
By LexTheAuthor

1.6M 50.8K 107K

Aaron Turner had come to terms with his bisexuality at the age of fifteen. His first real relationship was wi... More

Chapter 1. Steal His Man Challenge.
Chapter 2. Love Lost.
Chapter 3. Best Thing I Never Had.
Chapter 4. Lonely.
Chapter 5. Differences.
Chapter 6. Trust.
Chapter 8. I Need You.
Chapter 9. Heart For Sale.
Chapter 10. The Boy Is Mine.
Chapter 11. Dilemma.
Chapter 12. Homies.
Chapter 13. Ex Factor.
Chapter 14. You Don't Know Me.
Chapter 15. Do The Right Thing.
Chapter 16. Wild Thoughts.
Chapter 17. Only You.
Chapter 18. Through It All.
Chapter 19. Always.
Chapter 20. XO
Chapter 21. Watch Your Back
Chapter 22. All The Wrong Things.
Chapter 23. Baby Daddy.
Chapter 24. Just The Two Of Us.
Chapter 25. Malik & Aaron.
Chapter 26. The Understanding
Chapter 27. Hundred Reasons.
Chapter 28. In Too Deep
Chapter 29. Fake Love
Chapter 30. Consequences.
Chapter 31. Hard Truth
Trade Book 2 Out Now

Chapter 7. Family Affair.

52.3K 1.6K 2.7K
By LexTheAuthor

Aaron Turner

"Y'all are all fucking ugly and yes I'm bitter and salty!" Peyton snapped with an attitude as I rested my head on Amaru's chest and ate popcorn ignoring her. I glance over at Saint who was knocked out asleep on Erin's breasts while she scrolled through her phone unbothered by Peyton's bitterness as well.

"I don't feel bad for your single ass. Do you know how lonely I felt before I got with Saint and everyone else was always in a relationship? I was told to be patient, so now it's your turn to be patient" Erin responded in a dry tone and I nodded in agreement.

I looked up at Amaru who's gaze was focused on the TV in my living room as he watched the very first episode of Scandal on Netflix. I'd already binged watched everything and so I was waiting around for somebody to come up with a plan for tonight so we didn't have to stay in.

"You tired?" Amaru questioned and I shook my head as I leaned down kissing the back of his hand that was resting around my shoulder. He smiled showing off the braces in his mouth before he leaned down and kissed my lips.

"Stop it!" Peyton complained as she laid back on the other couch. I reached for more popcorn before I realized it was empty and slowly got up and grabbed the bowl of popcorn as Amaru adjusted how he was sitting.

I walked passed him and went into the kitchen where I sat the bowl in the sink and checked my texts.

My sister in law Ajani had asked if I wanted to come over to a small cookout she and my brother Kaine were having and I was still contemplating it. On one hand I wanted to have a home cooked meal and see my niece and nephews but on the other hand I knew Malik had told her and Kaine about our argument and I didn't feel like being lectured.

I opened my pantry and grabbed a bag of chips before shutting it. When I turned around I nearly jumped when I noticed Amaru come around the corner.

"Bae I want some actual food. I don't wanna snack on nothing" he groaned as he leaned on the counter and looked at me like he was waiting for me to do something.

"The fasted thing I can cook is spaghetti and we have frozen meatballs in the freezer I think" I said slowly as I sat the chips down and opened my freezer to see what was inside.

"Peyton is trying to go to the strip club, I'm not feeling that" Amaru said as he walked over and grabbed at my shirt flirtatiously as I smiled pulling out the meatballs and garlic bread.

"You just wanna stay in and eat?" I asked growing a bit shocked. He nodded as he grabbed a pot and filled it with water as I cut the stove on and pulled down the noodles from the overhead cabinet.

I stood back and watched him get everything we needed. He wore a shirt that belonged to me, he probably didn't know that I knew he'd stolen it about a week ago but it looked better on him so I decided not to say anything.

Amaru's jeans sagged a little and I smiled as I went up behind him gripped his ass. He laughed allowing me to lay kisses on his neck as he added salt to the water to keep the noodles from sticking to the bottom.

"I love you" I said in between kisses and he smiled and turned his head kissing my lips with a peck.

"I love you too" he responded as his gaze focused on the back of a box. "Bae can you stop feeling on my ass, I'm trying to cook or we're going to starve" Amaru said finally catching on.

I backed up some as he squatted down and grabbed a pan out before he pressed it to my chest along with the bag of frozen meatballs.

