The Emergence Of The Alpha Tw...

By YOLOwriting101

942K 27.4K 3.6K

"You belong to us." "Not one of us, but both of us." "We will share you." "For you are our mate." "We're bo... More

1. Who Are They?
2. Gut Feeling
3. No...
4. Impossible
5. This Isn't Normal, Sorry, But Not Sorry.
6. Food Fight
7. Coy, You're My Only Friend
8. Dexter
I like me some QUESTIONS!
9. Ernest
10. Only To Understand
11. Learning 'Bout The New Me
12. I'm The New Luperca?
13. Embracing
14. Hi...Awkward...
15. Nightmares/Truce
16. Comfortable Kisses
17. Where'd Ernest Go?
Part 2
18. Is This A Game To You?
20. I am What?!
21. Chocolate's My Favorite Food
22. Secret Stupida** Brother
23. Her History
24. Birth of Four
25. You F**cking Bit Me!
26. Baby Class My Ass
27. Chienne
28. Hearing My...Pups?
29. Lewd Payback
30. Babysitting...
31. Eyes
32. Odd Feelings
33. Hybrid Twins
34. Infuriating
35. Stressed Out
36. Some Information
37. I See You
38. Final Battle
E. 1
E. 2
E. 3
E. 4
E. 5

19. Elizabeth/Monster

20.3K 476 75
By YOLOwriting101

This is now Part Two of the whole book. And where this new part begins, it isn't in LA. And it'll be more wild than it ever was there. You'll see! I have 2 versions, choose which one is better. Whichever gets the most comments I'm keeping. Then I'll go from there.

Have fun deciding! I can't write anything without knowing which one. Or if you want the two. Let me know! Let's begin.

1.5 years later....(version 1)

I look down at the baby that sits in my lap. Her curls hung on her head lazily as she pouted. I pull her cream jacket on, smiling at her.

I pull the hoodie over her head, the white mane in her curly brown curls standing out.

"Don't be that way! I should be the one pouting, you've been fussing for forever." I don't know what I'm doing, I'm talking to an infant here.

"Ya know, if it wasn't for you, I don't know what I would do. It's so boring...well not boring per say, I should say it's just...boring. Ever since that riot at the mansion we had to destroy it. Now we all live in this condo complex the twins bought for everyone. I got to choose, because I'm awesome. But, who said-."

"Are you talking to a baby?" I look, seeing Ernest stand at the door frame. He leans on the left side as Dexter soon walks by him, laying on the right side of the frame.

"Is that a problem? Elizabeth and I are besties." I squeeze Beth - nickname to Elizabeth - to my chest, snuggling her. She then starts cooing excitedly as I wiggle her in my eyes as I hug her.

"No, it's fucking adorable." Dexter smiled, and I found myself covering her ears.

"Don't cuss around the infant! I don't want her cussing before she can say the word 'mama' or 'dada'." I stick my tongue out at them, and they smile.

You're probably wondering, who the hell is Elizabeth?! Well, let me explain it to you. And it all happened one faithful night:

"Sorry...mmn...we just have to do it." Ernest and Dexter smirked as they pushed me on my stomach.

"Fine! But don't screw me over!"

"It's okay, we won't. We've already done enough screwing. This, this is just the start of something new."

At that time I felt something gush inside me as I gasped. I looked over my shoulder as I saw Ernest and Dexter nodding at me.

Great, I am fucking pregnant. Now...I'm out.

Yep. Elizabeth is my daughter. We have three others out in the kitchen. I gave birth to the quadruplets a few months ago.

I can barely remember what went down. I decided I would have kids with their mixed genes. It's weird how it all works, but Beth is the one that is growing at a human rate. The other three, growing at wolf speed.

It scares me, no kid should out grow clothes that fast. I dreamed of watching my kids grow slowly. Now I'm watching them grow so fast, literally, their life is flashing before my eyes.

Except Beth's. And the twins worship her as the others are obviously jealous.

"What are Scarlett, Bryant, and Ernie doing?" I ask them, Ernest rubbing his hands together happily.

"Scarlett is teaching the guys how to make hearts with m&ms. Bryant refuses to unfold his arms after losing to Ernie from playing thumb war. And Ernie is hanging with Scarlett, saying he wants to make you all kinds of silly things." Ernest gushes, shaking Dexters arm as Dexter chuckles.

