The Bajan Girl and the Bacca...

By TheCraftyGurls

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The last thing Leah and Izzy expect is to meet their favourite gamers in the shopping mall. And let's just sa... More

The Bajan Girl and the Bacca Girl
Chapter 2 (The Meet Up)
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
A/N -Izzy

Chapter 4 (Just Friends)

120 14 3
By TheCraftyGurls

Leah's P.O.V

Mitch walks out of the room hesitantly, while Jerome in standing there, eyes glued to the ground. I clear my throat and he jumps, eyes averting to me.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" He looks at the ground again. I sigh and stand up. I try to get to the door, but Jerome slides in front of me, blocking my only path.

"Please... don't go. Give me a chance to explain." I roll my eyes and I back up to the bed. "Go ahead. I'm waiting."

He sits on the ground and begins. "LeahIamsosorryIdidn'tmeantohurtyou.I



He breathed in as my heart shattered. He just wanted to be friends. Only friends. Those words replayed in my mind as I forced a smile.

"I guess I could forgive you... yeah, that sounds good." Jerome grinned from ear to ear as he jumped up and hugged me.

"Thank you." I hugged back, trying not to cry into his shoulder. "No problem Jerome, no problem."

He pulled away, and grabbed my hand. "Come on, come meet the guys." I reluctantly stood up and followed.

He didn't like me. After spending a day confused, I finally figured out he didn't like me. Just as a friend, like he said.

As a friend. I am so stupid. To think anyone, like him, could like me. Not a chance.

"This way Leah." His voice pulled me away from my dreaming and I started to follow him again.

He opened the french doors that led to the living room. Through the glass I could see Jason on his computer, mixing a new song, Adam and Ian competing against each other in COD Ghosts, and Mitch and Ryan on their phones.

Interesting people, aren't they? Yeah, or so I thought. I mentally rolled my eyes. I continued to follow Jerome into the living room.

No one looked up and egknowledged I was there. Jerome just led me to my wonderland, the kitchen.

"You want a drink? We got pretty much anything." I smirked. "Beer?" Jerome chuckled and opened the fridge. "We definitely have enough of that in our fridge."

He grabbed two Corona's and passed one to me. "Here. I'll get the bottle-" I cracked it open with my hand. "opener"

I laughed and took a sip. He opened his with a bottle opener. As you can tell, I am more ninja then dis bacca. "Cheers."

We clinked our bottles and I took another drink. "JEROME BROUGHT A GIRL HOME!! GUYS, COME LOOK!!" I spit out some of my drink.

I whip around and I see Ian. "What da hell was that for?" He smirked and I see Jason behind him. "So I see."

I glare at them and their smile drops off their face. They glance at each other and run. And I chase them.

Jerome's P.O.V

Leah runs after the boys. It is only at this point that I put my beer on the counter and place my head in my hands. "What have I done...?"

"What do you mean Jerome?" I take my head out of my hands and I see Ryan. "You wouldn't understand. It is something I probably can't fix."

This is usually the time Ryan shrugs and leaves. But not this time. He decides to come over and sit down.

"Dude, this isn't nothing. You've been depressed all day and no one but Mitch knows why. Just talk to me about it and I might be able to help."

I turn to him. "Alright fine, I give in. It's Leah. I made a mistake dude. And I completely ruined it today. Before it was just a mess, but I have completely ruined it now. She likes me, I like her, I want her, and today I technically said I just wanted to be friends."

Ryan never let's me turn away while saying these three words.

"Just tell her."

I give a deep sigh and try not to get frustrated. "I've already tried and I failed. Do you really think I wanna try again?"

"Talk to her alone and say you made a mistake. And we will see how she reacts. Good or bad, at least you got it off your back."

I think about it. I guess that is a good idea, despite me messing up. And I won't feel so bad after. But I don't wanna hear no.

"Okay, I'll wait for the right time I guess. And I will finally tell her how I feel."

Leah's P.O.V

After chasing the boys for what seems like hours; only 5 minutes, bring it on, we all collapsed on the floor.

"I will literally kill you guys." They chuckle and prop themselves on their elbows. "Sure you will... what's your name?"

I prop myself on my elbows as well. "Leah. And you guys are...?" I knew of course, I just didn't wanna be a stalker and be all like 'I know where you live' and such.

"Jason." Jason replies being his bubbly self. "And I am Ian or Derpy SSundee." I raise my eyebrow in mock confusion. "Don't ask, he's weird. He's been derping since 2010."

I chuckle at an old reference I know. "5SOS! BEEN DERPING SINCE 2011!!" Jason yelps and Ian jumps. And I laugh... see the difference?

"What the f-" I cut him off. "It's flapjack mister. Did your mom ever tell you to use different words for swearing? 'Cause mine certainly didn't."

Jason's eyebrow was raised for a few seconds before he finally caught my drift. He laughs along with me and Ian, but it doesn't last long because Mitch comes up the stairs.

"Hello Mitchell. How are you on this fine evening?" I say in a posh accent, which I am completely a master at.

"I am very good, and yourself Leah?" I laugh and reply back. "Quite fine." Mitch comes over and sits down. "Izzy will be here soon. I invited her over."

My eyes widen. "Dammit... I'm in for it now" I mutter the last part so no one could hear me. "Okay, we'll see her then."

Mitch bids farewell to all of us, but before he leaves, he mouths 'Everything good with Jerome?' and I nod my head yes.

Jason turns back to be and looks puzzled. "Don't ask Jason. It doesn't concern you."

I stand up, brushing myself off. "Let's go wait for my friend." And with that I go downstairs.

Jerome's P.O.V

I hear Leah and the guys stomping down the stairs, so I turn to the door. I see no one. I turn around. No one.

"SURPRISE!!!!" I feel tiny things hit my back and one hits my head. "Dafuq??" I spin around and there are the guys and girl with Nerf guns.

"Hi" Leah manages to squeak out before I tackle her. "RAWR!!" She burst out laughing. "Guys! Help me!!" But they are already gone. That leaves me and Leah.

"How many freaking donuts did you eat Jerome?" I lightly laugh and stop her squirming. "Enough."

We both smile and lapse into silence. I get off her, but sit criss cross applesauce on the ground. She copies me. "Leah, I really wanna tell you something and I wanna fix a mistake in the process."

"Okay. Go ahead. Just this time" she outs her hand on my shoulder. "speak slower." I smirk and agree. And I begin.

"Leah, when I said I want to be friends, I made a mistake. I don't just want to be friends, I wanna be more. I don't know if you feel the same, but I might as well try and get it off my back and I know this may sound cliché, but I want to tell you how I feel."

Leah stares at me with tears in her eyes. "Oh God, what have I done?" I put my head in my hands and wait for her to speak. But speaking is the last thing she does.

She crawls over and sits beside me, and rests her head on my shoulder. "Thank God I know you feel that way about me too" She whispers in my ear.

I take my head out of my hands and stare at her in disbelief. "Really?" She smiles and nods her head. And I don't wait another second.

I finally do what I wanted to do all night. I finally kissed her.

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