Found horse

By StephanieShear

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Going under major editing- Certain things may change. Josephine Williams has had a great life good parents, f... More

falling apart
saying good bye.
Found horse!!
Blue Hill High School!!
Abused and Drake
Meeting Trevor!!
Finding and Fixing Paddock
Beaten By The Bullies!!
Hostpial and meeting Peyton!!
Depressed Angel!!
Chole's party and singing!!
The Phone Call And Water War!!!!
The Kiss and Saved Twice!!!
He Hit Me!!
The Date!!!!
Forgiving Lucas and Angel gets hurt!!
We never did get the milk or cat food...
Horse Show!!!
Josh and Lucas!!
Dad's Finds out!!!
I've Failed Her!!
We Found Her!
Saving Angel and Midnight!!
I don't care about me as long as Angel is safe!!
Please be okay Josie!
Just a Dream?!?
Move On!
Not a Update! Sorry! New Book!
Preview for Found horse Sequel..
Sequel is up!

Riding Angel poop war!!!

288 4 2
By StephanieShear

chapter 15- part 1 of 2!!

6 months later

Its been 6 months since we've moved, six months since moms death, six months since I've found Angel, six months since I've met drake, six months since dad started abusing me, six months since I've met Trevor ,six months since I've met Peyton and six months since I've been bullied by Brittney. Its march so spring yay, so a lots happened in the last six months, I turned sixteen, Trevor and Peyton threw me this big party at her house Trevor got me a saddle and bridle and Peyton got me a blanket for Angel, new riding boots, gloves and a helmet it was a blast, and Linda and Steve got me stuff to but not dad when Linda and Steve asked him about it he said "I've already gave her gift" liar he got me nothing, oh and Trevor turned 17 Peyton and I Threw him a party even though he told us not too anyway I got him some boots and a new hat and Peyton got him a watch, and dad is still abusing me but its gotten worse and he's turned to alcohol so he's comes home every night drunk and beats me, Aunt Linda and Steve have gotten suspicious but I always make up a lie, your probably like why don't you tell? well he threatened that if I ever told a soul he'd kill me, Trevor has also gotten suspicious because of my bruises but I always manage to make up a lie. drake for some odd reason has distant himself from me its weird, and Peyton and I have become best friends BFF's yo lol, and Angel my baby girl, is doing great she learn to trust not only Trevor but Peyton too, she gained all the weight she needs , and I've been working with her on all kinds of things, your probably wondering well have you ridden her yet? we no I haven't I've put the saddle and bridle on her but have not gotten on her yet, I'm hoping that today will be the day that I do ride her, and your probably wondering if I ever figured out if I liked Trevor or not, Well yes I did figure it out and I'm totally and utterly crushing on him, every time he looks at me I blush, whenever we look into each other's eyes it feels like butterflies are dancing around in my stomach and when ever we touch it feels like tingles are going throughout my body, I may not just be crushing on him I think I'm falling in love with him and hard, and when I told Peyton that I figured it out that I liked Trevor, she did a weird dance and chanted "I told yo so I told you so" and I just laughed at her and that's about it for know at least.

Right now I'm getting ready to go to the barn, I put on a shirt that says- In Love- With A Horse<3!!!, dark blue skinny jeans, boots, I put makeup on to cover my bruises and last but not least I braided my hair to the side, I got my phone and I walked downstairs downstairs and saw that dad was passed out on the couch with a beer bottle in his hand, I tiptoed to the door so I didn't wake him up, once I was out the door I bolted down the driveway and headed to the barn, when I got to the barn I saw that Trevor was already there petting on Angel, I smiled at the sight but then I got a ideal ha-ha, I snuck up behind him and jumped on his back, tingles went throughout my body, he stumbled forward a bit but caught himself from falling, then he turns his head to look up at me cause I was on his back and he playfully glared at me and I just smiled innocently at him he shook his head at me.

"you and Peyton, jumping on people's backs these days" he said with a chuckle, oh yeah I forgot to tell you that Peyton loves to jump on peoples backs she did it to me once and I fell face first to the floor luckily it was carpet so it didn't hurt very much. I giggled. "well, I couldn't pass up the opportunity" I said as I giggled, I hopped off of his back and walked over to Angel, she nuzzled me.

"Hey girl, How are you doing?" I whispered she flicked her ears to me and nuzzled me again. "Guess that's a yes then, your good then huh?" I said she bobbed her head up and down I giggled, I turned around to face Trevor.

"okay Trevor, off we go to the feed room" I said in a posh accent he chuckled. "okay lets go" he said and turned to walk towards the barn but I once again jump on his back, he stumbled forward but caught himself then he grabbed my legs. "Gosh Josie Posie, you've got to stop doing that" he said, oh yeah Josie posie, he gave me that nickname about 3 months ago. "Hush child, now onward we go, giddy up my horsey" I said like a five year old child he chuckles and starts to walk, you'll probably realizing that I'm happier right? well I'm slowly getting over moms death. and I'm starting to realize that it wasn't my fault for moms death, but some days I still do blame myself and even though I'm being abused , I still have a lot to be happy for like Angel , awesome friends and much more, so I'm getting there I'm not all the way there but I'm getting there. "onward my trusty horsey, go fast my horsey" I said like a five year old. "but I don't want to go fast" he whined back. "go faster you shall do what I say" I said. "Oh really and what if I don't? "he asked I smirked. "This" I said then I kicked him in the side not that hard but hard enough.

"Ow abusive much" He said. "go faster or there's more were that came from" I said in a whining voice. "Fine" he said then he started to jog and he jogged all the way to the feed room in the barn with me on his back, when we got to the feed room he put me down and caught his breath.

