Lost Mate

By DarkFaab

33.4K 1.6K 190

My name is Angel, but I don't feel like one. It is impossible for me to be one. As a matter of fact I am the... More



1.6K 85 1
By DarkFaab

I can hear howling and growling and other sounds with it. Whining of wolves and the smell of blood is everywhere and my blood with it. I still try to walk wobbly towards the sounds of war. I don't know why I am still trying. If I just choose a place to rest I will die soon enough. Still I keep wondering through the woods I have never been in before.

I stop walking and hide behind a bush when I see what is happening not far from where I am standing. Five wolves are fighting and I have no idea who is who.

I just take a big way around them and keep walking.The goddess only knows what they are fighting for and why I am making my way through the woods towards nowhere.

The fight goes on for hours and hours. At least that is what it feels like. I can't take the pain anymore and lay down right behind a tree. I feel myself doze off and I let the darkness consume me.


'Liam, I have found one,' a guy says.

'It's she breathing?,' another guy asks, but his voice is stronger with more power. His voice sounds demanding.

I feel someone touch my neck and I am a bit confused.

One. Where am I?

Two. Aren't I death?

'She is breathing alright, but she is hurt bad. Something isn't right. These are whip marks,' the first guy says.

'Put her with the others,' the guy orders.

I am pulled up from the ground and carried.
The smell of blood and death fills my nose, but I can't see a thing. I hear chains and heavy breathing. I am put on a cold, wet ground and they leave.

'Very funny! Put the almost death girl with us to die and stink!,' a girl yells angry.

No one answers her. I just lay there on my side. My back almost exposed to the cold air in this damned place. I don't even know where I am.

'Wait! Oh my God! Angel? What happened to you?,' a familiar voice asks. I hear her hiss under the moving of the chains and the smell of burning flesh. Silver...

I try to lived up my head, but I can't even move it.

'M-M-Mona,' I manage to whisper.

'You know her?,' the other woman or girl asks.

'Yeah, she is my best friend. Did your father do this to you?,' she asks.


'And still he send you in battle? He is such a monster!,' she says and I can hear her biting away her tears.

Suddenly footsteps are heard. The cell is opened and everyone is quiet. I try to move but I can't.

'Can you help her?,' the guy who brought me here asks.

'She looks terrible. Who did this to her?,' a woman asks.

'I don't know, but I don't want her to die. Liam gave an order. He wants all of them alive.'

'I can put medicine on it two times a day so it doesn't get infected, but that's all. I don't think Liam will want her in the operation room,' she says.

'You! Do you know who did this to her?,' the guy asks.

'Why do you even fucking care? Just let her die already! She is in enough pain,' the woman bites back spitting on the ground.

'Just do it, Maria. At least it will ease the pain.'

'Brandon, why do you care?,' the woman asks.

'I don't. I just... I don't know. Just do as I tell you to.'

'Okay girl, this is going to burn like crazy,' the woman says.

She throws a liquid on my skin and I scream like crazy. I hear Mona starting to cry and a lot of chains start to rumble. Rogues start cursing and some of them yelling to stop. We might not be a pack, but all of them want the same thing... Revenge. Even Mona. Everyone except me. I have no reason to want revenge. Yes on my father. I want him to pay for what he did to me. I want him to burn in the darkest pit of hell.

'What are you doing to here?,' a guy asks.

'Just stop, please!,' Mona begs.

'I am sorry. I got order and I need to help her,' the woman says, 'I'll be back tomorrow morning.'

The pain takes a hold of me and suddenly everything is black again.


'Angel? Angel?'

I try to open my eyes, but I can't. My body is still hurting so I can't move.

'Please, she can't drink by herself!,' Mona begs someone.

'Not my problem, girl,' a deep, low voice says.

'Please, your doctor ummm Maria? She is helping her with medicine, but she won't survive if she doesn't drink.'

'I don't give a damn about you rogues! You killed my son! In my eyes you all should die and burn in hell!,' the guy says angry.

Mona is moving with her chain causing her to growl. I can hear and smell her flesh burning. I want to stop her but I can't move. It's not worth it, just let it go.

'M-Mona, p-please. S-s-stop,' I beg her.

'No, I am not going to let you die,' she says still biting away the pain.

'Why do you care? You think someone will come and save us? They'll just torture us until they get information out us,' the other woman says.