I frowned and moved away setting everything down on the island before preheating the oven. Peyton came into the kitchen a little while later and paused when she saw us about to start cooking.

"So nobody wants to go out?" She questioned and I shook my head while washing my hands. She sighed before she walked over and took a seat on a stool and preceded to pour some tequila into a shot glass.

"If you really want me to hook you up, I can hook you up. I know some straight nigga's and they not on no DL shit either" Amaru said over his shoulder.

"Really? Do you have a brother or a cousin?" Peyton questioned and Amaru shook his head no.

"I only got a lil sister and she like fifteen.  All my cousins are younger than that, I'm talking about homeboys" Amaru said walking away from the stove.

"I like rough necks but not too rough, kinda like you except minus the gay part. I'm not that picky with looks but don't hook me up with a bum" Peyton explained.

"What she means is she wants a man that probably just got out of prison" I teased and Peyton perked up.

"Yeah!" She said excitedly and my eyes widened. Amaru rubbed his chin before he pulled out his phone and leaned on the counter.

"What you think of him?" Amaru asked as he turned his phone and showed a picture of a brown skinned guy with a few tattoos.

"He's cute, I'm not feeling the cornrows he's rocking though" Peyton said shaking her head as I sprayed down the pan I was holding.

"Him? I was locked up with him in county, his name is Sal" Amaru said handing his phone over to her to look through the mans Instagram while he went to check on the boiling water.

I tried to take a peek at what the guy looked like but Peyton moved so I couldn't see, she was being petty on purpose and I was going to remember this whenever she wanted me to spill tea about my sex life.

"What is Sal like and what did he go to jail for?" Peyton questioned finally tearing her eyes away from the phone.

"Ugh car theft I think? I wouldn't hook you up with somebody I thought would put their hands on you" Amaru reminded.

"And you're sure you two didn't bump uglies while you were locked up together?" Peyton questioned suspiciously.

"No. I didn't fuck anyone while I was in county, I was just cool with the man and we looked it for each other. He wasn't into that kinda shit" Amaru clarified and Peyton seemed to relax.

"Well he's cute, if you gave him my number I wouldn't mind" she said sitting down his phone as Erin came around the corner.

"Who's cute?" She questioned causing all of us to look at her. Amaru ignored her like usual and preceded to add spaghetti noodles to the now boiling water as I placed the meatballs in the oven.

"Nobody" I responded dryly. Erin stared at me before she sighed and looked away folding her arms.

"Why is everyone always mad at me? All I ever do is try and look out for you all and I'm always regarded as the bad friend. You, Amaru, Peyton and Saint have your own jokes and secrets together and I'm just by myself" Erin said sadly.

"To be fair you did tell Amaru that he was a disgrace to himself and his family and that his parents would never love him because he was drug addicted fag" Peyton reminded causing Amaru to glance over his shoulder.

"You called him a fag? You told me you just called him a crackhead" I said staring at her in shock as her eyes widened.

"I was drunk! I have nothing against gay people but he just pisses me off and that night it got heated and words slipped out. He said I was bad bodied, ugly and broke" Erin reminded and I glanced at Amaru who looked away in silence.

"Then both of you should apologize. We're adults now, he's my boyfriend and you're my good friend who I spend a lot of time with. We should all get along or at least be on good terms without actually being friends" I said with a sigh.

Erin glanced at Amaru who had begun to chop up onions and bell peppers aggressively showing he was still angry at what she said.

"Amaru I'm sorry I said what I said. I will never know how hard it is to come out to my family and be rejected. I know it must have hurt, but I do think you could try harder with your drug addiction, you're comfortable right now and you think because you stopped doing cocaine and the other stuff that pills are okay when they aren't. I don't want you to loose control of your life again" Erin admitted.

Peyton and I watched Amaru who stood in silence for awhile before he nodded his head and moved his mouth like he was struggle to say something to her.

"I guess I apologize for calling you bad bodied and ugly. You're still broke though" he mumbled and I shook my head knowing that was the best it'd get.

"Now hug it out" Peyton demanded. Erin and Amaru both declined seeing as though that was enough for them at the moment.

I excused myself to go and get Saint who was probably in his own world like usual. I walked up to the back of the couch slowly as he read a text message and carefully looked over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I questioned as the text caught me off guard. My best friend locked his phone in one swift motion before tilting his head back to look at me.

"Don't be doing shit like" he muttered placing one hand on top of his head. I hopped over the couch taking a seat next to him and he sighed.

"You're cheating on Erin?" I questioned awkwardly as I stared at the TV that was currently paused on Scandal.

