Baby Bonnet

By lauramcdo

34 0 1


Baby Bonnet

34 0 1
By lauramcdo

in the forest was a man coming home, his name joe. as he walked onto the porch and and unlocked the door, his wife was not there, this was not normal. so he grabbed a snack from the kitchen and ate it on the couch. Then he heard a familiar voice.

"baby bonnet, 200 meters away...".

he got scared so he jumped behind the couch.

He heard again, "baby bonnet, knocking down your door..." BANG BANG BANG!!

The door went flying through the living room.

Joe ran up the stairs and watched baby bonnet walking in.

" baby bonnet, grabbing a kitchen knife..."

He then ran into his room and locked all the locks he had on his door. He knew this day would come.

" baby bonnet, climbing up the stairs..."

He dived under his bed and grabbed his gun from his pocket and aimed it at the door.

" baby bonnet, sliding under your door..."

He tried pulling the trigger, but it didnt actually shoot.

Baby Bonnet reformed on the floor just a couple of feet away from him.

"baby bonnet... im going to kill you now..." 

He pulled the trigger and this time, he nearly survived, but the gunshot, did nothing, but lead baby bonnet to the hiding place.

"ARRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!" He screamed, while Baby bonnet ripped his intestines out.

------------------An Hour Later------------------------------

His wife came home and walked up the stairs, calling her husband's name. 

When she got into the bedroom, she screamed.

The walls were red with all the blood, long intestines hung in the wardrobe, and on the bed, was her husband, turned inside out, with the rest of the organs hanging out.

Beside him, was a note, it said "Im coming for ya, you know about me now , you will DIE"  

She fainted 

Heya guys, it's me, i hoped you like this, its just a little story that i heard around a campfire so thanks for reading, the more reads, i will add some more to the story!

Liana xxxx

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