Lost Mate

By DarkFaab

33.4K 1.6K 190

My name is Angel, but I don't feel like one. It is impossible for me to be one. As a matter of fact I am the... More



1.4K 72 7
By DarkFaab

I wake up when it's still dark out. My body is still tingling and he is still snoring lightly. I want to get up, but he tightens his grib on me. I have a feeling that I am not going anywhere. I look around but the room is dark. I can barely see a thing. Only the light of the clock on the wall.


'Go back to sleep,' he mumbles.

'I can't,' I whisper.

'Why not? It is way to early.'

'I just can't. I am hungry,' I say.

He growls softly, loses me and turns on the lamp on the nightstand on his side. He slowly sits up.

'What are you doing?,' I ask confused.

'Making you something to eat,' he says.

'No, you go back to sleep. I know where your kitchen is,' I say.


'Go back to sleep,' I say and I am just as shocked as he is when I rest my hand on his shoulder. He looks at me, smiles and lays back down.

'Be careful,' he says.

'I'll just scream if something is wrong,' I joke and get off from the bed. I walk towards the door slowly.

'Leave the door open,' he mumbles before falling back asleep.

I do as he says and make my way to the kitchen, turning on the light. I open every cabinet there is to look for cereal, but there is nothing here. Annoyed I open the kitchen to find cucumber, tomatoes, cheese, salad dressing and other things perfect for a salad. I take a knife and start cutting everything in silence.


The woman hums her favorite love song as her little girl is sitting on the ground in the kitchen drawing her favorite animal, a bunny.

The man walks in and looks at his wife. He walks past her and stands behind her. Dancing with her, moving with her as she cuts the vegetables small. The little girl looks at them and smiles,but then it turns into horror.

He whispers something in her mother's ears and she just stands still. Her eyes fill with tears as she tries to cover her feelings up. With a hard smile on his face, he leaves the kitchen.

Leaving his broken wife and his little girl all alone.
The woman falls on the ground and start to cry.
The little girl runs towards her mother and hugs her.

'Don't cry momma, everything will be alright,' she says while brushing her mother's hair. Her mom had thought her well.


Tears fall into my salad and I take a few steps back. I hold the knife in my hands tight and let the tears stream down my face.

Suddenly I hear a voice and out of reflects I throw the knife as hard as I can towards the sound.

He moves away quick enough and the knife hits the wooden wall beside him.

'Are you trying to kill me?,' he asks pissed, but his expression gets soft when he sees me with tears. 'What is wrong.'

'He killed her father, my grandfather and still she stayed with him,' I say in a haze.

'Are you okay?,' he asks walking towards me as my hole body shakes out of fear. Not for my mate, but for the man who doesn't even know that I am alive. For the man who tortured me for years. I wish I never cross paths with him again. I wish he never finds me. 'You look as if you have seen a ghost.'

'No, it was just a memory. What did we do to make him hate so much? She was his mate, he was suppose to love her. Instead he hated her and made her life miserable until the day she died.'

I feel two arms wrapped around me and I can't do anything else but sob even more. I have never felt like this, cared for, loved. I know he doesn't love me, but his warmth and his scent on me tells me I am save.

'You made a salad?,' he asks trying to change the subject. He looses me and I almost want to beg him to keep holding me, but I don't. He takes a fork and takes a few bites. As he tastes it, he picks up the bowl and walks away with it while eating it. It takes me a few seconds to realize what is going on.

I run behind him into the bedroom and try to snatch the bowl away from him. He growls, but it is out of fun and I jump on the bed next to him. I climb on his back and try again, but I fail miserably. That is when I think about tickling him. I try, but nothing works until I find his weak spot, right under his rib cage. He jumps aside standing up and I smile at him. I stand up and walk behind him. I tickle him and he tries not to laugh.

He does have a weak spot!

'Who would have thought that the big bad wolf is ticklish?,' I laugh loud and try to tickle him some more. He gives me a push and I tumble backwards.
I falls on the bed and he gives me the bowl in my hands and lifts his hands in surrender. I take a few bites and take a seat on the bed next to him as he looks at me. I fill the fork with the salad and hold it infront of his mouth.

