Do ajnabee (ragsan)

By crysta09

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ragini a crazy girl full of life sanskar a rude handsome hunk life takes a turn their siblings swara and la... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Authors Note

Part 4

871 37 4
By crysta09

Scenes start with ragini in sanskar's arm they were completely lost in each other they came to reality by the ansh's voice who was dragging swara outside sanskar who was some time lost in ragini came to reality he realised that she was the same ragini his worst night mare he was shocked he immediately left her resulting she fell down ragini fell down with thud

"ouch" ragini screamed in pain

She gave death glare to sanskar sometime back both were lost in eachother and know were seeing each other as if any one would kill anyone at any moment ragini stood

"what the hell do u think of yourself" ragini yelled her eyes turned red in anger

"and what about u I think u have only one work to fall in others arms" sanskar shot back

"u monkey I fell by mistake and one minute what are u doing here" ragini questioned

"same question what the hell are u doing in my house" sanskar asked

"u r house stop speaking bullshit" ragini shot back

"its my house and how dare u come here and speak like this with me" sanskar shot

Swara who came their was shocked seeing the scenery she screamed stop both turned towards her direction swara came to them both were passing death glare to eachother

"guess why are u fighting" swara asked firmly

"ask this ms.chipakali and why she's here" sanskar asked swara

"oh hello mr.sadoo its my sister in laws house and its my wish I can come here when ever I want who the hell are u" ragini shot at him

"oh fish u so ms.irritation is swara's sister" sanskar thought and kept his plam on his forehead

"u monkey how dare u call me that"

"ragini stop he's sanskar laksh's elder brother" swara said

"what oh no" ragini scearmed

"wait do u guess know eachother" swara asked

"no I don't know who she/he is" both ragsan said at a time and looked towards eachother

"u" both pointed index finger to eachother

"don't copy me" both said again in union

"urgh swara lets go in I can't tolerate this man's face" ragini said pulling swara

"and I also have no interest to see u face ms.chipakali" sanskar said laksh and pari who out listening to noise were shocked to listen ragsan addressing ecahother like this

Ragsan gave I'll kill u look to eachother and went in

"do they know eachother" pari asked

"I think yes bhabi" laksh said

Ragini took swara in anyways her mood was totally spoiled seeing him

At garden

Sanskar was so frustrated seeing her

Laksh came to him

"do u know her"laksh asked

"who" he asked

"ragini do u know eachother"

"no I don't know her" sanskar said thinking why to invite new problem to himself by saying that they have long history of war and hatred

"u are not lying na" laksh asked to conform

"yes I don't know her just few minutes back I met her" he said

"ok the way u both were fighting it seemed like u know eachother from long back" laksh said

"I know her every well a big cheater and mental she is my worst night mare I never wished to see her and just know I fought with her" sanskar thought

"bhai why u both were fighting" laksh asked

"nothing" then sanskar narrated all incidents

"what a great job bhai first u saved her from falling and then u only made her fall"laksh said

"it was by mistake" he said "by mistake that I saved her"he whispered to himself

"did u say anything" laksh asked

"no nothing come lets go in" sanskar said pulling him inside laksh was confused about what's happening

At hall all were discussing about marriage functions and all

Sujitha liked ragini a lot sanskar was fully irritated the way they were talking he didn't like ragini in any sense

Ragsan were passing death glares to eachother swara observed their glares and was sure that their was something worng btw these two

Sujitha was planning to some how get ragsan married

At night


Swara was peacefully sleeping but ragini lost her sleep and all credit goes to our hero sanskar he was too not getting sleep both were thinking about each other

The next day

It was most abnormal day for both ragsan but for our cute love birds swalak it was a wonderful day

All family was going for marriage shopping laksh and sanskar had come to pick swara and ragini was not invited the reason everyone knows nothing like that she had lot of office work she was having huge responsibility of business shekar was planning to make her CEO and make an official aonncement of it on swalak premarriage party that was after a day so everyone was busy in its preparation

It was 11 am when sanlak came it was sanskar's plan for not seeing ragini as he thought she would be in office at that time

But bechare his plan was going to flop because ragini was at GM at that time she was peacefully sleeping change of place and time effected her sleep so shekar gave her half day leave in morning and after lunch she would join office it was only for that day because his princess was tried so good dad na

It was around 11 that sanlak reached GM

Swara was in her room

"ragini get up" swara was trying to wake her up from past half an hour

"um..................." ragini said in sleepy tone

"ragini u have to go office also"

Swara said trying to pull blanket "kumbkaran don't irritate me I have to go for shopping laksh and sanskar would be here any moment" hearing it ragini got up immediately heating sanskar's name she didn't wanna see his face her plan to escape as much soon as possible swara was surprised

"wow u got up hearing sanskar's name what's up ha" swara said giving her teasing smile

Ragini throwed pillow at her

"stop it I remembered an important work if I got late na dad will dry roast me" ragini said running towards washroom swara laughed at her antics and headed towards study room her secretary was waiting their to get her signature

Sanlak arrived at GM they took janki's blessing

"aunty where's swara" laksh asked

"u are in hurry to meet her" sanskat tried to tease him he blushed a little

"oh ho see some one is blushing" janki too joined hands to sanskar to tease him

"ma u also joined him" laksh said cutely sanskar and janki gave hifi to ecahother

Sanskar had a good bonding with shekar and janki they met before also janki liked sanskar a lot ragini had no idea that in her absence so much happened

"anyways ma where's swara we are getting late" sanskar asked he used to call janki ma and shekar uncle so only janki liked him more he treats her like ap and sujitha

"beta she's in her room" janki said

"wow ma when u r this son asked u said him and when I asked no answer but I got teasing" laksh said in complaining tone making cure angry face

