Zootropolis A new Day {Book o...

By VengeanceAngel

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(I do not own the drawn image of this cover.) (This work is still in progress. I'm editing it completely, bec... More

Copyright disclaimer
Chapter 1 Finally awake
Chapter 2 Back on Duty
Chapter 3 He lives up to his name
Chapter 4 Three times fired
Chapter 5 At Glaz' place
Chapter 6 Jack drops his curtain
Chapter 7 Meet the team
Chapter 8 The hunt begins
Chapter 10 Searching for Hopps
Chapter 11 A new plan
Chapter 12 No evidence
Chapter 13 The hunters become the hunted
Chapter 14 The cops are coming and the escape
Chapter 15 Zootopia Underworld
Chapter 16 Jack in a box
Chapter 17 Lost round
Chapter 18 The final confrontation
Chapter 19 The last few things to do
Quick note
New equipment
The bad ending

Chapter 9 The truth and the visit

62 3 1
By VengeanceAngel

Nick watched Jack jumping out of his window and looked after him. He went up now and quickly felt a paw on his shoulder. "Here take this and hold still." the vixen said when she gave him his tactical-suit. She then opened a pocket and quickly patched a plaster on the wound on Nick's temple. "You won't die today. Come on let's go." she turned towards the door where Desertstorm and Curié had already gone through. But Nick stopped her. "Before we go, I want to ask you something." "Oh I think we can talk later." she said ironically but when Nick grabbed onto her shoulder and she saw his serious look, her smile disappeared. "I would like to know if you and me are like..." "I'm your sister." she cut him off. Nick felt like he was going to pass out again and he stepped back a bit. "Great, another secret revealed." he murmured so quietly that the vixen couldn't understand. "Why do I not know about you?" he looked back at the vixen. "I was born about two years after you. I was, let's call it an 'accident'. Our mother was drunk again and did something wrong. But instead of doing an abortion, she gave birth to me, put me into an orphanage and I never saw her again." the vixen turned away and her voice got a sad tone. Nick saw that his sister was close to start crying. "Hey I'm sorry that I asked. But why didn't you search for her after you were grown up?" "Do you think I didn't?" the vixen looked at Nick with wet eyes. "I've been watching her for the past two years. I also found out about you, but I never had the courage to tell you the truth." "But why is your surname Winters then?" Nick asked and wiped a tear off of her cheek. She held up her left paw. "I married three years ago. He was in the army and now I'm a widow. And because I didn't know what to do I joined the army too and with that I got into Rainbow." she walked past him again and moved through the door. Nick was still standing at the same spot and was just confused. When she called for him, he shook off the confusion and cleared his mind. He then quickly put on the suit and walked through the door too. Nick met the others in the elevator of the building. As he was inside, his sister pushed the button and they all went down.

Glaz was waiting for them inside a black van and sat on the driver's seat. He put a finger on his watch and motioned that they were too late. The team quickly got inside, closed the doors and Glaz drove off the parking spot. Nick moved into the driver-cabin and sat on the passenger seat. "Here take this." Glaz held a big, weird -looking pistol towards Nick. He took it and turned it around in his paws, before he could ask Glaz said; "We use these when we're on the street. These are special Taser guns with a high range and they're called 'shockers'. They pretty much work like any other weapon but instead of bullets, they have these." he held up a small, metallic ball between two of his fingers. "The weapon itself uses pressure. When these bullets are fired, they unsafe themselves and load 5.000 volts into the target, they hit." Nick unsaved the gun and aimed down the sight. "It looks just like any other pistol." "Yeah but it doesn't kill or damage your body. Well it hurts even worse though, trust me I felt it." Glaz looked at Nick with a smile, and then concentrated on the traffic again. Nick heard some clicking and beeping sounds behind him. When he turned around, he saw that Frost and Curié working each on a computer and Desertstorm putting shock-bullets in the shockers. "I have him." Curié said. "He took a taxi and named his hotel as destination." she continued. This made Nick glance at her in respect. "She must be a brilliant, hacking-genius." he thought but tried to focus. He looked at Glaz again. "What will we do now?" "Well we can't just go into a 5-star hotel with tactical suits and guns-blazing, can we? While Curié, Frost and Desertstorm will observe him and the hotel, the two of us will search for Officer Hopps. She left this hotel just three days ago and hasn't returned to her flat since then. By the way if you meet her, give her this." he showed Nick a small, blue pill. Nick took it and looked at it. "This is a small tracking device." Glaz said and Nick glanced at him in disbelief. "You want me to give this to her? Is this thing dangerous?" "No, not at all." Glaz answered and drove onto the parking lot in front of the hotel. Curié, Desertstorm and then Frost went out the backdoor, wearing normal clothes. They had all their equipment in large sports bags and went into the hotel. Nick hadn't even seen them change their clothes. When they were inside, Glaz drove off again and on the highway. He activated the navigation-system of the van and put in the destination. Nick was surprised when he saw, where they were going. It was the address of Judy's family. "Of course. Where else should we start to search for her." he thought and again was amazed by the perfectness of Glaz' work. "He's as sly as a fox. Isn't he?" Then Nick looked at himself in a mirror. "Wow, that sounded awfully gay."

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