The Phantomhive Heiress (Seba...

By BeautyWithMelancholy

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Clarissa Phantomhive, only living true heir to the Phantomhive company in the year 2014, is literally pushed... More

The Phantomhive Heiress (Sebastian Michaelis love story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

993 42 2
By BeautyWithMelancholy

"I'm Clarissa Phantomhive."

The boy, Ciel supposedly, narrows his eyes at me. I take a glance at his butler, who has a similar expression of distrust. I'm guessing that my face mirrors their's, since I have half a mind to think that Edward got this child and sexy man to act this way as a joke on me. Sadly, this idea does not seem as likely as I would like, since I was pushed through a fucking tree portal thing.

Finally, Ciel speaks up. His voice is angry, full of heat. "You're lying. There are no other Phantomhives. My family is gone."

I grin and chuckle faintly to hide my confusion from the situation at hand. I throw the blanket covering me off, and stand up. I do this a bit too quickly though, because I instantly feel the dizziness from my blood loss.

Edward goes to help me stand, but I gain my balance and wave him off dismissively. He steps back, but has a disapproving face.

"Little Mistress, you shouldn't be standing. You could faint and hurt yourself."

I roll my eyes and snort in a rather unladylike manner. "Edward, you and I both know that a small scratch won't cause me to faint."

"It's not exactly small..." I raise my eyebrow, waiting for what I know is about to come next. The pervert proves my thought when he grins slyly. "That's what he said, by the way."

I sigh while shaking my head. "Damned perverted demon..."

Looking back at the pair in front of me, I rest my hand on my hip and smirk. They look at Edward and me with such distrust and cation. And that's when I realize that I still haven't answered Ciel's question.

"Well, if you're actually Ciel Phantomhive, then you have one family member. You don't know of him though."

This statement seems to enrage him even more, as his eyes widen as his face turns red and his lips thin out. He grits out just barely, "Of course I am Ciel Phantomhive! And how could I not know someone in my own damned family??"

I chuckle softly, then reply while keeping my voice at a normal volume, but still as cold as ever. "little children shouldn't cuss. And you don't know him because he's a bastard from you dear father."

I almost want to step back when his face changes again. If I thought he was mad before, he's fucking pissed off now.

"What. Did you say. About my father?"

I shrug, keeping my expression impassive and uncaring. "Before your parents got married, your father was quite the sex fiend." I smile and continue, even as his face becomes redder. "He managed to only conceive one child out of all the whores he fucked. When he found out about the baby, he decided to make a deal with the mother. If anything were to happen to himself, his wife, and their child, then her baby would take over the family business. You're mother knew about this too, by the way. She didn't like it of course, but what was she to do? It was already decided."

When I finish my little history lesson, Ciel is shaking from rage, while his butler simply stares at me with a calculating look.

"You're lying."

I giggle as if he had said a joke. "That is the second time you've accused me of being a lier. Not a very good way to treat your guest, little child."

Edward chuckles after I finish talking. "Actually Little Mistress, he is your age. And Earl Phantomhive, I promise to you that she is in fact telling the truth about your father and her being of your bloodline.-"

I shake my head and complain, "You say that so formally."

He grins at me cheekily, knowing very well that it annoys me when he smiles like that. "That's because that is the way of speaking in this time."

"In this time?? I swear to fucking God, Edward. If you did what I think you did..."

"I might or might not have gotten a death god to send us here..."

"That creepy ass, green eyed, whore man that was eye raping you??" I say in irritation.

Edward looks down at me in amusement. "Is that really what you thought of him? That's quite funny, Little Mistress."

"I don't give two fucks what you think is funny, Edward. Why the hell would you send us back in time?"

He laughs and wraps his arm around my waist somehow, even though he's over a foot taller than me. "Little Mistress, such vulgar words. I'd love to know how you would use them in bed..." He tries to make his voice sound sexy, but fails miserably at it.

I glare at him and slap him across the face. He chuckles but takes the hint, stepping back.

"I would threaten to torture you when we got back to the manor, but I don't make empty threats."

"Oh, and why would that be an empty threat, Little Mistress? Do you finally admit that you love me too much to hurt me?" Edward lays a hand over his heart and acts like he's sniffling and crying. I glare at him and reply icily.

"No. I just think that you're starting to enjoy it too much."

He laughs and shakes his head. "Starting to? I've always enjoyed it."

I scrunch up my nose at this. "You're a fucking freak."

"I'm sorry, I only heard 'fucking'. Were you giving me an invitation? If so, I'll gladly accept."

I glare at him again, but choose to ignore his suggestions for now. Turning back to Ciel and Sebastian, I see that the child is still utterly confused, while his butler is obviously coming to understand something.