"oh my this son got angry"

"ma u convince him I'll go and surprise swara" saying sanskar headed towards swaragini's room

But he is going to get shock because its not just swara's room but ragini's also

At swaragini's room

Sanskar entered in he was shocked to see so much messed up room

"I can't believe this is swara's room so untidy I am sure this is because of that ms.irritation" he thought to himself he didn't find swara their he thought she would be in room's gallery

He headed towards their to his disappointment she was not their he came back to room

Ragini just came out of washroom he was wearing bathrobe hair wet both were shocked to see eachother

"ah......................"ragini screamed swara who was in study room was shocked listening to ragini's scream she immdeately headed towards their room laksh and janki also heard her scream laksh also headed up

Sanskar rushed to her and closed her mouth by pinning her to wall both were lost in eachother's eyes

o re piya haye......

o re piya haye......

o re piya haye......

o re piya haye......

forgetting about the world around them lost in each other

they came to sense hearing swara's voice who was talking to laksh

"swara what happened to ragini" laksh asked

"don't know I heard ragini scream and I rushed here lets cheack" swara said and both headed towards room

Scences shift to ragsan

"see I had no intention to see u like this and I am sorry for that I just came to call swara I didn't know u were here" sanskar said in one breath

"why are u not scolding me or talking I am extremely sorry I have no intention like that and I can never imagine chudial like u" he bited his tongue " I am sorry I didn't mean that but it was all accident" he said

"why are u not speaking anything" he asked ragini bited his plam that was covering her mouth he immediately removed it

"idiot how can I speak when u were closing my mouth"she said they heard swara and laksh foot steps

Swara knocked at door

"ragini what happened are u fine" she asked

"ha I am fine" ragini said

"why did u scream" laksh asked

"wo wo wo ha cockroach cockroach"she said

"cockroach" swalak said in union looking in confusion towards eachother

"ha I saw cockroach so I got sacred" ragini said

"wait ragu u are not scared of cockroach na then why did u sceram and open the door" swara demanded

Ragini bited her tongue

"areh if it appears suddenly anyone would get scared and u know that every well how much u get scared of it I am nothing in front of u and plsz go down I'll change and come" she said

Swalak were full confused so they went down

Sanskar about to go ragini held his hand and pulled him her force so much that she was about to fall sanskar saved her from falling he held her by waist

They had a small eye lock but soon composed themselves

Sanskar found a nice chance to tease her he made her stand

"I didn't know u were so eager to be in arms" he said ragini turned red in anger

"idiot" she yelled loud and composed her voice because she didn't wanna give any hint to swalak

" i know I am hot and handsome but don't do such cheap tricks I doesn't suit u" she was about to say something he cutted

"know don't give lame excuses that by mistake I pulled u and all" he said

"shut up monkey I have no interest in u and ya I pulled u because if u go out know and if swalak saw u can u imagine what they'll think u in my room" ragini said

Sanskar didn't think about it and he agreed to her

" and mr.oversmart I have no interest in u nor know and will have ever and one more thing I don't want anyone know that we know each other before because I have no interest to invite new problem for me" she said

"so from know I am ajnabee for u and u are ajnabee for me I don't know who u are we just met yesterday that's it"

"done"he said

"done know leave from here" she said pushing him out

He stopped

"do u really want me to leave" he said moving towards her ragini didn't know what's happening with out her knowledge she was taking back steps

"listen just go"

Finally she hitted wall sanskar moved so close to her he was in no sense their something in her that attracted him

She was about to escape he blocked her his hot breath touched her cheeks she was losing her control

"san......... sanskar" she said

He came to sense that what he was doing and immdeately parted away and headed down

Ragini's prov

What was wrong with me everytime he tries to misbehave with me and I ignore last time what he did was unpredictable he's worst and I hate him but why I fail to resist him and melt so easily last time I was better I took my revenge but this time why I am attracted towards her ragini remember he's nothing to u but just a big head ache so ignore the more u try to know him the more I fall in big problem learn something from past and ignore him

End of prov

Sanskar's prov

What the hell was I doing why do I everytime lose my sense seeing her this Is second time that I am doing so why I feel attracted towards her I never had so strong feelings for anyone why this girl is getting top of my head because of this attraction what u did and what was the result u know well so sanskar stop thinking so their nothing like that remember what had happened in past stay away from her she's just bad luck to me when ever she comes in my life she brings big storm so stay away from her

End of prov

At hall

Laksh was talking to janki swara was sitting their sanskar came he tried hard to behave normal

"where were u bhai" laksh asked

"wo I got an call so I went attend it" he said

Laksh was about to ask one more question sanskat intruppted

"swara shall we leave its already late" sanskar said

"yeah" she agreed

"beta lunch is ready have it and go"janki convinced them for lunch

All were seated at dinning ragini came down rushing she was in her office wear

"ragini come have break fast" janki called

"ma its luch" she said

"I know but for late wake uppers like u its BF only"swara said sticking her tongue out

"shona I have no interest to argue right know because I have to rush to office its important" she said

"I'll talk to ur dad come have lunch" janki pulled her to dinning

Ragini with no mood sat their

Seeing sanskar her anger boiled again swara observed the change

She stuffed her mouth with apple she was eating like she was on fast from many days sanskar was making faces seeing her unhygienic way of eating laksh saw both of their's reactions

"ragini eat slowly food is not running anywhere" laksh said

"I have to run laksh if I got late na dad will roast me" she said

"ha........... first sleep like kumbkaran and then eat like bhakasur" sanskar shot at her she gave a warm big and fake smile to him

"if u have any problem u can leave" she said stuffing her mouth full of food

"I'll eat like this only" she said while eating

Percap: abnormal people's(ragsan) cute fight ..........................................

she metrXn7 

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