Unavoidable Affection (Naruto...

By firooz

141K 3.7K 915

It was a miracle. Only a miracle could be what brought Amarante Ikeda back to health when she was deathly ill... More

Unavoidable Affection (Naruto Fanfic) (Itachi Romance)
Chapter 2-The Team
Chapter 3- An Unexpected Visit From The Girlfriend......Joy
Chapter 4- Itachi becomes an ANBU captain! Let's celebrate!
Chapter 5- SASUKE!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6-A Mission! But SOMEONE Ruins it!
Chapter 7-A Fight, A Warning, And A Lecture. Boy, What An Eventful Day!
Chapter 8- Believe It!
Chapter 9- He's D-D-.......The D Word?
Chapter 10- The One Day He Wasn't Here This Happens!
Chapter 11 - The Uchiha Massacre......
Chapter 12 - In The Snake's Den!
Chapter 13 - Ew......Kabuto >ยก<
Chapter 14 - Finally Reunited! But Not The Way I'd Hoped....
Chapter 15 - It's A Girl.......Guy........Person....?
Chapter 16 - Me + Suspicious Red Head = Trouble!
Chapter 18 - The Bipolar Wonder Known As Tobi
Chapter 19 - Crazy Old Fortune-Telling Lady!
Chapter 20 - Until We Meet Again

Chapter 17 - The Truth

4.3K 140 35
By firooz

Dedicated To NatsuAki cuz.....ya, she's just awesome like that xD

I haven't uploaded 4 a month! Eep! BUT this is an important chap where Itachi and Amarante have their lil moments....... Worth it?

Fan firooz! I'm 2 fans away from 333, after that I dont want anyone to ever fan me! 333 is my FAVE numba, I will be forever happy if I have 333 fans! Anyways, 333th fan gets a dedication!

PLZPLZPLZPLZPLZ read my new story "His Puppet"! It's a Sasori love story, and even if u dont really like him there's more 2 it! There was some Ita-Kun in da last chap.......

(Itachi's POV cuz I can ;p)

Her pulse beated quickly beneath my hand which was wrapped around her neck. Sweat was visible at her temples and hairline, revealing her fear. But her face wasn't betraying her emotions, she stared boldly in my eyes.

Foolish girl.

Her skin felt swollen and before I grabbed her neck I saw the previous hand mark. Always stirring up trouble, no matter where she is. Even in the notorious Akatsuki's hideout she provokes other members. But what did I expect, this WAS Amarante after all.

She jutted her chin out boldly and gave me an accusing glare. "About time you talked to me!"

My finger tightened threateningly in response. Her jaw clenched in pain but she said nothing else. Her frail petite hands wrapped around my wrists weakly, they weren't trying to pry my hands off but holding them with some force. Always so stubborn, I always told her it would be her downfall.

"Go back."

Her dark blue orbs widened and her held my wrists tighter. "Itachi.......I think you know why I came...."

I pressed her against the tree and leaned in slightly. "I came on my own will. You can't stop me. I told you before, if you get in my way......." My Sharingan activated. "I'll kill you."

Please, just listen to me! I didn't want to use my Mangekyou, but if she kept pushing me I'll have to! When I left, I arranged things so the two people I care about most would be okay. I didn't count on her coming for me. Why can't she see what I'm doing! Why must she make this harder?!?

(Amarante's POV cuz I sorta said everything I wanted 2 from Itachi ;p)

His Sharingan blazing as it was, he was acting as serious as someone could get. That new technique he had insinuated about before, the one that puts someone through immense torture and agony for what feels like an entire day but only a second, he must have it. It has to be what he used to kill his clan. He could use it on me too.

Now what? I had prepared for this response, but my mind wasn't working properly right now, probably because his hand around my neck was cutting off my circulation.

Force? That wouldn't work, he's stronger than me without using his greatest technique. Reasoning hasn't worked either. I guess........I guess I'll have to take my chances then.......

"Fine then." I released his wrists and let my hands fall limp to my sides. He raised an eyebrow. "Kill me then. I'm not giving up."

That obviously wasn't the answer he was expecting. His emotion wall fell for a brief moment and revealed shock, confusion, and hesitation. His bark was bigger than his bite, he wasn't prepared for me to act like this. The long fingers around my neck loosened slightly and he leaned back a little. His lips were slightly parted and his eyes had widened half an inch.

Taking me by surprise, his hand abruptly tightened and he leaned in closer, eyes narrowed and emotion wall up again. "Why?!?"

I blinked. That was unexpected. Why what? "What do you mean?"

I've never seen Itachi like this. He always...... He always had control of things. Things always went exactly as he planned. He never lost composure and concealed his every weakness. But right now.......

His other hand smacked the tree I was forced against, narrowly missing my head by a couple of centimeters. The hand choking me left and moved to the other side of my head. He leaned in closer, much closer so my heart raced. His head was next to mine, lips near my ear. That black hair of his that he recently cut brushed against my cheek.

"Why do you care so much......Why are you willing to lose your life for a lost cause.......?" His voice was barely a whisper, if he wasn't so close I wouldn't have heard him.

