Does She Really Hate Me?

By TheStoryTeller_17

341K 12K 1.1K

This story is about a popular guy Martin of Global High school. He is the best football player of his school... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 [part 1]
Chapter 20 [part 2]
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Epilogue Part 1
Epilogue part 2
Epilogue Part 3

Chapter 21

6.7K 267 10
By TheStoryTeller_17

Martin's POV

"Okay fine lets go drop you home." Joy said.

I was in no mood to go out. Right now I just wanted to spend some time alone. Everything was set and it was perfect time, I was about to give Jennifer the box and tell her my feeling for her but Didi ruined everything.

My friends dropped me home and said them good night and they went off. Eric knows something is wrong, he's not gonna let that go.

It was already 12:30 am, grandpa was asleep. So I went to my room, changed my clothes, switched off my mobile and went to sleep.


The next morning I woke up late....I didn't heard my alarm.

I quickly freshen up, brushed my teeth, took a quick shower and ran down with my bag.

"Sir, breakfast?" one of the servant asked me as I ran through the hall.

"No, no I am getting late." I replied and rushed out, wearing my shoes as I ran.

Grandpa was in the garden watching flowers and our dogs playing. I ran to him.

"Morning grandpa." I said.

"Good morning're late today." He asked.

"Yeah....I'll see you later bye." I said and rushed to my car. I reached my car keys and drove fast as fast as I could to school. I was real late to school, almost half an hour. I am definitely going to get a detention for this.

I walked through the corridor to my locker. Everyone was looking at Why?

I met some of the guys from my football team Jared, Adam, Matt.

"Hey Martin..did a fine job last night." They said to me...but why?

"Uh, have you seen Eric?" I asked.

"Nopes." They replied and went away.

I saw joy and Ed, I waved to them but they turned back without noticing me. I walked to them but they walked away ignoring me. But why?

Then I saw Emily coming out of the washroom. She was coming my way. She passed ignoring me.

"Hey...hey Emily wait." I stood in front of her to stop her.

"Excuse me Martin.....I have a class I don't have time so..." She said rudely as she gestured mme to move. She walked right past me. But why?

I saw Eric at his locker. Thank god I found life saver.

"Eric." I called him and moved to him. First he saw me and then turned his face away.disappointingly an angrily nodding.

"Hey Eric...where were you?" I asked as reached him.

He shut his locker and moved away without answering me. But why?

What the hell is happening?

"Eric wait." I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him. He turned around removing my hand and said "What?" angrily.

"What's the matter man....why's everyone ignoring me? Joy, Ed, Emily and now you." I asked.

"You are unbelievable." He said and turned back to his way.

"But why?" I asked.

"Yesterday you weren't in mood to talk; today I am not in mood to talk." He replied rudely turning back to me.

"Hey...what's the matter...please?" I insisted him to tell me.

"Martin tell me something...are we buddies?" He asked this strange question.

"Best... in fact brothers." I replied without thinking.

"Then why the hell I come to know about all this from others, from rumors?" he said.

"What?" I asked.

What is it now? Isn't yesterday's night was enough to ruin my day that this all is happening as well.


A/N: sorry guys I know this is short but I think this is the right point to stop it.

So what do you guys think about this chap?

What do you guys think has happened?

Do let me know....:-)


Vote and fan if u like.... :-)

Thanks... :-)


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