You're My Destiny.

De passion_62

251K 11.9K 932

Every road has turns, splits, joints, flyovers, subways yet it never ends! Life is just like a road, death be... Mai multe

Author's note
Chapter - 1: I can never forget you
Chapter - 2: Attitude huh?
Chapter - 3: What do you want then? A date?
Chapter - 4: You hated it so bad?
Chapter - 5: In your dreams
Chapter - 6: You have a lot to cope up with.
Chapter - 7: I'm coming back.
Chapter - 8: Dream on.
Chapter - 9: I can ask the same.
Chapter - 10: Her first crush?
Chapter - 11: Perfect together.
Chapter - 12: Still not enough?
Chapter - 13: Anything for you.
Chapter - 14: I realized she lied.
Chapter - 15: Its deliberate.
Chapter - 16: Give me a hand.
Chapter - 17: I'll stay.
Chapter - 19: What did he do?
Chapter - 20: Don't be like that.
Chapter - 21: It was as good as a yes.
Chapter - 22: Especially like that.
Chapter - 23: Jealousy.
Chapter - 24: Try me milkshake.
Chapter - 25: Moment of peace.
Chapter - 26 : Instant relationship.
Chapter - 27 : Some things are priceless.
Chapter - 28: Sidharth, let's elope.
Chapter - 29: Obsessed with cake.
Chapter - 30: Not a fan of nakedness.
Chapter - 31: He dosen't deserve it.
Chapter - 32: I really needed this hug.
Chapter - 33: Are you over it?
Chapter - 34: We face it together.
Chapter - 35: Don't ever loose it.
Chapter - 36: Is it even worth?
Chapter - 37: What are winters for?
Chapter - 38: I intend to.
Chapter - 39: I'll be back.
Chapter - 40: Are you satisfied?
Chapter - 41: You are stupid.
Chapter - 42: You should listen to me.
Chapter - 43: I do.
Chapter - 44: Gulaboo Style.
Chapter - 45: I'm ready.
Chapter - 46: Don't do anything.
Chapter - 47: You're my destiny.
Chapter - 48: I love you.
Author's Note 2
Bonus Chapter 1: Seduction
Bonus chapter 2: Interview
Bonus chapter 3: Moody Preggy.
New story!
Thank you

Chapter - 18: You are something, something else...

4.1K 247 16
De passion_62

Kaira's POV :

I was waiting. Nervous as hell.

Now, I wasn't nervous because I'm new to the court.

Nah! Of course, I'm not!

Neither is it my first participation in state-level competition.

Then why was I nervous again?

Oh yeah I remembered, I was nervous because it was going to be the first time for Sidharth to see me compete and I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of him.

'Seriously? Sidharth?' My conscience mocked 'What are you evening thinking?'

Right, what am I even thinking? He won't think of me as one but I simply didn't wanna lose finals when he has supported me this far and as he quotes, will support as long as he is there.

So it's either win or die of embarrassment! And I, Kaira Shetty cannot be embarrassed just because some stupid player won against her.

I can never let that happen!

That was the moment I let my thoughts aside and could hear people encouraging me, calling out my name, cheering me. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and realized that I was still in the locker room, Shakti Sir towering over me. I abruptly stood up, dusting my shorts I faced him.

"Good luck dear. Go and show them what you are capable of. My wishes are always with you." he encourages.

"Thank you, sir. I will surely win this one as well." My voice filled with confidence I move towards the door which leads to the court to start my final match with a new entry this championship.

With the past records of his matches, I could point out he is quite good. Of course he is good, he reached the finals after all! but he has one weak spot— SMASH! He couldn't hit any of them whenever he played!

I stepped up on the court with confidence reflecting in my eyes and a smile of determination while my opponent wears a- smirk?

Oh alright then, keep smirking like a fool, Mr! I'm going to win this, over you!!

"Here you have it flocks! The final match of this tournament played between our last time champion Miss. Kaira Shetty and a newcomer who came all the way from Nasik to play this tournament, Mr. Vinod Rai! Let's give them a big round of plause!" The announcer says as we shake our hands for good luck.

