Turn of Life

By menaka92

86.6K 7.1K 2K

Our life is a mixture of love and hatred, happiness and sorrow, twists, blunders and many more...!! Though we... More

Turn of Life
2. Murder plan
5.Sneaking out of hostel
6.Kiran's birthday
7. Birthday celebrations
8.Teasing eachother
9. Meeting them
10. Confusion
11. Last
12.Thank you
15.Pranav's dad
16.Unexpected Proposal
19.The phone call
20. Game
21. Process
22.New Task
24.Unexpected support
25.Long time
27.Irresistable Attraction
28.First day
29.Treating him
31.Prince Charming
32.Unknown feelings
33.Little did I know
34.The day
37.Friends talk
38.Deadly virus
41.Her antics
45.First kiss
46.The proposal
47.Unexpected care and comfort
48.(Un)Pleasent Surprise
49.Secret revealed
50. I know
52.The bet
53.Anything possible
54.A night to remember
55.Her reply
56.A day with her
57.Bad feeling
58.The news
59.I like him?
60.The meet
61.New member in the gang
62.Happy? Not happy?
64.The complete day
65.My heart
71.Can't be happening
73.Almost there
74.Peace at the end?
75.Not so romantic proposal
76.The final verdict
77.Fire girl
81.Dean to dad
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
Epilogue 4
Epilogue 5
Epilogue 6
Questions and Answers


1.5K 126 28
By menaka92

Shweta's POV:

After a month...

Kavya is almost cured now. I'm happy for her. Now the hospital is much safe. Neither Priya nor Harish came even once. I felt something really bad that's going on.

I and Kavya became very good friends. I took complete care of her. Tomorrow is her discharge. I even asked her about her family. But she said that there is no one for her. I felt bad. I asked her to stay in hospital for 2 more weeks as she really needs someone to take care of. As she had none at home, she agreed after a long argument.

Her baby Pranav is also healthy and happy.

He is very cute and naughty as compared to other boys of his age. Kavya would spend all her time only with Pranav or with me. I even tried asking her about Harish and their relationship. But I noticed that whenever I start any conversation regarding Harish, a pain and unknown guilt carved on her face. Looking at her in that state, I couldn't proceed further with that topic.

After 2 weeks...

Today is Kavya's discharge. I'm surely gonna miss her. I personally made sure that it is safe for her to walk out of the hospital. I even requested the police inspector to arrange for police security around her house so that there is no harm for her.

"Bye Shweta!! I'll really miss you! Please do come home whenever you are free!" Kavya said hugging me with her eyes blurred. I understood that she has never been so open to anyone like this before. Her words literally made me shed tears too.

I hugged her back "Don't worry Kavya! I'm always there for you. Trust me. Atleast every week I'll surely come to your home and spend atleast an hour with you and your son. Now don't cry. You are making it difficult for me too" I said trying to control my tears.

She nodded. We pulled apart when we saw the room door opening. I saw Dean entering with a file in his hand. To my shock I found Harish entering the room behind him. They both were discussing something. As soon as Kavya saw him entering, she ran to him. He opened his arms wide to hug her. She too, without a second thought, ran into his arms and hugged him like there is no tomorrow.

I felt an ache in my heart. I had a tough time controlling my tears which were about to drop any moment.

I know they are married and have all rights to hug. But still somewhere my heart refused to believe the fact. I know I have hurt him. It's me who rejected him when he proposed me. I knew he loved me with all his heart and he even proved it to me. It's so stupid of me to reject him. I knew that I will surely regret it one day. But I had no idea that this will hurt me so much. Now I badly regret that my actions on that day. If only I could go back to that day and change everything!!

I discussed with Dean regarding Kavya's discharge. He checked her health condition once again and approved her discharge. I saw Harish helping her to get her out of her bed. She is struggling to walk and that's when I saw him making her lean on to him completely and taking her to his car. Behind them, I saw someone carrying Pranav to their car, whom I guess is their maid. I rushed to my room before creating a scene there by my tears.

After a couple of hours...

I am in my cabin still crying remembering our beautiful moments.

Flashback begins....

Now I'm waiting outside the boy's hostel for my friends in the driver's seat.

Yes....We are sneaking out of hostel. Now its 11.30 at night! You might be wondering what am I doing alone at this time that too outside boy's hostel!!

Wait let me tell you.... Today is Kiran's birthday... I mean tomorrow. So we are planning to kidnap him and celebrate his birthday sharp at 12. Yamuna is gone inside hostel to help Harish kidnap Kiran without his knowledge or any doubt. Ritu is checking on the arrangements which we have planned for his birthday. Preeti is gone to get a cake for him. I am waiting to drive Yamuna and Harish to the spot.

Ring....Ring....Ring.... I answered my phone. "Where the hell are u guys?? Only half an hour is left!! Come fast!!" I heard Preeti literally screamed out of excitement.

I know that she has some feelings towards Kiran. She is not ready to tell it to him. I wanted to help her by telling Kiran everything but then Ritu told that it's their personal and they should share their own feelings. She is right...So now I'm encouraging Preeti to convey her feelings to him on his birthday.

"I'm still waiting outside for them. They haven't come yet. Did you bring what was asked?" I said as I heard a sigh from her.

"Yep. Okay...Just give me a missed call once you guys leave." She said still excited.

"Okay... Sure...But listen..I wanna ask you something if you don't mind" I asked with a little nervousness.

"Hey come on Shweta!! Don't be so formal. You are my friend and you can ask me anything. I won't mind" she said.

Without beating around the bush, I decided to jump direct to the point. "What do you feel about Kiran?" I asked her. I'm sure she wouldn't have expected this from me.

"Hmm....W..Wh..Why are you asking this all of a sudden? " She stammered.

