Lost Mate

By DarkFaab

33.4K 1.6K 190

My name is Angel, but I don't feel like one. It is impossible for me to be one. As a matter of fact I am the... More



1.5K 44 20
By DarkFaab

I slowly open my eyes when someone hits on the gate of the cell. My eyes need to adjust to the bright light and I need to focus on what he is saying. The pain in my hand isn't making it any easier for me. I rub my eyes with my left hand to try to get the haze away from my eyes. It is way too cold in here.

'The Alpha wants to see you,' the guy says a bit bored.

He must be tired. What time is it anyway? I would ask, but what will that help? I don't even know what day it is and not that it matters anyway. I get up by pulling myself up with my left hand. He grabs my shoulder making sure he doesn't touche the silver cell and gate. He pushes me forwards and into the hall.

The smell of morning dew and vanilla spreads in the air and the closer I come to him, the more I can small that amazing smell that makes me want to snuggle into him. Not that he will ever allow that. Why do I even want to do that? It will never ever happen. He hates me and he is just going to make me jealous and hurt me untill the day he feels like rejecting me.

When he finds out my wolf is gone, he will probably reject me once and for all. I am sure it won't take long for him to find out. He'll want to see my wolf soon and when he finds out I can't shift, I will be a laughing stock.

He pushes me to a door and I swallow when I see the two huge guys standing infront of the questioning table. One is my mate and the other... I guess he is the Beta or Lead warrior or something. I don't really care. Right now I have to be put in that chair and they will torture me untill I give them answers. Answers I do not have.

'Good morning, did you sleep well?,' the Alpha Jokes and the two others grin. I can't smell her on him what I expected, but he must have taken a shower.

When you mate with someone who isn't your mate, their smell doesn't stay on you. All you have to do is take a shower and no one will know. That is what he did, but all I want to know is why? He is trying to make me jealous right? Or maybe he can't take her smell, because she isn't me.

The wolf pushes me into the chair rough and the Alpha looks at him a bit pissed before looking at me serious again. He doesn't want anyone hurting me.

The wolf puts my left hand in the chains and when he touches my right hand I scream out the agony.

'What is wrong with you? What happened?,' the Beta asks looking at my hand. I think now they notice that it is swollen.

'Did you and the wall had a fight? Or is it the floor?,' the Alpha asks.

I give him no answer and I can feel him getting pissed. I don't care. If he is going to reject me anyway I might as well choose death instead of the human world where I will never belong.

'Okay, just answer or questions and you will leave here unharmed,' he tells me, 'Why did they come to fight?'

I didn't plan to answer, but if I don't answer at least one question he will reject me right here and now for sure.

'Revenge I guess. Some of those wolves were banned,' I told them and they know it is true.

'So why didn't hey attack this place? I have banned more wolves than my brother. Marcus has a soft heart in some way. He gives chances... I don't,' my mate tells me. I think he is making sure I know that he will never be mated to me, a rogue. He won't give me a chance.

'I don't know. They said something about attacking there... First,' I say as i remember something they were talking about.

The three wolves look at each other in shock. Not that they are scared, but this much be a lot of information from a rogue without torturing them.

'Why are you just telling us?,' the Beta asks.

'Because I have nowhere to go. If I stay here, I die. If I go back, I die. If I run, you will chase me, I die. If I manage to cross into the human world, my father will find me and I die too. I'd rather help you guys out and know my father will be killed by one of you, than sit here and die, knowing he will enjoy himself once he finds out I am gone. No, I need him to suffer. I need him to suffer big time and then I can die in peace.'

I look at my legs and sigh.

'Do you know anything else? Like maybe where they will be heading next?,' the guy who brought me here asks. He must be the lead warrior or something.

'No, I don't, but once my father finds out I am alive. They will come searching for me. If they find out I am here... Here is their next priority.'

'Why do you think your father will come... Wait, your father is a leader?,' my mate asks in shock.

'Yes, one with too much power just like you and he wants me dead just for he fun of it.'

'Take her back to her cell, let Nala check out her hand and you get her some food. Let two of your warriors protect Nala when she is down here. I don't know what she is capable off. Now if you excuse me, I have to go wake up my darling.'

He doesn't give me an eye when he walks away the ground and walks shake a little. The beta and lead warrior both bring me too my cell and they walk away after.