"see that wasn't so bad" I said he looked at me still catching his breath. "that's easy for you to say you didn't half to do it" he said. "so your calling me fat" I joked I know he didn't mean it like that I just like to mess with him. "NO..I...I didn't mean it like that.... I just...I" he fumbled for the right words, I couldn't take it anymore I burst out laughing, when I was done with my laughing fit I looked up to see Trevor glaring playfully at me. "you tricked me again didn't you" he said annoyed. "Yup" I said popping the 'p' and I began filling the bucket with Angels feed.

"can you grab a couple flakes of hay" I asked . "yeah" He said grabbing a couple flakes of hay, After I was done filling the bucket with feed we went out and fed Angel , Then I got a wheelbarrow to clean the ring out of poop , me and Trevor both went in and started cleaning the poop up.

"So... Josie what are you going to do with Angel today?" he asked as we were cleaning the poop up. "well, if she's good at lunging , I was going to try getting on her and try riding her" I said. "Really?, That's awesome and I'll be right here if you need anything" he said I smiled. "Thanks Trevor" I said he nodded it went silent, and a couple minutes later I felt something wet and mushy hit my arm I looked down to see it was a glob of poop, then I looked up to see Trevor there dying out laughing. "Oh your on Miller" I said smirking he just continued to laugh, I picked up a glob of poop and threw it at him it him right on the cheek, he made a disgusted face. "Its On!!" he yelled and before you knew it we were having a full out poop war throwing poop at each other left and right, by the time we were done with our poop war we were covered from head to toe in poop, so we hosed each other off then dried off in the sun, after we were dry, we went over to Angel.

"Hey girl" I said she nuzzled me, I rubbed her forehead she sighed in content, then me and Trevor both started grooming her, after we were done grooming her I lunged her. then I tacked her up in my English hunt seat saddle and English bridle, then I led her to the middle of the ring tightened her girth, let my stirrups down and put my helmet on. I took a deep breath and walked over to her head she nuzzled me.

"You ready for this girl?" I whispered she snorted as if saying "I don't know", "you can do it girl I know you can, I believe in you and I have faith in you" I said she bobbed her head up and down as if saying "if your in I'm in", "Good girl Angel, we can do this" I said and gave her a kiss on the nose, I went back to her left side , I grabbed the reins then I put my foot in the stirrup , she turned her head to look at me as if giving me permission to get on her, so I hopped and swung my other leg over her and sat my butt in the saddle lightly, and she just stood there being the perfect Angel she is, I patted her neck and told her good girl, I squeeze her forward and she walks forward perfectly.

"Good girl" I praise her with a pat on the neck, we walk on the rail for awhile, then I start to do figure 8's, serpentine's and circles then I went back on the rail , I squeeze her into a trot she goes into a nice smooth strided trot, and I go into a posting trot, I keep her on the rail for awhile then I reverse then I do some circles and figure 8's, after we were done I stop her and go into the middle and lean down and hug her, "Good girl, You were such a good girl today you know that" I said she nudges my foot as if saying "thank you", I giggled, I hear a picture snap I sit up to see Trevor took a picture of Angel and I while I was hugging her.

"why did you take a picture?" I asked he smiled. "for memories" he said I nodded. "O....okay" I said. "I'm putting this as my wallpaper on my phone" he said I smiled . "hey can you send it to me" I said he nodded. "yeah sure" He said I smiled. "hey you both did great today by the way" he said I blushed. "Thanks" I said he comes in the ring and walks over to me and Angel and he pets Angel and tells her she was a good girl and stuff then he comes over to me and puts his hand on my knee my body fills with tingles. "You did great, your a really great rider you know" he said I blushed. "Thanks but I only walked and trotted" I said. "yeah but still you were great" he said. "well Thanks" I said I took my feet out of my stirrups and hopped off of Angel, I ended up right in front of Trevor, I looked up at him , His Hot messy blonde hair that I just want to run my hands threw, His ocean blue eyes that I could just stare at all day I get so lost in his eyes, His lips hmm his lips his plump reddish lips that are so kissable and I just want to kiss him so badly but I know I cant.

"Josie?" Trevor's voice broke me out of my thoughts, I blinked a few times to clear my head. "Huh?" I said. "you just kind of zoned out there, everything okay?" He asked worried, No everything's not okay I want to kiss you but I cant, I'm falling for you so badly but you don't like me so I cant have you, Why cant you see? I thought to myself I plastered a fake smile on. "Yeah, everything's fine" I said he didn't look convinced. "you sure?" he asked I nodded. "yeah" I said he still didn't look convinced. "But-" he started but got cut off by my phone I took it out of my pocket and check the caller Id to see it was Dad, Oh joy note the sarcasm. I answered it.

phone convocation!

Authors Note!!!

Hey ya there, how's everyone doing? good that's good:) so another update yay!!! 342 reads I'm like jumping around I'm so stinking happy thank you so much ya'll are awesome!! so how did you like the chapter? what do think is going to happen in part 2 of this chapter?and Josie seems happier!! And how did you like the poop war and riding Angel she's riding Angel!, and Trevor is so stinking sweet its adorable, so tell me who is your favorite character in the book? is it Josephine, Trevor, Drake, Chole, Her Dad, Steve or Linda, Lizzy there Dog, Brittney, and last but not least Angel, let me know in the Comments who your favorite character is and tell me anything you want:)
So I'm making this a part 1 and 2 this is part one and I will being posting part 2 soon!

So my stomach bug is over and I got to do the horse show yay!! and if your wondering how the horse show went it went great:)

Vote Comment and of course read:)

what was your favorite part in the chapter? let me know in the Comments:)

P.s I don't have poop wars I just thought that was funny:)

Keep reading and tell your friends, vote and of course read cause reading is totes awesome:)

Happy readings:)


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