"I never thought I could be so happy that nothing can describe the feeling. I have four kids that my brother and I have of mixed genes. We are dads to all of them while they have one mother... I don't want to come off as me choosing favorites, but Beth is my favorite here." Dexter took Beth from me as I stood with them.

Ernest and him argued who could hold her as I left. When I looked I saw three puppies running and jumping off furniture. I could hear their little conversations and I looked to the kitchen.

The kitchen was a mess and I won't even go there with those burnt waffles and bacon.

"Hey!" I growled, instantly they all turned human. Bryant's frowny face brightened when he saw me, running in my arms.

Bryant has a hard exterior like Dexter, but inside is just a person that yearns for someone to understand. I pick him up as I hold him tightly.

"Have you been good while I took care of Beth?"

"No." And straightforward and honest like him too.

"Why not?"

"Because mommy, I'm not good. At all, I always will be bad and bad is best." When he says that I raise my eyebrows, but soon he giggles." Kidding." He hopes down, soon letting Scarlett hug my legs as I crouch down to her height.

"Hey Scarlett, have you been good?"

"Of course. If I wasn't good you'd just tell me how much I can do better. So yes, I was very good." Scarlett is like me, full of attitude. I shrug, not arguing with her comeback.

Once she pulls away I see Ernest hop onto my back from the couch. I stand, jumping around as he giggles, hugging me.

"Mommy I was'h very good! I watched'h the two and made s'hure that they didn't break anything!" Ernie reminds me most of Ernest, always smiling and full of excitement.

I love his little lisp, it's the highlight of my day and how cute it sounds.

"Thank you Ernie! You're so sweet." I kiss his cheek, setting him down. The twins come out Beth's room as Ernest has his arms folded. Dexter holding Beth as he has his head held high.

Looks like Dexter won the war for who gets to hold her.

Bryant and Scarlett are alphas. We are still unsure about Ernie. He hasn't showed good enough signs to if he's an beta or alpha. Beth is to young for us to know what she is.

"Renee don't we meet up with Liam today?" Ernest asks me, and I nod. Liam wanted to see the kids, I mean, who wouldn't?

"Yes. That's why we all need to eat and what is this monstrosity!?" I glare at the twins as they blush. The kids behind us laugh as I put my hands on my hips, shaking my finger at them.

"I don't know how to cook." Dexter says, blunt as always. Ernest nods apologetically.

"We tried putting them in the toaster and we turned the knob to the very end. Then they came out black and solid. We tried cooking the bacon in there too-."

"Stop. I've heard enough. I have come to an conclusion," I turn around, getting on my knees so that I was eye level with the kids," don't let your dads cook in my kitchen. If they do, Scarlett, help them. Bryant, scold them of the mess up. And Ernie, make them feel better by telling him how well their doing. Even though, they suck. Got it?" They nodded in reply, and I turn back to the twins.

"You both need to get dressed while I clean up your mess. Or is that hard? Would you like me to pick out your clothes and iron them?" I grabbed Beth from Dexter.

"Yes -." I glared at Ernest." No."

"Then go." Once I order this they are gone, and I quickly go to the kids. They know how to dress themselves but I still choose their clothes. Why not?

After the twins left I rushed to the kitchen cleaning up their mess. I grabbed three bowls, Lucky Charms, and some Soy milk. I laid it on the counter, everyone gathering around to pour their bowls.

I put Beth in her high chair, putting some cereal on the tray. Her chubby hands grabbing them. When I looked to the others, they were at the island eating.

Along with them, was Ernest eating some of Ernies cereal. Dexter was between Scarlett and Bryant as they shared.

"Ya know it's rude to eat others food."

"But...but they offered."

"I didn't." Bryant confessed.

"I didn't either, but I don't mind sharing." Ernie smiled, and Ernest smiled at his kindness.

"My cereal is safe so..." Scarlett went back to eating and I shook my head. 

"We need to go anyway. Come on, chop chop!" I clap my hands, grabbing Beth. Everyone stands up as we all head for the door. We can't be late, I mean, I don't care if we are, but still.

"I'm gonna give you all a challenge. Whoever can get to Liam's place fastest gets to choose what we have for dinner!" When I said that everyone was off. I jogged, not wanting to risk dropping Beth.

We were at Liam's room in record timing, Bryant at the front as Ernest and Dexter probably let him win.

"For dinner, I want spaghetti and fries."

"Deal." I smile, and just when I'm about to open the door it flies open. But instead of seeing Liam I see a girl fly out. I was able to dodge her body as it fell on the ground, shaking.