He smiles and takes the bite from me.

He waits patiently for me to finish before he pushes me down and start tickling me. I scream out in laughter and beg him to stop, but he doesn't.

'I am going to pee if you don't stop!,' I tell him and he smiles before stopping. He lays on top of me and looks me straight in my eyes. This is the first time we really hold eyecontact and it makes me blush hard. His almost white ice are amazingly beautiful.

'I want to kiss you so bad,' he says.

I turn my face to the side, knowing that I am not ready for any of that. I can barely except that I am his mate. When we laugh and everything seems great, I just feel like I belong here, but the moment reality sets in I am nothing more than a filthy washed off dog.

He rolls off of me and sighs.
I sit up with my back towards him and I can feel him look at me.

'Prepare yourself. Around ten o'clock after breakfast we are making you one of us,' he says standing up from the bed and into the bathroom.

One of us?
What does that even mean?

The shower is turned on and the thought of him naked makes me blush... Hard. I cover myself under the covers and pillow as I try to stop my mind from wandering place they are not aloud to go to. I know he gets out of the shower and I hear him go into the walk-in closet.

'It's almost seven and light out. You should take a shower,' he tells me.

Yeah,sure, but when you leave.

'I am gonna go down stairs and prepare for the ceremony.'

Ceremony? I am not getting married am I?

'Just wear anything of mine.'

'But your pants will never fit me,' I say.

'Improvice!,' he says angry as he closes the door behind him.

Why is he so angry all of a sudden? Stupid males!

I walk towards the bathroom and take a shower avoiding every mirror in there. I don't want to see my face or any other part of myself for that matter.

After the shower I walk into the closet and check out a few of his shirts. I find a blue button up that will at least fall above the knee. I put on one of his boxers, rolling it up again so it becomes smaller and put on the bottom up. I look around the room in desperate need of a small robe or something to put around my waist to at least make some sort of style. I try to find something in the kitchen and in the living room. I open one of the doors, seeing a laundry room and I find a thin, white robe that will probably work. Slowly I make my way towards the stairs.

I stand unto of the stairs and I can hear the women laugh. I know where the kitchen is, so I might as well go there. I walk down the steps slowly, but run back up when three males walk out of the house. I sigh and try again only to be seen by a super beautiful, pissed off, blond wolf.

'Oh, so you are wearing his cloths now,' she says annoyed.

I freeze on the spot and stare at her.

'Cat got your tongue? Don't think for a damn moment that I won't attack you once he makes you part of the pack!'

She walks away on her heels and I run back to his room. I sit on the bed and hug a pillow just staring infront of me.

If she really means that, than I will be attacked today. My back is still hurting and can't take anymore hits for now. Most of all... I am alone. The wolf that I have to turn into to fight isn't here.

The door opens and I swallow hard to see my sweaty, shirtless mate walking into the room. He has a smirk on his face when he sees my expression.

'You ready to go and eat?,' he asks walking into the bathroom again.

'Uhhh yeah, but I want to ask you something...'

He nods at me and I take a deep breath as if I am annoying him.

'Can't we move my acceptance in your pack to another day? I still haven't found my wolf and...'

I was about to tell him my huge reason, but he growls angry.

'What do you think other Alpha's will say when they hear I let a rogue into my packhouse? Let her sleep in the same room as me! We need to make you a pack member so they can see that I have you under control,' he says before going into the bathroom.

I nod slowly as he walks into the bathroom. I need to stop crying. Am I that weak? No, but I realize now that he will make me a pack member. A freaking pack member. In what twisten universe is a rogue invited into a packhouse and will she be accepted into the pack after being here for only a few weeks?

He comes out of the bathroom in a towel only and I put my face into the pillow I am holding blushing hard.

'Like what you see?,' he asks and i can feel his ego grow.

