The Miracle of Friends

By enobaria_blaze

21 0 0

It's about three friends who care about each other. The story is circled around Dylan Hark A young boy who h... More

Meet the Boys
Back to School
Another Day at School
The Kidnapping
The Search Party

Guys Night Out

2 0 0
By enobaria_blaze

The next morning Dylan got up and went downstairs. Derek woke up they noticed that Dylan was gone."Nick wake up." Derek said. "Why what's the matter?" Nick asked. "Dylan's gone." Derek said."Don't worry he's probably downstairs. He's fine." Nick said. "I need to go check just to be sure." Derek said. Derek left Nick in deep thought. He came downstairs to the kitchen. He saw Dylan finding some breakfast. "Hey buddy what are you doing you?" Derek asked."Just getting breakfast is everything ok?" Dylan asked. "Yes we just got worried we didn't know where you were." Derek said.  Soon Nick, John and Sherrie. "Good morning Dylan how did you sleep?" Sherrie asked. "I slept great mom." Dylan answered. She smiled at Dylan and went to make breakfast for the boys. After they ate breakfast Derek and Nick walked with Dylan to school. "Derek where is Scott and Jack?" Dylan asked. "I don't know buddy. I think they said they're meeting us at the school." Derek said. "Oh, ok." Dylan said. They continued down the street to the school. They got into the school there was a lot of people in the halls then this short kid ran into Dylan and the others. "Hey sorry about that." Jeff said. "It's ok what's your name?" Dylan asked. "It's Jeff." Jeff said "I had to meet our other brother. Do you know where I can find Dylan Hark?" Jeff asked. "Oh, well I'm Dylan." Dylan said with a smile. "Cool. Nice to meet you Dylan." Jeff said. "You to." Dylan said. Soon Billy came up to the group. "Hey, Jeff I see that you met Dylan." Billy said. "Yes he's very nice." Jeff said. "Billy why did our dad separate us?" Dylan asked. " I don't know but I think it was to keep us safe." Billy said. "Now that we found each other what's going to happen?" Jeff asked confused. "I don't know that either. I guess we just have to protect each other. What colour is your gems?" Jeff asked. "Mines Blue." Dylan answered." Mines red." Billy said. "That's cool. Mine I think is a rainbow type I'm not sure." Jeff said. "That's cool, I think you boys should stick together." Derek said. "That's ok with me. They can stay at the house." Dylan said. "We'll have to see and ask your parents Dylan its up to them." Derek said.Dylan nodded his head. "Ok, you guys lets get to class." Nick said. They agreed and slowly made it to Math class. They sat in their seats. Soon Mr. Jackson comes in. "Hi class are you ready for today's math lesson?" Mr. Jackson asked. The class agreed. "Perfect. Because In a couple of weeks were going to have a math test. On all the stuff that we learned. So study hard." Mr. Jackson said. Dylan turned to Scott. "You and Jack can study with me at my house if my parents will allow it." Dylan said. "That would be good. I don't think my parents are home yet." Scott said. "Where did they go?" Dylan asked. "I think they went Florida to help my sister move in to her new house." Scott said. "Cool, is she studying down there?" Derek asked. "Yes, she's studying to be a teacher." Scott said.  "Cool." Dylan said. "Let's focus on the math lesson for today and we can talk more at lunch." Derek said. Dylan and the others agreed. They started to do their math lesson. About half way through the lesson Matt and Troy tried to attack Dylan with a toy gun.Derek noticed  and tackled Dylan to the ground. "Stay away from Dylan!" Derek yelled. "What's going on here?" Mr. Jackson asked. "He was pointing that gun at Dylan." Derek answered angrily. "Matt and Troy you know we don't allow guns at school." Mr. Jackson said."So." Matt said. "So put them away when you go home leave them at home don't bring them to school again or I'll get the principal to come and remove you from the class." Mr. Jackson said. "Fine I'll get you next time Dylan." Matt said walking by Dylan's desk. "Don't worry you stay with me he won't hurt you." Derek said. Dylan nodded his head and continued on this math worksheet. After that the bell rang. "Ok boys its time to go to English." Derek said. They all agreed and head out into the hallway. "That was scary." Dylan said. "I know Bud." Derek said."He threaten me it was pretty scary. I just hope he never does it again." Dylan said. "I know. Just stay with me and you won't get hurt. Your lucky he doesn't work for Shawn." Nick said. "What if he does?" Scott asked. " What?" Derek asked. "Yeah, what if Matt and Troy do work for Shawn what if they kidnap him for Shawn?" Jack asked.Dylan looked scared. "Hey buddy don't worry it's ok we're here to protect you. No one is going to hurt you ok." Derek said. Dylan nodded and they continued down the hallway to English. They made it to the English room. Mrs. Sanders was already inside waiting for the class to sit down. They finally sat in their seats. "So did everyone do their reading. Because if you didn't that means you'll have a hard time with today's questions." Mrs. Sanders said. The class sighed. Soon Mrs. Sanders was passing out the questions for chapter 2. "Here you go Dylan." Mrs. Sander said as she handed the questions for the chapter. He smiled back up at her. "Thank you." Dylan said. "Your welcome Dylan. You did so well yesterday on the questions I was very pleased." Mrs. Sanders said.  Dylan smiled back at Mrs. Sanders and began the questions for chapter 2. Dylan stopped doing his work he was starting to have a panic attack.He holds on to Derek. "Hey, Dylan wants the matter?" Derek asked concerned. "I can't breathe." Dylan said breathing heavily. "It's ok just breathe we'll get you water." Derek said. Derek turns to Scott.