"No, not yet anyway. I love Erin but I can never make her happy, the only time we get along is when I'm sleep or we're fucking. Other than that she's just irritating" Saint confessed.

"Then talk to her, and if you can't come to an agreement just end it mutually. Someone is bound to get hurt no matter how much you try and protect their feelings when your heart isn't there" I remind.

"You get a nigga and all of a sudden you know every damn thing" Saint said causing us both to laugh. "Nah but foreal, I like you both together, Amaru is a real one and I feel like Moses was just practice for something real for you" he continued putting things into perspective a lot better than I could.

"And you think Erin was just practice for you?" I questioned and Saint shrugged as he reached forward on the table and grabbed the blunt he'd been smoking earlier from out of an ashtray.

"See this is what I'm talking about. You're all fake and nobody can ever be direct!" Erin snapped from behind me and Saint froze.

"Chill out, I was just telling him to talk to you!" I snapped back watching as she grabbed her purse and her keys from the table.

"Yeah right. You both were in here talking shit like usual, don't be fake Aaron if the situation was with Peyton instead of me you'd have her back. You're both in here talking about me like I'm disposable!" Erin yelled as she started to cry.

Saint stood up and followed behind her as she stormed out of our place. She was more mad at me then she was at her man, she was psychotic and I wasn't about to chase her down when I did nothing wrong.

Peyton came around the corner when the door opened and slammed shut. She seemed confused by the situation and if I explained it I already knew it'd make it worse.

"They're probably going to break up, Saint isn't happy" I said and Peyton sighed as she remained in her spot and glanced in the direction Saint and Erin had gone.

"I think that was obvious. He's been trying though but she's so hostile and annoying when she wants to be, but at least he didn't cheat" Peyton said sounding hopeful until she saw my gaze.

"I don't know if he physically cheated or not but he was complimenting some chicks nudes just now" I responded and Peyton looked down.

"I saw that coming eventually. Are you and Saint having problems in your friendship from living together? I feel like Erin and I are drifting apart because we live together and get on each others nerves so bad. Yo, I thought my mom was lying when she said never be roommates with your best friend" Peyton confessed.

"Saint and I are good, but then again he was always at my place when we didn't live together and we're both men so we get over arguments quicker. Erin isn't going to speak to me for awhile so I think you should try and be there for her" I said and Peyton nodded.

Amaru called my name from the kitchen and I stood up and followed the smell of onions and bell peppers cooking on the stove top along with the jars of sauce.

"You wanna go and hang out with my family tomorrow?" I questioned and Amaru looked up at me seeming caught off guard as he pointed towards the seasoning sitting out wanting me to hand it to him.

"I mean they're cool with us hanging up but I don't think they'll be cool with us dating." Amaru said laughing to himself.

"They'll be cool, I promise" I stated kissing his cheek but he still shook his head not wanting to go.

"I don't know about that. I rather keep my distance for now" Amaru said and I sighed and looked down faking my sadness.

"Please? I want you to come and my brothers don't hate you as much as you think, well Malik doesn't" I laughed as I opened the oven to check on the meatballs. Amaru's face softened some and I could tell he was about to give in.

"I'll go, but don't have me looking like a clown or I'll beat you up again" He threatened causing me to frown.

"Nigga I won that fight. I had you cowering in a corner begging me to stop swinging" I stated and he seemed shocked.

"Don't lie, we know that's not what happened. You was talking shit like you usually do and got knocked out" Amaru shot back as he looked me over. He saw I was growing annoyed by him doubting facts and he puckered his lips some pulling me into him by my waist as I kissed his lips that were soft and a little wet like I liked them.

I did hope brother Kaine was in a good mood tomorrow. He had a knack for being brutally honest and hurting your feelings to the point you wanna go cry in a corner and I didn't want anything to make me distance myself from my family even more.


"Maru!" My two year old niece screamed as she ran to my boyfriend ignoring me. I frowned as he lifted her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him tightly.

"You're getting big" Amaru smiled before he glanced at me, he carried her and followed me towards the kitchen so I could sit down the cookie cake we'd stopped and bought so we didn't come empty handed.

"Papá I did clean my toys up, that was Kieran" Knox whined to his father. I noticed Kieran was peeking around the corner at his older brother and father with a devilish smile on his face.

"Kieran! You have five minutes to put your toys away or I'm throwing them in the trash!" Kaine yelled. My nephews smiled dropped and he went running off as Knox and Kaine looked over at Amaru and I acknowledging us.