"Gabby! Why are you-."

"Get out! Don't just think you can walk in my room and bring me that crap! Leave! Now!!!" I hear Liam's voice yell, and when she glances at me her eyes shine yellow. Beta.

Gabby wasn't a ugly girl. Actually very pretty. Chocolate brown skin, dark brown eyes, long brown hair, and looked to be about the same height as me. Big lips and high cheek bones.

"Liam please-."

"Leave me alone Gabbs!" 'Gabbs'? Liam appeared at the doorframe with angry, sad eyes." Don't come here again! I regret ever thinking you and I could be something! Human with a werewolf, disgusting." He sneered, and Gabby was up as she stood one taller than me.

"Fine! I'll just have these pups by myself! I won't shame them with their father being human!" She ran off and our heads whipped towards Liam.

He was looking at the ground as his face was red. When he looked up at us his eyes were watery.

"Perfect timing. This is exactly what I wanted to speak to you about. Dexter and Ernest." Liam gulped as he lost eye contact with the twins." I made...Gabbs...preg-."

Before he could finish his sentence Dexters fist came across his jaw. He staggered back, eyebrows up high.

"What was that-."

Next thing I know Ernest punches him in the throat. Liam coughed as he tried regaining his breath.

"Will you all just listen-."

"You made someone of our pack pregnant. You have no idea how much you've ruined her life. One, you just started a life-bond that can't be broken. Her damn pups are the Barrier from tearing you two apart!"

"Two, now you must commit your sorry ass to her! Now that you've...connected. And since your human, we are unsure if your her true bond unless she admits it!"

"Three, you have no idea what you've just started."

Great. What now? Liam, why, why now!?

1.5 years ago...(version 2) Liam

I threw my knife in the trash that was covered in one of my family members blood. Wasn't personal. They'll be best friends with the Devil, they're fine... Are they? Should I be worried...?

Nope. Don't give two shits.

As I am about to toss my antifreeze knife I hold it, looking at the engraved handle. L.C. Liam Couteau... My first knife...

I put it in my pocket, pulling the bag full of knives out the trash. Since I moved into this condo complex the twins bought for me now I gotta go down the elevator.

Renee is pregnant, I'm so happy for her. I was hoping to be with her, but I got over it once I saw her little bump. Ernest and Dexter love her, and if they do, that's enough for me.

I am walking down the hall, turning a corner. But when I do I feel a head bash into my chest. Unconsciously I pulled the knife out my pocket, stepping back.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you." The girl rubbed her eye as I quickly put the knife in my pocket. I straightened up, trying to act like I didn't pull my knife on her.

"It's okay. I should be..." When she looked up at me I started losing my voice.""

"Be...?" She mocked sweetly, her big, luscious lips perking up in wait.

This girl was beautiful. No offense to Renee, but I thought she was beautiful. This girl surpasses her in every way.

I'm 6'3, girl looks to be about 5'11 one inch taller than Renee. Darker skin than Renee, almost the color of my favorite Ghirardeli chocolates. Her eyes were dark brown and seem to have slipped in my cold soul. I won't even mention her body...

"I should be asking you, what's your name?" Great Liam, trying to come up with pick-up lines? You know that's not your best forte!

"Gabby. Don't have a last name. So just call me Gabby, but for you, call me Gabbs."

"Gabbs hmm? Tell me, who are you, Gabbs?" I asked, finding myself step forward as smirked, it's been awhile since I've done that. She grinned, shrugging as she shook her head.

Then I watched. As if it was in slow motion, her long hair shook in her messy bun. It slipped out, falling down her back as she tried pulling strands out her face.

"Well, not much to know about me. And...aren't you Liam?"

When she said my name I expected her to run. Everyone here had treated me like crap since I'm a Couteau, it sucks, but this place is like high school.


"Liam? Liam? Liiiiam? Liiiiiaaaam? Liiiiiiaaaaaammmm?" She said my name longer and slower, making my head droop forward. I wanted to hear her say my voice all day.

"You aren't scared?"

"Why would I be?"

"Because," I grab my trash bag as I want to continue this. But I know it'll only cause trouble," I've killed so many of your kind. I'm a monster. Don't play with a hungry monster, or he may eat you up." I walk around her, feeling like I just missed a big opportunity. 

Until I see her walking beside me, smiling. I look away, feeling my cheeks become warm.