'When is he going to stop messing around with Cindy? She can't be our Luna. She is weak and mean,' the warrior says.

'Don't let him hear you before he murders you. You know he will. She might not be his mate, but he sees her as and he won't tolerate you talking about her like that,' the Beta tells him and they disappear.

I sit down on the ground and sigh deep.
I never thought he could just say one sentence and make me feel worse than when my father hit me. It feels worse than this broken hand. Hopefully, maybe, unlikely it isn't broken.

Whispering voices come closer. The same smell of rose that Maria has, fills the air and I smile. I know it can't be Maria, but... Still.

When they get closer I see it's two warriors and a doctor like lady who looks and smells a lot like Maria. The cell door is opened and she steps forwards. She helps me up and makes me sit on the bench.

'You must be Angel. Maria told me a lot about you,' she says with a small smile.

I wonder what she said. That I am lost? Ugly? Worthless? Useless?

'You didn't break your hand. You are very lucky. I'll put something to take the pain away and put a bandage on. Since you're a werewolf it should heal within two days,' she says standing up.

I nod slowly and at that time a warrior comes in with a plate with food. If you can even call it food. Two slices of bread with eggs or something and a glass of water... For the rogue who didn't eat for six days.

'I will be back later to check on your hand,' she tells me and she walks away. After I am done eating I am left alone. Alone with my thoughts which hunt me.

I am dozing off when someone walks in the tunnel. I know who it is, because of his smell, but I may too tired to care. My mind has been hunting me about everything my father told me that I am or never will be. All the things I deserve and what I don't deserve.

'Tired huh? The silver draining your energy out of you?,' he asks amazed. I don't look up at him. 'Is your hand still hurting?'

I slowly nod trying to sit up, but I fail and my face hits he floor. I am tired, hungry, thirsty. The pieces of bread just made it worse.
The door opens and he walks inside.

He over me his hand, but I shake my head and try sitting up by myself again.

'Are you okay?,' he suddenly asks and I am probably not the only one who things that is the most stupidest question I have ever heard! I am locked up, hungry, thirsty, in pain because of so many reasons, I am lost, broken and all alone. My wolf doesn't even come back. She doesn't care. He doesn't care either.

'I wanted to ask you something,' he says a bit concerned.

'What?,' I bite back.

'Where is she?,' he asks and I can hear panic and confusion in his voice.

I look up at him and sigh. Of course he would know she is gone or at least hiding. He might not like me, but his wolf might love my wolf and that is the part that makes us weak for each other. But with me it is different. My wolf is nowhere to be found and I am he one being weak for him, which isn't rare but different. Normally if you hate your mate, your wolf is the one telling you to give hima chance. In my case my wolf isn't here to ask me, but I would love to be in his arms.

'I don't know,' I sigh.

'Since when is she gone?,' he asks angry.

'About a week. When I entered your brother's territory I tried shifting with my wounds, but she wouldn't let me. I kept forcing it and all of a sudden she just... Disappeared,' I whisper sad.

He sighs and leans against a wall. He lets himself glide down and he sits on the ground looking at me.

'You're so pretty,' he whispers without looking at me.

I look at him in shock.

'Your smell is amazing,' he says after causing me to blush.

'I thought you said you couldn't smell me,' I say softly.

'I smell both scent of you and that is why I am turning crazy. My wolf wants to take you, mark you, mate you, make you his own, but I can't. I thought i could hurt you, but I can't. I do know that I will have to. You are a rogue and this pack more than any other pack hates rogues. Rogues attack about four years ago killing all The pups. That is something you don't easily forget.'

'So what will happen to me? You can't just keep me locked up forever. If you tend on doing that, you better kill me now. You can't hide your mate away in a cellar and let her spend the rest of her days down here,' I tell him.

'I can do whatever I want!,' he says angry standing up. He looks me in the eyes and I look down. His scent is driving me crazy. I want to hold him and kiss him. I want to be in his arms.

'You don't tell a soul! I will figure out what to do! I have to go into a meeting. I will be back!'

He walks away with heavy footsteps and I shrug when I see he forgot to close the door behind him. I want to call someone, but just let it be. Even if I run, they will catch me. There is no way I can outrun any wolf in human form and he knows that.

He is testing me.

I look around and sigh. This place is shitty, but right now it is my home.

Hey everyone, sorry that it's kind of short.
I will update soon.

Hope you likey!

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