"I didn't think you were going to come. I'm glad you did though" Kaine said as I sat down the cookie cake.

My brother extended his hand to Amaru being polite and they shook hands before he lowered Anari to the ground and she smiled up at me.

"Knox, take your sister upstairs for me so your mom can get her dressed please and then you can go outside" Kaine compromise and Knox got excited and agreed.

"Let's go, hurry up" Knox rushed taking a hold of his sisters hand and gently pulling her as they walked out of the kitchen.

Kaine glanced between Amaru and I before he looked towards the open sliding glass door.

"I need to borrow my brother for a second. Tend to the grill for me" Kaine suggested and Amaru agreed as my brother handed him a bowl of meat and he left out closing the sliding glass door behind him.

Kaine gestured for me to take a seat but I declined and awaited whatever lecture he was about to try and give me.

"Malik said you and him got into it, he sounded kinda hurt and you know how unusual that is" Kaine said and I sighed.

"Yeah, I was going to apologize I just don't know what to say yet" I tried to explain and Kaine shook his head.

"We are all we have, the disagreement didn't even sound that serious. He's our older brother and he's just trying to look out for you, I have a family so I can't be keeping up with you as much as I'd like to" He stated and I sighed.

"Yeah" I responded looking away. Kaine shoved me into his island counter and I glanced at him caught off guard.

"Are you still going to that therapist?" Kaine questioned and I nodded my head looking him into his eyes.

"I'm going to therapy and I'm doing good in school, what else does everyone else really want from me? I'm cool and i'm doing what i'm suppose to be doing"  I complained.

"Are you still anxious or feeling depressed?" Kaine asked and I glanced towards the sliding glass door being able to see Amaru cough as he waved smoke away nearly falling into the pool.

"No, i'm happy. He makes me really happy" I said truthfully. Kaine nodded accepting my answer.

"Can we go help him before he kills himself? I promise to apologize to Malik" I said attempting to end the conversation and Kaine smiled.

"Yeah, he'll be here soon. Perfect time to talk to him" Kaine said slapping my shoulder as he turned and opened the door.

I frowned at the thought as I removed my shirt and shoes and stepped out into the yard. The weather was nice, it was a nice breeze and I figured i'd at least put my feet into the water.

"What the fuck did you do?" Kaine questioned Amaru as he lifted up the top of the grill and he shrugged. I grabbed his arm pulling him towards me as Kaine shook his head and preceded to add more meat onto the grill.

Amaru smiled as we took a seat on two pool chairs. He glanced towards Kaine before he looked back at me probably wondering what we talked about.

"He didn't say anything bad about you, we just talked about me apologizing to Malik for what happened" I explained.

"Yeah, he was just trying to look out for you. I'm not exactly a good influence and i'm sorry for that" Amaru said as he looked into my eyes.

"You don't have to be sorry, just continue to cut back on drugs. If you told me where your stashes were I could help" I suggest and Amaru looked me over weirdly.

"Nah, i'm not sure about all of that. I'll keep decreasing the amount that I use everyday, I haven't even taken anything today and i'm good" Amaru said as I reached over placing my hand on the back of his neck before moving it.

Knox came outside in his swim trunks along with Kieran who narrowed his eyes at me like usual and I returned it.

"Get beat up" I threatened as he walked passed bumping my arm on purpose and he smiled as I gently shoved him.

"Throw me in the pool" He said as Knox jumped in. I looked at Amaru who had pulled his phone out and was looking over a text message.

Sighing I got up and picked my nephew up cradling him like a baby as I walked to the deeper side of the pool before tossing him in. He screamed excitedly before he went under water, I waited until he swam back up to the top before I retook my seat.

"Ron you're not getting in?" Knox questioned as he swam to the edge of the pool. I shook my head watching his face go into a frown.

"I'll get in later. Maybe Amaru will get in with y'all" I said and Amaru glanced up from his phone and looked me over.

"If I get in, you gotta come with me" He stated. I glanced back at Knox who nodded his head excitedly and I sighed and stood back up.

"I still got a couple of swim trunks in the pool house, come on" I smiled grabbing Amaru's hand as I pulled him up. He locked his phone and followed me into the pool house and I shut the door behind us.

Amaru looked around as I walked to the back noticing the room was exactly how I left it. I still had clothes in drawers and my comforter was still on the bed.

Kaine had said everyone had taken it really bad when i'd moved out and they had even tried to talk me out of moving into my own place until I was done with college but I wanted my own space. I would always be grateful for everything they'd done for me and continue to do for me though.