And I got my answer from that. "No...I mean I just wanted​to know. Don't you have any special feelings for him?? Please don't mind me cause I have seen this often and don't try to lie to me or else you'll end up getting a wack from me!!" I said naughtily to calm her down as I knew she was serious.

"Hmmm....yeah...I do have such feelings for him ....Infact I felt that since I met him for the first time...But I know he doesn't like all such stuff. He thinks that true relationship is bullshit. I means nothing to him. For him girls are just meant to be flirted and teased. He never understands the value of true love. That behaviour of his even hurts me a lot of time. I even tried explaining him but he pays no ear to it. So...That's why I'm sacred. What if he just says it on my face that he doesn't like me??...Then I swear....I can never look at him. It'll kill me from inside. Cause I love him so much. There is even possibility of our friendship getting broken. So I don't want any of such things to happen. I'm fine with not telling him what I feel but I can't bear not being his friend. I just don't wanna lose his friendship" she said with a husky and choking voice which indicates that she's crying.

Preeti's POV

I really didn't expect Shweta to ask this. I know that I can
share such stuff with her but I don't want her to judge me. But since she asked me this openly, I don't think she'll judge me. I got that feeling that she is trying to help me. So I told her everything which I was holding back since 2 years.

I was actually in tears when I told her everything. I knew that I loved Kiran but I never knew that I loved him so madly that just saying about our friendship getting ended made me feel broken. I let out a relief sigh after I told her. I actually felt burden free. I thank her for that. Holding all these feelings since so long and wasn't able to share it with someone was hell. I really thank her for releaving me from that hell.

"Listen Preeti. I know and can understand what you are going through. But what if you regret not confessing your love to him right now?? I'm sure he'll be angry at you but we are there for you. Trust us. We won't just let him break your friendship like that. We are there for you guys to settle everything right.

We are friends after all. Do you mean what friends mean? Friends are those who understand you, support you, care for you and trust you. Obviously there are some misunderstanding that might arise between us sometimes. But that is actually a test to prove how strong is our friendship. We should be trusting eachother so much so that we have courage to face eachother and speak out everything to get things clarified.

I'm sure, if Kiran is your best friend, he'll never judge you just because you just shared with him what you feel. I'm sure he's mature enough to think atleast this much. But even if he doesn't, we are there to set everything for you. So just go and tell him looking at his eyes directly without any fear.

You know something, sometimes I feel even he treats you specially. I'm not telling this to make you confess or encourage you but I'm telling you what I have actually seen with my own eyes. Trust me he has some feelings towards you. So don't worry, just go and face it. Be brave and bold enough to face your problems. I'm always there to push you up like a spring as well as to support you like a pillar when you need" she said with much confidence.

Her words brought in new spark of hope to me. Yea...I'm bold enough to tell others what I feel. It's not that I'm doing something wrong. If conveying others what you feel, is wrong, then I don't mind commuting that mistake. Yes....My friends are there to support me. They won't let my friendship break with him that easily. A new confidence built up in me due to her words. I knew deep down inside, whatever she said is absolutely correct. I can't find any mistakes in it.

What did she say?? Kiran has some feelings towards me?? Whattt?? OMG!! I can't believe this. But I'll make sure everything goes right. Even if ihe doesn't, I'm strong enough to face it. I just hope he feels the same for me. I know he likes my craziness and chattering but he never showed it outside. Maybe he is waiting for me to propose him or he might me thinking the same like I do. Anyways I'll bring it to an end tonight!

"Thanks a lot Shweta! You don't have any clue how much this meant to me!! Thanks a lot again.
.... I love you...I never knew that you could be so open. I actually looked at your attire and character and judged you that you might hate such stuff. But you proved me wrong. I'll show you that I'm brave enough to let him know what I feel. And ya, I trust you guys. I know you won't just simply sit and watch things falling out between us. I'll propose him tonight. I'm actually tired of this long discussion within my mind since 2 freaking years. I wanna end it now. I care a damn what he thinks of me yhen, but I'll atleast be in peace." I said with much confidence. Usually I'm strong and daring girl but I honestly don't k ow why I become so weak when it comes to Kiran. But her works literally boosted me up.

"All the best sweety. And thanks for trusting us. I'll make sure nothing goes wrong,Kay? Now don't get tensed. Just speak out whatever you feel like telling him. But remember we are all here for you!! Once again I wish you best of luck... Bye...See you soon" she hung up the phone.

Now I'll have to make some rearrangments in his birthday celebrations so that I can propose him. I immediately called up Ritu and told her everything. I was shocked to know that she is readily willing to help me in this. I never expected this from her. I know she's a bookworm but I never knew she valued me and my feelings so much. I thanked God for giving me such lovely and understanding friends, Then went with Ritu to make the arrangements. After we are done with it, we were waiting for them.

Harish POV

My phone in my pocket vibrated while I was managing to divert the hostel warden so that we could take Kiran without any problem. I took my phone without caring to look at the caller id. "Hello" I said in irritation.

"H..h..l..hello!!" her angelic voice made me calm down. How much I wish I could wake up everyday listening to this voice near me!!


Hey guys!!

I would like to thank Divya2201 for her immense support and help!! Love you so much!!<3

So....How's this chapter?
Did you all like it?

I'm so sorry that I ended it in the middle of flashback but I guess the next chapter will also be a flashback.

So are you all enjoying it?
I hope so....

Anyways what do you think is gonna happen next?

Is Shweta gonna be a barrier between Harish and Kavya?
Will she move on or still stay stuck at her past?

Will Kiran accept Preeti's proposal?
Who is that person who's talking with Harish?

Please do vote and comment..It encourages me to write more!! Not only me but any writer!

Byee .... Hope to update soon....

Take care guys..

Menaka :)

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