"Lost cause? Itachi.......I don't think you've ever realized how much you meant to us......to me." The image of cute little Sasuke flashed in my mind. "Sasuke always loved you so much.......he looked up to you." I thought back to Shisui. "Shisui thought of you as his older brother, he trusted you so much......And I......"

(Itachi's POV AGAIN!) (Mehehehehe I'm so dramatic!)

"And I......." She stopped talking, exhaling a shaky breath.

It still made no sense to me. She doesn't even care if she dies now, all she wants is to bring me back. I exist not to be happy, I'm just another pawn on this chess board. I'm not the knight who saves the day heroically and takes charge, I'm definetly not the king who everyone wants to protect. I'm just the pawn that's controlled. I'm only on this chess board to sacrifice myself later. Pawns are never meant to stay the entire game. (I enjoy chess. I just had 2 put that in!)

I'm only supposed to do what I'm ordered......I'm only supposed to be there for my brother. It was fate that I was given this mission, so I could save Sasuke. The reason I live is for Sasuke, that's what I've always thought. That's what I still think.

So why's Amarante here? Why go through the trouble? I'm not worth it, yet she's so convinced that I should return.

"You what?" I asked.

It's times like these I envy her ability to sense others emotions. What was she feeling? What was she thinking?

Swallowing thickly, her shaky hand raised and touched my cheek. "I......You......" She turned her head so she was facing me. Our breaths mingles and our noses nearly touched. "You mean a lot to me. I don't want to let you go."

(AWWWWWW! Lolol I wss blushing writing this, even tho it's nothing xD what can I say, imma kid!)

What do I do? Never before have I felt at such a loss of what to do, never did I not have a plan. I can't return, no matter how much my selfish desires compelled me to do so. I can't attack her, not after this. I had to convince her about my situation and my inevitable fate, that would be the only way to show her I truly am a lost cause.

Once again, my selfish wishes yearned for an alternative. Deep inside, I didn't want to be forgotten by her. I wanted her to care for me. (is this occ?!? I mean, Itachi's a guy.......guys wanna be cared about......well, I ain't a guy, so I cant be sure......GAR WRITING GUYS POVS IS HARD!)

"Marty.....to understand, you'll need to learn the truth."


He told me everything

How that bastard Danzo chose him to massacre his clan. How his clan always thought he was a double spy. How he gave fake information about the Leaf to his clan. How the Uchiha's wanted to attack the Leaf Village. How he took the mission under the condition that Sasuke is unharmed and looked after the Hokage. How he planned to live the rest of his life. How he planned to end it......

How could Danzo? Did he find some sort of sick enjoyment making Itachi turn against is clan? He could've asked anyone, but he chose Itachi just for his amusement. They're planning to make it some secret, to just say Itachi randomly turned against his clan and killed them in cold blood. They soiled his name, ruined his reputation, destroyed his life, without a second thought. Itachi has to suffer for what his clan and the Leaf Village has done.

He's staying in the Akatsuki for Sasuke. He's going through all this, keeping the truth a secret from Sasuke just so he wouldn't feel embarrassed or ashamed of his clan.

I felt so guilty. I doubted him. I thought bad of him. I actually blamed him and misinterpreted his true intentions. If I did that, then I guess I don't truly love him.

"Itachi........" My hand, which no longer shook, gently stroked his cheek like it was fragile glass. "You're wrong. He may not be ashamed of his clan, but he's ashamed of you. He feels betrayed. The pain of feeling betrayed by someone you love is worse than any other......" I knew that from experience. "If you want him to be happy, come back."

"What's better, his happiness or his life?!?" he hissed. "The Hokage's protecting him, as long as he's alive that's good enough. He'll let go eventually."

I looked at him sadly. He really didn't get it. "Itachi, he won't. He'll dedicate his life to finding you and gaining vengeance and once he does that he'll have nothing left. You can protect him yourself."

Itachi looked at me. After all this time avoiding my glances and looking away when I looked at him, he was finally looking at me.

"Marty," I felt the corner of my lips twitch up at the sound of my nickname. "I'm okay with this. It's what I want for him. I want all the special people in my life to continue their normal lives and be happy. Forget about me Marty, just go home while you can."

My blood boiled. Who did he think I was? "Are you frikkin kidding me Itachi?!? What kind of person do you think me for? The kind who leaves her friends behind and pretends she never knew them? The kind who betrays people she cares about? I won't leave until you come too! If you want to get rid of me, you'll have to come to!" I exhaled an angry breath. "Besides, leaving now isn't much of an option.

Hs head jerked up, nearly hitting mine. I was about to complain but he talked before me. "What do you mean you can't leave?!?"

I frowned. "Really? After that entire little speech that's the only thing you picked up?!?"

His fingers dug into my shoulders and he leaned in again, looking strait into my eyes. "What do you mean you can't leave?"

Ugh, he's serious. "Coming here did have it's price......After my three days here Orochimaru's gonna make me use my powers to do something for him. When I came I hoped you'd escape with me so I wouldn't have to do it! Guess I was wrong......."