"Let the match begin with competitor Vinod getting the first chance to serve!" The commentator speaks up and my opponent nods, swiftly hitting the shuttle in my direction with full confidence— or wait can we call that overconfidence?

Oh Yes, we can!

I immediately jump a step back and click slowly which ends just half a meter away from the net in his area yet he hits it back.

Hmm not bad.

The game goes on and he loses a point to me when I take a shot and he just couldn't be a little faster to hit back before the shuttle touches the ground.

I grin while he glares at me in vengeance.

Not long after, he hits a long shot and I jump back to answer but then leave it thinking would be outside— much to my disappointment it ended in!


You are doing the same mistakes girl! Remember your match with Sidharth? Stop considering outsides like that and hit! Bloody well HIT!

The game moved on with us finally staying on a tie. So it meant, only one point decides our future! We both move across the court to hit our shots trying not to lose this one.

I hit a high shot and my ankle twists when I land on my feet, immediately making me fall down clutching it in pain.


Just great! This was the only thing missing right now!

I look up at my opponent to see his smirk widening as he hits a high shot again. I just look at the shuttle moving in slow motion towards my right...

Wow! Am I going to lose just like that?

I hear cheering, hooting and a lot of noise from the audience. I just tend to look up at them and instantly my eyes met the dark brown ones looking at me with concern. As soon as we have an eye contact, he straightens and gives me a slightest of nods.

Smash!! Oh shit how did I forget that!!

My eyes reflect confidence again and I look up at the shuttle still coming down in slow motion.

Oh yeah? Let's see if you still are able to touch the ground like that!

I slam my left palm on the ground and push myself directly in the direction of the shuttle and I hit a hard smash.

Immediately the audience goes silent and then grows up with full force when he isn't able to hit back.

I stumble a little as my ankle doesn't help me stand straight and lean on my racket's holding end by the ground to slowly jerk my leg, once then twice. Knowing I could finally stand on my foot without stumbling I smile up at my opponent first then the referee who came by my side.

"You alright, Shetty?"

"Perfectly!" I grin.

Walking over, I meet my opponent at the judges' desk and we shake hands, the judges honor me with a gold medal and the crowd cheers once again. I bow expressing my thanks to the audience.

As soon as I was back in the locker room with Shakti Sir and his compliments, the door bursts open and Sidharth stalked his way in towards me.

As soon as he stood in front of me, his arms were around me. Not even giving me a chance to glance at him!

"Are you okay?" He whispered breathlessly.

I nodded in his comfort "100% okay Sidharth."

He pulled back to hold me by shoulders, eyes roaming down to my ankles he glared at them first then sighed. Trailing back up, his eyes stopped at my medal then a grin threatened to split his face as he shook me  "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!"

He then pulled me again for another hug. I giggled like a school-girl in his arms until we were interrupted by a cough.

We get separated shyly looking at my coach, who had a smile on his face.

I cleared my throat to introduce them. After 15 mins we were out of the stadium walking side by side discussing my match.

As we were going towards the parking lot, a shrill feminine voice I've never heard before called for Sidharth.


Or I think it is him.

Narrowing my eyes I look at a girl too excited, running towards us.

Oh yes, it is him.

She immediately tackles him in a hug and he returns it, by the looks of it, it was for a formality.

"Baby I missed you so much." She whispers in his ears before moving apart.

Huh? Baby?

I raised my eyebrows at her actions from behind Sidharth's shoulder.

"Its been a while since we met." he flashes a smile.

I smiled as I realized it was probably one of those that he used for the businesses he was forced in.

"So ...are you free this evening? We could- you know catch up?" She suggests, I noticed with her finger tracing down his chest.

Excuse me?

"Grr!" Came a sound from his back of the throat, I smiled at his discomfort.

"So sorry to disappoint you, miss, but he is pretty busy tonight." I step up beside him with my best convincingly polite smile.

"Who is she babe? A secretary?" She asks my fiancé, her eyes narrowed to me accusingly.

My smile is more bright when I feel Sidharth's arm snaking around my waist and pulling me to his side.

