, the woods started coming into view, making my eyes sparkle with happiness. The woods was the only place me really felt safe from everything. From the people, from the pain, from myself. It was my home, and my home was a wonderful, glorious, green and brown forest.

It was like the hidden and protected city in my books, Velaris, but my city had no other people in it. Just me, the animals, and the luscious greenery. In my opinion, it was the best place in the whole universe. This place always made me feel like I was a normal human and it made my pointed ears feel more rounded, even though they weren't. I quickly started to speed up my pace to get to the tree line of the woods quicker, wanting to have that amazing feeling of being normal again. I then found myself entering my real home without fear or hesitation, spinning around to admire the large trees that towered over me and surrounded me. Even though I was quite tall for a young female, I couldn't help but feel so small as I looked up to try to see the top of these massive trees. I then frowned, remembering absolutely everything as all my stress came flooding back again. Kicking the ground, I started to walk again, heading straight towards my favorite spot to read.

A spot where there was a hole in the tree's leaves to let a beam of light shine onto the grassy ground. I remember sitting and laying there for hours on end. Sleeping, reading, drawing, singing, dancing, almost every hobby I did I would practice here. It was a beautiful place, and there was quite a bit of room from the trees and the sun beam, allowing access for me to dance without bumping into something. I quickly walked to the spot that was in the sun's light, setting my backpack on the ground before sitting next to it. I quickly pulled out one of the two books, A Court of Mist and Fury, before opening it to continue where I left off from my bed at the other house. For some odd reason, the book gave off a weird feeling to me, making me stare at it for a few minutes until I decided to look somewhere else. The book didn't give off that happy vibe that it always gave, which always made me forget about being a Fae. I frowned at the memory of discovering of being Fae, shivering slightly at how the people who found out when I did wanted to kill me.

I was walking back from school, looking at everything around me with a fond look. My house wasn't far away from the school I go to, but there always seemed to be this gang across the street staring at me with slight interest in all their eyes. It started getting more frequent and when they noticed that I caught them looking at me as I walked by, they would always look away and pretend nothing happened. It slightly frustrated me as it kept on happening more often, and I would see them around more of the places that I went to on a weekly basis. I decided to ignore them today, not even bothering to give them a glance or look anywhere near where they were standing. I felt a sudden vibe from behind me, making me smile slightly as I knew I made them mad. That's what they get for being creeps.

To celebrate that small victory, I decided to turn around and go to the yummy ice cream shop across town, still ignoring the gang as I passed them yet again for the second time in a few minutes. I pulled out my iPhone and connected my earbuds to it before placing them in my ear. I scrolled through my song playlist before playing "Something In The Way You Move" by Ellie Goulding. It was an old song but I was still quite fond of it since it had a little catchy beat to it. I started to slightly dance as you were walking, swaying my hips to the rhythm of the song. I smiled happily, and soon started to sing to the song, not caring who heard nor how they thought of my singing abilities. This was my day and no one was going to ruin it!

I was in a great mood when I made it to the ice cream shop, a delicious smell blasting my in the face when you opened the door with a sign that said, 'Open'. The place was a quaint, having chocolates on display for people to taste test, an ice cream display, and white round tables with white chairs. The owners were the sweetest people, both dedicated to making delicious goods for people to enjoy and eat. I took my earbuds off, making sure to stop my music for now to go order and pay for my yummy treat to myself. "Hi, how may I help you?" The lady from the other side of the ice cream counter asked with a wide smile, making me smile just as wide back at her in greeting. "I would like a black cherry ice cream on a waffle cone please!" I replied, rummaging through my backpack for a second before pulling out my wallet. "That will be three dollars and seventy-one cents please!"

I gave her a five dollar bill, telling her to keep the change for herself with a bright and happy smile. "Have a great rest of your day!" The wonderful lady told me as I replied to her for her to have one as well. I placed my wallet back in my backpack with a slight struggle, before placing my earbuds back on. I listened to "Wild Things" by Alessia Cara, licking my ice cream as I started to stroll back towards your house. I started to sway my hips again, singing slightly to the lyrics as I had a bit of ice cream smeared on my slightly arched cheeks. "We don't care what they say no way, no way. And we will leave the empty chairs, to those who say we can't sit there. We're fine all by ourselves." I sang before taking a lick at my slightly melting ice cream. "So aye, we brought our drum and this is how we dance. No mistakin', we make our breaks, if you don't like our 808s. Then leave us alone, 'cause we don't need your policies. We have no apologies for being. Find me where the wild things are!"

