Aren't You Scared? [YuuMika]

By maymymistake

438 12 13

In which Mika goes trick or treating and Yuu tries to scare the shit out of him, but ends up failing. You can... More


438 12 13
By maymymistake

"Ugh... you're taking an eternity! No one will pay attention to our stupid matching-vampire costumes anyway..." Lacus, the purple haired 'human-battery' yelled, already angry at Mika.

"Shut up, Lacus! Even if they don't pay attention to us, I want to look good!" Mika said, fixing his fake vampire fangs. It took less than a minute for him to get it fixed, right after, he looked at Lacus. "So? What do you think?"

"You're good Mika, let's go." They walked away from Mika's room, leaving a mess behind. Going down stairs Lacus realized their friend was missing. "René should be here by now..." Lacus said, opening the front door. "Oh, there he is."

"Ready to go?" The emo-goth-wathever boy asked.

"Almost." I replied. "I have to tell mom I'm leaving first."

"Go ahead. We'll be waiting right here." René said, and Lacus nodded.

"Great!" The boy went upstairs again, this time, going to his mother's office. He knocked on the door three times, as he always does. "Mom?"

"What is it, Mika dear?" The pink haired woman asked, sweet as always.

"I will leave to trick or treat, remember?"

"I do. Nice costume, by the way." The woman smiled playfully, as she was the one who designed and tailored the costume. "Who's going with you, sweetie? You know you can't go alone." She locked her eyes with Mika's.

"Yeah, I know. The same "you're only 13" thing..." Mika sighed. "Lacus and René are with me, everything will be fine!" The cheerful blond boy smiled innocently.

"Uhm, sure... Don't run or you'll have to take the inhaler. I don't have time to spend at the hospital so watch out!" Her tone became very serious, as Mika's asthma was no joke. He couldn't run at all.

"Yeah mom, I won't run. Sorry for last year, I didn't mean to ruin Halloween." The boy faked a sad smile to mess with his mom. Mika knew his mother loved him too much to be bothered by something like that. "I'll be back by nine, so don't worry. See you!" Mika closed her office's door and went down stairs again. Lacus and René were still there, just like they said they would. "I'm ready to go now!"

"Good. Let's go." René was the one to answer, he sounded as cold as always. Lacus, as his complete opposite, was already blabbering about god-knows-what.

They went to all the houses in their neighborhood, happily asking "Trick or treat!", and every time they did, they got a compliment and a candy. Mika seemed to be everyone's favorite, as he was the only one who put effort into his costume. Their night went great and they were overjoyed with all the candy they got. Specially Lacus, of course.

They were about to go home when they realized they did not go to one of the houses, the last one. The lights were all off when they went to ring the doorbell. The three of them waited patiently but no one responded. René went to do it again, but Lacus stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"I really think we should go back, guys..." His voice failed him, as he started to tremble in fear.

"Don't worry Lacus, everything will be fine! I'm sure the owner of this house is nice!" Mika smiled at him in the most adorable way. He went to ring the doorbell again, when—

"BOO!"  A werewolf showed up right in front of their eyes!

René became completely pale — even more than normal — and Lacus screamed his lungs out. The purple haired boy was the first to run away, taking René with him, thinking Mika was following them too. Which he wasn't. And while the boys were running away, Mika took his time to stare deep inside the stranger's eyes. They appeared to be green, but Mika couldn't tell, it was too dark for him to actually see anything clearly.

"Aren't you scared?" The stranger seemed confused, almost insulted.

"I am, but my mother told me I shouldn't run... And I don't have enough oxygen in my lungs to scream like they did.... I'm asthmatic, you know?" Mika sighed. "Right now, I just hope you're a nice guy and won't do anything to me." The blond boy became very, very upset at the thought of being alone with this stranger. His mother would most definitely kill him.

The stranger didn't seem to get it. "Really, how can you not be scared? Like, you're 12 or some shit, asthma isn't an excuse, you should be crying right now!" Mika couldn't stop himself from thinking the stranger was an absolute idiot. The first thing Mika did was admit to be scared.

"That's rude, mister! I'm 13! And I got scared, but I can't go to the hospital because of something like this!" Mika said, doing his best angry face. "By the way, how old are you?"

"I'm 16, blondie. And don't call me mister, Yuu is fine." The supposedly green eyed boy said. Mika noticed the werewolf boy, Yuu, was forcing a deep voice to seem more masculine, as his voice wasn't that deep only seconds before.

"Don't call me blondie, then!" He pretended to be mad at Yuu for calling him that, but he didn't really care. "I'm Mika! It's nice to meet you, Yuu-chan!" He smiled.

"What? Yuu-chan?" His tone was a mocking one.

"Yeah, Yuu-chan!" Mika didn't realize and kept calling him that. "Oh, tell me, are your eyes really green? I can't really see them... in the dark..." He regretted asking. Maybe Yuu would find him weird? His face reddened.

"They are. Beautiful, aren't they?" Yuu smirked proudly, and the smaller boy nodded. "So, are your friends coming back anytime soon?" Mika was just starting to feel comfortable around the boy, but the thought of being left behind made him a little distant.

"I don't think so..." He, then, started to panic as he didn't know how to get back home alone, and his friends weren't coming back at all.