"This, Miss Sonakshi, is my soon to be life partner. We are getting engaged tonight. Didn't you receive an invitation? I heard dad invited all his friends." Sidharth says and I could feel his smirk.

"Your— life partner...? How...? When..?" She stuttered and I know that the smile on my face was ready to split in two.

"Yes, I'm getting married" he said in a tone which had another 'and off your limits' attached to it.

He squeezed my waist getting my attention, he said "Let's leave sweetheart, we are getting late."

Smiling up at him I nod, giving another smirk her way I invite her for today's function.

I'm getting engaged tonight! To Sidharth! Which means I'll semi-officially belong to him! Which in turn also means, he'll semi-officially belong to me!

Oh my God! Did I really sign in for this!?

One look at Sidharth driving us to my house and I knew, this was the best thing I've ever signed in for.

Soon enough we reach my home, walking in. He offers to escort me but I know he's hiding something, something for which he wants to see me going directly to my room safely.

I guessed my parents didn't really allow it and would create drama like I expected yet I didn't know how, until now, no one especially my mother came over to lecture me. I shrugged, ignorance is bliss after all.

Once Sidharth was on his way after greeting me goodbye, Shreya was with me asking questions left right and center after congratulating me, as we decided my evening wear.

It turns out, I'll have to wear an Anarkali until his parents gift me the saree at the function itself and I happen to change there before my engagement ceremony.

Oh and yes, seeing as half of the day has already gone in my championship, she wanted to hurry.

Once I'm done with my shower and putting on the Anarkali we selected, Shreya helped me with makeup. I protested but she was too against putting only compact powder, so I did listen to her on one thing, with a light nude lipstick I let her do my hair.

Finally, we were ready for the evening and left for Sidharth's home.

Arav Bhai congratulated me, complimented me, well as a brother can compliment his sister at least, teased me and was literally a chatterbox this evening as he drove across the city.

Have our roles exchanged for tonight? I'm unnaturally silent today.

When Bhai once again was pulling his car over their driveway, my eyes were wide open in awe looking at the beautifully decorated house of his. Originally his house wasn't any less beautiful but now it seemed out of the world.

His mansion was beautifully decorated with lights from outside and inside as it was imaginable.

As soon as we entered through the front door of his house, we were greeted by his family. Once again as I bent down to take blessings of my in-laws, my mother in law, the sweet little beauty in silver saree pulled me in a hug. Smiling I returned.

Not a second after I was left from one hug, I was crashed into another. Hmm, guess who?

"Congratulations, bhabhi!" Came a squealed voice of my sister in law against me.

I chuckled, squeezing her once I pulled out walking us inside.

"You have been mistaken, Preeti, I haven't been engaged to your brother yet."

"Offo! It's not for that, it's for your gold medal! And say whatever, you're already my bhabhi, whom I'm already loving a lot." Say so she pulled me in another side hug.

Did he tell everyone? Do they even approve?

Laughing nervously I return her hug. She asks me questions about today and I tell her all as we walk in their hall room where there were guests already chatting over snacks.

When I reach near the setup stage she leads me to, my eyes immediately lock with Sidharth's.

His eyes scan my attire taking me in with a satisfactory glint. He is wearing this long Kurta with a traditional vest coat which suits him perfectly.

I look down at the first stair to get on and lift my dress a bit up to carry on. Noticing him coming closer from my peripheral view, I look up to see that he indeed is extending an arm out for me. I gladly place mine in his and he helps me up on the stage.

"You look gorgeous." He whispered softly before leading me towards the priest and other people on the stage.

We are asked to sit side by side on the couple sofa while the priest chanted some rhymes then called my parents to tilak Sidharth and give him gifts.

(Tilak is a ceremony where they apply vermilion on forehead and give the person gifts.)

After they are done, they get down after giving us blessings and the priest called his parents to do my tilak and give me gifts.

I'm given my engagement saree and matching jewelry to wear now. Other gifts were for later use— or more like just a formality.

We were lead to the rooms to change into given clothes. Shreya helps me with my saree, pinning it up.

