Revenge (BxB)

AshBlackFeather द्वारा

483 29 63

'Why am i the runt....?' 'Why me...?" 'What did i do wrong?' Ash is the runt of his family, hes gay and gets... अधिक

4tH oF JuLy sPeCiAl


43 1 9
AshBlackFeather द्वारा

(A/N hai guys, this chap has bxb fluff, just a bit, its in Milkyways POV, in the middle ish??? Anyways, bai :3 see y'all at the end of the book!)
Milkyway. They had Milkyway at gun point, along with a boy, he has brown hair and freckles, along with blue eyes. Is that....did he. I saw the trunk open HOW DID ASH GET OUT?! ITS A MIRACLE! I thought. I quickly got put of the car to get Ash, i felt a strong pair of arms grab me first, a few men grabbed me and took me away. I squirmed and screamed as they dragged me to the room full of girls. I was set down on the floor and the men walked out locking it. STUPID HUMANS I thought to myself as got up and offthe ground. I paced. Back and forth for hours.

He hit a bump in the road making mt leg hurt. I let out a small growl. I had just woken up."Ow..." I muttered as he hit another bump. The car soon came to a stop and i opened the trunk by pulling a small thing, i dont know what it was but it opened the trunk! So i crawled out and shifted into my wolf form, my leg was bleeding so my fur turned reddish black. I saw Milkyway and my eyes widened, I tried to run but i couldnt, I limped to him as fast as it could, just as the gun was fired i jumped infront of him, the bullet hit my rib and i let out a yelp of pain and i fell on my side as my fromt left paw twitched, i whimpered. I heard Milkyway start to growl and the scent of the new wolf was making me growl, he smelled like blood with the mix of woods and flowers. I let out a strained whimper and I passed out.

MILKYWAY POV (Im so sorry for the changes of the pov's)
I braced myself as the gun sounded, but i smelled Ash's scent for a second. I heard his whimper and his breathe and his blood and it made me mad. I started to growl like a rabid animal. I got to my knees and grabbed Ash's limp, cold body. I was looking down but i didnt know where, but i assumed Ash's body since the scent of blood and pine was strong.
I yelled and cursed at the humans. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!?! WHY DID YOU DO IT TO HIM?!!! HES ONLY 15!!!" I yelled letting all my anger out. When i finished i panted and i felt someone grab my hair and they yanked my head up, i felt the warmth of the sun on my skin as the air around me turned cold, i could tell the sun was setting and the dark was going to consume me. Us. Holly. Ash.
Back into the place. I let out a growl and chuckled. "Why'd you do it. To him. To a small young boy. Hes not supposed to go through this! You humans are sick! We wolves dont so this! Let us go! You've killed so many of us! We want to live our lives!!! We knew humans were bad so we stayed away!!! But instead you guys came after us!!!" I felt a slap on my right cheek of my face. A punch to my stomach. A knee to my side. I coughed and hacked i let go to Ash and i stood. "If we fight. We fight. Either i or you die. How dare you pathetic human take your anger out me for your damned species." I got up into a fighting position and i heard the man chuckle and the gravel pop and crunch under his shoes.
I stood there listening for the man to make his first move, as he did i listened closely, i dodged the first punch but the second was too quick to dodge and it hit me across the jaw. I head muffled screaming and whimpering behind me, they got him!! I thought. I turned towards the sounds of whimpering and I reached out to grab him. I didnt want them to hurt him.
Before i could, i felt the ground beneath me, my face pressed tightly against the gravel floor and the whimpering of my best friend stopped. Did they knock him out!? Did they kill him?! Did he leave without me!? All these thoughts ran through my mind. I then heard a small groan from Ash and the sniffles on my best friend. As I listened to the men talk for a while. We lay still on the ground, no shuffming could be heard, only the whispers of the men. I heard 3 men walking towards us, i could tell because the crunch of the gravel sounded different due to their different weight.
I felt arms pick me up and the man walked inside, i heard a cell door open and i felt the hard ground under me. I sat up and rubbed my head, i then heard anotber man drop someone, i dont know if it was Ash or my friend Gray. I heard some shuffling, across from me i heard some cursing whih of course was Ash, i got up shakily and ran my hand against the cold stone wall. It was a room with bars.
I felt Gray grab my cold hands with his warm ones and he opened something, I heard him mumble "This is going to hurt" I was going to ask what but i smelled alcohol and it burned, i let out a small hiss of pain and I cursed silently. I felt lips on my hands my face started to get hot.
What's happening?!?! I thought as i quietly panicked. I heard Gray chuckle and i pouted "You're mean..." i whispered. He ruffled my hair and i immediately flailed my arm's trying to make him stop. "Nuuuu! Stahp it!" I whispered more. He stopped and i smiled. "You're adorable" he mumbled, and yet again, my face turned hOt. " what....?" I asked silently. "You are adorable" he said slowly, i smiled a bit "Sorry, but, im not cute". "You never said you weren't gay~" he said. My face got reALLY hOt and i covered my face in my hands. "You're a big flirt" im mumbled. He chuckled and i felt arms wrap around me. I smiled a bit and cuddled into him. "I dont care about who i love, as long as they love back, and they love me for me...." i said with a small sigh. I heard Ash gag and mumble "Ewwww couples" (A/N me when i see a couple even tho im dating someone, im weird)
I felt my face turn warm and I chuckled "im not with him, just cuddling..." I heard Gray whimper and i felt him hug me closer. "So you dont care about me..." he said his voice sounding vulnerable, "I do, Gray....! Its just, you havent asked me out.." my face got hot again "if you dont ask someone out then you're not togethe-" i was cut off by Gray saying "I dont have to ask you out, you're my mate" He kissed my cheek. I froze. "I-im..yo-ure...m-my....." I stuttered. "Mate" he finished as he hugged me to his chest.
It took me a while to digest it all. "You're...not mad....?" I mumbled. "Mad at what love...?" He asked. I took a deep breath and thought And this is how someone leaves you because you're blind you idiot. "I-m blind...." i said ashamed. "I know and thats alright, because I will still love you, I will always love you-" he said, and i interrupted him "-because you're my mate" i said and i smiled brightly. "Thats right" he said I felt kisses all over me, i could hear Ash gagging and i chuckled.

