The Devil's Love

By Littleavis

1.3K 128 144

Kammy Anderson is 21 year old bartender that works at her best friends club called HELL'S GATE there's a r... More

Chapter 8
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
COMING SOON!! the sequel
URGENT!!!!! please read!!
Chapter 19
currently working on the next chapters

Chapter 2

125 13 14
By Littleavis

Kammy's pov

I opened my eye's gasping finally realizing what happened but as i sat up i felt a throbbing pain in my head like i had been bashed right in my skull with a hammer.

I looked around noticing that i wasn't at home in fact i was in Andie's bedroom

{Is this Andie's bedroom?... it's so beautiful} I thought I tried to stand up to feel my legs throb with uneasy pain I grunt in pain " hey easy lay back down Kammy your head took a good knock" Andie said I turned around to see him sitting in the chair drinking some tea he looks at me and i look at him I gasped when i noticed the bandages wrapped around
his muscular chest .

" Andie what the hell happen to your chest and how did you get out the car that fast how..." Andie shushed me by putting his finger to my lip I blushed " listen what happened last night is not for you to worry about you just lay there and get some rest " he said nursing a wound that he had " Andie what had happened did I " you lost consciousness after the car crash banged your head and your thigh got scratched pretty badly" he said.

I looked at my bandaged leg and realized i was in my panties i blushed heavily " Eeekk !!!! did you take off my clothes " i gasped blushing heavily Andie smirked " how else was i suppose to treat your wounds " he said smiling staring at my legs I blushed and covered my legs.

" you know you got very nice legs you should be happy them " he said I smiled at him " Andie stop it your making me blush and anyway did you find out who crashed into us"

I stared at him and waited for him to speak to me " andie what's wrong? " I asked he looks at me and smile but I knew  him  since we were  kids I know exactly  when he's being dishonest  with me. " the driver that hit us was an old rival of mine don't worry about who he is ok kammy I will deal with him  I just want you  to rest  and heal up after that incident  you're  staying  here  with me" he said his tone was strong n powerful.

I looked at him and sighed  " andie  I appreciate  you taking care of me but I can't stay in bed forever  you know this I....  He cuts me off " and there you go again putting  work before your own health  what  the hell  is the matter with you kammy! " I gasped and glared at him " WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH ME????  WHAT'S  THE MATTER WITH YOU!!!!  I'M NOT A CHARITY CASE ANDIE SO STOP..

Andie growls loudly and slammed  the table yelling right back at me "LISTEN TO ME RIGHT NOW KAMMY I DONT KNIW WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK YOUR TALKING TO BUT CALM THE FUCK DOWN!  AND DONT BE STUPID  YOUR INJURED "he screamed.
My hand lashes across  his cheek as I cried smack!  The loud slap echoed about in his bedroom I gasped and looked at him and his red cheek "Andie oh my  God i'm  so sorry I.. He walks away from me without a word I followed him " please  I'm sorry " the pain in my thigh throbbed like I been tazerd  hard and the. Got punched  " Kammy go back to the bed"

He said calmly I touched his shoulder and refused  to go back " no I won't go back I need to... suddenly I was slammed against the wall  and looking up at him I gasped at how strong he really was I could  feel the warmth of his body on mine I felt my face heat up  " your  so freaking hard-headed why can't you just listen to me huh kammy "  I shivered " because I'm not a child "

I stared at him" I'm 21 years old andie I can make decisions  on my own " his grip on my shoulders tighten I begin to wince " you mean the same decision that almost got you killed a year ago when you stood on the bridge!!! " andie scowls
I pull away from him"you swore you wouldn't  talk about  that  andie you promise!!  God why did you bother saving me if I'm such a waste.. why didn't you let me die!!!!! "

SMACK!!!   Andie hand whips across  my face  shocking me and knocking  me down my eyes water from the savage blow  I felt my tears beat out my eyes  andie has never struck me never.. I hesitated to look up at him.

" kammy .... DONT. YOU ever... And I mean Ever!!!  Let me hear you say that ever again! Do you hear me!  " he asked glaring at me with serious eyes I looked down at my feet "I SAID DID YOU HEAR ME..GODDAMMIT ANSWER E   " he bellows  pounding the wall  near my head.

" yes!! " I said nodding and looking at him  I couldn't  argure with andie he was like my older brothers  a little worse and more overprotective  but I never in my life had a serious fight with him.. Until now that  is.. He helps me up and carries me to his bed.

Andie gently placed me on the bed and  covers me up " I'm sorry I slapped you kammy it just you we're getting  me mad" he said looking down sadly I hugged him tightly " I deserved it I'm sorry I even provoked you the way I did andie" he smile  and pats my head "it ok kammy now just get some  rest".

As I continue to hug him I smiled and feel his grip tighten " heheh very funny andie trying to squeeze me " i laughed , andie eyes flickerd from green to a red as he sniffes my neck and holds my waist "?? Andie what are you doing " I gasped trying to get out a the  hug as I struggle  I heard andie unleash a inhuman growl.

I gasped and tried to pull away " Andie  Andie let go please  Andie " I cried panicking  he growls more as his hand touched my back and tears my shirt  riiiiiip!!  I cried " ANDIE!!!!" He shakes his head and let's me go " huh what kammy? " he said  I looked at him with fear and concern  " what was that.. What just happened  to you? "

Andie looks at me and  noticed my torn shirt " did I just do that? " he asked scared I nod slowly  he backs away looking at his hands {no not again  it can't wake up now} he thought.

" Andie  what's going on what's  happening to you what are you hiding from me  tell me please" I asked
Andie looks at me with fear.

To be continue in chapter 3

*sorry for the cliffhanger x3 hope u guys like it!

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