I was in front of the dressing table putting on jewelry when came a knock on the door. My mother in law came in as Shreya opened it, nodding at me she leaves me alone with my new in law's presence.

"You look beautiful, dear." She smiles down at me through the mirror. I immediately reciprocate.

"Sid, told me you won gold this afternoon?" She raised her perfect eyebrow.

I gulped involuntarily, maybe she didn't like me playing like that on my engagement day!

I nodded cautiously.

She gave my shoulders a squeeze and when I look up at her through the mirror she had a big smile on her face "I'm so proud of you. Please tell me, you'll bring more medals like that for me?"

My jaw dropped at her request. Quickly composing myself I nervously asked, "You don't mind me playing, aunty?"

"Mind?" A frown graced her motherly lips "Why would I mind dear? It's a sport, especially the one you like. Why would I want to stop you from going for what you like? I never did that to any of my children."

I hung my head low, feeling stupid to even ask something like that, angrier at myself to make the motherly figure question herself like that.

"I'm sorry, aunty. I didn't mean to.." I was cut off by a squeeze on my shoulder.

The sweet smile was back on her face along with amusement in her eyes "If I could demand, my dear, I would ask you to get a gold in national or even international championship."

I was nearly in tears at her words but covered it up nicely behind my smile.

"Oh I almost forgot, I bought something for you." She clapped her hand slightly before turning back to the bed where she left a box.

Opening it, she picked out 2 bangles and put them around my wrists as she told me "These bangles my mother in law gave me at my engagement to Jay. She had told me that her mother in law had given it to her and expects me to give to Sid's wife. Take care of them, dear, they are your responsibility from now."

Giving a kiss to my forehead she smiled, leading us out of the guest room towards the hall room.

I didn't dare to look up at the stage this time. I simply had my head low, admiring the beauty of the 2 bangles my mother in law trusted me with.

It was when the priest started chanting his mantras, I snapped out of it and looked up at him. The whole time I could feel his intense gaze which made me stick my eyes to the plate in the priest's hand.

I don't know how, but all the energy and courage left me as I stood on the stage beside Sidharth, feeling cautious of all the eyes on us, to even lift up my gaze.

Then came the time, when we would exchange rings.

Shreya came by my side with his gold ring which has a small cute little diamond perfect for him. On the priest's asking to slide it in his ring finger, Sidharth happily forwards his right hand. I chuckled at his excitement inwardly, Smiling I smoothly slide it in.

He is then provided with my ring by Preeti, I keep my hand in his offered one and he slides it into mine carefully.

After taking blessings of the priest and our parents we were asked to attend the guests.

On this Preeti immediately drags me to her group of friends and starts introducing everyone. I simply smile and shake hands, quietly standing in that group getting congratulated.

Suddenly I feel something prick at my ear, a feeling of itching rose at the side of my neck under the same ear.

God! What was that?

I don't have time to comprehend though as soon Sidharth walks up beside me.

I agree it was my fault to not look at him on the stage but now that I was facing the hardcore truth the moment my eyes took in his features.

He was dressed to kill me tonight.

How can one be this deviously handsome?!

As it is understandable, it was quite hard for me to concentrate on anything else than him at that moment.

I was startled when his arm snaked around my waist, his cold fingers brushing against the bare skin made something spark inside me and I shivered slightly.

I look at him as he excused us from Preeti's group leading to the other side of the hall.

Once we are out of earshot and eyesight of people he turns me in his arms, looking at me with strong feelings in his dark chocolate brown eyes.

"You look very beautiful tonight, did I tell you that?" He whispers as his fingers touch my cheek, caressing.

I swallowed involuntarily. Blinking innocently at him I whispered "You look pretty presentable. Nice."

Corners of his mouth lifted as he took my compliment. He looked at me with a smirk, his hand back to his side.

"You look far than presentable, you sure I don't look quite near you?"

"You could try-" I shrugged "If you walk in heels your bhabhi made you wear forcefully."

He laughed then said "Strip them off and wear slippers, or even shoes if you want, who cares?"