He bows a little at us, respectively while speaking. "Edward, I'm rather curious to know why you would send yourself and Lady Phantomhive back in time."

Ciel turns to look at Sebastian sharply. "You believe this nonsense?"

The sexy butler nods, responding to his master with his silky voice. "Yes, Young Master. It is not impossible for death gods to send people or themselves back in time. It's a way to help them recover records that have been misplaced or lost. Also, look at the girl, Master. She looks identical to you. She has the Phantomhive raven black hair. And she is defiantly not from this time. She is not wearing a dress; in fact, she's wearing very unladylike tights and a loose shirt." I send him a glare for the last part, to which Sebastian simply smiles cheerfully at.

"And what of the blue eyes? They are also like mine, yet they're from my mother." Ciel still sounds angry. I giggle softly, enjoying how mad he is.

"That little trait is from my..."My smile fades when I think of my late family. When I finish speaking, my voice is cold again like normal. "I get my eyes from my mother. A coincidence, I suppose." I quickly turn to look at Edward. "I want to go home. Now."

"Is that an order, Little Mistress?"

I grit my teeth and say through them, "No, because I don't have a god damn contract with you so I can't order you around. But I demand that you take me home."

"I'm sorry, Little Mistress. Even if I wanted to take you back, I couldn't. You can travel to the past or future any time. But you can only go back to your original time every three months. Don't ask me why, that's just how it is."

I narrow my eyes at him and speak darkly with fury. "So let me get this straight. You took me to a different time period without my knowledge, and now you tell me that I can't get back home for three fucking months?"

"Yep!" He pops the 'p' at the end, grinning like usual.

"Why??" I ask in bewilderment.

"Because, Little Mistress, I swore to you that in exchange for what you gave me, I would make sure to bring you happiness. And I have reason to believe that something in this time period will do that."

I take a deep breath to calm myself, then look back at Ciel. "Well, since it seems that this fucking idiot of a demon has done this time travel act, we are in need of a place to stay for the next few months. Would you mind me imposing on you for that time?"

Ciel stares at me for a while, before nodding stiffly. "It would be impolite of me if I were to refuse."

I nod in the same manner as he. "Yeah, it would be." I look up at Sebastian, and am surprised to find that he's already looking down at me intensely.

I mange to keep my voice normal, even though his eyes unsettle me in a way I'm not used to feeling. "And I would appreciate it if you kept your demon in check, Ciel. I don't even really feel comfortable with Edward, and that bastard is as loyal as a dog." I smirk slightly as Edward laughs at the little joke. Edward let's out a realistic bark and I snort. "Why couldn't you be a cat? Cats are lovely and quiet creatures, so soft and with their little adorable claws. While dogs are loud and irritating."

I can see a ghost of a smile on Sebastian's lips, as Edward chuckles. "You wound me, Little Mistress."

"If only that were true."

Ciel looks at me, surprise written on his face. "How did you know that Sebastian is a demon?"

I shrug. "He believed the time travel thing without question. And I mentioned Edward being a demon earlier, though he didn't bat an eyelash."

The young Earl nods slowly, understand what I say apparently.

I sigh and turn back to my bed, climbing into it as I speaks. "Now, please leave. I'd like to sleep."

They all nod, but before any of them leave, Sebastian talks again. "Edward, before we all go separately, tell me why you stay with this girl even though you have no contract with her."

I watch as Edward's eyes glow golden as he shows his true demon a little. "Well, for one I do owe her. She gave me something rather...appetizing and filling meal. I'm still not hungry after it, even though it's been a couple of years. But also, I'm sure you can smell her soul, Sebastian. Isn't it simply mouth watering? I still hold onto a slim bit of hope that she'll become desperate for something enough that she wants to form a contract with me."

Sebastian's eyes find mine as I snort and shake my head, snuggling up into the blankets on top of me. "Edward, we both know that I will never be that desperate."

Ciel rolls his eyes."Everyone is desperate for something. For example, how I crave revenge for my parents' death...along with for something else."

I smirk and chuckle gently. "I've already had my revenge on those that have wronged me, Ciel. And let me tell you, it's better than what you can imagine. After that, I didn't care enough about anything to even consider forming a demon contract."

Ciel's expression turns curious. "What did you want revenge for?"

My eyes glaze over a second as I see flashes of it. Of that day. But I quickly get a handle over myself and close my eyes. "Leave. All of you. Now."

Finally, I hear fading footsteps and a door close softly.

I wish I can say that I dreamed. But I can't. Because as I fell asleep, I was plagued with nightmares that should stay in the past.

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