"Can you get us some water somethings wrong with Dyl." Derek said panicking. Scott looks over at Dylan who was still panicking. "He's having a panic attack I'll go get water you try your best to calm him down." Scott said. Scott and Jack left to go get water for Dylan.  "Dyl you need to calm down your causing a scene." Derek said. Derek held him tightly. "It's ok I got you Dylan no one is going to hurt you." Derek said. Scott and Jack came back with the water. Derek hands the water to Dylan and he took it. "You ok now?" Derek asked. Dylan nodded his head. "Let's get back to work now." Derek said. Soon everyone was back on task. Mrs. Sanders walked over to the group of boys. "What was wrong with Dylan today?" Mrs. Sanders asked."He had a panic attack." Derek answered.  Soon it was time for lunch, everyone heads out of the classroom room and into the hallway. "You ready for lunch?" Derek asked. "Yes I am." Dylan answered with a smile. "Good then let's go to lunch." Derek said smiling back at Dylan. They made it to the lunch room and sat at their regular table. Soon Liz came up to them she smiled as she sat next to Dylan. "Hi boys how was your classes this morning?" Liz asked. "They were good except for the part of me having a panic attack." Dylan said. "But your ok now right Dylan." Derek said.

Dylan nodded his head and they all began to eat their lunch. Liz broke the silence. "So, have you boys heard about the the three gem Quartz?" Liz asked. "Yeah, what about it?" Derek asked. "Well I heard that three young boys have it inside them to protect it from evil. Each boy has one gem in them." Liz said. Derek looked up at Liz he point over to Dyl and the other two. "Oh, they have them." Liz said. They nodded their heads. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone." Liz said. "Thank you now let's eat I don't want my lunch to get cold." Derek said. The all agreed and finished their lunch. The bell rings for Science. "We should head to class or we'll be late." Derek said. A soon as they made it out into the hallway, A mob of people with cameras crowded the hallway. "Derek what's happening?" Dylan asked. "I don't know Dyl just stay with us." Derek said. Soon one of the camera people notices Dylan. "That's him over there!" One guys screamed. Dylan looked nervously at Nick and Derek.  "Nick go take Dylan to the classroom I'll hold them off." Derek said hurrying Dylan out of the mob. "Dylan over. We want to ask you something!" Another guy said. "Don't look back Dylan just keep moving." Nick said pulling Dylan along. They finally made it to the classroom. Mr Ford sees them come in. He is shocked that they came in so early. "Dylan you're here early. How come?" Mr. Ford asked. "There is a big mob of cameras out in the hallway." Dylan said running out of breath. "Oh, someone famous must be here today. Like the Sheriff's son or something." Mr. Ford said. Nick gestured to Dylan. He looked surprised. "I'm sorry Dylan I didn't realize that you were his son." Mr. Ford said. "It's ok Mr. Ford as long as this is kept quiet from the other people in this class." Nick said. "Don't worry I'll keep it quiet." Mr. Ford said. Soon Derek came in he runs over to Dylan. "Hey, Bud are you ok?" Derek asked. He then notices that Dylan was starting to get all nervous. "Hey, hey buddy it's ok just calm down." Derek said.Dylan continued  to freak out. "Dylan look at me. Dylan! Nick I need your help quick." Derek said worriedly. Nick came over to Dylan and tried to calm him down. He held on to him tightly and looked him in the eyes. "Dylan look at me your going to be find. Everything is going to be ok." Nick said. Finally Dylan calmed down. After that the rest of the class came in. Mr. Ford started to teach the class. Everyone soon got into groups of 4. Dylan, Scott, Jack, Jeff and Billy form their group."Ok you ready to get to work on this science project." Jack said. "I'm ready." Billy said. "Me to." Jeff said. "I'm also ready." Scott added. They all turned to Dylan to see if he was ready. He nodded his head. They began to work on the project, Jack and Scott broke the silence. "So, what happened today after lunch. I saw a mob of cameras chasing someone." Scott said. Derek pointed to Dylan. "They're chasing you. How come?" Scott asked. "His dad's the Sheriff. But don't tell anyone. This stays with us." Derek said. They nodded their heads and continued to work on their project. Soon the bell rang for gym class. "Alright class before you go. I want you to take the text books home and read chapter one for homework. There will be questions to answer at the start of class." Mr. Ford said. They nodded their heads and headed out of the classroom. The made their way to the gym. Mrs. Rogers was getting things ready. She smiled when she saw Dylan. "Dylan I had no idea that your dad was the Sheriff." Mrs Rogers said. Derek  put his finger to his lips indicating for Mrs. Rogers to be quiet about it. "Oh, sorry Dylan I'll be quiet about it." Mrs. Rogers said.