I smiled gratefully "I'm glad I could but she challenged me for it. She is taking revenge! And I'm not gonna back off."

He lets out a deep chuckle pulling me closer against his side as we start walking again to reach our group of friends.

Nikki is wearing her long lavender Anarkali with big golden matching earnings, Sam has the same length of Anarkali in red with smaller earnings and the guys have nearly the same shade of their kurta but the difference was made in their vest coats.

As soon as we reached them, we get congratulated. Surprisingly, Karthik looked happy as well, probably he finally came to understand that this situation isn't changing ever.

After 5 mins of chatting, I realize someone is missing and decide to ask for it "Isn't Sree here yet?"

"She is. I saw her, she probably met someone out there..." Sam says.

"Talking about me?" We hear a faint sound and look at the source of it, there stood my another bestie, looking gorgeous as usual in a long ankle-length white Anarkali.

She approaches us and I happily lean forward to hug her.

"Sree, I missed you." I say as we break the hug.

"That's the fourth wheel of their group." Karthik nudges Sidharth who simply nods.

"Welcome to our function Miss Sharma." Sidharth extends his hand to shake.

So formal... should I say something?

"Mr. Khurana, I've heard a lot about you. I never actually hope on feelings but I'm going to hope this once that you treat my best friend here right." She informs with her usual cold business aura surrounding her as she shakes his hand professionally.

Nah, they'll handle it their way.

"Of course there isn't a doubt." He replies sweetly.

The talks around me continue but I hardly pay any attention, I was busy typing away on my phone, long angry messages to certain someone.

Yes! That bloody milkshake wasn't here yet! And you know why!? Because he is still in Delhi! God knows if he didn't actually get any holidays or he is busy sleeping with his new colleague!

My attention was driven back to the itchy side of my neck and excuse myself from the chattering group towards the guest bedroom I had occupied previously.

I immediately walk in the attached bathroom and lean over the basin. Applying the cold water from the tap to my itchiness immediately worsened.

"Shit! Who the hell made these bloody earrings!? And in which century damn it!?" I cursed as softly as I could as I try rubbing off the itchiness which was burning by then.

Cold water worked as a cooling effect after some time and what a relief it was! Ah!

As soon as I pressed a dry towel to my wet neck I heard a voice "You could do better with removing those earrings then."

Looking up in the mirror I see Sidharth leaning against the bathroom entrance's frame, eyeing me carefully. I shrugged wiping the droplets.

His footsteps came closer, I wasn't aware of him standing just behind me until he turns me to face him by my waist. Pulling the towel away from my skin he eyes it accusingly.

"Yes I was right, remove them, there must be another set to wear." he mumbles, his arms still on my waist pinning me to the counter.

I nodded slowly, reaching between us I brush my hair behind. Starting from the right earring (not the itching one) a sound came from his throat which didn't reflect anything on his expressionless face.

Did he even make that noise? Or was it just my imagination?

His fingers leave my waist to cover mine, he whispered "Here, let me help you."

At that moment I realized, we were alone, very alone, a whole lot of alone, without even the sound of the busy hall reaching us.

Aha! That was him! Now I understood the sound he made at the back of his throat!

With his fingers working on my earring, he leaned forward, we were much closer now that he was fully focused on getting the old grumpy earrings off. Done with the one, he kept it behind me on the counter and leaned in again to start working on my other earring.

I stayed there, unmoving. Well at least my body didn't move, but my thoughts, my breath— they worked faster than they ever have! Lungs scream their need for his fragrance.

Sliding the other earning down to the counter, he didn't move back, he stayed there, barely inches away from me, his hips pressing down on me pinned me to the counter.

"Kaira." he breathed softly, his warmth burning my skin with an unknown shiver of carving rolling down my body, his fingers were back to my neck as he caressed the sensitive skin ever so softly.

My grip on his shoulders tightens slightly as I feel him lean in, our breadths mingled with our close proximity.

"Sidharth." I whispered slowly peeking up at him from under my eyelashes. A smile graced on his tempting lips, he leaned forward.

Brushing past my cheek his breadth howard over my earlobe.

