the little princess

بواسطة booklove1999

4 0 0

this is a short story about a little girl who got sick when she was really little. this is based when she is... المزيد


as a kid

3 0 0
بواسطة booklove1999

Once upon a time there lived a little princess. Her name was Zoey. Zoey has blue eyes and black hair. She is a little short for her age. She is also pale. She lived in this big castle, and if you looked at it at dawn or dusk you would think that it was pink. At this time in the story Zoey is six years old. She had school and her rural duties to do. So when she got the chance, she would hide in her bedroom. Zoey wasn't a normal little girl though. She could not see without glasses or walk.

    Zoey had gotten sick when she was three years old. The king and queen called for a doctor when they realized that their little girl was sick. The doctor got her better, but they didn't know that she was paralyzed. It was a week or so after her fever broke that they tried to get her to sit up. She said that she could not do it because she couldn't move anything but her head. They realized then that she would turn her head to them, but would not look at them. They asked her why she done this, and she said everything was black to her.

    When Zoey was four years old she gained the use of her arms back. The doctor said that was a miracle, but that she would probably never gain her sight or ability to walk again. As Zoey gained strength in her arms, she was able to move around in her wheelchair at please. The problem with this was she had a bedroom on the second floor of the castle. If she got to close to the stairs she would have to be pulled back or she would fall.

    One day when nobody was around her; she got to close to the stairs and fell out of her wheelchair. Well as you know, she couldn't walk and at the time she was not strong enough to pull herself up the stairs. Even if she could have; she wouldn't have been able to get in the wheelchair. So she just sat there.

    Her nurse started looking for her a few minutes after it happened. After about ten minutes she was found and carried to bed. She stayed in bed for a whole week. While she was in bed; she started looking around. She realized that wasn't black, but was turning white. On the second day her vision went from white to white and really blurry black shapes. On the third day she asked for the doctor to be called. He said that she had gained her sight back, but she would have to wear glasses for now on. When she got her glasses she put them on and could see everything clearly. The little princess had a three year old sister that her parents adopted for her. Angel has blue eyes and brown hair. She is tall for her age.

    Three years had gone by; Zoey is now nine and Angel is now six. Zoey is still having to wear glasses and ride in a wheelchair. She has gained some feeling back in her legs over the past three years, but she can not walk. She don't have the strength in her legs or back to even stand up. And because she is sick a lot of the time she don't have the time to gain any strength. Most of her legs and feet are numb and they can't help it. Sometimes her arms are very numb to. That is when she really can't do anything.

    Zoey has just woke up from a wonderful dream, and she is filling around her night stand for her glasses only to not find them. So she got onto the floor still feeling around for her glasses; only to realized how badly she needs them. Her nurse came in and found her still looking for her glasses. The nurse's name is Karen.

    "what are you doing Zoey?"

    "Looking for my glasses."

    Karen realized she couldn't see the note then said "Zoey, that is why i left the room. I left you a note, but did not realized you wouldn't be able to see it."

    "What happened? And how did you not realize i wouldn't be able to see the note?"

    "When you was asleep; i was bandaging up your legs like i do every night. Well i knocked your glasses off the nightstand and stepped on them. It was an accident. I'm sorry, please forgive me."

    "I forgive you, but how did you not know you knocked my glasses off the night stand?"

    "You know that i have hearing aids because i can barely hear. Well without me realizing it; the batteries died in them. I did order you a new pair though. They should be here soon."

    "Will you put me back on my bed?"

    "Is something wrong? Other than your eyesight."

    "I'm having a hard time moving, and my body is hurting for some reason."

    "Okay, i will get you something for pain."

    "Thank you."

    Karen picked Zoey up until she was to her feet; then leaned Zoey against herself. Usually she would have been able to walk a little bit like this, but as they went to take the first step; Zoey nearly fell to the floor. Karen put Zoey's arm around her neck. Then she put one arm under the girl's knees; and one arm under the girl's arm. She was able to pick Zoey up this way, and keep her head steady. She now has Zoey back in her bed. Karen gives her something for pain. She takes it and lays back on her pillows. Then she feels the warmth of her blankets and closes her eyes.

    While she was asleep; angel wanted to play. She went to her sister's room and found that Zoey was asleep so she laid down with her. She knew that if this happened then that meant the Zoey was sick again. Every so often this would happen. If she didn't get better soon then the doctor would have to be called again. This would leave Zoey very weak or even paralyzed for a while if it is to bad. She fell asleep beside her sister.

    Three hours later she was woke by her sister asking about a wet cloth. She knew then that her sister couldn't feel her body at the time. It was not unusual for this to happen though. She also realized that her sisters glasses was nowhere in sight. That was bad; that means that she can't see. Angel went and got Karen to help her sister.

    Back to focusing directly on Zoey

    When she woke up again; she has very little pain. Then she realized that she couldn't sit up without help. She also realized her eyes was burning. She asked for a rag with water on it to put over her eyes. She felt the bed move when she said that. She got scared at first because she couldn't see who it was, but what scared her more was that she couldn't feel that someone was on the bed with her at first. She heard her sister telling Karen that she was awake, but needed a cloth to put on her eyes. She then realized it had been her sister with her. She was happy about that.

    She heard two sets of footsteps coming into the room. She knew that is was Karen and her sister. She had figured out because of her vision. She was ready to sit up, but couldn't move on her own at the time. She knew that she was sick again because she couldn't do anything for herself.

    Angel asked "How are you feeling?"

    "Not good. What is going on?"

    "You seem to have gotten sick again. Only this time it is really bad. Do you want to eat something?"

    "I would like to, but i can't move. I can't feel anything either. It is scary."

    "Can i feed you then?"

    "If you want to, but you don't have to."

    "I want to. And mom called for the doctor to come when he can. I don't know when he will be here though."


    Angel was able to feed her sister without problem. They had to sit her up first, and Karen had to hold her head in place so that she could eat. They had gotten her some chicken broth with noodles. That is the only thing that she could keep down when in this shape.

Focusing on Angel again!

    It was hard seeing her sister like this. About an hour after they gave her the soup the doctor got there to check her out. He was the one who took care of her when she was a baby and had gotten so sick that she couldn't do anything. She was still recovering from then. She couldn't help but cry when the doctor told them that she had the same thing as when she was a baby. That's what caused her sister to be so weak that she could barely move most of the time.

    There was more news from the doctor though. He said that it is worse this time than it was last time. He started her on some kind of medicine, but couldn't make no promises on how well she would recover. Her temperature was 105.2. That was a very high fever and she was passed out. I helped take care of my sister for two weeks before she showed signs of improvement. It was hard for me to watch her like this though. I slept on a pallet in her room so that I could be there for her. She is so fragile that I'm scare one day I'm going to hurt her and not mean to.

It's been two and she is finally a little better. I was getting worried that she wasn't going to get any better. The reason i know that she is getting better is because she can move a little bit. That usually means that she is getting better. I hope she is because i'm ready to have my sister back. The doctor said that she might have been put back to where she first began because of this. I don't know how bad she was, but i know that she couldn't move without help. She also couldn't see anything for a while. It is scary to think that might be how it is again.

    A week has passed since we started seeing an improvement; she is well again. She can now play with her little sister again. She is still very weak and cant get out of bed right now. Once she really getting her strength back it will be a lot better for her and her sister. It was two more weeks before she got her glasses delivered. When she put them on; the first thing she saw was her little sister in a pink dress.


Authors note:

Please comment and let me know what I can fix. I'm not shore how long this story will be, but please be patient with me. Please tell me if I didn't add some information that will help you understand what I have wrote. I have a lot of other stuff that I have to do.

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