I grabbed two pair of swim trunks before walking back into the room where Amaru was taking his shoes off and tossed him a pair before I preceded to finish getting undressed.

"You think we could live with each other eventually or you think we might end up trying to kill each other?" Amaru asked as he pulled his shirt off.

"I don't know. I think we could do it eventually depending on how serious we get later on" I said with a shrug as I watched him pull his pants down. My eyes roamed to his dick print in his briefs and I bit down on my lip without really realizing it.

"I feel like I put on some weight" Amaru said resting his hand on his abs as he looked down at his legs.

"Good, I'm already thin and I like my men thick" I flirted as I winked and he made blew a kiss.

Once we got dressed I showed him where to put his stuff and we left back out. Knox and Kieran were still splashing around in the pool as Kaine watched them and the grill at the same time.

My smile though faded when I noticed Malik was now outside talking to Ajani as she held my niece on her hip.

"Go talk to him" Amaru encouraged giving me a gentle nudge. I sighed and started to walk towards my brother who hadn't noticed me until Ajani looked at me.

"Oh hey Ron, I didn't know you were here" Ajani said giving me a hug. Malik chuckled to himself as he stepped back some.

"Yeah I was waiting for you to come outside" I laughed before glancing at Malik who didn't hide the fact that he was staring at me as if he was waiting.

Ajani sensed the awkward tension and awkwardly moved away giving us some time to talk alone.

"Did Journey come with you?" I questioned as Malik stroked his beard seeming like he was observing me.

"We broke up a week ago" He said in a dull tone. I nodded not really phased, he went through girlfriends really fast and it was never serious enough for us to assume he'd marry any of them.

"Well I just wanted to apologize for snapping at you. I see you were only trying to have my back and I was being lame. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings" I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"No you were right, we have to let you make mistakes or you won't ever learn. You're a man now and we can't keep coddling you and getting in your business. All we can do is have faith that you're out here being responsible " Malik explained as his gaze shifted to Amaru who was helping Knox fill up a water gun.

"We're together now, so if you don't like him please keep it to yourself" I said boldly causing Malik to laugh.

"No, I like him and I think he's genuine. I feel like he's a better fit for you than the other one" he said shocking the hell out of me.

Before I could say anything Malik had dismissed himself and joined Kaine and Ajani by the grill. I returned over to the pool jumping in and taking Amaru in with me causing him to drop the water gun into the pool.

"Boy fuck you!" He snapped as he pushed water out of his face. I smiled knowing he couldn't stay mad at me as we floated in the water.

"Uncle Ron look" Kieran demanded as he swam towards me. He plugged his nose before swimming to the bottom of the pool and I watched him splash around before swimming back up to the top.

I acted surprised watching as he smiled feeling accomplished. His long hair was pulled up into a bun and the sides and back of his head had been shaved but judging by the way the hair curled up it was growing back quickly.

Amaru swam to the edge of the pool before pulling himself up taking a seat and I joined him as our legs remained in the water. My knee pressed against his and he extended his hand allowing me to hold it.

"It's a good thing we showed up early. So many people are starting to show up" he said nodding towards Kaine letting in people through the back gate, mostly parents and kids Knox and Kieran's age.

"I just wanna take a nap later. What are we doing tonight?" I questioned and he shrugged as he turned his body some to face me.

"If you don't have school in the morning we can go to a gay strip club and waste some money" Amaru suggested.

"Let's do it" I agreed letting go of his hand and slapping him in the stomach, he smiled as he leaned over biting my cheek gently before dropping back into the pool taking me underwater with him.

Amaru Jones

"You ever been tired and horny at the same time?" I questioned as Aaron and I walked up to my apartment. He held my keys in his hands as I snaked my arms around him laying kisses on his neck while gently sucking on the area as he smiled brightly showing the deep dimples in his face.

"You're horny all of the time" he reminded as we got to front of my door. I continued to suck on his neck as he put the key in and unlocked the door. We stepped inside and I shut the door behind me turning all of my locks back.

"Let's get in the shower, I wanna get all the chlorine off my body" I stated as I kissed his lips as his hands roamed under my shirt and my body pressed up against his. My hands traveled to his ass as someone cleared their throat causing us both to freeze.

"How could you do this?" My mother's sad voice said. I slowly glanced up at her and she stood in my living room while my father remained seated with his hands clasped together as he eyed the empty bottles of alcohol on the table.