"You knock me out of breath every time I look at you. You are something, something else... Kaira— and... I...." He whispers, his breath ever so slowly burning my skin.

"Sidharth....!" I whisper again as his lips brush against my earlobe. He simply hums, parting his lips slightly, he pecked my piercing.

The tingles are back!

Lingering, he drags his breath under my ear. I draw in a deep breath as his fingers brush my hair to the other shoulder and his lips dip down to touch my skin. My eyes immediately gets shut, taking in the tingling sensation of his lips against my skin, most sensitive skin.

He trails intensely hot yet light kisses to my already sensitive skin, making me grip his shoulders in such a tight hold that I forget everything and a soft sound came from the back of my throat that I refuse to admit was mine!

Why was I here? Why was he here? What were we doing now? Why are his lips devouring me likethis!? Why were my fingers leaning forward to grip his hair!?

Why were his fingers on my bare waist igniting a fire inside me? Why the tight grip of his palm in my hair and his warm mouth over my skin, makes me burn all over!?

I had no answers to any of the questions right now. All I knew was, this is it, this is what I want right now, don't stop!

I didn't voice that thought out, yet, he didn't. His lips parted some more and his teeth graced my skin lovingly. A light prick at my skin and I knew he bit me.

God! When I heard about these, I never thought these were this bloody pleasurable!

His kisses gave a soothing effect on the bite though, as he circled the tip of his tongue over his bite and pressed another of his hot kisses.

Before I knew, he was at my collarbone, leaving at least 3 more bites on his way, with my fingers tangled in his dark mess, making another level of messy by tugging at it so many times.

Pressing one long, hot, lingering kiss he moves back enough to look at me in eyes. Eventually by then, both of our fingers had loosened their grips and mine actually started behaving, resting on his shoulders.

He licked his lips ever so sexily, it almost made me follow but I refrained. Giving me a once overlook he smirked at his art piece, he said "I like my marks on you, oh yes I very much do." he nodded to himself satisfied.

I roll my eyes at his childishness and replied "We should go now, they must be searching for us."

He nodded and within seconds strode out of the bathroom.

I turn to face myself in the mirror and catch the difference, my eyes were bright with unknown happiness, my hair was out of shape, cheeks red.

The love bites as people call was slowly getting along with the redness of the rash. I've never been more grateful in my life.

I immediately cover it up with my hair and move out, a smile never leaving my lips. He was still in the room waiting for me with a small box in his hands.

"Wow! They are so beautiful!" I exclaimed looking at the beautiful pair of earnings in my hands.

"Maybe but not more than you." He compliments. I instantly put them on and we head back to the hall to attend the rest of the guests.

We met many business associates, then a few long-distance relatives then many co-workers, some social worker groups, some of our parent's friends and finally last but not least some of our college friends who made it.

But still, 2 of my important people were missing.

Milkshake just showed me my place in his life tonight! But Ritik!? What happened to him!?

Everyone congratulated, blessed and gifted us.

Suddenly out of nowhere Preeti comes and drags us to the dance floor grinning. I look around to find a girl already approaching Sidharth and he agreed to dance with her immediately. I narrow my eyes at them and huff roaming around my eyes to find my dance partner.

Who is she? His relative or a friend?

While I'm searching for a better dance partner to make him jealous, a hand is placed in front of mine. I look up and my eyes widen with a big smile plastered on my face.

"Ritik!" I squealed and immediately moved forward to give him a hug which he returned gladly.

"Of course it's me! What you thought, that I'll miss your first step in a new life? Never!" he smirks, placing his one arm on my waist and other intertwined with mine he pulled me towards him as we dance slowly matching the beats of music.

"Nah! I knew you'd never miss it, no matter what. You are trustable and not like that milkshake who is still in Delhi leaving me alone here." I make a face to which he chuckled pushing me back to twirl freely.

The music fastens and we increase our pace too moving to different dance styles. I spot Nikki and Kabir dancing too and she winked at me looking at my partner, I grinned back.