"You can't try to push me away. I know how you Monsters work. On the outside, you look scary and look like you'll kill anyone that steps in your way. But on the inside, is a monster, that just wants someone to understand not perceive him on what he has done. But on what he will do. There," her hand pressed to my heart," is a monsters heart that beats like everyone else's. Monsters have hearts too." When she said all this I dropped my bag of knives.

I turned to her, grabbing her wrist as she cocked her head. I yanked on it, making her be at a level where she was looking directly in my eyes straightforward.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" No one has ever been this kind to me. Why now?



"Can't there just be a because? I have no answer, I just want to know this monster."

I nodded, finding myself smile more as I nodded.

"So. Who is this monster?" I smile crookedly, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. That's a first. Her skin is soft and her hair feels like feathers.

"Okay...this monster was born in Europe. He likes America a lot and enjoys how nothing sleeps," I found myself leaning closer to her as she batted her long ass lashes," and also love the women here..."

Great, she was against the wall as my arm was resting above her head. Almost like I purposely pinned her here. Me looking at her was making me tingle in the wrong places. Which haven't been used in awhile.

The way her yoga pants clutched her body in the right places. How her sweater hung loosely and I could see how her nipples poked through. Why am I even looking there?!

I shook my head wildly, trying to concentrate.

"Don't be nervous. I can sense your nerves, I won't bite. Depending on what it is."

"Yeah?" I raised one eyebrow." I'm afraid I will." I admit, running my hands through my hair. I haven't felt like this...ever... Why am I so nervous?!

She rested her hand on my chest, and I immediately felt relaxed. I sighed, content with this fluffy feeling.

My eyelids became heavy and she removes her hand.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask, grabbing her hand as I press it back to my chest. I find myself resting my head on her shoulder, laying there relaxed. My body practically laid on hers, my body doing whatever it was doing.

"Liam? I'm sorry...but if I keep this up - the keeping my hand on your chest thing-."

"Then what?" I brought my head up, not realizing how close we really were. She licked her lips, looking right in my eyes.

"Then I will - as a beta - lose all rational thinking and-."

My body magically moved, pressing my lips to her soft ones. I barely know this Gabbs person, what the hell Liam?! When I pulled away I looked, her eyes glowing a yellow color.

She smiled, and I saw wolf canines in replacement of her human ones. I raised my eyebrows, watching as they slowly went back to normal.

"Don't just kiss me like that out of nowhere! You almost made me pounce you!" She shoved me. And for a girl, she's got a lot of strength.

"Would that be suck a bad thing?" I asked, standing behind her. She turned around slowly, smirking.

"Nope. I just don't want to break...this." Once she gestured to all of me I gasped, acting like I was hurt.

"I believe I can take on a girl."

"Not a werewolf girl. Might not realize it, but I'm not human. What if while I was on you I rode you to hard, snapping your twig of a thing you humans call 'dicks'." She was mocking me yet turning me on, how is that fucking possible!?

"Okay. My dick isn't a twig, it's a branch! A thick one at that! And I'm pretty sure if you rode me, I'd be controlling your hips here." I rested my hands on her hips." I would be the one at fault, yanking on your body to much I snap myself. Hmm?"

"No. Or what if I was doing what you humans call 'jacking you off'. Then I do it to hard and it breaks in my throat? Or what if I sink my teeth in it on accident?"

"Oh deep throat? I'd love to see you try." I can feel my hands moving up her hips, Liam!!

"Really? Come on human. Don't push your luck. Don't want to break that." She points to my dick, making me frown.

"I would if I can watch your hips ride me so hard. That it would just snap. I would savor that, probably wouldn't feel it."

"Hmm. Okay. You'll see." She grabbed my wrist, pulling me along as I grab my trash bag. I was expecting to dump the knives first, but I see we're in front of a door.

She turns the knob, grabbing my bag as she throws it on the ground. I am yanked in, her body weaving round me as she locked the door.

"Ready?" She stepped close to me, so close I could feel her chest press to mine." Monster?"

I grabbed her legs as I hoisted her up, carrying her as we began kissing. I don't know this werewolf, so what the hell is with me.

So why do I want to be inside her so much!!?? And why do I suddenly have this urge to have kids? Whatever.

Okay! Which version would you prefer!? Whichever one has the most comments will stay. Or, I can just do them both at the same time. How bout dat?

Luv ya, have fun deciding! Can't write anything till I know, just letting ya know! 😘😜😁

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