'I don't care! She is my best friend! I am gonna at least let her die with dignity!,' Mona hisses. She gets a hold of my head and sighs.
'Fuck! I can't hold your head and give you water.These fucking chains!'

'Fine! I'll help!'

The woman and Mona help me drink some water and when I am okay they sit back.

'Okay, rogues! A few of you are going into questioning. You! You! You and you! Leave the girls for tomorrow!'

All I hear is cursing wolves, chains and the sound of burning flesh. Oh how I hate silver. It only reminds me of my father and what he did to me.

Not long after they are gone our cell is opened.

'Hi again, I will throw some of the medicine again,' she says.

I scream again and I can hear the wolves biting on their teeth, scrapping the walls, some praying. I take deep breaths to make the pain go away but it doesn't.

'I don't see the point. She is going to die anyway,' the same guy from earlier who didn't want to give me water says.

'I don't know either. Liam and Brandon want her alive for a reason,' she says.

'Well... Maybe you should get that hole mating thing over with so you can know what Brandon is thinking,' the guy says almost laughing.

'Yeah. I want a wedding and I am going to wait until then,' she says.

'Rare for wolves to do,' he says.

The sound of heels clicking on the stone ground slowly turn into an memory and I try not to move. That is all I have been doing since I got her. Lay on my side and not move.

'How long have you two been friends?,' the woman asks.

'Shut up!,' the guy says.

'Hey! I will talk when the fuck I want mister! You have a problem with that, why don't you just fucking leave?'

'Shut up, bitch! Before I rib you into pieces!'

'It's like to see you try!'

The guy growls angry and his breaths are uneven.

'Aren't you scared?,' Mona asks her.

'Why should I be? I am going to die anyway. Might as well enjoy myself,' she says.


Days pass.
At least... It feels like days passed. There aren't really windows here or anything, but I count the times that woman comes to put medicine on my skin. She came eight times now. Meaning three days have passed and our fourth is about to start. I am still laying down and I can barely move.

Even though I know I can talk, I don't. I keep quiet. The pain became less, but with every move I make i can feel every wound reopening so I just keep laying still.

Suddenly a loud alarm fills the air.

The wolves in their cells begin to howl.

'What is going on?,' Mona asks.

'We are being saved chica! Get prepared to run!,' the girl says howling.

Explosion sounds and wolves prepare themselves to be saved. We are all set free as the cells burst open. The chains are ribbed off by other rogues and  everyone starts to run and shift in the proces. Mona walks out of the cell but then looks at me.

'Go! Tell them that I died! Please! Don't let my father know I am alive! Ever! Just go!'


'I have nothing to go back to. Now run!'

Mona nods, shifts and runs away. I sit still and close my eyes. I am not going anywhere. Only to the darkest pit of hell. They will kill me for sure. They'll want answers. Answers I can't give them, because I don't have them.

It takes a very long time before someone comes in here. A blond, tall, strong looking guy looks me in the eyes.

'Hey, why didn't you run?,' he asks, his voice bringing back memories.

I swallow hard and try to sit up straight. Pain shifts through my body and he walks over to me. He lifts me up from the ground and it hurts like crazy. I can see clearly where I am. We walk through a big tunnel, cells on both sides. He helps me up the steps as I prepare myself to die.

'Liam! One didn't escape!,' the blond guy yells and I can clearly recognize his voice. He must be Brandon.

A taller, more muscular guy walks over with a few others and he looks at me. Demand, power and strength in his eyes. He must be... The Alpha! Amazing! I have never seen an Alpha before in my life. He is a really good looking wolf. He has dark hair almost like mine, but it is short a spiky. His skin is light brown and his eyes are a deep grey. Simply mesmerizing. The power flowing off of him is great. My father won't stand a chance against him.

'She is so young,' another guy says.

'Yes, there were a few young ones between them. They are brainwashing their pups,' the Alpha says. He looks at me and sighs.

'Put her in the questioning chair. We might as well find answers before killing her,' he says looking at me. Fear doesn't consume me. I am not scared of death. Not anymore. I am brought to a small building right next to the cells and I am wrapped in a questioning chair. Silver chains on my arm, but I can barely feel the pain.

The Alpha, Brandon, a woman and another guy walk in.

'What's your name?,' the Alpha asks with an demanding tone.

I don't say a word. I don't even look at him. I just look at my hands wishing I was dead.

'Answer me!,' he yells.

Brandon lifts up my head and pain goes through my body.
I still don't give him an answer.