Dylan and Derek smiled at Mrs. Rogers and got ready for gym class. They started running laps around the gym. About five minutes everyone was done. "Alright today we're going to be learning the sport of soccer. Also don't forget people on the basketball team have a practice tonight after school." Mrs. Rogers said. The people on the team nodded their heads. Mrs. Rogers blew the whistle and the kids got into teams and started to play soccer. After minutes later Dylan was getting too hot he starts to feel a little dizzy. Derek notices and caught him just before he hit the ground. "Woah, buddy I got you." Derek said looking down at Dylan. He woke up and noticed everyone around him. He also noticed that he was in the arms of Derek. "What happened?" Dylan asked looking at everyone with a concerned look on his face."You passed out but I caught you before you could fall to the ground. Are you ok?" Derek asked. "I think so." Dylan relied. "That's good well let's continue shall we." Derek said. "I think I'm going to sit out for now. But I'll be ready for the practice." Dylan said with a smile. Everyone continued to play soccer. Soon it was the end of the day and everyone went to the locker room to get ready. Billy came up to Dylan as he was getting ready for the basketball practice. "Hey, Hark you know there is a party downtown after practice. I was wondering if you would like to go to that with me and Jeff?" Billy asked. "I don't think that's a good idea for him to do that." Derek said.  "Why not?" Dylan asked. "Because it's not safe for you Dyl." Derek answered. Dylan looked up to him with cute eyes. "Ok, you can go. But I have to be with you ." Derek said. "Yeah, that's fine." Dylan said. Derek smiled at Dylan and let him get ready for the practice. After that the practice was done and everyone was getting changed to go home. "Dylan I'll have Nick run home and tell your parents what we're doing so that we don't have to stop at home first." Derek said. "Ok cool, can we go know?" Dylan asked. Derek nodded his head and they all made it downtown to a local bar. They got there and found a table and sat down. "So, Dyl tell me what's been going on in your life?" Eric asked. "I don't think it's proper for you to answer that Dylan." Derek said. "Why not?" Dylan asked. "Because I just don't want you getting hurt again." Derek said. "I'm not going to get hurt I promise." Dylan said.  Dylan started to tell Eric and his friends about what's happened in his life. It was almost time to go home when two thugs walked into a bar. Derek saw them and told Dylan to go hide under a table. He listened and found a table to hide under. "Where is he? Where is Dylan?" Troy asked. Everyone was frighten at the bar. "Tell me where he is?" Troy screamed. One of the thugs looked under neath one of the tables and spotted Dylan. "Troy I found him!" He screamed. Troy got happy and ran to the table. "Ah, there you are Dylan." Troy said pulling Dylan out. "Anyone of you calls the cops you'll never see Dylan again."Troy said as he walked out of the bar holding Dylan at gun point.Everyone at the bar was shocked. Derek got on his phone right away to warn the others that Dylan has been kidnapped. Derek and the other came back to the Hark's house with worried looks on their faces. Mr. And Mrs. Hark looked worried. "Guys where's Dylan?" Sherrie asked with concern. Derek looked up at Sherrie and then looked at John. "I'm sorry Mr and Mrs. Hark but Dylan has been kidnapped." Derek replied with fright in his eyes.

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