"I didn't know you were coming. This is Aaron, my boyfriend" I introduced and my mother pursed her lips together as her eyes began to fill with water. Aaron stepped back away from me before excusing himself as he headed to the back and shut my bedroom door.

"You said you'd try and get better. You said this was probably just a phase and that coming here would be a fresh start" My mother's said. Her voice reeked of worry but I didn't feel any guilt because I hadn't done anything.

"I tried and then I realized I was just gay, I love men and I really love that man specifically" I said gesturing to the direction that Aaron we as my father stood up and eyed me.

His eyes looked as evil as usual and the white in his beard had spread more showing his age. I sighed as he stepped forward and my mother gasped expecting him to swing on me but he didn't.

"I didn't want this for you because I don't understand it. We've both known you were gay when you were looking at that shit on the Internet, your mother was in denial but I wasn't" My father explained and I looked away.

"Yeah and then you kicked me out for being gay, you're my parent you can't live my life for me" I explained and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Nobody kicked you out because you were gay. I kicked you out because I found heroin in your room and I was not about to have that shit around your sister. You had to go and I was angry, I could've handled it differently because you were still a child but I didn't" my father shrugged.

"I still think if he went to maybe therapy or something he'd understand and get better. You don't have to be gay" my mother said chiming in and I looked her over.

"Helen he's gay, the boy has always had sugar in his tank and you were just in denial. If this is what he wants to do and what he likes then let him, he's not living under our roof and he's not passed out somewhere sleeping off a drug binge" my father responded taking up for me.

"Richard-" my mother began before she sighed and looked down nodding her head being able to do nothing else.

"I'm getting help for that too. I still have a pill problem but I'm trying, I wished I never picked up this shit and started doing it. I had a bright future and I fucked it up, I'm sorry that I put you both through this. I know I'm not the son you imagined I'd be when I was born" I explained looking elsewhere.

Even though I wouldn't change who I was I still felt bad for them, I was gay and addicted to drugs. I didn't even graduate high school or play a sport and I knew my father was really into football and played in college before giving up his dreams when he knocked my mother up.

"Amaru it's not that, it's just not the typical route that could've been taken. You're still my son and your father and I love you, this life style will take some time getting use to but I don't want to push you away and never see your face again" my mother said in a calm tone as she stroked the side of my face.

"Even though you aren't living at home, you helping out with the bills has really taken a huge weight off of our shoulders and makes it easier for us to come and see you and give  Nova a better life" My father said sounding grateful.

"Where is Nova? She didn't come with you?" I questioned referring to my younger sister and both of my parents sighed.

"No. She has school and so she's with your aunt and uncle, I guess it's kinda good she wasn't here to see that sight I got when you came in with your friend" My mother said clearing her throat.

"My boyfriend, Aaron" I stated and she nodded and remained silent. I glanced in the direction of my bedroom where Aaron was before looking back at my parents.

"You have company and we don't want to disturb. We'll go back to the hotel and get something to eat, but we'd like to spend some time with you tomorrow if that's okay, we have some news" my father said giving a weak smile.

I took a deep breath figuring they weren't ready yet to officially meet Aaron. Instead of pressing the issue I escorted my parents out of my apartment.

My mother held onto me tightly kissing my cheek with her red lipstick and my father and I shook hands like usual.

"I'll call in the morning, be safe" I warned as I watched them go on their way. After shutting the door and locking up again I headed into the kitchen and opened the fridge trying to stall going into my bedroom.

After awhile I shut my fridge back and made my way into my bedroom. Aaron was laying across my bed on his stomach with his shoes off as he scrolled through his phone.

I kicked my shoes off before climbing up on the bed getting on top of him. I leaned down and looked over his shoulder as he responded to a text message not caring if I saw.

"We're still going out right?" I questioned before kissing the back of his neck. Aaron remained silent as if he was in deep thought before he hit send.

"Yeah if you want" He responded attempting to get up but couldn't with me hovering over him.

I laid down on my bed having an uneasy feeling that didn't go away until Aaron wrapped one of his arms around me pulling me closer.

"I thought you said your parents knew you were gay? Were they just in denial?" Aaron questioned and I looked up at him.

"It's complicated, I'd been caught watching gay porn and my mother had caught me and another boy kissing when I was thirteen. My parents just pretended like it was a phase or like I was going to start liking girls one day. I didn't formally tell them but it was all there, they just chose to ignore it until now" I explained.

"Do they accept you? Is that what they came to talk about?" Aaron questioned as I rested my head on his chest.