I sang happily before I decided to eat the rest of my ice cream before singing again. It took a while until I finished it, taking my time and savoring the cool flavor on my tongue. I sighed happily as I started singing to another song which just started playing. Weirdly enough, I started feeling unsafe and uncomfortable, like something was watching me like I was their prey. It bothered me to no end, and each time I looked back to see what was behind me, nothing was there. I decided to shrug it off and try to ignore it to the best of my abilities. My weirdly pointy ears then slightly moved, more like perked up, at the sound of tiny meows coming from a nearby dumpster alleyway. My curiosity got the best of me, and I went to check the situation out. I turned the corner and was met by an adorable black kitten laying in the middle of the alleyway, seemingly unharmed, but scared. I slowly approached it, not wanting to scare it even more. It seemed to have trust in me and it slowly started to approach me with precaution, as I did the same.

I slowly crouched down, and slowly extended my hand so the cat can examine it and sniff it to see with or not I was worthy enough of its presence. It nuzzled my fingers slightly, making me laugh at how adorable it looked. I started to pet and play with it, not noticing how much time was starting to pass. The sun started setting, casting shadows of both me and the cat, but then what frightened me was the extra pairs of shadows that seemed to loom behind me. The cat looked up, seemingly scared as it hissed over my shoulder and ran away fro me, or more particularly, the silhouettes behind me. I slowly turned my head around and looked up, gasping slightly when I saw the teenage male gang from earlier towering over my crouched and vulnerable figure. "Hello, sweetheart." The tallest and oldest of the gang, most likely the leader, greeted me with a satisfied smirk on his face. "Hey." I simply greeted him back before standing up and stretching. A fake yawn soon formed and went out of my mouth to show that I wasn't scared, even if that was the complete opposite of my current emotions. I turn around to see them with amused but very impatient faces, making me slightly worried on why they would be impatient.

"What do you boys want?" I suddenly asked, feeling impatient myself as to why they had the audacity to come into my life and become weirdos and creeps who followed me around everywhere I went. "What we want? I think you might know the answer to that, little lady. ." The one to the leader's left said with a horrific smile, making me want to vomit. I quickly shook your head, wanting to just leave and go back home, but that was not going to happen to me sadly, not by a long shot. I glared at them as they started to give me the up and down look, inspecting my body like it was their prized possession and trophy award. This made me very upset, and I stomped my foot on the ground to grab their attention as I growled in a warning toward them to 'back off.' They then started to laugh at me, calling me 'kitten' and making fun of my supposedly weak growl that didn't seem to make them afraid by the slightest.

"Oh kitten, you are absolutely adorable. I'm starting to lose a bit of my patience right now, so let's get the show on the road already already." The leader said, making me start to back away each time they came a step forward to me. I mentally cussed, remembering that I was in an alleyway, which always meant that there was a dead end as well. This is what I get for getting to cocky today and celebrating by straying far away from home. My back hit the wall quicker than I anticipated, making me yelp slightly at the impact of the cold brick surface. They all laughed at my yelp, saying that I sounded cute. I guess I have to prepare to be beaten to a pulp. I was absolutely disgusted, wondering why our kind was so inconsiderable and just outright, absolutely horrible. I then raised my fist, knowing it's better to go down swinging that letting them get their way.

As soon as one of them got close, I swung at them, luckily not missing and punching them in the jaw. They yelled while stumbling backwards with wide eyes before they glared at me with a burning hatred. "You little. ." They muttered before being silenced by their leader's harsh glare. I glared at them all, warning them that if they took one more step closer it would be worse than just a normal punch. They tested me and all took one step closer, and I swung at one of them with all my might. They quickly moved out of the way, making me miss and stumble forwards with wide, terrified eyes and a loud yelp. The leader caught me and pulled me into a tight embrace to keep me from trying to escape, which I obviously tried to do but failed since the taller man was way stronger than me.

I growled as you started threatening them to let me go, but it was useless, they wouldn't listen to me at all. I guessed they weren't going to beat me to a pulp since they all instead started tugging at my clothes, making me start screaming at the top of my lunges for anyone to help. A loud 'SLAP' noise was made as one of the man's hands connected with my cheek. I whimpered as pain enveloped that part of my face, a tear falling down my face as I thought of just giving up and letting them do what they wanted to do to me. "NO." I yelled to myself in my mind, knowing that I needed to be strong and get out of this mess as soon as possible. My virginity depended on it. I then started pushing and shoving at them, struggling to get out of their unwelcoming embrace. I closed my eyes and shoved one last time with my tired limbs, praying that a miracle would happen in those few seconds.

My prayers were answered.

The sound of wind surrounded my ears, as my hair started to whip wildly around in the wind. Wait. . Wind?! I opened my eyes, seeing myself surrounded by a swirling tornado. The gang on the other side, currently on the ground as they tried to get up, looked at me with terrified eyes. "YOU FREAK NATURE!! YOU ARE A GOD DAMN MONSTER!! YOU WILL DIE!!" The leader of the gang started yelling on the top of his lungs at me, as I winced and started to slightly tear up at the harsh words. I then started getting angry, as they were the freaks and monsters who tried to molest and rape me. I roared on the top my lungs. I wanted them to all burn in hell for what they made me, and maybe even others, go through. My wishes were answered yet again as they caught on fire, loud screaming being heard from their burning and now black bodies.

