Niall Horan - Long Imagines

By Shipping_1D

12.9K 23 4


Niall Horan - Imagine 2

Niall Horan - Imagine 1

8.7K 14 1
By Shipping_1D

You and Niall are sat on the train back from a romantic weekend in Paris. You're sat side by side and your hand clasped in his whilst listening to your iPod on shuffle. You rest your head on his shoulder as 'next to you' by Justin bieber come on. You reach over to the table to change the song but he takes your hand and puts the iPod in his pocket. He pulls you out of your seat and puts his arms round your waist. You slow dance together in the middle of the carriage.

" I love you so much" he whispers in your ear and then gives you a light kiss on the cheek.

" this song says everything that I'm feeling and thinking right now"

You both stand still , forehead on forehead. Staring into each others eyes whilst Niall continues to sing the song to you. You bite your lip and smile, wishing the moment could last forever.


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