"I think it'll take time for them to fully accept me but they didn't disown me so that's cool I guess. My father seemed like he had something else he wanted to discuss though, I'm actually kinda scared" I admit with a slight chuckle.

My gaze roamed around to the horror movie posters I had framed on my bedroom walls as I awaited Aaron to say something but he didn't. Instead he stared at the ceiling as his heart beat continued to beat steady almost like it was playing a song.

"We claimed we was going out tonight but watch us stay in again" I laughed looking at the time on my phone, it was still early but I was comfortable and didn't want to get up.

"Now I wanna go out" he laughed as his phone screen lit up with a text message. I watched him as he unlocked his phone and went to the message before clicking on the link someone sent him.

"Who's texting us?" I questioned as Aaron gently pushed me over and sat up pressing play. I heard moans and soon his eyes widened and a mortified look came over his face, one I'd never seen before.

I looked at the video and did a double take when if showed Aaron going down on Moses. I quickly shifted my gaze from the screen as Aaron skipped through the video checking to see how much was there.

"I thought Deejay was bluffing" I said out loud and Aaron's eyes darted to me as he quickly got up from my bed.

"What do you mean? You knew about this too?!" Aaron questioned snapping at me and I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yeah, Deejay was trying to blackmail me into robbing Moses in return for the video of you two not coming out. I thought I had more time, I was trying to think about the pros and cons of this- wait, you knew about the tape?" I questioned.

"I just found out about it when Deejay and his friend tried to attack me in that alley. He tried to blackmail me into telling him where Moses' stash was" Aaron said looking down.

"Alright cool, I'll go handle this" I said standing up but Aaron quickly grabbed my arm stopping me.

"That's what he wants. The first thing he'd expect one of us to do is go after him, we don't even know if anyone else has seen this, he could be playing with us" Aaron said sounding like he was trying to make an excuse.

"Who sent you the text message?" I questioned grabbing his phone from his hand and saw that it was sent from Moses along with an apology.

"Ron if the video isn't out there already he wouldn't have it, you're not gonna lets this nigga embarrass you" I said locking the phone and tossing it onto the bed.

Aaron sat down and placed his hands over his face as he unleashed a chain of curse words to get rid of some of his anger.

While he did that I pulled my shoes back on before walking into my closest and pulling out a small safe from inside. Aaron looked at me as he saw me unlock it and pull out two guns tucking them on me.

"You can't break a rule, if you go and kill him that's going to attract police, stop for a moment. I'm the one affected by this along with Moses who just got outed, can we think for a minute before running off to do this?" Aaron questioned as I folded my hands in front of me.

"If we don't go and try and get this video off the fucking internet before Moses' people see it. They'll not only target him but you as well, let's nip this shit in the bud before it spreads" I said growing calm.

"You know where to find Deejay?" Aaron questioned and I thought about it before nodding my head.

"He's not hard to find. Are you coming?" I questioned pulling a third gun from the safe and offering it to him.

Aaron hesitated before taking it from my grasp and tucked it into his pants pulling his shirt over it.

"After you. Let's get this shit over with so I can go to sleep" I mumbled waiting for Aaron to go ahead of me. He grabbed his shoes from the floor before he marched ahead and I reluctantly followed after taking one last glance at my bed.


"Hurry up!" Aaron whispered angrily as he used his phone as a flashlight for me so I could pick the lock to Deejay's home. We both heard a noise and I took the phone from him and gestured for him to make sure a car didn't drive past

"Watch my back" I ordered and Aaron did as told as he looked around to make sure nobody was coming. I struggled with the lock for a few moments before hearing a familiar clicking noise as I pushed the door open.

Aaron and I stepped inside of the home and I removed the gun I had on me removing the safety as he used his clove covered hand to shut the door behind him.

I glanced at my boyfriend briefly and he removed the gun I had given him and walked in the opposite direction following the plan we'd went over on the ride here.

I took the staircase slowly creeping up them as I strained my ears for any sound but the house was completely still. If it weren't for the car parked outside I would've assumed the house was empty.

When I reached the top step I could here the TV coming from the open bedroom door down the hall. Glancing over the railing a final time to make sure Aaron was cool I placed my finger over the trigger and walked down the hallway.

"What was that?" A woman's voice questioned as I stopped outside of the door. I almost hesitated when I heard something from downstairs shatter causing me to curse and kick the door open.

Deejay hopped up out of bed naked as he grabbed a pillow and attempted to ease by the gun on his dresser.

A woman stood in a corner seeming frightened as her eyes darted from Deejay and then to me like she expected him to do something.

