By kelvindagr8

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37 1 0
By kelvindagr8

Life is so complicated

'Cos of we living dusts That abide in it.

Wise is what we call ourselves,

But in front of,

And without the Most High,

We are fools.

Mere dusts who raise their shoulders high,

Rebukers of the Father,

Forsakers of the Living Saviour.

We forsake Him in good times,

And seek Him when trouble lurks,

When trouble knocks.

We swim in the sea of sin,

Walk in the way of the unjust,

Condemnation Is our ultimate profit,

Evil and jealousy is our inevitable assignment,

The lust of life our delight,

But righteousness is a waste.

Pretenders who say to others 'You are a hypocrite'.

Mere dust who study the word

But are still of the world

Exalters of their names in the stead of His Holy Name.

Ungrateful beings we are,

Death and sickness are kept out by Him,

Yet our hearts are hard,

And our tongues stiffened by pride

Repent and be humble!

Stone-hearted dusts.

Believe, you evil of your lives,

Accept the Son and ALL blessings

For the end is soon!!!!

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