'I don't like repeating myself! So tell me!,' he yells but I don't budge. I don't care how much he yells. He isn't as scary as my father. No one can be as scary as my father. I take in my surroundings, but there isn't much to see. Just dark walks with a bright light, a desk and the chair in which I am "stuck".

'I will kill you, if you don't answer me!'

That's is what I want idiot! I look him straight in the eyes and his eyes are pitch black. I am not scared one bit!

'Wait! Let me do it,' the woman says.

They all look at her.

'What?,' Brandon asks.

'She might talk to me,' she says.

Maria is her name right? I remember her voice.

'Will you tell me your name?,' she asks when they have all left the room.

I look at her and shake my head slowly.

'Okay, how old are you?'

I just stare at her blankly.

'Come on. If you answer me. They won't beat you.'

I've been there, done that.
I haven't heard anything from my wolf since we came on this ground. She must be dead or something.

'Please,' she begs.

Why does she even care?

'Why did you stay? Are you in too much pain to shift?'

I can't​ shift. She is gone. I can't feel her inside of me. I think she is hiding because of the pain and now she doesn't know how to come up back. Maybe she doesn't want to come back. She hates me. And even if I could shift I wouldn't go back. I just don't want to go home and be killed by that... That monster!

The door opens and the three wolves get in.

'Time is up, Maria. Did you get anything?,' the Alpha asks angry.

She bows her head and shakes it.

'Brandon, bring her. Today is the day she dies!'

I am brought outside of the building. A lot of people stand around a pole. I am bind to the pole and the Alpha takes a whip in his hands. I don't hear anything he is yelling. All I hear is my father's voice telling me I need to die, telling me I am nothing, telling me that I am useless, worthless even. I am nothing and I deserve to die. I accept my fate, moon goddess. Take me away from this Earth.

Suddenly the greatest smell in the world fills the air. The smell of morning dew with a hint of vanilla. I snap my eyes open and look around in shock. He is here! Who would have thought my mate is here in a damn pack? Now, he will see me die.

'Liam, stop!,' another guy with a mighty hard voice.

'Alpha and Alpha Luke...'

I don't dare to look up.

'What is going on here? What is she doing here? I though you said all of them escaped,' a stronger voice than the one of Liam says.

'Yes, but she didn't. She wouldn't even tell us her name. So we or I know what has to be done,' Liam says no fear in his voice.

My shirt is lifted up, but I still don't look up.

'Those whip marks look like they have been taken care of,' the real Alpha says.

'I did that, Alpha. She was alive when we found her. She just wondered over here with those marks. She didn't shift to fight or anything. Someone send her here like that,' Maria says.

I can feel people starring at me. I know he is starring at me, but he seems to have rejected me before even really seeing me.

'She is strong if she can survive a beating like that,' the Alpha states. I can feel him going down before me. 'Look at me.' The fear in me for his voice only makes me shiver and not want to look up. 'I said look at me!' I look up at the huge guy infront of me and his dark grey eyes pierce through my soul.
'Who did this to you?,' he asks.

I mumble "my father".

'Speak up!,' he says full of anger.

'My father,' I say softly.

'Your father? And why would he do something like this to you?,' he asks pissed.

'Because he is a psychopath,' I say tears running down my face.

'You sure you're not just a brat?,' another guy says. His voice just as strong and full of power as the Alpha. But hearing g his voice makes me want to melt.

'What are you saying, Alpha Luke?,' the first Alpha asks.

'Who would do something like that to his daughter?,' Luke, my mate asks. I still haven't looked at him. If my wolf was here she would have forced me, to know what he looks like.

'There are enough sick wolves walking around, Alpha Luke.'

'But that bad? Really? It looks like he wanted her death but hen decided to make her suffer instead.'

'Anyone else left?,' the Alpha asks. 'Keep her locked up.'

'There cells are blown to pieces,' Brandon informs him.

'Great! We can't just let her go and we can't just take her in the packhouse,' the Alpha says pissed.

'I'll take her with me,' Alpha Luke says. His voice is like music to my ears. Deep, low and sexy.

'What?,' the Alpha asks.

'I can lock her up in my cell on my territory until you fix your damn cells. Making them of silver like mine would help, little brother.'

'You would do that for me?'

'It doesn't seem like you have a choice. Maria, take her to get a shower, give her something to wear, chain her up and put her in my car. Don't let a guy touch her! I don't want my car smelling all fucked up!'

And chapter two is done.
Hope you like it...

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