"Sit down!" I demanded gesturing to the bed. Deejay extended his hand watching me closely as he took a seat on his bed keeping his pillow covering his dick.

"Why are you here?!" He snapped as his face turned into anger. I glanced over my shoulder hearing someone coming up the steps.

"Who else is in this house? Just you two?" I questioned glancing over my shoulder again to make sure it was Aaron before looking back at Deejay who was inching for his gun.

"Figure it out" Deejay said with a smile as Aaron appeared. I stepped closer keeping the gun pointed on him and he scooted further back on the bed.

"You said you wouldn't leak the video until after I gave you an answer. You lied" I said as Deejay held his hands up again as if that was going to stop the bullet from hitting him.

"Nigga what the fuck are you talking about? I haven't done anything, yet!" Deejay yelled as Aaron approached.

"Moses sent me a video of us, the same video you blackmailed me with when you attacked me in an alley. Who else could've leaked it?" Ron questioned remaining calm.

"I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not, I didn't send shit to Moses. I was never actually going to leak the fucking tape it was for leverage nothing more nothing less" Deejay mumbled.

I pulled the trigger on my hand gun shooting the lower half of the pillow and he shrieked like a little bitch and jumped up on the bed exposing himself.

"I always knew you had a small dick, explains your insecurities" Aaron commented. I roughly nudged him over and he smiled at me before looking back at Deejay.

"I'm telling the truth! I haven't leaked a tape, ask Moses how he got the video? If it was on social media everyone would be talking about it and I'd know" Deejay said and I glanced at Aaron watching as he pulled his phone out and handed it to me after calling Moses' number.

Deejay remained standing on the bed covering himself with his hands as the woman he was with remained ugly crying in the corner while we listened to the phone ring.

"Aaron I'm sorry, I should've told you but I was still mad" Moses said into the phone as soon as he picked up.

"This isn't Aaron. Who sent you the tape?" I questioned listening to Moses smack his teeth like he was disappointed.

"My sister in law had it and she said someone else sent it to her. It was a number she didn't know and we tried calling it back but it was off" Moses explained as I looked back to Deejay.

"I'm telling you I didn't leak it!" Deejay stressed as I handed the phone back to Aaron and moved my gun a little higher.

"I guess the only way to find out is if we kill you now and wait and see what happens next. You were the one that got Aaron into this shit, what straight nigga records two men having sex for enjoyment?" I questioned.

"I didn't record it and I'm not gay! Get the fuck out of here with that shit!" Deejay snapped as I looked him over.

"Should I kill him Ron?" I questioned watching as Aaron hung the phone up ignoring what Moses was saying and looked over at the woman who was shaking as her hand covered her mouth.

"No because then we'll have to kill her too. Deejay is trash but I kinda believe him when he said he was never going to leak the tape. He probably just wanted to get Moses' attention and that was the only way how" Aaron muttered as he turned and walked out of the room.

I slowly lowered the gun and Deejay finally let his guard down. I listened for Aaron's footsteps as he went down the stairs before I glanced back at Deejay and lifted the gun up shooting him in his thigh.

The man fell off of the bed holding the area as the woman screamed and ran to his aid as I tucked the gun away and walked out.

"You shot him?" Aaron questioned as I skipped down the stairs meeting him at the very bottom.

"Don't worry about it. Let's go and hope nobody else sees the tape, which I doubt" I mumbled and Aaron grabbed my shoulder.

"You're not mad at me because of it, are you? It's not like I expected some shit like this to ever happen" Aaron said defending himself.

"I'm not mad, it was before we got together. Anyway, let's go out because I might need an alibi" I shrugged as we left out of the home.

"So you did shoot him" Aaron said as I draped my arm over his shoulder as we walked to my car.

"He fucking deserved that shit, he slammed your face into a brick wall" I pointed out as we climbed into my car.

"You could've just beat him up. I kinda wanted you to fight him" Aaron said with a small chuckle.

"You want me to go back inside and ask him to square up?" I questioned being dead ass serious and Aaron eyed me.

"No. He can't fight anyway and he's naked so he might enjoy it" He responded with a smirk as I started my car and pulled off.

"I think we make a good team though" I commented and Aaron smiled bigger as he nodded his head.

"We do" he responded leaning over and kissing my neck as I drove.


Authors Note -

Who do you think has the ability to grow the most with Aaron in the end? Moses or Amaru? I want to see other opinions on this, A&A or A&M or is Aaron better off alone?

Comment and Vote!

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