She eyes me to look behind me and when I do my eyes get furious again on seeing who Sidharth is actually dancing with. The girl we met in the morning who was swooning over him!

Her hands are all over him! That bitch!

He smirked my way with a glint of jealousy in eyes, I think for a second before smirking back with an evil grin dancing on my lips.

When I face Ritz, find that he is already looking at me with a knowing look. I shrug at him and he breaks out a grin leaving my hand to be placed on my bare waist and I place it around his neck decreasing our distance.

Song is changed and Ritz leaves my waist pulling both my hands in his and we danced. He twirls me few times before my back is pressed against his chest and he touches down my arms quite sensually to look at. Well, let me tell you, only Sidharth's eyes were on us, no one else, but then again no, I didn't feel anything of the sort that felt with Sidharth.

"He is almost red with anger and jealousy!" Ritz chuckle in my ears.

I smirk at Sidharth and mouth "Fair enough!"

He instantly leaves dancing with her for which I'm very much glad of and strides towards the music system.

Ritz immediately turns me back and doing a few steps takes his leave from the dance floor and I thank him heartily.

The song is changed and I'm pulled gently yet forcefully into Sidharth's arms as we dance on this particular song.

"He was touching you! Are you sure he thinks of you as a sister?" He growled softly in my ears, making me smirk inside.

"Yes of course. Interesting, I thought what she was doing is touching." I counter poking his chest slightly.

"You know she forces herself on me! She is the daughter of one of the shareholders and thinks she likes me!" He snorted.

I know he is telling me the truth, but I don't voice it out. Frustrating him was getting fun. So I teased him with my finger trailing slowly over his heart and he once again made an unearthly sound at the back of his throat.

What am I even doing?

I snap back to reality when the music is off and people are clapping for us and other couples. Giving him a twisted smile I back off.

When we walk over to our group, I spot Ritz talking to someone and excuses to come to us on my gesture.

He stands to my other side and a big smile places on Nikki and Sam's faces as I introduce him to Kabir and Karthik.

"Ritik! We are seeing you after so long, where were you?" Sam exclaims with a grin to which I snort quite audibly.

"I was gone to my grandmother's, that's all." He replies eyeing me he exclaims "I said I'm sorry stop glaring at me like that, Kiri!"

We talk amongst us for a few moments before we are called outside and finally, we went for our most awaited dinner which was arranged in the back garden.

We joined our group again at the particular table chatting with stuffed mouths.

After dinner, a photo shoot was arranged with friends and family.

All the guests left after the photoshoot session and finally only my family was left back at his mansion. Soon enough we too bid goodbyes and go to sit in our vehicle.

Sidharth immediately pulled me to him and placed a quick, lingering kiss on my forehead and said "Take care." bidding a final goodbye to everyone I joined my brother and bhabhi in their car going back home.

The events of today running back and forth in my mind and looking at the beautiful diamond ring on my finger made me smile even brighter, my cheeks warming up at the reminder of our intimate moment in the restroom. I once again touch the area on my neck that actually lost their virginity, for assurance that was it really mine?

Somehow the sleep encountered me late at night when I was totally drowned into today's events which were no less than dream come true.

Oh my God!! I'm engaged!!

Was the last thought that came to my mind before sleep fully pulled me into its embrace.


Hey guys!

I'm sorry for this late update, my exams are starting.

Anyway, do tell me how you liked this chapter in the comments below.

Hit the star to vote! Your love and support means a lot!

Happy reading! Stay tuned.

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Love is not as easy as the movies make it seem. life happens and sometimes, you screw up, that too not once but again and again. And due to this you...
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" An Indian story background, but Non - Indians can easily connect with it." Ahana Kapoor and Arhaan Malhotra. Two best friends, who've been together...
75.7K 3.4K 63
"I was invisible to him then and I will be forever" ~Nina Suresh "She's mine yet....she's not." ~Arjun Kapoor *~* ♡Nina Suresh♡ Fun, loving, selfle...
244K 11.1K 53
It is said "The Karma never looses an address!" Same happened with our main protagonist Abhimanyu Roy Kapoor, the young 26 years old dashing politic...