Last Sacrifice

By FridayImInLove

50.5K 38 73

Murder. Love. Jealousy. And the ultimate sacrifice. Now, with Rose on trial for her life and Lissa first in l... More

Last Sacrifice - Chapter Two (filler)

Last Sacrifice - Chapter One

38.8K 22 47
By FridayImInLove

Hey, I just finished Spirit Bound and couldn't wait for the Last Sacrifice to come out so I decided to guess at Mead's ideas and write it out...

So here it is....

Prepare for greatness - jokes - I'm in a strange mood :P

Please COMMENT and VOTE when you've read it and let me know what ya all think and what you want to happen in Mead's next book!!!!

Chapter One

Of course, I didn't know how I hadn't realised it before. Of course, of course, how could I have been so stupid? Of course.

Of course, why would they bother to keep a royal traitor alive? How was I so naive? I was Rose Hathaway, Guardian Rose Hathaway; best novice in the country, youngest and most frequent Strigoi hunter in the world. How could I have been so naive?

I was going to die. And there was nothing I could do about it.

Abe was gone now, like last time, gone as quickly as he came. The entire stadium was cleared out, everyone gone. I stood there, not able to see anything as my mind began to accept the fact that I would not live much longer.

As I stood there, surrounded in my own thoughts, I noticed movement in my peripheral vision. As I twisted around to find the source, I came to a halt.


He had been sat there all this time, just watching, with that blank Guardian expression that he had mastered oh so well; his face betrayed nothing. He stood and then slowly marched to the exit - away from me. This was it; this was what it felt like: To be alone, totally alone and about to die. Even Dimitri couldn't face me.

I stood numb as a tear trickled down my cheek. I crouched down onto the floor, my back against the hard bench as I curled into a ball, weeping for each and every mistake I had ever made, for Mason, for Lissa, for Tatiana, for Dimitri, for the end of life as I knew it.

It seemed like an eternity later that the Guardians decided it was time to take me back but really it could only have been a few minutes. There were four of them, I think, I wasn't paying particular attention. Their faces were stoic and hard as they cuffed my hands behind my back and dragged me back to the depths of hell. As soon as we exited the doors Dimitri had previously, we were joined by a few more Guardians, and I wasn't in a conscious enough state to count, so I didn't. There was no point anymore, no point to anything. Everything would be over soon and there was nothing else to be done. I probably deserved it anyway: I'd committed high treason, just not the one I was accused of. Saving Viktor Dashkov and then allowing him to escape was inexcusable and I deserved punishment for that so that's what I would be getting, they just wouldn't realise.

We were almost to the Court jail now and I could hear shouting coming from up ahead. As soon as we turned the corner, I slowly took in the scene before me.

Lissa was huddled into a corner, crying, Christian's eyes were also red as he rocked her back and forth murmuring comforts in her ear. Adrian was stood at the desk; his was the voice I had heard. He was screaming at the Guardian behind the desk. The majority of his words I couldn't understand but even in my current state I managed to pick out a few key words. "Order... See her, wrong, listen, kill." Eddie stood next to him, his stance mirroring Adrian's.

Dimitri was nowhere to be seen.

A Guardian in front of me spoke "What's going on here?"

"What's going on is that this fu..." Adrian swivelled around, his words coming to a halt as his eyes flickered to me, looking over my body, I guess taking in my current state. He quickly pushed forward, trying, unsuccessfully to manoeuvre around the guards but being stiffly pushed back by the many guards surrounding me. They were like a brick wall, not allowing anything or anyone in.

"Do NOT touch me; are you not aware of whom I am? I am Adrian Ivashkov, nephew of the Queen and I order you to release her!" Adrian was shouting now, his voice as loud and angry as before.

"Lord Ivashkov" the Guardian in front spoke now "we are all well aware of your identity however we have been ordered by the Royal Council to keep Miss Hathaway under the strictest supervision..."

"I don't give a rat's arse what the Council 'ordered' you to do! I am telling you now to release her or you WILL regret it!" I didn't think it possible for the hatred in his tone to increase but Adrian proved me wrong. "I could have you fired, you could be filling paper work out for the rest of your lives, I could even have you banished from the Court. Let her go, NOW..."

"Adrian, stop" a voice commanded, I didn't realise until everyone turned to me that it was my voice that had made him hesitate. I could feel the words flow without intention "Let them take me. I know this isn't what you want, but this is right." He tried to interrupt me but my hand suddenly appeared in front of me, gesturing his silence. I had no idea where this sudden confidence was coming from, it was contrasting so much with my true feelings, and I couldn't understand it but let it flow anyway. "I didn't kill Tatiana. I know that and you know that but even if I didn't, this is right. I deserve this. I have committed too many offenses now to be let off." I turned to Lissa who was now looking up, still in Christian's arms. "I'm so sorry Lis; I've made so many mistakes. I should've never let Viktor get his hands on you, I should have never gone to Siberia, I shouldn't have left you, I shouldn't have forced you into all my mess, I should've been there, helping you two" my gaze flickered to Christian's before moving onto Eddie.

"You too Eddie, I should never have told Mason about Spokane, I should never have let him die. Maybe everything would have been different if he hadn't. Maybe things would've been better, like they used to. After that day, I took advantage of you, your trust, your constant need to protect me. I knew how you felt yet I asked for your help, knowing full well you'd never deny me. That wasn't fair. None of it was fair." My head whipped to Adrian "I shouldn't have met you. If I hadn't, you wouldn't have been involved, I wouldn't have wrecked your future and you would never have felt responsible for me. And finally, to all of you; Lissa, Christian, Eddie, Adrian, everyone I'm sorry for everything I put you through when I left and then kept leaving. I dragged you all into my mess again and again. I'm sorry for Las Vegas. That should never have happened." My eyes focused on Eddie now, my words were for them all but only he would understand their meaning "I will never be able to apologise enough, I did not keep my promise and for that, I am responsible for so many deaths of my own kind and many of yours." My voice lowered to only a slight whisper which I doubted anyone could hear. "I should've ended it as soon as it began." I should never have let Dimitri live, no matter how much I love him or the chance to bring him back. I should have killed him.

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