His nail polished fingers dug a little deeper into my shoulders before releasing them, falling to his sides. His head faced down and his onyx eyes were concealed by his long black bangs. I don't think he was very happy.

Slightly hesitant, I raised a hand to move his hair from hhis eyes. He reacted immediately, jerking back and glaring at my hand. Jeez, s'not like I have cooties or something! And he was just fine with touching me before (ZOMG WRONG! I know I know......bad mind!)

Exhaling sharply, he whirled around smoothly and, after yanking open the door with a bit too much force, he exited loudly. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know he was pissed off.

With a sigh leaving my lips, I also walked out of there. A deep sense of rejection filled me, and I felt sorta depressed.

Slightly dragging my feet on the way there, I went to my room. I collapsed on the bed and sighed wearily. So now what? I got to talk to him, I told him my reasons, and he told me his. He didn't exactly flat out reject the idea of leaving with me. Maybe he needs some time to think things out.

Baka! Tomorrows my last day! There's no TIME to think things out!

Yanking a piece of paper and a pencil from the single desk in my room, I smoothed it out on the flat wooden side of the desk and placed the tip of my pencil there. This was my oh-so-beautiful room. One lumpy bed and a desk. My clothes were left on the edge of my bed and my stuff - the little I had - went in my desk.

Maybe I can find out what'll happen through my drawing. The predictions I made were random and weren't what I wanted them to be but it was still worth a shot.

My eyesight went out and pictures flashed in my mind. They were bright and blurry and each one remained for a few seconds before changing. My hand was moving fast and I could vaguely hear the scratching of my pencil against the paper. When I came to, I saw......

Myself. There was a thin mark, a cut, on my cheek, something that looked like blood trickling out. My face was a picture of shock; eyes wide, mouth agape. There was a kunai knife deeply indebted in a thick tree next to me. It was a close up picture, drawn so exact I could've sworn I was looking in a mirror.

So......what? Someone threw a kunai at me and - purposely or not - missed? Unfortunately I couldn't see the person throwing it. Could it be Itachi? Sasori? Orochimaru?

And when will it happen? The small amount of my collar that I could see was the Akatsuki robe.....tomorrows my last day so......

Tomorrow. This'll happen tomorrow.


Me: yo! It's April 13th, sadly I couldn't upload on April Fools Day! Hehe if your a fan u wouldve seen that trick I played on y'all! Anyways, imma do a pranking skit cuz really, I can't write good skits anymore!

NatsuAki: *whistles innocently* Hey, *pokes edeagle07* u wants icy cream?

Edeagle07: Depends......r u Orochimaru in disguise?

NatsuAki: Pfft! No! I'm WAYYYY 2 awesome to be some Pedo Oreo!

Edeagle07: ok! *eats ice-cream*



koreauchiha: -_- *wipes ice-cream of face* .........

lunaXchan935: ZOMG! *points* LOOK EHZ DEIDARA!

mylifeuncutable : DEI-KUN?!? WHERE?!? *runs in slow motion* IM COMING TO YOU MY LO-*trips on banana peel*

lunaXchan935: ;3 (total OHSHC moment!)


Red_Ray_: I'LL HAVE ONE! *writes name*.......

Me: wassup?

Red_Ray_: *looks at watch* oh.....nothing much....

*40 seconds pass*

Red_Ray_: DIE FIROOZ!!!!


Me: That's hurts bro ;-;

lifenote2: HAHA! I SWITCHED THE NOTEBOOK! *writes Firooz's name* MEAHAHAHAH NOW DIE!

Me: XoX

Red_Ray_: wait how was that a prank?

lifenote2:......I AM JUSTICE!!!!

HasiVA: *sleeping* zzzzzzzzz

animelover123: xD MWAHAHAHAHHA..............*sneaks up behind poor poor HasiVA*

*10 minutes later*

HasiVA: *yawn* That was a good nap!

Me: ya....*giggle*

HasiVA: :-\ what?

animelover123: Oh.....it's nothing....

HasiVA: okay......*sees self in mirror* OMG! WHY IS MY HAIR ON THE SHAPE OF A DUCKS ASS?!?

animelover123: Well, it took a lot of hair gel! I wonder how Sasuke affords so much hair gel.......?


Me: cuz Sasuke's is!

HasiVA: .......Its ok, I'll take my revenge.....*creepy smile*

animelover123:I wonder if that revenge crazy thing comes with the hair?

(no hard feelings, rite guys? Hehe.....)


AkatsukiDemonCutter:OMGPMGOMGOMGOGMGOMGOMG *runs to door* AH! *falls* Vut Zee hell?!?

OTAKU_X3: There was plastic wrap on the door! Oldest trick in da book....

(Meh. Not funy writing about it but watching it is hilarious! They Try walking thru the door and fall and get all confused xD)


JamesAmburgey: O.O MEEEEEEEEEE!

AmarissaR: *evil glint in eye* here u go!

JamesAmburgey: WOAH! This is such a good game! *plays it*

*REALLY demented messed up face appears* (Y'know, covered in blood and shit like that)


I did that 2 my cousin once......I think she pissed her pants xD

Meh, I'm always welcome 2 skit suggestions! Mine really suck -_-

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