Adopted By Niall Horan from 1...

By Priceisrightrusher

76.8K 1.4K 176

Kensington is three year old she and her sister had been in the orphanage since her parents were charged with... More

Niall adopts Kensington and her baby sister
Kensington and Lizzy see their new home
Recording with two girls
Kensington gets the chicken pox's
Chicken pox fun
More chicken pox fun
Back on tour
Niall is sick
Life on tour with two girls
Niall hurts his foot & Lizzy crawls
Niall's birthday part 1
Niall's birthday part 2
Niall's birthday part 3
The girls arrive in Ireland
Settling all five in permanently
Molly is sick
Seeing what is going on with Molly
Niall takes the girls to the orphanage
The guys talk some sense into Niall
Molly starts treatment
Molly starts treatment part 1
Molly starts treatment part 2
Molly starts treatment part 3
Molly starts treatment the final part
The girls see Molly
Names chapter
Time with Lizzy
Sequel happening
Caitlyn starts to teethe
Niall adopts a newborn, and a puppy
Puppy sugestions
Three dogs
Niall gets the dogs
Preview: Niall adopts the baby
Niall adopts the baby
Bonding time with Carly preview
Bonding time with Carly
Kenzie will bond with Carly
Kenzie bonds with Carly preview
Christmas chapter
Christmas with the Horan's
Valentine's day
Love interest
Love interest is picked
Three year old name
Changing the title
Revised order of chapters
Master's next week
Master's preview
Master's part 3 preview
Master's part 3
Master's part 4 preview
Master's part 4
Master's part 5
What's in the bushes
The little one's in the bushes
Titles for the sequel
The sequel is
Seeing the babies
Seeing the babies part 2
Part 3
Niall thinks it over
The babies get transferred
Getting the babies settled
The babies come home part 1
Serenity comes home part 1
On hold and Happy Easter
Part 2
Kenzi starts school
Part 2
Part 3
Wishing everyone merry christmas and happy holidays
Part 4
Fun at the Horan house
Part 2
Part 3
Part 2
Niall's livestream
Merry Christmas
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Happy 4th
Kenzi spills it all
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (fixed)
The bomb is removed
Part 2
Part 3
100 chapters stronger
Final part
Seeing Kenzi
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
On hold
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Back on hold
Part 10
Further notice
Next Friday
Still on hold
Part 11

Master's part 2

239 6 1
By Priceisrightrusher

Niall was ready to leave cause he could not wait to share this with his girls since Kenzie was bringing her own clubs and was going to have her own caddy as well on the course so she was going to play against daddy which was going to be a blast for sure

"Kenzie i swear your golf bag is better then mine" he says as he was loading her up so they could head to the airport to board the plane to go to Augusta for the master's

Kenzie made sure to have all kinds of bling on her bag

"Okay I loaded most of it up last night so let's load up" he says as he was going to go in and get the younger one's so they could go to the airport

The little one's were still asleep and they hated to be woke up so early while Kenzie was okay with it since she was going to sleep on the plane there in her seat since she was going to have her blanket and her pillow as well so she was warm as they were heading there

"Kenzie i see you have your pillow and your blanket" he says as he buckled Carly in since she was fast asleep since she woke up a little bit ago for her bottle and Niall bathe her for the trip so she was clean as could be right now

She nods as she looks at her daddy as he was ready to go as well

"That's my girl" he says as he kisses her on her nose as she got in to go tot he airport so they could go to Georgia

Niall got in and started the SUV and he put the music on for the little one's so they were still asleep as he was driving cause it was going to be a long drive to the airport

"Daddy i don't have my ipod" Kenzie says as she remembers it

"Okay go get it quickly" he says as she jumps out to go into the house to grab it as well as anything else she needed like her make-up bag

Kenzie was back in no time and she was ready to go to the airport

"Okay let's go" he says as he heads to the airport so they could get going to Augusta for the master's


Niall got the ring rope out for the little one's to hold onto to as they headed in since his luggage was going to be unloaded by his guards so everything got loaded right on the plane so they were set

"Kenzie you want to be the leader of the rope?" he asks since he was getting the stroller out for the babies so they were safe as they headed to the jet

Kenzie nods as one of the guards came to get her luggage so it could be loaded onto the jet

"That's my girl" he says as he kisses her as he started to get the babies out

Once all of the babies were ready to go they headed into the airport and to the jet so they could go to the Master's

"Let's head for our flight" he says as he headed there so they could board the jet

Niall was behind just in case there were crazy fans at the airport that morning and there was none thank goodness


"Okay everyone find your seats" he says as he started to bring the babies on the plane so they could get settled in since they were still asleep like little angels

Kenzie got her seat and she watched her sisters go to their seats so they could get settled in

"Kenzie could you buckle your sisters in for me please?" he asks her since he was with the stroller and getting that on the plane

Kenzie did what she was told and she was going to buckle herself in

"Okay everyone is all buckled in let's get this party started" he says as he turns off the lights since all of the girls were sound asleep so Niall was going to get some sleep as well for the long journey ahead

Niall was asleep within minutes and everyone slept good until they landed in Georgia


"Here already how time flies" he says when he woke up and they were on the runway 

Niall felt good since he got to sleep on the plane but when Carly started to cry 

"Okay Carly I'm coming" he says as he gets u to tend to her 

Niall gets her out of her car seat and starts to change her 


"You feel much better don't you Carly?" he asks since he had to give her a bath since she had a major blow-out and he had to give her a bath 

Carly was cooing up a storm as daddy held her 

"I say yes come on then pretty girl let's get your sisters and head to our hotel where we can get settled in and i have to give all of you a bath probably" he says as he was starting to get the stroller out for the babies as well as the ring rope so they could de-board and go to the hotel to get settled in 

Niall was ale to get the little one's up as well as Kenzie cause she was the mot cranky out of all of the kids cause she was having a good dream and daddy had to wake her

"Kenzie it's okay you can sleep at the hotel baby" he says as he was helping her up a little bit 

Niall saw a huge line of SUV caravans for the girls so they were separate from each other and Niall didn't want that he wanted the girls t be with him at all times

"Well i guess if they are asleep they can sleep in peace and i can get them settled at the hotel" he says as the girls were being loaded 

V & C

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