I then started screaming myself, terrified as they kept on burning in front of me. I ran through the tornado, which vanished into nothing before I even touched its harsh winds, before picking up my stray shirt on the ground and running towards to the burning people and trying to put out the flames. The flames then vanished as well before the shirt made contact with them, only leaving dark and burned bodies as evidence that it was there. Tears started streaming down my face as I stared at all their contorted and pained expression, noticing how they didn't move. I then noticed all their wide, lifeless eyes, making me start to shake as uncontrollable sobs came out of my mouth. I fell to my knees, clutching my chest as I curled up, turned my head away from the dead bodies, and started to vomit on the ground.

I couldn't stop shaking and crying as my insides spilled out of my mouth. Tears mixed up with vomit, grief, sorrow, and regret. Everything was dark by the time I stopped vomiting, and I couldn't see much of my surroundings as I got up and stumbled away from the bodies and towards the now abandoned streets. I picked up my backpack that was thrown to the floor sometime during the chaotic event that just happened to me and hour ago today, and placed it on your back, but not before placing your shirt back on. I wondered how a tornado was around me but not causing harm to me nor moving, and when I went to go through it, it conveniently disappeared? Then the fire when I wished for them to burn in hell? This was obviously not a coincidence at all. I then gasped as I started to shake with absolute fear again.

I must be either a Fae or a Fairie. No, wait. My ears, they've always been pointed ever since I were born. This must be the reason why I had them and I didn't know until now. That means I am a Fae. I shook my head before I started running at the top speed, total fear filling my whole body and mind as I just wanted to go back home. This is all a sick dream, isn't it? Or maybe someone's pulling a well thought and planned prank on me. Yeah, that's it. I kept on running, rudely shoving people out of my way before yelling an apology to them all, then I kept running and running again. My mind was hectic, as if it was a freeway on a weekend, and I started to get a head ache from all the thoughts, worries, and stresses that ran through my sugar high mind.

I ran and ran until I made it into my room, slamming the door behind me and launching my body on my bed. Tears fell and fell as I was a mess, and I couldn't stop crying for days on end, remembering their wide, soulless eyes. The eyes of the people I killed with no mercy.

M O N S T E R . F R E A K . D I E .

I found myself laying on the ground, curled up and sobbing my eyes out. I didn't stop my tears from falling since this was a place where I could let my emotions run free and wild. I just wanted to be free of this pain, wanted to figure out the answers and to figure out myself. I hated not knowing what I can do and how I could control it so I didn't hurt the ones I cared for and loved so dearly. I kept on crying, slowly taking the book that was laying next to me from reading it earlier and stuffing it back into my backpack. I cried as I got up and cupped my ears, wanting to hide them from existence and more importantly, myself. I hated them, but, I also didn't want to lose them either?They made me special, made me unique; made me, well, me. As I placed my hands on my ears, expecting to feel the pointed edge that they always had, instead they were only slightly pointy and mostly round. My eyes widened as I turned my head and saw my backpack glow slightly. I quickly opened it to see all three of my books glowing bright.

I was blinded for a second before they all returned to their normal state. I stared at them in wonder, wondering if the books were the cause of my now mostly curvy ears. I placed my hands on my ears again, feeling them as they still felt different then my usual, or might I say unusual, pointed ears. I shook my head and felt compelled to shrug it off for the time being like usual, wiping my tear stained face to get rid of some of the still remaining droplets of sorrow. I wondered if I should start heading back towards my house, and decided that would be the plan for now. I swung the backpack on my back like usual, looking around at my reddish surroundings since the bandanna was making it all seem red instead of brown and green. I walked as I started admiring my surroundings again, but for some reason the trees didn't seem like they were in same place as they were before. I thought it was just my eyes playing tricks on me, so I dismissed it. I walked for a few more minutes before stopping in confusion. I was supposed to be at the edge of the woods by now, but yet all I could still see were trees and more trees. Face palming, I wondered if I went the wrong way, but I were quite positive that it was this direction to the streets and the town.

A snap was then heard from my left, making me turn my body quickly with observing eyes. I looked around at the tree line, trying to see if there was anyone else here or if it was just my imagination playing with me right now. Just then, I felt a presence behind me, making me whirl around before screaming as I saw a terrifying sight before me. The figure quickly covered my mouth and wrapped its arms around my body as I struggled to get loose so I could run away. I randomly started feeling dizzy, tired, and sick. Was I being drugged? I didn't smell any alcohol on the figure's hands, so I didn't think that was the case. My body started going slack as my struggling came to a halt, until all could only see the night sky in my eyes with no stars nor moon to light my way to the happiness and freedom I wanted to see and have my whole life.

A/N: 5373 words!! I'm quite proud of this since I usually never finish the first chapter to any of my books. I've always wanted to write a fanfic on the A Court of Thorns and Roses series! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and come back to read the next! I'll try to update the next chapter in about a week or less! Thank you for reading!

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