"You ok, buddy? Need help to get home?" Yuu asked with concern. He normally wouldn't offer help, but he sympathized with the boy just enough to worry about his safety for that night.

Mika's eyes were on verge of tears. "Y-yes... Please help." He shook his head. "I mean, help me please."

"Oi, don't cry. Everything will be fine, Mika." Yuu showed Mika his brightest, most reassuring smile. "Come on, let's go."

Yuu called, but Mika was stuck in place. He was too afraid of getting lost to even walk. Then, blushing, he shyly asked. "Can we... hold hands...?" Yuu took his time to think before saying anything, but since he was already committed to this whole "taking a lost 13 years-old home" thing, he accepted.

"Sure, c'mere." Yuu grabbed his hand, walking forward. "Do you know your address or something? Your mom's phone number could help, too."

As Mika didn't know where he lived at all, he tried to remember the phone number his mom always told him. "Mommy's phone number is 9864-..." Yuu patiently waited for Mika to remember all the numbers, dialing while he was saying. He tried calling three times with no success, leaving both of the boys frustrated. They decided to walk around and chat, as Yuu said they'd find Mika's house eventually. Mika agreed somehow, even though he was positive they would only get more and more lost.

"So, are you new in town?" Yuu asked curiously. "I mean, I've never seen you around here before."

"I'm not. I've been living here since forever. But I'm homeschooled and don't have many friends, so I don't tend to leave my house often..." Said Mika, thinking. "I've never been this far away from my house before, too..."

"You said you don't go to school, right? I study at JIDA, why don't you ask your mother to attend there? It's a good school, I think. Actually, not really, but we could see each other often." The raven haired boy proposed.

"It would be nice to study with you..." Mika murmured.

"What is it, Mika? Did you say something?" Yuu asked.

"It's just that... I wish I could study in the same school as Yuu-chan." He repeated himself louder, blushing a little bit. "I like spending time with you and everything..."

"You're so cute, Mika. We can meet sometime soon then, since you'll miss me so much!" Yuu laughed softly, hints of mocking in his voice.

"It's not like that... Look! That's my house!" The boy felt relieved and sad at the same time, because getting home also meant they'd part ways.

"Glad we could find it, right?" Yuu smiled adorably, checking his cellphone right after. "Shit, it's already eleven! I have to go home or Guren will kill me!!!" Yuu panicked in a funny, weird way, as he hugged Mika so fast he couldn't even hug back. "Bye, Mika!" He ran away right after their way-too-fast goodbye, leaving Mika embarrassed and speechless. He wasn't expecting a hug, so he panicked.

"Bye, Yuu-chan!" Mika finally answered, but Yuu was already far away, just enough to not be able to hear him. "God what's wrong with me? I must have looked like a mess... A blushing mess..." He sighed. "Hopefully he didn't notice..."

Exhausted, Mika went inside his house, closing the door behind him. He sighed once more, glad to be home, finally.


"What...?" The blonde boy looked up at the figure right on top of the stairs. His mom never looked so scary.

Krul asked, worried, angry and relieved. All at once.

"I'm sorry mom... I got lost while trick or treating..." He said, looking down. "But don't worry, Yuu-chan helped me get here, so I'm fine!"

"Who the hell is "Yuu-chan"? Where did you meet this person? How old are they?" The woman started attacking him with multiple questions. "I wasn't aware you had a friend named Yuu. What is their full name? Is it a boy? Do you even know what time it is?"

"Yuu-chan is a friend of mine! He is 16 and we met after I lost Lacus and René. I don't know what his full name is and, yes, he is a boy." Mika tried to answer all of her questions but she was asking for too much. He was almost out of breath from talking this much. "If it wasn't for him, I would be lost, so please don't get mad at him! We even tried calling you..."

"Mika, dear... I'm not mad at him." Krul answered with her sweetest, softest voice.

"Really?!" Mika was both surprised and relieved.

"I'm mad at you!" She changed her attitude. "Mika, you're grounded! Know that I will not accept this kind of behavior in this house! Ever!" She yelled. "Go to your room! Now!"

"Yes, mom!" Mika responded immediately, scared his mother would get angrier. He went upstairs as fast as possible, going directly to his room. He locked his door and started to take out his vampire outfit.

The boy dressed his favorite pajamas and walked to his window, to look outside. "I hope I get to see Yuu-chan again..." He whispered, a little bit upset. "Tomorrow will be a long day..." He said, walking to his bed. Mika tried his best to go to sleep, but a certain werewolf wouldn't let him. He wouldn't forget about the raven haired boy so soon...

The next morning, Mika woke up with a pair of green eyes staring at him. "What?" He sat down scared and confused.

"Now I scared you!" Yuu, now out of his werewolf costume, laughed at him. "Before you ask, your mother knows I'm here. She also asked me a few questions and I don't think she likes me." He laughed.

"Yuu-chan!" Mika hugged him.

"Oi, calm down, buddy! I'm real!" Yuu joked.

"I thought it would take an eternity before we could see each other again! I'm so happy you're here!" Mika smiled.

Krul saw everything from the door, sighing. "I think I've never seen Mika so happy... Maybe, this Yuu-chan is really nice..." She whispered to herself. "Just maybe."

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