EeeeeEeEEEEeEWWWwWwwwwWWwww they're in love! Love is useless and aparr from that my ass hurts... I thought as I sighed, I could have done something, but im the runt.
The weakling
The someone thats a no-one
The under dog...
I'm not wanted unless im needed. I looked up immediately as i heard the door open, Max opened the random door and what i saw behind it was making me mad, it was Holly and other girls. I growled, but as i looked past them, i saw beds, and a bathroom with what im guessing showers, while we were on the cold stone ground. I saw him take out a match and light his cigar, i hated those things.
I heard more foot steps and saw men with food and my stomach growled. A random man stopped at mine and he smirked, he took out a slice of meat and chuckled with a grin. "Sit" he simply said. Sit?...sIt? DiD HE JUST SAY SIT TO ME?!? "Did you just tell me to sit." I growled out. I maybe in a fucking cage but you cannot tell me what the bloody hell to do. "I did. And you will." He said. "Excuse you,  bastard, but i dont sit for a human" i growled out. He chuckled "I'll take this one" my eyes widened take this one?! What does that mean?! I growled as my thought rushed to my mind 100 mph. "Im not going anywhere" i snarled. The man chuckled down at me and he spit on my face "You'll learn to clean up my spit by the time im done with you" He said in a harsh voice. I chuckled "Well, lets see you try to get me to sit first, aye? Baby steps" he opened the cage door and walked in and i shifted into my wolf form my tail flicking from side to side. I got ready to fight and so did he. He started to walk towards me and i backed up a bit.
I jumped at him and he pinned me to the ground. "What was that puppy?~" he said in a teasing voice. I growled and my head was pinned to the ground, i hated the way he teased. I squirmed under him but gave up after 5 minutes. Max walked in and handed him a muzzle, collar and chain leash. I growled and started to squirm more. But somehow, the man and Max got them on, so i layed there and growled at them. As the man got off me i layed there, exhausted.
I felt a prick on my neck and i passed out a little bit later. The last thing i felt was the arms of someone picking me up. I awoke and i syared at the window trying to rethink what happened, i saw i was in the woods and the deep side of the woods. The car stopped and my eyes widened, we were at a....


Hehehe hello readers >:3 Im leaving this chap with another cliff hanger. SUFFER!!!! AHAHAHAHAHA >:D
P.S the chaps are slowly updated due to writer's block -.-"

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