
By perpetualblah

62.1K 1.7K 893

Riley moves to London and Lucas & Maya become bestfriends after she lost her best friend and he lost his girl... More

Authors note
1st chapter of sequel is up!!


3.8K 120 129
By perpetualblah

Maya woke up and rubbed her head. She checked her phone. 6:00 am. She smiled to herself and got up and got dressed. She hurried over to Lucas's and climbed in his window. She jumped on top of him on his bed and he jumped up.

She smiled. "Get dressed so we can leave early" she said.

Lucas sighed knowing he had to go with Maya and that Riley would be pissed at him. He looked over at Maya.

"Turn around" he said

"Why? You don't want me to see your tidy whities? I've seen them before" she laughed.

"Whatever" he shrugged standing up. As the covers fell off of him the only thing he was in was a pair of tight boxers. If you loooked close enough you could see the outside of his "thingy" as Maya called it.

She did her best to avoid gaze while Lucas slipped on a shirt and then jeans. Seriously though who puts on a shirt before they put jeans on.

But then again the first thing Maya always put on was socks.

He ran his fingers through his hair and Maya beamed with happiness as he put his shoes on.

It started pouring down rain and Maya looked outside shivering at the thought of all the cold wetness.

She felt something land on her face. She pulled it off and saw a hoodie Lucas wore ALL the time.

"It's gonna be cold today idiot. You need a jacket" he said.

Maya slipped it on and Lucas secretly bit his lip. It looked amazing on her and somehow it fit her just right in all the right places. He slipped a hoodie on and they went downstairs.

Lucas's mom smiled at the two. Maya ran to her and hugged her and mrs.friar hugged her back tightly.

She looked at her and noticed the hoodie and how early it was.

"You two didn't" she exclaimed slapping Lucas's arm.

"No. Nooooo. No. She came in through the window and woke me up and the hoodie is because we are going out and I didn't want her cold"  Lucas said.

"Oh thank gosh. You two would be a cute couple but no lucaya babies yet" she smiled and Maya smiled at her.

They went out the door and ran to his car trying to avoid the rain as much as possible.

They climbed in and they were very wet.

"I'm wet" Maya said and Lucas tried to stifle a chuckle.

"Oh are you now" he laughed and Maya punched his arm.

Lucas started the car and put the heater on.

"I love your mom" Maya smiled as he backed out of the driveway.

"She's insane" Lucas replied.

"The best kind of people are" Maya laughed and turned the radio up.

She laced her fingers with Lucas's and they sat there for a while holding hands like always. Maya felt Lucas pull his hand away.

"This isn't right I have a girlfriend" he said.

Maya raised her eyebrows.

"Yes because us holding hands is cheating because its equivalent to us I don't know crawling in the backseat and doing the dirty. Just give me your damn hand my hands are cold" Maya said and Lucas held it out and she grabbed it. She smiled.

"Your a lot of work" he said.

Maya smiled. "I know I am"

"And what was up with that kiss last night. That was kinda rape. An unconsented kiss." Lucas said.

"That was not unconsented. When you put your hands on my waist and I feel your tongue on my lips it's not unconsented."

"You must've had a fantasy about me because that never happened" Lucas laughed.

"You know you enjoyed it. Wasn't the first time" Maya said as they stopped at a red light.

Lucas laughed remembering their actual first kiss. On top of Maya's buildings roof. Stars everywhere and no smoke or pollution go be seen.

She smiled and he couldn't resist kissing her.

That's why she was his bestfriend.

They began moving again. "It's to early for the theatre. Let's go eat" Maya said.

"Where?" Lucas asked.

"Sonic!" Maya yelled and Lucas drove a little while until they arrived.

"I want a breakfast burrito" Maya said leaning the chair back and bringing Lucas's hand with her.

Lucas ordered and they waited for the food to be brought out to them.

Lucas paid the lady and opened the bag handing Maya her food.

She leaned her seat up and pulled her hand away from Lucas's. She began eating and listened to hard rain pour down.

After they finished Lucas drove to the theatre. Lucas bought the tickets and Maya began walking up the stairs.

Lucas grabbed her. "Let's take the elevator" he said

"Elevators are no good" Maya said.

"Come on. The stairs are backed up and there is basically no one using the elevator"

"Because their smart people!" Maya said.

Lucas pulled her in the elevator and checked the ticket. He hit the 5 button and they began going up.

The elevator beeped once. One floor down.

Twice. Two floors down. Three times. Three floors down. The elevator shook and stopped. The lights went off and the emergency  lights came on. 

"Yeah genius lets always take the elevator because no one wants to listen to Maya" Maya said.

"Relax. We just hit this help button and someone will be with us shortly"

Maya sat down on the floor and shivered.

Lucas took a seat beside her.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you" he said and Maya smiled.

"It's ok." She said.

He bit his lip again taking in her nice figure.

Damn. He thought to himself. That girl has a nice body.

She looked over at him. "If you weren't so stubborn we would be in our movie right now" she said.

"Can you ever forgive me?" He asked making puppy eyes. She giggled.

"Your forgiven" she shrugged and smiled.

He leaned over to kiss her cheek. She smiled.

"Lucas you do realize Rileys trying to take you from me"

"No she's not. She's Riley. Your bestfriend"

"She was my bestfriend. Now your my bestfriend. Do you really think I'm lying" she asked.

"No. But why?"

"She thinks we spend to much time together. Like we are going to become a couple or something"

Lucas laughed.

"We aren't. Could couples do this" Maya said and quickly kissed Lucas on the lips.

"No. It would have been longer" Maya said.

"Could couples do this" she said kissing him yet again.

"No. Couples wouldn't have stopped" Maya said.

"How about this" Maya laughed and reconnected their lips.

This time the kiss felt different. She pulled away slowly and the silence was broken by the sound of their lips coming apart.

Lucas placed his hand on the back of her neck and leaned back in. She leaned in too and they began making out.

She straddled his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. He ran his tongue along her lips and she parted her mouth slightly.

They made out for 7 minutes until the elevator beeped loudly.

Maya stood up and so did Lucas.

She looked over at him.

"What just happened?" She asked.

"I have no idea" he replied.

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