'Just keep your cloths on around me or anyone else for that matter,' I say and he chuckles. It's the most amazing sound in the world. His chuckle. I wonder what his laugh sounds like. Coming to think of it I have only seen him laugh once, but I didn't hear it. He seemed happy that day on the training ground and I envied that. I want to know what happiness really is. I want to know what love is.

'You are my mate, my Luna, I can show my body to you whenever the hell I want,' he says with a bit of anger in his voice.

He puts on cloths, hopefully and walks up to me. He stretches forth his hand and I put mine in his. Only now I realize how big his hands are compared to mine. His wolf must be huge compared to mine. Oh wolf, where are you? A tear escapes my eyes and I wipe it away before he notices.

We walk down the stairs, the one I was so scarred to climb down and he pulls me behind him towards the dining room.

'Morning everyone,' he says loud and everyone greets back.

I can see them trying to find out if he took me. If he marked me as his, but he didn't. Some look pleased, other look down. Some of them probably lost the bet.

He shows me the chair on his right where Cindy was sitting and I feel kind of messed up being the second choice and all.
I sit still and stare at my hands as I hear questions in the air.

'Morning everyone, I know most of you have questions and i will answer all of your questions in just one sentence. Angel over here is my mate for the ones that didn't know that and today she will be accepted into the pack by the elders.'

I look at Nala who is sitting next to the Beta of the pack, he is her mate.
She smiles at me and I smile back. Cindy looks at me with a grin and i can't lie... I am freaking out.

We eat as normal and it's not quiet at all. I take a pause from eating and take a deep breath. His hands touches my arm and he smiles at me before leaning in.

'Today you are officially mine,' he whispers into my ear.

I can feel the blush creep down my hole face and I continue eating slowly.

When everyone is finished eating we are let outside into the backyard where there is an altar and five older guys and one old lady are standing on it. The Alpha takes my hand and leads me to the altar with his hole pack behind us. Probably about three hundred people, pups included. I wonder if this is everyone... Probably not.

'Wolves of rank, families, pack members, we are gathered here today to let Angel into our pack. As many may know we don't do this normally, but she is the Alpha's mate and we decided... So we as elders and the Alpha accept Angel into our pack as Luna!,' one of the older guys says.

He takes a long stick of the hot coal and I look at the mark they will burn into my flesh as a sign that i am one of them.

'Where would you like your pack mark, Luna?,' the Alpha asks.

I have no idea what the normal places are, but my back isn't an option.

'Where do you normally put it?,' I ask.

'On back or above your butt, but that is not an option. You are wearing my shirt as a dress..'

I sign and let one of my shoulder show. It will probably hurt like crazy, but it's not like I have a choice.
It takes long for them to burn me and I turn around to see them look at my shoulder in shock.
My back has never been smooth.

'Are you sure? You aren't fully healed,' the elder says.

'I have no choice. This is the part of my back that isn't that much wounded,' I tell them. I almost said damaged.

I turn back to face the crowd and I clench my teeth together when the hot, iron meets my skin. It nothing compared to what my father did to me.

'Pack, this is your new Luna!,' the Alpha shouts and almost everyone claps for me or for us. When suddenly Cindy appears.

She works her way through the crowd and everyone looks at her.

'I like to challenge the mud,' she says.

Luke takes a step forward out of anger, but I hold him back. He wants to rib her head of, but it is his fault she is doing this.

'She can't be challenged, she is healing and her wolf is gone,' Nala stands up for me, the Beta by her side.

'There are no rules that say I can't, so I challenge her,' Cindy says.

People make a circle and Luke looks at me in fear. He doesn't want to lose me, it is written on his face. I take in my surroundings as she shifts and I can see her smirk even though she is a wolf. Her wolf is gorgeous by the way.
She howls hard and she is telling me she will win.
Come on, I didn't train all those years with Arthur for nothing.
Oh gosh, Arthur. Why do I think about him now?

Hey guys.


Well... I am not going to spoil anything, but in a few chapters..
Things will get more interesting.
Hints? Who is her mother... Really?
Who is Angel really? Why Angel?



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